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In-game Items you Want to Return


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For this feedback thread we are currently not looking for weapon or armor set suggestions.


Let us know your thoughts!




You could have started like this or you could have said so in topic, it would have helped me avoid the feeling of being click-baited.

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I'm very surprised that you ask. Things were deleted. Was not tracked what was deleted ? Or did the elimination just go on like a fury to streamline everything, like with the Heroics Quest Givers ?


Changes in a database must be tracked. So that people can later find out what was deleted and why.


I think you're missing the point. The point is that they want to know what we want, not for us to tell them what was removed. Pretty sure they know what is not there anymore.

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original FP drops, definitely.

I dont know if this was ever a part of any loot table or not, but it would be great if there were planet specific loot/deco drops that one could get from planets. this would include the datacrons.

Longspur Blaze and any other mount that is part of an achievement. in fact, lets just add any item that was part of an achievement and no longer in the game...lets add that in, too. based off of the unobtainable achievement thread, there really isnt much left that is unobtainable.

i dont really pay much attention to pets so I am unsure if any are no longer available.

Fix bugged titles so that they are properly granted and make that retroactive to those who earned the titles.


as a side note: i have the First Line of Defense title so /raise hand. My intention was to completely level a toon in PTS, but was unable. However, I see no reason why the titles should be brought back. Make new ones, sure, if you ever open PTS again. Create new ones, but this insistent drive to make past titles/awards/companions/etc available again is just insane.

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Hey folks,


Let us know your thoughts!




My thoughts are stick all this OLD stuff on a vendor somewhere for people to obtain - it's old, it's has been, it's a bygone era.


And instead concentrate on giving us NEW stuff, new content. Something exciting for a change!


Stop regurgitating old content in the name of new and actually give us new stuff.


Thats my thoughts thank you.

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I'd like a way for the Makeb Gazebo to make a return in whatever way!

This. I played the Makeb storyline when it came out but somehow missed whatever the requirement was for that gazebo. Now I'm back but the achievement granting the decoration is gone. :(


- Spa *

- Jukeboxes *

- Commemorative statues of KOTFE characters *

(TBH I have no idea if these were drops, vendor items, whatever, because I have only seen them for millions and millions of credits on the GTN)

The source of each decoration is actually stated below the decoration in the preview. The spa is listed as coming from the Anarchist pack, the jukeboxes from various packs. Commemorative statues come from packs if they're not from ops (I think except for the HK-51 statue which seems to be from the 4th anniversary vendor). :)

Edited by Estelindis
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My thoughts are stick all this OLD stuff on a vendor somewhere for people to obtain - it's old, it's has been, it's a bygone era.


And instead concentrate on giving us NEW stuff, new content. Something exciting for a change!


Stop regurgitating old content in the name of new and actually give us new stuff.


Thats my thoughts thank you.

Or simply return what was taken away and give us new stuff and new content. I can't figure out, when we are genuinely presented with choices, why so many are compelled to choose a side. Why they limit their "wish list" to what they think Bioware can (will) and can't (won't) do ... or can and can't afford. :) Edited by GalacticKegger
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This. I played the Makeb storyline when it came out but somehow missed whatever the requirement was for that gazebo. Now I'm back but the achievement granting the decoration is gone. :(


This for me too!


Though when I read the thread title I thought "Why would I want to return anything I've worked for? How odd." ... derp. :o

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This. I played the Makeb storyline when it came out but somehow missed whatever the requirement was for that gazebo. Now I'm back but the achievement granting the decoration is gone. :(


It was linked to doing all the dailies in a certain order if I recall, right pain to do... I made sure I got it before the achievement went. Saying that i have seen it obtained another way, but for the life of me I cannot recall how you get it? I just remember that I was pi**ed at the gazebo being available after I had done all those rotten dailies!

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Imperial Korrealis KL-9Z

Imperial Korrealis KL-9Z-SE

Republic Korrealis KL-8A

Republic Korrealis KL-8A-SE

Armor Sets:

Basically the whole Revanite Gear Sets



The Mounts are available but only at a very rare drop rate. I was very lucky and got both of them in the last couple of weeks.


