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In-game Items you Want to Return


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Decorations that used to drop from FPs.

Skins of old Columi, Battlemaster, war hero gear. Basically, armor shells of 1.x gear.




i'm just going to ignore that. Take the suggestion anyway.


THIS...SO MUCH THIS. And while you are at it, can we do away with cartel certs? Or at least greatly increase drop rate from slot machine and a say...15% chance drop from ALL packs?

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The previously removed Non-consumable stims and adrenals for biochem crafters (can even be the ability to re-make the old Rakata ones (and hell, because they are older ones, make them tradeable).


Any items taken out of game, especially ones that prevent achievements from being completed (including subscriber items since there are achievements associated with some of them, or remove the achievement for those items).

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The previously removed Non-consumable stims and adrenals for biochem crafters (can even be the ability to re-make the old Rakata ones (and hell, because they are older ones, make them tradeable).

They are already back in the game. You can get them via the Umbara currency.

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He/she seems quite obsessed with the notion that we are playing SWilljbTOR.


I honestly wouldn't mind seeing the older 1.0 sets come back I had them on characters that are long gone now. but the subscriber rewards and items, Eh there was a one time reward that I managed to get on one character back in the day, the Akkdog mini pet, I would love to get back, the character I had him on is also long gone. other than that I am on the fence about the rest. lots of people when those events went active protested they would not get them.


which will be interesting we get a second chance from the DvL event

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^Did the Johnny-come-latelies invest in this game during that expansion, ups and downs 》 NO. If this were the stock market, it'd be insane to have someone invest later and try to reap the benefit of a prior time. They DIDN'T invest in this game during that time, they have NO right to reap the fruit of it. And this should never be an issue.


In SWG we had vet rewards and that was based on the length of the time and everyone could work toward it. It was not based on who was there first etc, it was based on the length of time someone played. You had vet rewards at 30 days all the way up to 5 years and you had to choose from that area. If you wanted something for a 1 year reward you had to wait till you were there for a year and in SWG everyone paid to play.


This was something that Bioware asked what we would like (minus weapons and armor). I don't see the problem and I been here since before launch or maybe for me stuff like this doesn't bother me considering I have lost things before on SWG and realize that things like this really doesn't matter especially when a game closes.

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Perhaps its been mentioned already. but i,d like a way to complete and obtain the Sharp Dresser Achievement and Title. there are three sets of gear from 2 event's that to my knowledge have only been available for one period early in swtor. these sets are the the Imperial and Republic containment officer sets from the original rakgoul event before it became what we know today and the sand people bloodguard set from the Cheveron event. it would be great for there to be a opportunity to get these sets again.

also the mount tirsa champion, i suck as on rails space combat so if there's a way to make it easier to obtain that mount, that would be great also. thanks

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welp, this thread went from exciting to pointless really fast....

Perhaps. Devs can disregard or remove posts about items not specified in the thread's first gold post. If this is another thread that goes for months without any indication that it is even being read by Devs, what's posted doesn't matter.

Edited by Nmyownworld
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To take away older players' accomplishments and trivialize it is just plain wrong..


What about older players who couldn't get it ?


Well, yes, it's my fault if I couldn't get it, but I often have the feeling as if those who "have" show that everyone that they "have".

I call this "Exclusivism", and I believe it's part of Kapitalism.


Generator Node (Republic) -- Only the Imperial version is available; the Republic vendor offers the Imperial version.


I bet that was never found out by the QA team, because they simply only test Empire side.


There were so many bugs only on Republic side.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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^Speculation. Oh yeah~, brilliant idea, let the myriad WAHs and pseudo self-entitlement run rampant (*sarcasm on, once again.)


You realize you had multiple pages worth of posts deleted from this thread, right? Your posts have been more disruptive than the "WAH" posts you're whining about.

