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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

"thanks" bioware that you force us to play certain content to be able to get mats


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Crafting these augments will only suit people who are into crafting AND into NM Ops AND into Ranked PVP - I'd say you could count the subset of players to which this applies on one hand at the rate servers are depopulating.


I love my crafting but not this sort of thing.


The skill demands made on ordinary players in order that they should feel welcome playing NM Ops and Ranked PVP leaves most half decent players with a toxic feeling even attempting to join in at the best of times I don't see this move as something that will encourage more well intended involvement at this level of end game content if that indeed is what was intended.


I'd be interested to hear the Dev's reasoning for this move. Is this something players have been asking for?

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I'm not trying to start an argument but I really don't understand all the qqing. One does not have to do pvp or Master Mode ops to earn the materials needed for the new augments. Both of the crafting materials needed drop from command crates.


Is it faster and more reliable to get these mats from alternate sources? Yes it is. But those alternative sources are more difficult content, hence the better rewards. It's the same way (kinda) for gear. If you are in need of a set piece armoring, you are not forced to do ops or pvp in order to get it. You can get that piece from command crates. Will it take longer? Probably. But you can still get it.


How is this augment any different?

Edited by nabcobra
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You know, you could still do End Game content before these augments were introduced. End Game didn't suddenly become impossible to complete without these BiS augments that have just been introduced.


Its not really about needing them, its about adding in new progression in a way that pisses people off because its locked to specific content, something the game has been moving away from and just started to get right.

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I'm not trying to start an argument but I really don't understand all the qqing. One does not have to do pvp or Master Mode ops to earn the materials needed for the new augments. Both of the crafting materials needed drop from command crates.


Is it faster and more reliable to get these mats from alternate sources? Yes it is. But those alternative sources are more difficult content, hence the better rewards. It's the same way (kinda) for gear. If you are in need of a set piece armoring, you are not forced to do ops or pvp in order to get it. You can get that piece from command crates. Will it take longer? Probably. But you can still get it.


How is this augment any different?


Unless I am mistaken, only the Ops component can drop from Command Crates?


If both do then I am even more confused as to why they have added them like this rather than just following the same path as the rest of the gear :/

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Limiting these mats to only the highest tier of game play will only create more GTN inflation.

The vast majority of players do not play the highest end game tiers. Only a small percentage of the over all player base participates in that content.

That means there will be only a small amount of players making the Augments or collecting the mats. It will cause a massive price hike on the GTN, more than we already have.

This whole thing is a lose-lose situation for everyone except farm trolls.

Ledgitmate high tier gamers will have their content interrupted of degraded by people who are farming mats and haven’t the skill required to participate.

Normal players won’t be able to participate in crafting these Augments

Normal players will become poorer because of the massive prices these items will have and they can’t compete with the CM and GTN whales

Normal players get shafted again.

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Yeah, Ranked PVP or Master Mode OPs? Seriously?


I am curious as to why Synthweaving is only giving Redoubt and Critical from the trainer, and not Alacrity? Where are we supposed to get that one?


It's because EA couldn't get the card collecting or the microtransaction working in time. This was the next most annoying option.

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Unless I am mistaken, only the Ops component can drop from Command Crates?


If both do then I am even more confused as to why they have added them like this rather than just following the same path as the rest of the gear :/


100% certain that both mats drop from command crates. I opened about 50 crates this morning before leaving for work and I got 3 of the pvp mats and 1 of the MM ops mats.


As for why this is the first time augments have need these types of exotic mats... well this is the first time we have had legendary quality augments in game. These augments still have two types of stats plus an additional third stat which is something we have never had before.


Is it worth it? That is for each individual player to decide if the time is worth the reward depending on how they go about earning these augments. But in my opinion, it is fundamentally fair.


For instance, I am a Master Mode raider, so I will probably earn an abundance of the ops mats and will rely on command crates for the pvp mats. And if the command crates are not enough, I can sell or trade the ops mats with a pvp player that maybe doesn't do ops.


But if I was a solo player (and I'm not saying there is any thing wrong with being that) I would still have an opportunity to earn said augments and mats, just at a slower rate.


I honestly think the system is set up fairly well IMHO.


Also I just heard from a guild mate that mats are also dropping as a part of daily rewards for master mode Flashpoints. I have not tested this as I am still at work, but it seems that there are several different and complimentary paths that all types of players may take to achieve their goals.

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Yeah, Ranked PVP or Master Mode OPs? Seriously?


I am curious as to why Synthweaving is only giving Redoubt and Critical from the trainer, and not Alacrity? Where are we supposed to get that one?


The alacrity augment schematic is IIRC now on the Armstech trainer. Could be armormech, my source told me Armsmech and as I am currently at work I won't be able to verify until I get hone later tonight.

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nope its to get players to play ranked wz's so the q times arent an hr long. so u dont like it, too bad.


Then I hope you don't come to the forums complaining about the people doing ranked pvp or the fact they are afk in pvp because I will remind you of what you said. Don't like it, too bad.

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The alacrity augment schematic is IIRC now on the Armstech trainer. Could be armormech, my source told me Armsmech and as I am currently at work I won't be able to verify until I get hone later tonight.


I've only checked my armstech so far which has accuracy and two others. Alacrity is one of the other profs though.

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I'm not trying to start an argument but I really don't understand all the qqing. One does not have to do pvp or Master Mode ops to earn the materials needed for the new augments. Both of the crafting materials needed drop from command crates.


Is it faster and more reliable to get these mats from alternate sources? Yes it is. But those alternative sources are more difficult content, hence the better rewards. It's the same way (kinda) for gear. If you are in need of a set piece armoring, you are not forced to do ops or pvp in order to get it. You can get that piece from command crates. Will it take longer? Probably. But you can still get it.


