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Is there really a point to Satele Shan?


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Well i made my decision, as soon as we get transfers back i am moving to satele shan.

Same ping, more players, and i also have few friends that already moved to harbinger 6 months ago plus the name is cooler.


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Well i made my decision, as soon as we get transfers back i am moving to satele shan.

Same ping, more players, and i also have few friends that already moved to harbinger 6 months ago plus the name is cooler.



That is up to you, but it might be a wise decision not to be too hasty.



I, personally, will not be moving any characters for a while. I want to see how the player base sorts itself out before I move any characters. I would hate to move characters only to find that the server to which I moved ended up being the one with the community I was trying to escape.


I think The Starforge will ultimately end up being the go to server for those reliant upon the LFG tool for their group content and Satele Shan will be the go to server for the RP community and those looking for a quieter, more respectful server.



We shall have to wait and see.

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Well i made my decision, as soon as we get transfers back i am moving to satele shan.

Same ping, more players, and i also have few friends that already moved to harbinger 6 months ago plus the name is cooler.



I agree with Rat. Star Forge will be bigger.

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If one is considered West and the other East, people can choose according to what "prime time" should be. Or so I thought, but the server select calls them all East Coast, so how would anyone know...


If everyone moved to 1 server the "prime time" would simply be longer.

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Does EH or Harbie fleet even have 2 instances on the weekends? And don't use the stronghold theory because there were multiple instances before with strongholds.


Used to be like 70's on EH during the week in the evening. The last couple of days it's had two instances on weekdays. I'm actually able to PvP.

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Used to be like 70's on EH during the week in the evening. The last couple of days it's had two instances on weekdays. I'm actually able to PvP.


I was just moving characters to fleet in preparation for the merge and at approximately 830 Eastern time, Ebon Hawk had two instances with a total of 194 players on Imperial fleet, while Harbinger also had 2 instances but only 162 players.


I have no Republic characters on Ebon Hawk at the moment, so I cannot speak for Republic fleet population on Ebon Hawk, but on Harbinger there was 1 instance with 100 players on Republic fleet.



That sounds like Ebon Hawk alone may be more populated now than Harbinger. When you ad the populations of Jedi Covenant, Shadowlands and the two "dead" servers, I will be very surprised if The Starforge is not, at least initially, the more populated server after the merges.


I also expect it to remain the more populated server as those who rely upon the LFG tool for their group content and require maximum LFG fodder migrate to The Starforge in search of that LFG fodder.

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I guess "Satele Shan" server will be more populated, because Harbinger has more players than other east coast servers combined.

So maybe people on east coast servers should just join new "Satele Shan" server as both servers are in the same location now.


I know i will be moving all of my toons from east "Star Forge" server to "Satele Shan" server, because ping is the same, and population is higher on "Satele Shan".




Harb is going lose some APAC players I would guess, its pop has always been more spread over timezones. Back at launch when Oceanic servers didnt exist yet, harb was labeled the unofficial aussie server on several big aussie game sites so we could all land in the one place and have ppl in our time zone to play with. A lot seem pretty annoyed with their location being changed.


Otherwise Bastion is pretty dead but BC where I play seems to have maintained a fairly steady pop which will be added to harb. The GTN has always been healthy, impside was always more populated but yeah not a dead server by any means and will be added to SS now. Only time will really tell.

Edited by Suzsi
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What is the reason to even bother with Satele Shan? Better to just have everyone on 1 server at this point and maximize group availability, PvP queues, etc. I see no benefit to any west coast player bothering with Satele Shan.


What am I missing?


You're missing that fact that having everyone all on one server would make it laggy and miserable and would mean it'd be more down than up. It would suck.

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There's no point to her. Her time is done and she's played her part. Let her retire while Theron and I provide new Shans for the future.



... oh, not what you meant is it? :p


*snirk* I agree kill her, it's time the Republic lost some of their 'heroes'. Aw shucks, I think they mean the server. ;)

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You're missing that fact that having everyone all on one server would make it laggy and miserable and would mean it'd be more down than up. It would suck.


