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Please put Theron's hair back the way it was...WHY WHY WHY Would you do such a thing?


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Of course he's coming back -- and as LI companion. While I have no inside knowledge, just listen to what he says during the Crisis on Umbara.


Also, as someone in his 40s -- I DARE. No I DOUBLE DARE all of us go to back to our high school senior photo and say we would wear that haircut again.


Am I the only one who likes the bad boy look as opposed to the over-gelled "I'm in a boy band" look? :rak_01:




I'll take that dare. I would. Actually there's no going back, I'm wearing that hair cut it right now. I have over 3 ft. of stick straight hair and I had that as a senior in high school as well. Yeah, what can I say ... I'm boring.

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It's horrible and it's breaking my game. Definitely. I just hope they give his old customization back, or like others have said that it's part of his 'secret agent disguise' image. I suppose for those that put a bounty on him, it would make sense he would disguise himself, but my god that hair and clothing looks horrid.


Breaking your game, you mean the game that isn't coming until more than seven weeks from now? Or the one you are playing right now? Because you know, people never change their hair, either in a real life relationship or when they are traitors or undercover.

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In the immortal words of the smuggler to a random thug on Coruscant: is that a hairstyle or did a womp rat die on his head? Since when was Theron a teenage edgelord? Ugh. Stop poking the bear BioWare I'm steamed enough with you already!
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Well, I don't do a lot in game besides decorate and fawn over my companions...so yeah it's game breaking to me. I'm upset, but to tell me to reassess over it...well, why aren't people who get mad about other things not told to reassess?


I think in 6 years, I've been truly upset at this game like 3 times...so I think I should be able to have my little hissy fit. :o

Indeed - those of us who do not much more than story, decorate and fawn over LIs have reserved the right hissy fit over terrible haircuts! I've seen a similar haircut on so many nub trash mob npcs their choice is beyond funny. I can't believe they couldn't create him a unique new hair cut that didn't stink as much as that. Like I said - it's far too FW Pierce for my liking. You can bet they would never do something like this to holier-than-thou-taken-over-as-story-centre-snot-face :mad:

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Indeed - those of us who do not much more than story, decorate and fawn over LIs have reserved the right hissy fit over terrible haircuts! I've seen a similar haircut on so many nub trash mob npcs their choice is beyond funny. I can't believe they couldn't create him a unique new hair cut that didn't stink as much as that. Like I said - it's far too FW Pierce for my liking. You can bet they would never do something like this to holier-than-thou-taken-over-as-story-centre-snot-face :mad:


Well, when he comes back as both of our LI's we can spank him! Okay, probably should stop there lolz. :rak_03:


Look, you hate the hair cut. I think I am the one person so far not just on any planet, but even in a galaxy far, far, far away who likes it.


Where I think we will all agree is that when he (inevitably) comes back as companion or, for some of us, as a LI, we should have the option.






P.S. He looks super hot in the Bold Hellion, Daring Rogue, Casual Vandal outfits. :rak_03:

Edited by Jdast
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Or give us Saganu. My agent will be drooling over her former flame/a real loyal mature man. :p everyone likes Theron's hair in my group...me...yuck. I didn't say anything cause everyone went crazy over it.


Saganu IS back --- trailer is up on YouTube --- don't know how big a part he'll have but he ... is ... Back !!

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Saganu IS back --- trailer is up on YouTube --- don't know how big a part he'll have but he ... is ... Back !!


Yeah but I doubt we get to keep him or that he'll stay part of the story in any way after that one chapter. :(

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Indeed - those of us who do not much more than story, decorate and fawn over LIs have reserved the right hissy fit over terrible haircuts! I've seen a similar haircut on so many nub trash mob npcs their choice is beyond funny. I can't believe they couldn't create him a unique new hair cut that didn't stink as much as that. Like I said - it's far too FW Pierce for my liking. You can bet they would never do something like this to holier-than-thou-taken-over-as-story-centre-snot-face :mad:


Thanks for the support SC <3 As you say that godawful haircut is everywhere and it's vile. I hope they at least let us turn him back with a customization or something, but yeah, nothing so blatantly gross would ever be done to that spice sniffling waifu saint you know who.

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So this makes me wonder, sorry Luna but the very thought will make that exploding rage explode again i think so do not read my random thought xD

(personally I don't care either way even though I'd prefer his current look over future one)


Are they going to do a full retroactive change of his entire KotFE-onwards looks like they did with Lana? this is the only thing I thought when seeing the change up in hairstyle...

Edited by Asmodesu
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Or provide a customization for him to be back to his old self. (Two people actually like that thing...) This new hair is awful. I swear...do you do this just to troll us? Is this out of retaliation for the server name thing?


Fine, I get it, you win. We can't say anything about anything, because you'll find a way to get the last laugh. :mad::(



It's like before KOTFE came out, you deliberately kept Theron out of sight for months making us wonder if he survived the long sleep....


Then you take him away...


Now this.



There needs to be a weeping icon.:jawa_frown:


Weeping: 😭

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Well honestly what would you expect, emotionally distant mother, disciplinarian military father, he was bound to rebel eventually.




I see how it is...it's always, 'blame the parents.' But in Theron's case you're not wrong lol. That thing hurts my eyes, make his hair grow back... :(


So this makes me wonder, sorry Luna but the very thought will make that exploding rage explode again i think so do not read my random thought xD

(personally I don't care either way even though I'd prefer his current look over future one)


Are they going to do a full retroactive change of his entire KotFE-onwards looks like they did with Lana? this is the only thing I thought when seeing the change up in hairstyle...


Well, you know what they say about the polite mild-mannered ones... :eek: In case anyone missed the size 6 red block letters, I hate it. I'm holding a candlelight vigil for his womprat hair, that was cruelly taken from us way too soon on my social media. I just hope they let us customize it back to how we like, so that if this hideous edgelord thing is how they want to go, at least we'll be able to customize it away.

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