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Please put Theron's hair back the way it was...WHY WHY WHY Would you do such a thing?


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damn. If Lana looked like that, I might think about making a toon to romance her. :cool:That's more attractive to me than her mom hair right now. But her mom hair fits her personality so .... pass.


I think the little shaved sides thing fits Theron. He's basically been an outcast his entire life, not really belonging anywhere. His could have been an origin story for a villain (there's a small chance it still could be :o ) He's got an edge to him and that's why I like him. I imagine he's just rp'ing the person he'd be if he didn't have such a strong conscience. /shrug



Haha, figures :D I knew that would happen. I just wanted to make the point. Ok, instead of that, pick something...that's in your mind hideous. I just knew that if some people had to put the shoe on the other foot, they might see that it's more important than they think.


I hate the new hairstyle. I hope if they're going to do that we can have customizations (wow starting to sound like a broken record here lol).


I adore Theron, I'm just not loving the new hair we saw.

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Haha, figures :D I knew that would happen. I just wanted to make the point. Ok, instead of that, pick something...that's in your mind hideous. I just knew that if some people had to put the shoe on the other foot, they might see that it's more important than they think.


I hate the new hairstyle. I hope if they're going to do that we can have customizations (wow starting to sound like a broken record here lol).


I adore Theron, I'm just not loving the new hair we saw.


Maybe if they gave Theron

hairstyle. I'd probably unsub immediately. :D
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Well, it's okay. My husband did the faux hawk thing back in the early 2000's so it feels kinda dated. But I like the messy, tousled look. Or the classic David Beckham slickback thing. GOOD LORD.


Haha, David Beckham's look is nice. :)


Maybe if they gave Theron
hairstyle. I'd probably unsub immediately. :D


This, yes, would totally drive me away. *shudder* I don't know who thought that would be a good idea...probably the same one who did that thing to Theron in the new video.


I agree with Darth Enrique his original look is his best look. I love it. *snuggles it and glares at anyone trying to take it away* :jawa_evil:

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Google "bad hair cuts" and you might feel a little better about how much worse it could be, at least :eek::D


Oh, I always subscribe to the notion that 'it could be worse'. That statement sort of defines my life lol. But yeah, there are some scary 'dos' out there. :D

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Google "bad hair cuts" and you might feel a little better about how much worse it could be, at least :eek::D

This was BW's source material! Now we know


I like the one with the strip that goes all the way round his head in a circle lolol

I'd forgotten this :D:D:D my insides hurt!


Lol, I think I know which you mean, like a beard hair strip! :D

I came across this one, https://i.imgur.com/lB4ENkM.jpg I can't.


Forgive me.:rak_03:

I'm dead!! :eek::D:D:D:D:D

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Although not happy about the change, I can live with it for long enough to get through this story line as long as he gets his original hair back after this mess is over and done with. Now, if they'd messed with his face, nose, jawline, or implants, I'd be pretty salty.


BW is not going to change at this stage of the game, when have they ever. Like everything else, I'll wait and see what happens and then throw my hissy fit.


I do want my Theron back as he was and I want this all to work out, everything hinges on that. For the rest, I'm just along for the ride.

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Although not happy about the change, I can live with it for long enough to get through this story line as long as he gets his original hair back after this mess is over and done with. Now, if they'd messed with his face, nose, jawline, or implants, I'd be pretty salty.


BW is not going to change at this stage of the game, when have they ever. Like everything else, I'll wait and see what happens and then throw my hissy fit.


I do want my Theron back as he was and I want this all to work out, everything hinges on that. For the rest, I'm just along for the ride.


I agree, I would very much like to have his hair back as it was before this...if no other way, than as a customization. And you're right, if they'd messed him up in other ways, well, if people think I'm mental now, I'd be inconsolable then. I guess we really have no choice but to wait it out and hope they do right by us.

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Well first of all I have to admit that I actually really like Theron's new look. It has that rough and dangerous touch that makes him kinda look like a sexy rebel. Of course that's a matter of taste and for everyone who prefers Theron's "good boy look" I hope there will be a customization later on, so that players can pick the look of their choice.


But as said before...I really like it...a lot!. And another thing I really like is that he gets this kind of in depth attention. I mean he plays a major role in that story arc and I really love the immersive aspect of giving him an overhaul. Not only putting him into new clothes but also giving him a new hairstyle is something that for sure will have a very big and postive effect on making this story arc feel unique and kinda authentic. At least to me it seems that a lot of thought has been put into this story arc and it's details and after seeing Theron's brandnew sexy badas s-look, I'm really looking forward to the rest of the story more than ever before.


And another positive sidenote:

The devs are obviously putting some kind of effort into Theron's character. To me this means that it's highly unlikely he will be killable. You don't put that kind of effort into a character just to dump it afterwards.

Edited by Avianatorsparkma
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changing a chraacter's hairstyle does not mean they put effort into the story sadly. from Umbara his personality is starting to change, if they change him any more in personality it won't be the same character we've known for years anymore (no that comment doesn't include his future looks).
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The devs are obviously putting some kind of effort into Theron's character. To me this means that it's highly unlikely he will be killable. You don't put that kind of effort into a character just to dump it afterwards.

Well, several other characters who have a lot of attention given to them can be killed off - but in most cases it's not obligatory for them to die. So I imagine the worst that can happen will be that we get a choice. And, given that Arcann's getting content going forwards, the possibility of death doesn't have to mean the disappearance of the character story-wise.


I was fairly peeved when I first played Umbara. However, on reflection, it's good to get interesting story material for a character I like, rather than having them languish in the realm of ever-present but ever-bland, like Lana. And the next update might make Umbara's writing good retroactively. At the moment, it's sort of in this stage of Schrödinger's writing, where what emerges after will make it good or terrible or meh all along.

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changing a chraacter's hairstyle does not mean they put effort into the story sadly. from Umbara his personality is starting to change, if they change him any more in personality it won't be the same character we've known for years anymore (no that comment doesn't include his future looks).

I agree, I feel like they're destroying his character just because they wanted to do this storyline and didn't have any other characters left to fill the role. They destroyed Jace and Acina too right before. So far this "storyline" feels like the "storyline" for Dragon Age 2: a bunch of random unrelated tasks smashed together and called a story.

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I agree, I feel like they're destroying his character just because they wanted to do this storyline and didn't have any other characters left to fill the role. They destroyed Jace and Acina too right before. So far this "storyline" feels like the "storyline" for Dragon Age 2: a bunch of random unrelated tasks smashed together and called a story.


The fact that they've done something like this before, as you say with Dragon Age 2, tends to worry me. I'm hoping that the efforts they've put in, means he'll be around for us but it is worrying.

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They destroyed Jace and Acina too right before.

Now, see, this is reminding me why my initial reaction to Umbara was to facepalm. The storytelling on Iokath just didn't win enough trust for me to assume the writers know what they're doing with Theron's "betrayal." I can still hope, but it's only hope, not trust.

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