Since they didn't actually do a mega server, it might. Or then again the population might be low enough it wouldn't matter. If it's not low enough now, give it another year and it probably will be.

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*snirk* I agree kill her, it's time the Republic lost some of their 'heroes'. Aw shucks, I think they mean the server. ;)

No, save Satele! :eek: It's funny how different favoritism seems depending on your point of view. From my perspective, the Empire was vastly favored in the Zakuul storyline, with Acina swooping in as saviour and ally at the same time as Saresh tries to kill us, five Imperial companions getting story-focused returns in chapters compared with... like... one and a half (T7 doesn't exactly get much story presence?), and Lana remaining by our sides while Theron goes AWOL. Satele surviving is pretty much the only consolation, lol. Don't take away the last thing we have! :D

Edited by Estelindis
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Agreed 100%, make SS the defacto RP server IMHO, let SF go to the dogs :D


It already looks like the PvP community is leaning towards SF.


Hey! I don't want to be stuck with a bunch of dogs. I was on a nice quiet server Shadowlands, it had just enough people around to buy my crap off the GTN so I could decorate my houses. I didn't want any of this and now you're saying to throw people me like me to the savages? No thanks. :(

Edited by Lunafox
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No, save Satele! :eek: It's funny how different favoritism seems depending on your point of view. From my perspective, the Empire was vastly favored in the Zakuul storyline, with Acina swooping in as saviour and ally at the same time as Saresh tries to kill us, five Imperial companions getting story-focused returns in chapters compared with... like... one and a half (T7 doesn't exactly get much story presence?), and Lana remaining by our sides while Theron goes AWOL. Satele surviving is pretty much the only consolation, lol. Don't take away the last thing we have! :D


Oh, point of view is everything. :) As an Imperial, I feel really ripped off that we lost Darth Marr. Before him was Malgus, whom I didn't care about really, but still he was on our side. I never cared for Acina, I'd be quite happy to put a lightsaber through her throat too. The story companions that were favored with chapters were ones I hated, so I don't even count them, like Kaliyo why did she get a whole chapter? Why Jorgan? I hate them both. Let's see about the companion return numbers...who still needs what...JK needs 3, JC needs 4....Trooper needs 0...Smug needs 4...on Imp side, SW needs 1...SI needs 3 (I don't count the Khem-alike)...BH needs 1...and Agent needs 2, so that means that Rep needs 7 and Imps need back 7, so in terms of numbers of returns Imps and Pubs are even, but it's the quality that decides how meaningful the return is and basically everyone who matters to me has been returned in an unsatisfactory manner. As for Lana, I hate that she's Empire side, I've no use for her, I'm more torn up that Theron is AWOL.


Basically I look at it like a *** for tat kind of thing, we lost our beloved Marr...so I still feel like...down with Satele! I don't consider Saresh a Rep hero (I've never met anyone who didn't want to kill her...) So I still feel like more Imps have been killed off than Reps. You could argue that Jace is dead, but if you went the other way, Acina is...so another imperial dead whether you like her or not.


Anyway, this is turning into a novel lol, but as you say opinion and POV is everything.

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Too many people on one server would cause it to go slow and crash, so if they combined everyone into one server, they would have to have queues to even log in in order to prevent that from happening.


I guess they did it take into account the server moves the:rolleyes:

You can’t tell me they didn’t know a large portion of the APAC community would leave with the increased lag?

You can’t tell me they didn’t anticipate some west coast players leaving because of increased lag?

You can’t tell me they didn’t know that 2 dead servers, plus one dimished server (after the move), when merged together, would be the equivalent of close to a dead server before the mergers?

You can’t tell me they didn’t know that a large portion of the remaining people left on Satele Shan would want to transfer off as soon as allowed?


They knew all of the above. Because if they didn’t, they didn’t do their preplanned risk analysis properly.

Satele Shan will be another failed server in a few months. It was pointless even making it.

What they should have done all along is -

A. Tell people they were moving the west coast servers

B. Allowed people to choose which server to merge with

If they had done this well in advance of time and asked people to also nominate in advance, they would have been able to see wether a second server was even needed.


