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I just wanted to say thanks for giving away a speeder that was a sub reward *sarcasm font*, now some of us will never use ours again since everyone will have it. What's next giving away Nico (which I have), Shae (which I didn't earn so I have to deal with it), or Master what's her name (don't have her either but oh well I didn't earn her either so it's my loss).


The point is, when you start giving away awards like this you just open up the flood gates, you could have at least reskinned a little at least.

Edited by dethslovinembrac
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I sub but I would have never been able to get that swoop bike without the code so, I'm happy about it! I also want Nico Vizla and the other comps and I have no clue if I will be able to earn them myself. I'm also generous and want everyone to have fun!
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Yeah its nice when they give away a perk from the SoR expansion especially when you either had to pre order the expac for $29.99 USD or be a subscriber by an allotted time frame, will there be sour grapes? probably...


But wait there is more! they also giving away the entire expansion that quite a few people paid for and now anyone can have it...


Am I mad or pissed off? not really to be honest. I actually think its nice they are giving something for everyone to enjoy. but I hope in the end of all this, it actually brings more players to the game. is it a desperate or Dic move? I guess it boils down to how you look at it.


1. ok I can sympathise with people who footed the bill to keep this game going namely the subscribers. yeah its a shot to the nutts, BUT...


2. I honestly hope over time they give all the perks offered over the past 5 years as an ongoing promotion. THAT might actually get people into the game and playing more. if that is what it takes I would say 1 perk a month over the next 62-72 months. Hell I would voluntary give my party Jawa and founders title to people if it meant returning players or new blood came back to the game. its only pixels people, not like the ones who have been subbed since pre launch cant share what we enjoy... after all with all those perks how many of us use them all... 98% sit in my cargo hold, I probably actively use 2% of it. I find my collections to be the real gem in the game. :)

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Many thanks for the speeder!


I suspect they won't, but I hope they do indeed give another chance to get Nico (who I don't have, game wasn't on my radar back then) and Shae (who I do have, couldn't care less if others get her too).


Master Ranos they should not give away, but they should run the event again eventually so that others who are willing to put in the work have the chance to get her.

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The point is, when you start giving away awards like this you just open up the flood gates, you could have at least reskinned a little at least.


This is the exact argument that I used. It really puts a dent in Bioware's argument that sub rewards are exclusive and that you need to be a sub in order to get them. What's next giving away the Founder's title since people were here for the "founding" of 5.0? BW didn't even give away the party jawa, they made the celebration jawa that was almost the same but just different enough to see the difference so why give them the speeder unchanged?

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Now that the speeder is available to everyone, it is about time that they offer the 4 exclusive PTS titles from (if I recall correctly) March 2012 for 10 CC each on the Cartel Market. Everyone should be able to the First Line of Defense or whatever one of those titles was.
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Now that the speeder is available to everyone, it is about time that they offer the 4 exclusive PTS titles from (if I recall correctly) March 2012 for 10 CC each on the Cartel Market. Everyone should be able to the First Line of Defense or whatever one of those titles was.

this is exactly what many were talking about. he doesnt even know what the titles are save one yet, dagnabit, he simply must have them all simply because.


This speeder has been a part of the Origin promotion for some time so it isnt a surprise considering its history. The only item that did surprise me was the Ebon Hawk decoration as it was a 4th anniversary gift.

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It's not like this is the first time a gaming company did something like this. This is not as horrible as what SWG did to their early subscribers. First we had to grind, grind, grind (OMG it was a horrendous grind) to become a Jedi. Then they revamped the whole game and gave Jedi to everyone. So many people were angry beyond what you can imagine. The forums were lit up with very angry subscribers. So to compensate, they gave a special Jedi robe and a special crystal that only those early subscribers could earn. Then all the new people starting whining that it wasn't fair they couldn't have that either. It was just endless griping. Ever since SWG, I just learned to deal with it. This happens more often that you think in games.


SOR came out a while ago and this is just to bring old and new people to the game again. Some people take breaks off their subscription and then come back. It's what I did and missed the SOR pre-order, getting the Nico companion, and the special lightsaber crystal. Oh well, I honestly thought I was done with the game but became attracted to it once one of my friends said SOR was great and they were coming out with Knight of the Fallen...


I stayed and earned Shae Vizla, Master Ranos, and all the HK stuff. But if they gave it to everyone it wouldn't be a game breaker for me. There are other things that are worse. Point is if you are enjoying the game and you choose to pay for it, you have first crack at availability in the game for those who don't pay. It's not like they did this a month after SOR came out. It's been out so long that most everyone has played through it. Bringing new players and older returning ones to the game is one of the things that keeps this going.

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the Elder Robe/Crystal thing had less to do with "early subscribers" and more to do with new folks joining in after the NGE and seeing the robes and wondering where to get them. I can certainly see the correlation to this, though, as it was granted to players who were Jedi before the NGE, but the speeder was not only a sub reward in 2015, but it was also used as a promotional item for Origin in 2016. The speeder has a history of being recycled.


(you can stop reading now if you want, but since i wrote the below out i decided to keep)

There were many Jedi that did the profession grind, sure, but many more did the Village. I was in the process of doing the professions when the village came about. But, keep in mind, there were many blindsided with the NGE and the loss of progress in the village where they needed one more rotation to finish and become Jedi who were upset, too.


I think i had almost all of the elder titles, but never finished the village (one more rotation, but i started late so my fault as I was too busy helping guildies on this that and the other), but never felt slighted in the least. I had my Sunriders and that had more than content. my Lava and Banes Heart were on display as well.

interesting RP note: i use one of the turquoise crystals as what the sunriders will become for my toon 3k years from now in SWG...my Legacy name is a homage to my SWG character as well. My attempts at adding Ahazi to that just looked dumb.

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I just wanted to say thanks for giving away a speeder that was a sub reward *sarcasm font*, now some of us will never use ours again since everyone will have it. What's next giving away Nico (which I have), Shae (which I didn't earn so I have to deal with it), or Master what's her name (don't have her either but oh well I didn't earn her either so it's my loss).


The point is, when you start giving away awards like this you just open up the flood gates, you could have at least reskinned a little at least.


Honestly they need to start giving everything away for free at this point because tons of people are leaving. They have no advertising whatsoever and they have no way of getting people to join or come back. Giving away temperate codes for cool items is a start. Yes the items you had to work hard for to achieve SHOULD NOT be given away to any one else, they earned it, they get it. But say items that were given out to people and someone missed it by ONE day and then they're giving a code out for those people who missed out on it... that's pretty neat to me. Doesn't make up for the ping though :p

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I'm genuinely grateful for the speeder. I think it looks nice and I'll enjoy using it, as will a friend of mine.


If the fact that other people can now enjoy a thing bothers you, that's not a game problem, that's a you problem. I hope you get it sorted out someday, because jealousy and stinginess benefit no one and hurt everyone. Continue enjoying your speeder! If you really liked it, it won't matter if some newer folks can use it too.

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