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Please remove Huttball - Request of 80% of the players


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so the warzone people are saying is great is a warzone where on sith side is chose 95% of the time, where the object is to get across to the other side of the map where the respawn time is 2 seconds and there are small ledges where only half the classes can knock you back off of or knock you into traps. and the only solution to get around the unbalanced mechanics is to choose republic so you dont play it or play sith assasin so you can knockback too. smart.




Or play Imps with the gun battery? Where they have absolute superior grounds?

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Huttball is awesome, its just the most gear dependant warzone... u get a guy in mostly epics carrying the ball at this point in the game and their team is going to steam roll you, thus making people QQ... Huttball is also what the "random" bg give u 80% of the time, thus making the huttball spam a bit aggravating. As for the quality of the game, it will be great once more people have gear.
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I think huttball is great.


The reason people don't like it is to the average player (i.e. an idiot), it's too complicated to follow.


Few examples for you.


1. Players who ignore the ballcarrier and where he is.

2. Players who stand on the ledge near their base when a Warrior/Knight has the ball.

3. Players who run through the acid and flames.

4. Players who don't know what knockback is.

5. Players who do not look around (especially up on platforms) to pass the ball too.





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I think more people that like or enjoy things need to go out and voice their opinions, but that's just me. We're getting a very narrow perspective here because annoyed people are more likely to post.


Anyway, every warzone favours certain types of teams. Beauty of random draw is that you can't blame anyone for giving you a bad team. You were just as likely as everyone else to be on a crap team, you just happened to draw badly this time. Also, randomly getting 10 losses in a row against a 4 man sorc premade can happen. Random doesn't exclude repetition. If you're premading and still losing - that's your fault.

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agreed.. i wish they would implement even for just a week the ability to que for whatever warzone you wanted and watch how little people actually play huttball if given the choice


I think you'd be surprised by how many people kept playing it when given the chance.

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I think it's a very pleasant change from what is a rather cookie cutter approch to battlegrounds. I don't know where this magical plurality against the warzone is but I see just as many people liking it. Edited by DonnieT
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This Warzone is terrible, Worst mechanics I have ever seen in my 15 years of MMO PvPing, I have not met 1 player yet that actually enjoys playing this game, It just has fail all over it.


I know its your attempt to make a Unique version of CTF but this is why there is no other version it has been tried and tested over years.


Im in a PvP Guild and Hutball alone deters alot of players from Queing just because of how bad it is.


Also add some sort of rating Warzone about 90% of the ones I am forced to play huttball, cant even choose


So how did you get the 80% number? Pathetic...

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Huttball is my favorite warzone


I think you need to play with skilled players instead of your "PVP guild", who obviously a bunch of mouth breathing idiots if they can't win at huttball :rolleyes:


Also, how the hell can you state "80% of players hate huttball"? I don't remember anyone asking me.


93.6% of the people who read your post suffered from 45% brain damage due to the sheer idiocy of it.

Edited by Kyris_Xiandrii
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I love Huttball, I just don't love Huttball 10 times in a row if I had a choice of choosing I'd choose them all equally but without the option I still love it.


The only thing I dislike is jedi/sith grabbing the ball and zooming off into the distance with that force run and you can't catch them or do anything.

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This Warzone is terrible, Worst mechanics I have ever seen in my 15 years of MMO PvPing, I have not met 1 player yet that actually enjoys playing this game, It just has fail all over it.


I know its your attempt to make a Unique version of CTF but this is why there is no other version it has been tried and tested over years.


Im in a PvP Guild and Hutball alone deters alot of players from Queing just because of how bad it is.


Also add some sort of rating Warzone about 90% of the ones I am forced to play huttball, cant even choose


Pvp is awesome however huttball does indeed suck. No one will play it except noobs when queues are introduced. I predicted this in beta.


It has to be said however that open world pvp will kill wz's anyway for those who have their gear

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I love Huttball, I just don't love Huttball 10 times in a row if I had a choice of choosing I'd choose them all equally but without the option I still love it.


The only thing I dislike is jedi/sith grabbing the ball and zooming off into the distance with that force run and you can't catch them or do anything.


you can root them or CC them untill the buff wears off

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Perhaps I have an advantage here because I have nothing to which I can compare it as this is the first MMO I have seriously played, but I don't hate Huttball.


I played PVP for for the first time ever in any game for about 5 straight hours yesterday and what I don't understand is why in that time all but twice the only game I got put into was Huttball. That alone will deter me from continuing to play PVP for long as it starts feeling a little repetitive.

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I love Hutt Ball, please don't post shoddy stats like by the request of 80% of players unless of course you've created an informed study!! :) If you have please submit your results through the proper channels.... :p


I love it, it may be DAMN hard now that premades are joining in but I loves it!! Loves it!!! :)

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I like hurt all. What makes hurt all hard is the fact nerds spent almost all their lives avoiding games with balls so they struggle with the concept of throwing.


Actually could someone explain the mechanics behind throwing the ball in this game to me. I attempted to throw the ball several times using the throw ball key. But nothing happened. It says game thow it and it goes to the closest ally to you. Even when completely stopping when I was in the clear once and selecting that person I could not pass the ball. I hit the pass ball button and nothing happened.

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I actually find it quite enjoyable to play. At least it's something different from the 'stand here and capture ****' or the 'grab a flag and run like hell to your own side'.


I don't get why people hate it so much, everytime there is whining about new stuff should be invented, different kinds of warzones (or things a like in other MMOs), and when they come up with something people whine that it sucks.


With that in mind, don't come up with moronic percentages of playerbases, because i doubt you've asked everyone in your server about it and that 80% of your server agreed. And then i'm talking serverwide, and there is more then 1 server.

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Actually could someone explain the mechanics behind throwing the ball in this game to me. I attempted to throw the ball several times using the throw ball key. But nothing happened. It says game thow it and it goes to the closest ally to you. Even when completely stopping when I was in the clear once and selecting that person I could not pass the ball. I hit the pass ball button and nothing happened.



You have to select the area where you throw it to, like dropping an AoE

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Actually could someone explain the mechanics behind throwing the ball in this game to me. I attempted to throw the ball several times using the throw ball key. But nothing happened. It says game thow it and it goes to the closest ally to you. Even when completely stopping when I was in the clear once and selecting that person I could not pass the ball. I hit the pass ball button and nothing happened.


Sure the hutt ball is in your power tab. Just make sure it's on your hot bar for the game - ideally where you can quickly and easily reach it. When you want to throw the ball, just hit the ability and target the ground where you want to throw it. Ideally, you'll target someplace closer to the goal where another player on your team is standing. Any player in that area can catch the ball, though, so don't throw it to the other team by accident.

Edited by Mycrof
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