The way it’s been done is piss poor. Having two servers is now a waste of time. There is no point in having Satele Sham ;)

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Wish you coulda offed Acina without siding Pub. Maybe we'll get lucky and Satele is the leader of this "Order" Theron's playing triple agent for and we'll get to kill her too when it all comes to a head. Although that means I've killed both of my boyfriend's parents... ah he'll get over it, not like they ever did much for him. :p
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Hey! I don't want to be stuck with a bunch of dogs. I was on a nice quiet server Shadowlands, it had just enough people around to buy my crap off the GTN so I could decorate my houses. I didn't want any of this and now you're saying to throw people me like me to the savages? No thanks. :(


I think you missed that poster’s point. All the pvp and group people will move where you are now. You will actually end up playing with all of those people you despise.

Those left on Satele Shan will probably be people similar to yourself and it will end up being the quiet server you desire.

Maybe if Bioware had handled this whole situation properly and told everyone of the server relocations and then allowed people to choose the destination server, your current server would most likely have become the RP server because the rest of the pvpers and some group players on the old east coast servers would have transferred to Satele Shan to be with the rest of the like minded people.

What ever happens moving forward, remember this is completely Biowares fault because of how they mishandled the whole procedure. It’s not the communities fault even if you despise certain communities from the other servers.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Let's see about the companion return numbers...who still needs what...JK needs 3, JC needs 4....Trooper needs 0...Smug needs 4...on Imp side, SW needs 1...SI needs 3 (I don't count the Khem-alike)...BH needs 1...and Agent needs 2, so that means that Rep needs 7 and Imps need back 7, so in terms of numbers of returns Imps and Pubs are even

Actually smugglers need 3, but even then it looks like you didn't count the smuggler figure you posted, lol. Pubs need a total of 10 back. (Or 11 if you include Tanno, who's arguable: we know what happened to him, but we also know we're not actually getting back because of his voice actor's death. Still, a useful thing to remember if we're just gonna compare numbers.) Solely in terms of numbers, sides are not even at all - and that's before we even consider the quality issue that we already covered.


it's the quality that decides how meaningful the return is and basically everyone who matters to me has been returned in an unsatisfactory manner. As for Lana, I hate that she's Empire side, I've no use for her, I'm more torn up that Theron is AWOL.

I actually liked all the chapter returns of romanced characters. Ch 10 played way better when I took an agent who'd romanced Kaliyo and appreciated her personality vs. most of the rest of my chars who just see her as a psycho. Re. Lana, not gonna turn this into another thread where I rant about her. :D


Basically I look at it like a *** for tat kind of thing, we lost our beloved Marr...so I still feel like...down with Satele! I don't consider Saresh a Rep hero (I've never met anyone who didn't want to kill her...)

I actually really liked Saresh for a long spell. I admired her role on Taris. I wouldn't say she's a hero - she's a leader who gets others to do stuff for her, but in reality isn't that what most leaders actually do? It took several replays before I started picking up on signs that she was a bit more dubious than I'd first realised. Yes, even in spite of her role in Ziost. I'm not always the quickest on the uptake. :o


Anyway, yes, POV is everything, which is why I appreciate you sharing yours with me. But still leave Satele alone! ;)

Edited by Estelindis
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My answers in blue :)



Actually smugglers need 3, but even then it looks like you didn't count the smuggler figure you posted, lol. Pubs need a total of 10 back. (Or 11 if you include Tanno, who's arguable: we know what happened to him, but we also know we're not actually getting back because of his voice actor's death. Still, a useful thing to remember if we're just gonna compare numbers.) Solely in terms of numbers, sides are not even at all - and that's before we even consider the quality issue that we already covered.


:o I never claimed my math skills were good lol. I wouldn't include Tano, because I think if he was gettable, he should've been gettable, or killable as the case may be, like you say owing to the VA's death.

It was probably better to go that route.



