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Fall Roadmap Q&A Livestream Summary & Notes


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Thanks as always Dulfy!

Charles is looking into ways to do some class based stories next year.

It'll be cool if it happens, but I'm taking that with a big ol' grain of salt.

Andronikos will be coming back as a companion a bit sooner, they got some story planned for him. Same for Keira and Scourge.

They didn't bring back Scourge when the story had a significant plot point being "we have to go to Nathema, a planet that almost no one knows the location of" even though Scourge was already established as knowing where it is, and they didn't bring back Kira even though she was one of the Emperor's Children and the overarching plot-line of the last two expansions was "you have the Emperor in you head"... I do wonder if they're going to be doing these characters justice when they come back.

Edited by DarthDymond
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I do wonder if they're going to be doing these characters justice when they come back.


Why would they start now? I just want to be able to reset everyone who started KOTFE but didn't finish back to the end of SOR.

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Thanks as always Dulfy!


It'll be cool if it happens, but taking that with a big ol' grain of salt.


They didn't bring back Scourge when the story had a significant plot point being "we have to go to Nathema, a planet that almost no one knows the location of" even though Scourge was already established as knowing where it is, and they didn't bring back Kira even though she was one of the Emperor's Children and the overarching plot-line of the last two expansions was "you have the Emperor in you head"... I do wonder if they're going to be doing these characters justice when they come back.


There have been a lot of missed opportunities in the story, especially where Scourge is concerned...like at the Foundary, and with SoR...Ziost...so many opportunities that Scourge could have been utilized to make the story more amazing and they didn't. Because of this, I'm really starting to think that it's 'just a job' to the writers here and they simply don't care about the characters like fans do. I have my doubts if they'll ever do anyone or anything justice and it's starting to bother me quite a lot.


And thanks for the notes, Dulfy. :)

Edited by Lunafox
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Always thought Scourge's absence was strange, especially with characters like Kaliyo and Jorgen getting their own chapters. Guess they just didn't know what to do with him and cut him out. Unless they have something bigger planned but it'd be hard for it not to feel like something tacked on at the last minute.
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Always thought Scourge's absence was strange, especially with characters like Kaliyo and Jorgen getting their own chapters. Guess they just didn't know what to do with him and cut him out. Unless they have something bigger planned but it'd be hard for it not to feel like something tacked on at the last minute.

Maybe he would have had a role in the cut parts of the expansions. We'll never know now!:confused:

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They're getting Timothy Zahn to talk at the cantina!? :eek: Oh my gosh...that's so cool! Gah, wish I could go...


Kira! Scourge! My knight is going to explode with happiness at the return of his beloved wife...and be sliiiightly more reserved but still really happy to see Scourge again.

And Vector. CORSO!! *squee* So happy. I have something to look forward to, now. (As soon as I get over my disappointment of not having a character available to romance Arcann... XD)


Thanks so much for the livestream notes, Dulfy. :D All your hard work is very much appreciated.

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"•New PvP map based on the Alderaan ruleset and cross-faction. Making other PvP maps into cross faction is something we are looking into but need to make new voice overs etc"


So the new pvp map is just Alderaan with cross faction? Did I read that correctly? Cause thats not a really a new map, just a rehashed map with cross faction que...


I mean, faster pops I guess. Actually, now that I reread it, it says "Based on..." so looks like a new map, just with Alderaan play style and cross faction.

Edited by DenariusJay
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"•New PvP map based on the Alderaan ruleset and cross-faction. Making other PvP maps into cross faction is something we are looking into but need to make new voice overs etc"


So the new pvp map is just Alderaan with cross faction? Did I read that correctly? Cause thats not a really a new map, just a rehashed map with cross faction que...


I mean, faster pops I guess. Actually, now that I reread it, it says "Based on..." so looks like a new map, just with Alderaan play style and cross faction.


Yeah I believe it is kinda like alderaan capture node kind of map, not the alderaan map reskinned.

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That looks amazing.


The idea that Timothy Zahn may be doing some of the player dialogue so that instead of impotently rage and then forgive people for treating your like a **** which you can't blame them as the dialogue and choices has you at some stage of retardation between a rock and a house plant. We might start to get smart and intelligent protagonists and imperial players can look forward to The conquering of worlds, of course. The final defeat of the Rebellion. The reestablishment of the glory that was once the Empire's New Order!


And then to see that LI Jaesa is coming back is enough to make resubscribing worthwhile.


Only I worry that I'm reading too much into this. Will the story remain blant and the dialogue more in the likes of 'I'll get you next time traitor *impotent rage* while Jaesa is at current speed of returning companions 3 years off and be done so badly the termianal was more engaging in her return.


After many years of being disappointed I can't help have no faith in the development team, and when it boils down to it is everything that was said platitudes with no content. With Timothy Zahn hired to appear at an event and has minimal involvement in the game, while the returning companions aren't so much returning as possibly maybe sometime in the future coming back. But no real timeline of when or how.

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