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Walmart PreOrders


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(2) My PayPal will be charged after the item ships.

(3) She has no clue how they will charge my PayPal account a second time.

(4) There is no way to change my payment from PayPal to a Credit Card.


This is the baffling part. One of the biggest retailers in the world not understanding payment options, yet offering them. Fantastic....

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Mike, some of us can't do those things. I put my money into the hard copy packages xpecting them to show up on time. Never had this kind of problem before.


Then instead of sitting there calling me a "troll", SAY THAT. Then we can try to come up with other alternatives.


See, that's how a "discussion" works. You know how it DOESN'T work? When you respond to something you don't want to hear with "ur teh trollz!!!!!"

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I am in the same situation. My current plan is


  1. keep the discussion ongoing in this thread to maintain forum visibility
  2. keep asking SR on twitter for an update
  3. if nothing is fixed by the 20th, try and find a copy at a brick & mortar
  4. if all that fails, I probably will just give up playing and return the CE when it arrives


I really would like play, but if the business I'm supporting can't take the effort to keep me updated on an issue they created I don't feel a strong desire to keep supporting them.


Locally we are told that all the copies are spoken for, BUT if someone doesn't show up to get theirs, we might be able to buy it. Maybe.

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I won't get really worried about my Walmart order until Friday. If it doesn't ship out then, I know it won't arrive by the 20th. I don't trust that customer support really has any idea what is happening.


If it hasn't shipped by the 20th, then I plan on running around town trying to find a store with a CE copy on the shelves. I'm assuming Best Buy, Fry's, and all the other retailers won't stock them until Tuesday morning, so I hope I have a chance to pick one up. Then I just return the Walmart copy when it finally arrives.

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This is the baffling part. One of the biggest retailers in the world not understanding payment options, yet offering them. Fantastic....


The CSRs at Walmart don't know how their billing works. "Thats the billing department" he told my wife. When she asked about why the order got canceled and then fixed he said, "I just know they fixed it. Our developers found the problem and now everything is ok."


They don't have a lot of detail.


Mike, if your money is spent and you can't buy more copies, your solution doesn't work. You get that, right? Walmart's order page doesn't have a cancel option. (At least it doesn't when its marked "processing."

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I won't get really worried about my Walmart order until Friday. If it doesn't ship out then, I know it won't arrive by the 20th. I don't trust that customer support really has any idea what is happening.


If it hasn't shipped by the 20th, then I plan on running around town trying to find a store with a CE copy on the shelves. I'm assuming Best Buy, Fry's, and all the other retailers won't stock them until Tuesday morning, so I hope I have a chance to pick one up. Then I just return the Walmart copy when it finally arrives.


I will check out the local walmart just for chuckles. It would be funny if they have them in the store that day and the one I preordered hasn't arrived.

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#1. I've NEVER said it was YOUR fault. Why? Because the same thing has happned to me, in other MMO's. Which is why I just sitck with the digital editions now.


I know. I didn't say you did. I said what you were saying sounded like people saying we've done something wrong and that's part of the reason people are upset with you. I was trying to explain where they were coming from, not blaming you for anything.


#2. The reality is, Walmart isn't going to send you your stuff on time. There's no real "solution" to that. Which means its time to make a decision...what's more important...playing on time, or getting the extras.


Except I don't have that 'decision' because I don't have extra money to throw at the problem. You seem to forget this in your replies. Also, there are solutions; reinstating the grace period and funding expedited shipping to those affected. Both companies are simply choosing to ignore this.


#3. I never said the experience didn't suck. I know it does. But again, there are ways to MINIMIZE the suckiness, and plugging your fingers in your ears chanting "la la la" when someone provides you with valid alternatives ISN'T one of those ways.


Again, this is not something we're doing. Many of us literally cannot use your posted alternatives because we lack the funds to even try while our $150 is tied up in this fiasco. So, yes, those alternatives literally do not exist to us.

#4. No, you don't HAVE to wait. You have alternatives. You CHOOSE to wait. Which is all I've been saying the whole time. You have the power, because you're the one paying.


Again, I cannot make that choice. I do not have that choice. I only have avenues of complaint. I do not have extra money to throw at this problem. I quite simply DO. NOT. So telling me I'm choosing to wait is a bit insulting. Especially after it's already been stated multiple times.

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I will check out the local walmart just for chuckles. It would be funny if they have them in the store that day and the one I preordered hasn't arrived.


I doubt Walmart will have a CE. I know mine has never had a CE for any game, ever. I only have two options for a CE in this town. Walmart and Gamestop, as I said the brick and mortar Walmart won't have one. I know nothing about the Gamestop in my town as it just opened within the last couple months. So I don't know if they will even have one.

Edited by APhantasm
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I'm in the same boat and fully endorse the OP here.