I actually liked all the chapter returns of romanced characters. Ch 10 played way better when I took an agent who'd romanced Kaliyo and appreciated her personality vs. most of the rest who just see her as a psycho. Re. Lana, not gonna turn this into another thread where I rant about her. :D


For me they were rubbish because the only love interest I truly cared about was Quinn and they botched that beyond belief. :( If we had been able to run with him and do stuff, like we had to with Kaliyo it would've been nicer. Even my agents saw Kaliyo as psycho, but then my agent saw most of her crew as being psycho except for Vector, whom she loved. It's ok, I don't want to rant about Lana either, I hate/dislike/am tired of her (depending on my mood and how charitable I feel atm) and want to get a pee shooter to push her off the dev's pedestal. :)


I actually really liked Saresh for a long spell. I admired her role on Taris. I wouldn't say she's a hero - she's a leader who gets others to do stuff for her, but in reality isn't that what most leaders actually do? It took several replays before I started picking up on signs that she was a bit more dubious than I'd first realised. Yes, even in spite of her role in Ziost. I'm not always the quickest on the uptake. :o

Wow, really? You're the first then; I've seriously never talked to anyone who didn't want to hang her by her own entrails lol. Mostly I hated her hypocrisy, she was never prepared to roll up her sleeves and do what she demanded of others...that and the willful display of utter stupidity on Ziost...and even on Yavin for that matter.


Anyway, yes, POV is everything, which is why I appreciate you sharing yours with me. But still leave Satele alone! ;)It's always fun to compare notes :D And I appreciate your opinions too. I just wish I could have said to someone, 'Leave Marr alone.' :(

Edited by Lunafox
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I think you missed that poster’s point. All the pvp and group people will move where you are now. You will actually end up playing with all of those people you despise.

Those left on Satele Shan will probably be people similar to yourself and it will end up being the quiet server you desire.

Maybe if Bioware had handled this whole situation properly and told everyone of the server relocations and then allowed people to choose the destination server, your current server would most likely have become the RP server because the rest of the pvpers and some group players on the old east coast servers would have transferred to Satele Shan to be with the rest of the like minded people.

What ever happens moving forward, remember this is completely Biowares fault because of how they mishandled the whole procedure. It’s not the communities fault even if you despise certain communities from the other servers.


Well, that's not how it came across to me originally, because Shadowlands, JC and the other three servers were all quiet, peace loving, rp type servers and it was that, that made me think, well maybe it'll be okay. Now suddenly all the rats from the rat race server Harbinger which I never wanted to be any part of, are coming to wreck 'our' server? I figured the pvp types would stay on their pvp server. To each their own and all that...


Well, I'm going where I'm going now, I suppose, and I'll just hope that the ratrace stays on SS and the rest of us can enjoy SF. As far as I can see, quite a few forum friends of mine will be going to SF so it might still be okay, but I do worry about the toxicity that Harbinger people seem to carry with them. I agree with you, Bioware should have designated the servers so that like minded people can be together...but then the pvp server would probably be dead and ruined within 6 mths anyways, cause that's just the sort of effect that comes with the pvp designation and the crowd that populate them.

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This is what I don't get though; why would formerly West Coast server players, switch to Star Forge when SS becomes their designated server? You'd think they'd all wanna stick together (also because a lot of noise was made about WC players with high ping having to face EC players with low ping), and the odds of that would increase if they moved to SF which is obviously going to be far more EC player dominant. Why would former Harb & co people not just stay on Satele Shan with their regular crowd?
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Well, that's not how it came across to me originally, because Shadowlands, JC and the other three servers were all quiet, peace loving, rp type servers and it was that, that made me think, well maybe it'll be okay. Now suddenly all the rats from the rat race server Harbinger which I never wanted to be any part of, are coming to wreck 'our' server? I figured the pvp types would stay on their pvp server. To each their own and all that...


Well, I'm going where I'm going now, I suppose, and I'll just hope that the ratrace stays on SS and the rest of us can enjoy SF. As far as I can see, quite a few forum friends of mine will be going to SF so it might still be okay, but I do worry about the toxicity that Harbinger people seem to carry with them. I agree with you, Bioware should have designated the servers so that like minded people can be together...but then the pvp server would probably be dead and ruined within 6 mths anyways, cause that's just the sort of effect that comes with the pvp designation and the crowd that populate them.


