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Punishing players for respecing!


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Respecing cost have me upset! As a sorc I have 3 tree's one is for raid dps, one is for pvp and the last is healing.


I level as heals. and like to pvp! But you are punishing me for rolling a certian spec... I mean maybe at lvl 50 credits rain from the sky and 40k isnt alot to spend ... However atm the cost of respcing keeps me from pvping after all I need 200k for the 40k mount!


Now I dont care about all you people that will come on here and say the cost isnt that much and you all have a million credits... some people dont earn credits as fast or manage funds as well. and I should be able to roll the way I want in pvp ... I dont like healing pvp its that simple.


If you are not going to give multiple specs then it shouldnt cost an arm and a leg to respec.



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Respec is so you can change.


It is not so you can change rapidly multiple times a day.


Why ... why is it a standard not to play as you wish ?


Pls give me the negative from playing a game the way you want ?


Does changing specs alot hurt anyone ?


I simply wish to level for a few then pvp for a few ... is that so wrong?

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Why ... why is it a standard not to play as you wish ?


Pls give me the negative from playing a game the way you want ?


Does changing specs alot hurt anyone ?


I simply wish to level for a few then pvp for a few ... is that so wrong?




Games should have choices.


Choices that have impact.


ITs one of the reasons im extremely thankful for my AC respec, and why talent respecs NEED a price.


You want to level then pvp, do it as the same spec, or do it less often, or suck it up, and pay for it.

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Why ... why is it a standard not to play as you wish ?


Pls give me the negative from playing a game the way you want ?


Does changing specs alot hurt anyone ?


I simply wish to level for a few then pvp for a few ... is that so wrong?


By that logic, why not just give you every single talent maxed out at level 10. It's not hurting anyone, right?


Other than the fact that it is meant to create DISTINCT playstyles.


Respeccing is meant to let you fix a MISTAKE. How often are you respeccing? Three times a day?

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Why ... why is it a standard not to play as you wish ?


Pls give me the negative from playing a game the way you want ?


Does changing specs alot hurt anyone ?


I simply wish to level for a few then pvp for a few ... is that so wrong?


You new breed of players make me sad.

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By that logic, why not just give you every single talent maxed out at level 10. It's not hurting anyone, right?


Other than the fact that it is meant to create DISTINCT playstyles.


Respeccing is meant to let you fix a MISTAKE. How often are you respeccing? Three times a day?


I don't agree with the OP, but ridiculous strawman arguments undermine your position more than help it.

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I think you havent played much PVP in this game. As a pure healer I am very proficient in PVP and a huge advantage to my team.


I do extremely well on a 1v1 situation against every class, and can heal myself in a pinch if I need that little oomf in taking that player out.


I typically get 25+ kills with 60,000+ damage dealt, 80,000+ heals. I have yet to be in a warzone which us healers werent the leading factor in winning.

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Respecing cost have me upset! As a sorc I have 3 tree's one is for raid dps, one is for pvp and the last is healing.


I level as heals. and like to pvp! But you are punishing me for rolling a certian spec... I mean maybe at lvl 50 credits rain from the sky and 40k isnt alot to spend ... However atm the cost of respcing keeps me from pvping after all I need 200k for the 40k mount!


Now I dont care about all you people that will come on here and say the cost isnt that much and you all have a million credits... some people dont earn credits as fast or manage funds as well. and I should be able to roll the way I want in pvp ... I dont like healing pvp its that simple.


If you are not going to give multiple specs then it shouldnt cost an arm and a leg to respec.




respec cost reset to 0 each week fyi. happy now? :)

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Respecing cost have me upset! As a sorc I have 3 tree's one is for raid dps, one is for pvp and the last is healing.


I level as heals. and like to pvp! But you are punishing me for rolling a certian spec... I mean maybe at lvl 50 credits rain from the sky and 40k isnt alot to spend ... However atm the cost of respcing keeps me from pvping after all I need 200k for the 40k mount!


No, you do not *need* 200k for a level 40 mount. You *want* to buy that mount, there is a HUGE difference. Can you play the game without the slightly faster vehicle? Yes, you certainly can. That saves you 200k credits right there.


Now I dont care about all you people that will come on here and say the cost isnt that much and you all have a million credits... some people dont earn credits as fast or manage funds as well. and I should be able to roll the way I want in pvp ... I dont like healing pvp its that simple.


If you are not going to give multiple specs then it shouldnt cost an arm and a leg to respec.




I will agree that respec costs may be a bit high *if* you change them at a drop of the hat. The problem is - that's a playstyle choice you are making. You say it yourself - you like to level as a healer, but don't like to heal in PVP. You are making a conscious choice. An equally valid choice is to level the character all the way to 50 without any PVP as a healer, then when you are 50 - respec ONCE, and there you are.


Another choice - create a character JUST for PVP. Who knows, could solve your problems.