I've been tweeting for an update for days...without an answer. I have called Walmart and they are simply unwilling to do anything (if one can even believe what they tell you).


This is a fiasco and, while I wish it would be corrected, I think the writing is on the wall.

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I doubt Walmart will have a CE. I know mine has never had a CE for any game, ever. I only have two options for a CE in this town. Walmart and Gamestop, as I said the brick and mortar Walmart won't have one. I know nothing about the Gamestop in my town as it just opened within the last couple months. So I don't know if they will even have one.


I live in a very small town and the local Walmart has had CE's for other games.

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I'm in the same boat and fully endorse the OP here.


I've been tweeting for an update for days...without an answer. I have called Walmart and they are simply unwilling to do anything (if one can even believe what they tell you).


This is a fiasco and, while I wish it would be corrected, I think the writing is on the wall.


It may be. We were told we might get an update on the 12th, but it didn't happen. Bioware radio silence on the issue doesn't look good. The situation is frustrating.

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Ok, I just got off of the phone with Sabina in Hattiesburg, MS. She is a supervisor there for the Walmart.com callcenter.


She told me that the CE will ship on the 20th. The standard edition will ship on or before the 20th. They will use the same shipper that they used for our early access code card, in my case, FedEx ground. She said that this information was provided to her by corporate as a note on my account. This leads me to believe that anyone who calls and asks if there is a note on their account concerning this information that they should be told this information that I have just given you.


She said that even if you are in processing, that if you speak to a supervisor, you can put in a request to cancel the order. It is a request, because it is in processing. It may not be canceled.


The order goes as follows - Processing, Fulfilled, Shipping. Depending on the method of shipping, you will receive a tracking number in the email that they send you to let you know that the order shipped. If you were refunded the money because you paid via Paypal, like me, you will be charged the balance of the order when it ships. This is standard procedure for credit and debit card purchases. It is being done this way with the Paypal payers because of the cancellation snafu. Make sure you do not remove the money you were refunded from your Paypal account, as that money will be requested by Walmart.com when they bill you for the game when it ships.


This is the best information that I have received to date.


She also told me that if we contact corporate in Brisbane, CA, with complaints about the format of the website, they would be more likely to change it so that you can better manage your orders. I will be doing this via letter.


I hope this information helps. I will be calling Walmart.com again tomorrow to speak to someone else in order to verify this info.

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someone was saying on twitter that he was told if we had a billing during the weekend that meant it shipped FOR SURE and we should have it soon.


I still have the pending charge on my CC, but no shipping information, and no updates on the walmart website showing shipped. I keep looking for FedEx just in case though :(

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The only customer service number I have been using is 1-800-966-6546 Best of luck if you try, because yo probably won't get much information.


Just got off the phone with them myself, and the customer service guy I spoke with said that if you haven't been charged yet, it's because they don't have any more of the product in stock and are waiting on a shipment. Once that shipment comes, they will charge your card/paypal and ship it out to you, same as above, with an email.


When I pressed about how they were going to re-charge the paypal account, they suggested I call PayPal because they honestly had no idea how it would work.




So digging up the PayPal number now.


Also - I've been on twitter half-spamming @EA and @StephenReid (the later of which signed off after my spam) so if anyone would like to join me in spacing your questions out over multiple tweets, I'd welcome the zerg~

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I had a pending charge on my CC and now it has vanished, much like the grace period.


Me too. The lady I spoke with assured me my CE was NOT cancelled and it would ship on the 20th. :rolleyes: I so am going to pre-order every game from now on with amazon and a local store on day one. I didn't get the Hardened MW3 either.

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it is common practice to pull more seasoned customer service reps and have them take the escalated calls while pretending to be supervisors. .




as for customer service call centers, i have worked in a couple, and this is true,


however, usually u r better off speaking to a "seasoned cust ser rep" because in most cases, supervisors only monitor employees and rarely take calls, thus the seasoned usually know what they are talking about via experience, and the supervisiors go to the seasoned to ask questions before they give you an answer

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I send him tweets every couple hours.


Also - I've been on twitter half-spamming @EA and @StephenReid (the later of which signed off after my spam) so if anyone would like to join me in spacing your questions out over multiple tweets, I'd welcome the zerg~


As have I. I am, also, ignored. I have branched out my tweet list to more than just SR and SWTOR to other "community" personnel...still no response.


Honestly, I don't expect them to respond because that would open them up to the more important questions: Why renig on GP and what, exactly, are you going to do to make this situation, that YOU (BW) created, right for your customers?


By ignoring it, they get to escape the tough questions.

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I still have the pending charge on my CC, but no shipping information, and no updates on the walmart website showing shipped. I keep looking for FedEx just in case though :(


This is what I'm doing. I keep watching for FedEx. I paid for express shipping though, and I was charged on 12/11 so it should have been here by now if they really shipped when we were charged.

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