Its not the casual or even the majority of reg pvpers that have the bad attitude, it’s a small portion of the ranked community that infect people around them and they are loud mouths. I would say less than 5% of pvpers have the toxicity people think the community has. The way I see it, those 5% are so loud and toxic, that the rest of the 95% of pvpers just keep their heads low and hope they don’t add to it. Most just stay silent and let the loud mouths run free because confronting them just makes it 1000x worse.

The reason pvp servers die is because of the small percentage of toxic players. Even pvpers can only handle so much of them and will jump servers to get away from them, that’s why pvp servers fail. The problem as I see it, is those toxic people follow because they have no one to troll and their toxic behaviour doesn’t offend their fellow toxic players. There is no reason for them to be toxic if it doesn’t offend or shock people, but they keep trying on those pvp servers until there is no one left to play with. And by the time they transfer to follow the nice pvpers, they’ve become even more toxic from trying to out toxic the other toxic pvpers. It’s a viscous circle.

But then the good pvpers end up being labeled as toxic, when all they want to do is also get away from the same toxic players you despise.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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This is what I don't get though; why would formerly West Coast server players, switch to Star Forge when SS becomes their designated server? You'd think they'd all wanna stick together (also because a lot of noise was made about WC players with high ping having to face EC players with low ping), and the odds of that would increase if they moved to SF which is obviously going to be far more EC player dominant. Why would former Harb & co people not just stay on Satele Shan with their regular crowd?


I guess it will all come down to how server populations settle out and what a player values more.


The players that rely upon the LFG tool and maximum LFG fodder for their group content and want to play on the most populated server will likely find that higher population on The Starforge.


Can they remain on Satele Shan? Sure, but will that be the server with the higher population and the maximum LFG fodder? That remains to be seen, but I doubt that it will.


What happens if The Starforge is the higher population server and the players on Satele Shan still do not have enough LFG fodder to keep them happy? Will they transfer to The Starforge or will they be here on the forums "requesting" (read demanding) that BW solve their perceived problem for them once again?

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This is what I don't get though; why would formerly West Coast server players, switch to Star Forge when SS becomes their designated server? You'd think they'd all wanna stick together (also because a lot of noise was made about WC players with high ping having to face EC players with low ping), and the odds of that would increase if they moved to SF which is obviously going to be far more EC player dominant. Why would former Harb & co people not just stay on Satele Shan with their regular crowd?


Because they’ll have even less people to play with than is they had just merged and left the server on the west coast.

People dont actually realise how many of the APAC community pvp’d and how many of the west coast players will leave because of the server move. As a guesstimate, I would say SS will lose atleast a third of the amount of people it would have if it had stayed on the west coast.

You have to remember that these people who will transfer are ones that need a high population to do group stuff with. If the population drops by a third, then those people will transfer to a higher population.

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I guess it will all come down to how server populations settle out and what a player values more.


The players that rely upon the LFG tool and maximum LFG fodder for their group content and want to play on the most populated server will likely find that higher population on The Starforge.


Can they remain on Satele Shan? Sure, but will that be the server with the higher population and the maximum LFG fodder? That remains to be seen, but I doubt that it will.


What happens if The Starforge is the higher population server and the players on Satele Shan still do not have enough LFG fodder to keep them happy? Will they transfer to The Starforge or will they be here on the forums "requesting" (read demanding) that BW solve their perceived problem for them once again?


Why do you always use the term “LFG fodder”. Are you trying to be offensive because it certainly comes across that way.

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Because they’ll have even less people to play with than is they had just merged and left the server on the west coast.

People dont actually realise how many of the APAC community pvp’d and how many of the west coast players will leave because of the server move. As a guesstimate, I would say SS will lose atleast a third of the amount of people it would have if it had stayed on the west coast.

You have to remember that these people who will transfer are ones that need a high population to do group stuff with. If the population drops by a third, then those people will transfer to a higher population.


Ahhh right due to the 'mass exodus' of APAC etc. Satele Shan would lose a large portion of players thus causing others to seek out the numbers on Star Forge? Sounds possible. S'pose it comes down to how many people will actually leave, and how many end up sticking it out despite their upset over the move and claims of leaving.

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