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In-game Items you Want to Return


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It's not like Bioware is gonna be all "well, we said we didn't want armor/weapon suggestions, but since people ignored our criteria I guess we will too!" They are perfectly capable of screening out requests that don't match what they were looking for without folks posting a bajillion outraged objections. If anything, the bajillion rants probably clutter things up further. ;)


^Speculation. Oh yeah~, brilliant idea, let the myriad WAHs and pseudo self-entitlement run rampant (*sarcasm on, once again.)

Edited by Willjb
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- The items related to class stories (ex: the mask the inquisitor could get from his/her ancestor). Those items have been removed from the game and it's a shame I think.


- All the cosmetic outfits we could loot or buy from the merchants

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In terms of the KOTFE/KOTET companion statues, it would be nice if you could earn one by getting said companion to 50 influence and/or killing a certain number of enemies with them (obviously above what would be killed doing the normal KOTFE/KOTET chapters).


What others have said here about the decos that used to drop more freely from FPs, including solo/story mode: yes, please.


it's pretty much impossible to get that Sith Academy Obelisk now because even if you run the FP ten times you only seem to get the necessary currency once. I'd love to see that fixed.


Some of the other Sith decos:


Sith Empire banner

Holocrons from Oricon

Oriconian lights (braziers, standing torches, lanterns)

Fountain of Blood and Fire

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No idea what it is called, but it was removed before I got my trooper, so this.



When I was on Rishi with my gun, she got these 2 awesome gold looking double barrel like shot gun pistols, those, but for any class that can use pistol, would pay well for them.

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In terms of the KOTFE/KOTET companion statues, it would be nice if you could earn one by getting said companion to 50 influence and/or killing a certain number of enemies with them (obviously above what would be killed doing the normal KOTFE/KOTET chapters).

This is an amazing idea. :) I dunno if it meets the aim of the thread, because I don't think any of those items are currently unavailable (I see them on the GTN often enough), but it is still an amazing idea. Getting 50 influence and, say, 1,000 kills with a companion is a big deal and a reward for it would be nice.

Edited by Estelindis
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Is it possible to return the removed BWA employees who designed end game content & original class stories for the non-trooper classes from 3.0 and prior?


You know, people like Daniel Erickson who think games should be fun and not just places to monetize gamers?


"If you think a monetisation approach is the same thing as a game idea I don't know why we're talking"

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Its not needed but it will be kinda great to have full set equipment based on class after you finish a planet or after each 10 levels similar to Heroics 1-50 but a full set instead.


You do get a full set for finishing a planet. It's the same skin as the corresponding heroic set, but green instead of blue.

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^No, armor and weapons were taken out for a reason, like PvP rewards at the end of each season; nice try trying to play it off (*sarcasm back on)


I don't recall Bioware ever saying they would never bring those shells back or re-color them. Could you provide a link for an official statement for my edification please?

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I don't recall Bioware ever saying they would never bring those shells back or re-color them. Could you provide a link for an official statement for my edification please?


^They said it in the past at a conference before KoTFE came out that they won't be bringing it back, not my fault you weren't here or didn't pay attention. And ignorance isn't an excuse. Take some responsiblity (*gasp, forbidden word). BioWare has honored the time windows this long, and if they screw over PvE'ers they should just bring back ALL PvP rewards, it's no different. PvP items shouldn't have preferential treatment over PvE time windowed expansion items. But probably keep dreaming and trolling for you. And keep pretending you rate it.

Edited by Willjb
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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Threads in the past have WAHed about it, people trying to get their grubby hands on many PvE veteran players most and last coveted items. BioWare has honored its time window thus far all these years. Get over it.

Edited by Willjb
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Here are currently unobtainable decorations:


Generator Node (Republic) -- Only the Imperial version is available; the Republic vendor offers the Imperial version.