Armor sets are not in the scope of this thread. Read the devpost once again!

"For this feedback thread we are currently not looking for weapon or armor set suggestions. " :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Edited by Oeconomicus
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- Makeb Gazebo

- Spa *

- Jukeboxes *

- Commemorative statues of KOTFE characters *

- Rakata tile

- Holgraphic trees

- The autumn tree in the vendor that takes only cartel certificates

- Heck, I'd love to get a shot at all of those other decos on the cartel cert vendor

- The planetary displays seem to have gone from the Alliance Crates. Would be nice to see them return


(TBH I have no idea if these were drops, vendor items, whatever, because I have only seen them for millions and millions of credits on the GTN)


These still drop. I got a whole bunch of them when I turned in my stockpile over three toons just last month.

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they cant do subscriber rewards like the party jawa or taun taun ram


Why not. A lot of people started later or made a small break (like myself in the first year after release) and will never have the chance to get one of those even if they are subscribed for a long long time now. Subscriber rewards like "get reward x for y years of subscription" is way better than a fixed date.


PS: Yes, I am still really sad that I missed the tauntaun ram because of that short break. So it's just a try. :(


PPS: I know it's OT but I can't think of any other older items I would want. But great idea :)

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Here i'll just ask as nice as I can plz sire the Red trooper armor and weapons in the Return video if not that the sets from back in the 50 days or even the green healer set at 60 that was on the fleet weekly hand out one time run mission.:)


"For this feedback thread we are currently not looking for weapon or armor set suggestions."



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For me:


DECORATIONS!!!! all decorations. I am still trying to decorate some strongholds and I need decorations that I had already had but not enough so again DECORATIONS!


I will reiterate this.


Decorations used to have a fantastic drop rate in flashpoints and operations. When it was first done it was perfect.


I don't know what the Cartel Market internals look like but I hope that it shows that the decision to stop the decoration drops in favor of forcing people into the cartel market for decorations was a poor decision.


Cartel Market is fine for decorations when you are talking about centerpieces or perhaps a room theme. But when you make it one of the only destinations for decent decorations this side of the Gree event, well I really haven't been decorating my strongholds like I would like since that time.


Decorations need to be cheaper and more widely available just because of the size of the strongholds in the volume of items that can contain. To put everything in the cartel market for the most part makes it cost prohibitive to make really special and interesting strongholds.


People are willing to spend cartel coins on an armor set because you get the entire armor set and for a little bit more you can use it on your other characters.


But for the price of a suit of armor, you get only a handful of decorations that are barely enough to fit one room that is well designed.


A better system would be for most decorations to be obtainable in game, and for special centerpiece decorations to be obtainable via the Cartel Market, else if you are going to keep the same system, then start offering enough to cover an entire room in the Cartel Market decoration packages to make them worth the value they are selling at.

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I second the quest for flashpoint decorations (and other decorations, like the datacrons that used to frequently drop on planets).


Also, it would be great if you could return the following two minipets:

  • N4-SW Runner
  • LU-20 Builder

Those were rewarded shortly before 2.0 to players joining SWTOR from Need for Speed World and Lords of Ultima, respectively. Those two pets were never promoted as being exclusive, so they can be easily rewarded from other sources, and more importantly, they are the last two remaining pets that remain unavailable to veteran players. Other battledroid pets from this F2P promotion were added as Refer-a-Friend reward, but these two pets remain unavailable.

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R.I.P rare items because a few players want them back or were not playing at the time they were implemented into the game. Leave all of the old items out of the game they were taken out for a reason don't bring anything back you already screwed people on mounts that were very rare by giving them away with command ranks.
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Well now's your chance to make up for some past (not so smart) decisions.


Bring back Weekly Passes


This. It killed one of my guilds that.


GM brings back a founding player, founding player discovers not much has changed, finds out passes have gone (didn't want to resub) and then looks for another game to play.


GM and several others all disappear for what's now 2 weeks. /gquit

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