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Dual spec is one of the best ideas World of Warcraft ever implemented. I can't even begin to relate how horribly frustrating it was having to grind for all my raid supplies every single week as a tanking warrior in vanilla (And there were a TON of consumables that you could only hold one of, etc.)


Tank specs are not soloing specs. Tanks don't want to be tanks when they're alone, it makes the game slow, boring and frustrating.


Healers don't want to be healers when they're alone, either.


As another example, say I want to go do some PVP. I am actively reducing the effectiveness of the team I'm on if my spec isn't optimized for PVP, and am contributing to a potential loss. I am the kind of player that doesn't want to do this. If I can't compete, I stay out.


Dual specs are totally needed.

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I think you havent played much PVP in this game. As a pure healer I am very proficient in PVP and a huge advantage to my team.


I do extremely well on a 1v1 situation against every class, and can heal myself in a pinch if I need that little oomf in taking that player out.


I typically get 25+ kills with 60,000+ damage dealt, 80,000+ heals. I have yet to be in a warzone which us healers werent the leading factor in winning.



It dosnt matter ... I dont want to heal in pvp! this is truly being made into something WAAAAAAAAAAAAY more complicated then it needs to be!

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Yeah I am glad all the pure dps people have commented usless comments with what ifs and everything is fine ... but us " multi spec " or " tri spec " classes are the ones that suffer.


Sounds to me as if YOU are either a "Pure DPS" or "Pure Tank" person yourself - after all, didn't you say you didn't like to heal?

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These prices need to be high. Whats the point of speccing in a tree when you can just change it?


It makes the whole concept of trees pointless if your consistently swapping.


The point of the trees is to set up your character's gameplay mechanics, not to limit you to one single aspect of the game forever.



Or should we all just give up either PvP or PvE?

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Yeah I am glad all the pure dps people have commented usless comments with what ifs and everything is fine ... but us " multi spec " or " tri spec " classes are the ones that suffer.


You made a choice to play that way. I play as a healer full time in all aspects of the game and have no need to re-spec. I have tried it and personally do not like the DPS on my Sage. I just prefer to heal. that is my choice. If you want to play that way looks like you will have to find ways to make alot of money so you can fill whatever role you want at the time you want to.

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These prices need to be high. Whats the point of speccing in a tree when you can just change it?


It makes the whole concept of trees pointless if your consistently swapping.


The whole concept of trees is pointless anyway, because you'll only make one or two different choices from someone else specced into the same tree and those are mostly frivolous things that aren't relevant to what you're doing.

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respec cost reset to 0 each week fyi. happy now? :)


Hey Nuall what are you doing we need a healer for this flashpoint can you help us out ?


Hey bud, sorry I am pvp spec this week and I cant afford the cost to respec anymore I was asked to heal 2 times in the last 7 days and asked to dps a few times.


Maybe next week I can heal for you!

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Dual spec is one of the best ideas World of Warcraft ever implemented. I can't even begin to relate how horribly frustrating it was having to grind for all my raid supplies every single week as a tanking warrior in vanilla (And there were a TON of consumables that you could only hold one of, etc.)


Tank specs are not soloing specs. Tanks don't want to be tanks when they're alone, it makes the game slow, boring and frustrating.


Healers don't want to be healers when they're alone, either.


As another example, say I want to go do some PVP. I am actively reducing the effectiveness of the team I'm on if my spec isn't optimized for PVP, and am contributing to a potential loss. I am the kind of player that doesn't want to do this. If I can't compete, I stay out.


Dual specs are totally needed.


I don't find the comparison to be true. This isn't WoW - the game plays very differently when you're a healer in this game for instance. You can actually put out respectable DPS as a healer in addition to healing - so the "Healer when alone" thing doesn't apply to THIS game.


I can understand people wanting to have dual speccing - it means you can do it all without consequence. To ME, that makes for a boring game - but hey, knock yourselves out.

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expensive respecs = cookie cutter builds = builds have no meaning cause they are cookie cutter= also equals harder to find what you need for groups, also when everyone has cookie cutter builds it is boring.


very cheap or even free respec at towns or just at fleet = varying builds, people can be creative with their builds, easier time to find what you need for groups since people can change their build to suit what is needed= more fun for everyone


Expensive respecs are anti social, it puts in road blocks to get people to group up with each other because they have the wrong build that is needed.


And to anybody who says "Well then, you might as well have all talents all the time", well that is just stupid. If you seriously don't know the difference between having all talents all the time, and having some talents some of the time, you are beyond help.

Edited by Wolfeisberg
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Yeah I am glad all the pure dps people have commented usless comments with what ifs and everything is fine ... but us " multi spec " or " tri spec " classes are the ones that suffer.


Nice try.


I am a Jedi Guardian, Tank spec.


And I have never, EVER respecced. I rolled a Tank for a reason.

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