Starship Fuel Tank

Banner: Czerka Sunrise

Illumination Probe Crate

Rakata Mind Trap


A version of Anniversary decorations that could be bought and donated to guilds, such as:

-- 3rd Anniversary Fireworks Launcher

-- 3rd Anniversary Galactic Memorial

-- Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - [All]


Rakata Mind Trap? That drops off of the last boss in EV HM. it drops like 4 each time. That doesn't need to be on this list. (the thing is it can't be searched for on the GTN.

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Grubby perk grabs attempts have gotten way too ridiculous, and no real time windows on gear or weapons will make this came a complete joke. Gear per expansion time window, no point grinding for the gear because right after the window people will WAH about it and get it at a pittance. I'd just sub for one month after the end of each expansion to clean house, then wait til the next expansion ends and post some WAHs~~~ and let BioWare cave in. Edited by Willjb
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You know I expect to get flame for this but in SWG we had something like rare loot (could be a decoration, picture, etc) that would drop off mobs (you had to be within 5 levels of the mob for it to drop) that they could implement here and therefore it is not really giving it to a person but having a person actually do something, whether it is dailies, heroics, flashpoints, etc.


Just an idea.

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You know I expect to get flame for this but in SWG we had something like rare loot (could be a decoration, picture, etc) that would drop off mobs (you had to be within 5 levels of the mob for it to drop) that they could implement here and therefore it is not really giving it to a person but having a person actually do something, whether it is dailies, heroics, flashpoints, etc.


Just an idea.

^Did the Johnny-come-latelies invest in this game during that expansion, ups and downs 》 NO. If this were the stock market, it'd be insane to have someone invest later and try to reap the benefit of a prior time. They DIDN'T invest in this game during that time, they have NO right to reap the fruit of it. And this should never be an issue.

Edited by Willjb
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Is it possible to return the removed BWA employees who designed end game content & original class stories for the non-trooper classes from 3.0 and prior?


You know, people like Daniel Erickson who think games should be fun and not just places to monetize gamers?


"If you think a monetisation approach is the same thing as a game idea I don't know why we're talking"

Dallas Dickinson and George Smith too while you're at it. Daniel & Dallas were shown the door for exactly that reason ... they disagreed with EA's desire to turn Star Wars The Old Republic into Star Wars The Cartel Market.


Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk "retiring" was the end of the individual class story era. Daniel Erickson and Dallas Dickinson "leaving" was the end of the MMO era. All were casualties of myopic vision changes that came from the top. The top of what is anybody's guess.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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To take away older players' accomplishments and trivialize it is just plain wrong. It had its time, like any active event, and should be respectfully retired, as BW has done. Let it go.


It will be interesting with the mogul pet and Darth Hexid, all that is needed is to complete 3 PvP matches to earn the companion and just log in between the 8th-27th for both. which means ANYONE can earn the companion even the F2P people.


I do wonder how many people will just not get it done and complain later that they missed out....


Sad but True I suppose people will want everything eventually that us Veterans have earned over the games lifespan. those rewards are for people to get involved in the game, show interest in it and help make it better by eventually subscribing or w/e but Darth Hexid is the first companion I seen where any level (Free or otherwise) of player can earn.


After all its all said and done it will be interesting indeed! :rolleyes:

Edited by CKNORTH
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In terms of the KOTFE/KOTET companion statues, it would be nice if you could earn one by getting said companion to 50 influence and/or killing a certain number of enemies with them (obviously above what would be killed doing the normal KOTFE/KOTET chapters).


I love the idea. Really. I like maximise all my companions affection but we must admit that it is quite useless at the moment^^ except maybe for achieving all the chapters in master mode.

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I love the idea. Really. I like maximise all my companions affection but we must admit that it is quite useless at the moment^^ except maybe for achieving all the chapters in master mode.

One thing though...I'd love more commemorative statues but I really want them to make them all fit a medium size hook (except the bigger ones like TfB and the Dread Masters for example).


Problem is that even though all decorations we can get is great but because of hook placement issues it's hard to use them in the actual SHs.

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