How is this augment any different?


The problem is that the drop rate of such mats from crates are significantly LOW, and no there is no analogy with getting gear since we can gear up through everything we want, for example i geared up all my chars via ONLY regular warzones (i didnt play ranked or NIM ops) but now we are forced to do high difficult content - ranked and NiM or spend millions for one augment. I think that devs went crazy to be honest.

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yeah..reported, like BW cares.


cool story bro!


They actually do! :)


When 5.0 dropped, people realized that ranked was one of the best sources of CXP when you factor in its really short time investment. So all of the little PVEers queued up, went AFK, and we reported them. One by one, they vanished until the fear became enough to keep them away for good. I haven't seen a troll in ranked, in like 9 months, tbqh. So, go ahead and go AFK in ranked, if you want. You'll get the double-whammy of your account being sanctioned while your guild gets called out in fleet chat. :D

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The problem is that the drop rate of such mats from crates are significantly LOW, and no there is no analogy with getting gear since we can gear up through everything we want, for example i geared up all my chars via ONLY regular warzones (i didnt play ranked or NIM ops) but now we are forced to do high difficult content - ranked and NiM or spend millions for one augment. I think that devs went crazy to be honest.



You literally just said that the crate drops are low, yet for some reason you are "forced" to do high difficulty content.


No one is forcing you to do that content.

No one is forcing you to spend any credits on augments.

No one is forcing you to do anything.

Play however you would like to play, get the mats however you want to get them. And then craft them yourself.


Will it take longer? Of course. But please don't say you are being forced to do anything, because you very clearly are not.

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You literally just said that the crate drops are low, yet for some reason you are "forced" to do high difficulty content.


No one is forcing you to do that content.

No one is forcing you to spend any credits on augments.

No one is forcing you to do anything.

Play however you would like to play, get the mats however you want to get them. And then craft them yourself.


Will it take longer? Of course. But please don't say you are being forced to do anything, because you very clearly are not.


They are giving more incentive towards Ranked PvP and Master Mode OPS, but no one is indeed being forced. The mats also drop from the Command Crates and are available on the GTN (for insane prices, but okay). So no one is forcing you to play in any way, it is your choice whether you go get them from the crates or Ranked PvP or Master Mode OPS. Not everything can be easy and given to you for minimum effort ;)


Also, these augments are the best in the game, it's logical you have to work for them. The other augments are good as well and more easy to obtain if you don't wish to earn the Superior Augments. But if you do want them, well, you have to work for them, easy.

Edited by Ylliarus
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The sad part is that it'll only hurt solo ranked.


People will start running group ranked with their closed circle of friends while the solo queue dies out.


Reward should be: 2 for reg weekly, 4 for solo ranked weekly, 5 for group ranked weekly.

Edited by Eli_Porter
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I have no problem doing MM OPs, it's just finding a group that is good enough to do it and isn't complete jerks when it comes to the loot. That is not easy nowadays. I don't want to waste hours of my time doing a MM OP just to have the group wipe all the time, someone drops then waiting for another person to replace them, or even the group giving up and not even completing the OP. Sorry, been down that road too many times over the past years and just don't want the hassle yet again.


I have no problem doing PVP, though I loathe it most of the time. No, the problem is that RANKED PVP is a very toxic environment. If you don't have the best gear, augments, utilities reset to PVP, correct PVP rotation for your class and etc.... People go AFK because they don't want to listen to the stuff spewed in chat. They figure why bother when if I play, I'll get yelled at because I'm not as good as them or because the team lost. If I go AFK, I'll get yelled at as well. So, I won't play so at least what they're yelling about is a valid reason.


Also, it isn't just Ranked PVP, it is GROUPED RANKED PVP. Some would think this is better, but for those of us that are in Guilds that don't have many that PVP players, or don't like PUG grouping, this makes the whole situation that much worse. The least BW could've done when making Ranked PVP a requirement was to not also put the GROUP aspect to it.


But meh, if I get the items needed to make the augments, great. If not, I'm not going to worry about it. I'll probably just sell the raw items needed instead of the component itself when the market adjusts itself. Right now the augments are going for anywhere from 12 mil - 30 mil. Ridiculous.

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Limiting these mats to only the highest tier of game play will only create more GTN inflation.

The vast majority of players do not play the highest end game tiers. Only a small percentage of the over all player base participates in that content.

That means there will be only a small amount of players making the Augments or collecting the mats. It will cause a massive price hike on the GTN, more than we already have.

This whole thing is a lose-lose situation for everyone except farm trolls.

Ledgitmate high tier gamers will have their content interrupted of degraded by people who are farming mats and haven’t the skill required to participate.

Normal players won’t be able to participate in crafting these Augments

Normal players will become poorer because of the massive prices these items will have and they can’t compete with the CM and GTN whales

Normal players get shafted again.


At the moment these augments are ridiculously expensive on the GTN. That is not a price hike, it is simply their starting price. I do not get why one would think they would cause a wider general price hike either, please provide some arguments for that.


These augments or their mats are not causing inflation, they are in fact reducing it a tiny bit in the form of GTN tax. Trading crafted items or mats is a zero sum game barring that tax. No new credits are introduced into the system, on the contrary some are taken away.


I'm not buying now, I expect the prices to drop over time. There is no need to have these immediately (or at all for easier content). Over time one will likely be frowned upon if going to ranked without a set but that time is yet to come. Those who run the most difficult content in the game or have the most money can get theirs in the 1st wave.


Generally I do not like how much they restricted where the mats drop. That's because I'm a lazy git.

Edited by exfell
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