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Perhaps its been mentioned already. but i,d like a way to complete and obtain the Sharp Dresser Achievement and Title. there are three sets of gear from 2 event's that to my knowledge have only been available for one period early in swtor. these sets are the the Imperial and Republic containment officer sets from the original rakgoul event before it became what we know today and the sand people bloodguard set from the Cheveron event. it would be great for there to be a opportunity to get these sets again.


u can get thoose sets at the Cartel Bazar.....will take some time to get what its need for them.

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On the topic itself, does anybody have a list of mounts/pets that aren't available anymore? The only lists I could find were from 2015. The only mounts that would really make sense to bring back are the Korrealis mounts removed in 1.2. The others listed there were either event exclusives (that come back with their respective events) or PVP rewards. The missing pets are are all promotional items that wouldn't fall under the scope of this thread.


So... I guess the Korrealis mounts?

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Why are you so upset about other people's requests?


I'm pretty sure they've already brought back the Imp Columi Weaponmaster (Darth Skotia [ minus head and shoulder pads]), Rakata Weaponmaster (Crafting), Imp Tionese War Leader (Galactic Command - Frenzied Instigator), Columi Field Medic (Devious Outlaw + Bounty Tracker Hat), Pub Centurion Force Master (Galactic Command - Tribal Hermit), Imp Battlemaster Stalker (Ceremonial/Amended Mystic minus Back/Shoulderpad flap), Tionese Supercommando (Galactic Command and crafting) and others I'm sure. A lot of the shells or something quite similar have been brought back in some form already!

^A lot of the alright stuff sure, but when it comes to certain armors that are high prestige among veterans, it's a different ball game. I've been pretty cool about not help restricting a lot of it, which shouldn't be misinterpreted as a go ahead for a free for all, hosing veterans to the ceiling. Too much. We give Johnny-come-latelies several feet and they always want it all, and usually for nothing or a pittance. Veteran players deserve the fruits of our efforts and investment in this game during old time window/expansions.

Edited by Willjb
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Pristine Vindicator Greaves (orange/custom)


I have the entire set for my Jedi, except for the elusive leg armor. When I asked Customer Support about it, I was told that these supposedly exist in the game as a world drop, somewhere, but in the nearly 6 years I've been playing this game, I've yet to find them.


It's probably not a well known set, which is one of the reasons I like it so much because I don't see everyone wearing it, and it looks amazing with black/white dye. Here's a link to what the set looks like (with substituted leg armor): https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/dvirr-begeren-colony/ .

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Pristine Vindicator Greaves (orange/custom)


I have the entire set for my Jedi, except for the elusive leg armor. When I asked Customer Support about it, I was told that these supposedly exist in the game as a world drop, somewhere, but in the nearly 6 years I've been playing this game, I've yet to find them.


It's probably not a well known set, which is one of the reasons I like it so much because I don't see everyone wearing it, and it looks amazing with black/white dye. Here's a link to what the set looks like (with substituted leg armor): https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/dvirr-begeren-colony/ .

This thread isn't supposed to be about armour or weapons, but since this seems to have been a years' long quest for you, I'll mention something that may have escaped your notice if you're not into synthweaving. This full, 7-item appearance can be made by synthweaving - under a different name, but it looks exactly the same to me if I preview a white/black dye. There are several different archived orange versions from RotHC, but I think the most accessible version is the adaptive level 51, which can be learned as Hypercloth Aegis or Hypercloth Force Expert. Have a look: https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/hypercloth-aegis-pub/ Here's Jorgan in a preview: https://i.imgur.com/nWiGVfH.jpg I actually think the legs you picked look better with the other pieces, for what it's worth.

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I would suggest bringing back the use of certain vendors in the cartel bazaar. It's been a little while since I checked but last time I did I found that some of the items were impossible to acquire either the currency or the reputation was no longer obtainable in the game anymore.

Thank you for involving the community in your decision. I think the server mergers are a step in the right direction and I'm interested to see what other improvements that are added to this game.



<Bringers of Madness>

Jedi Covenant

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