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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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...(tight fitted long-sleeves t-shirt Randomname? :o)...


*Pauses, calmly breaths in and out and continues to daintily sip her morning tea


*Almost chokes on the cookie honestly stolen from Random, tosses the treat away and dances on the left shoulder waving around small pom-poms


Ahem. That display was to celebrate 500 pages! Yes. This what it was.


Edit: There are my manners? Good morning everyone!

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Getting back pages before, sorry...


I also thought you were younger than that.

:eek::eek: Guys, do you all think that getting 40 equals being doomed to get reasonable and serious? :D Even having a serious job and a family do not mean the fun is over. :p


Yep, i've some problem with this given age :/

I always pictured him as being around 25 when meeting the Outlander for the 1st time, which would place him around 30 when the Outlander is freed by Lana. And my sis told me that he looks older than my JK (well, considering the 5 years in carbonite, she should still look like she's 25 when Lana frees her).

Yes, I have a hard time imagining the twins leading raids on Tython and Korriban and just being sixteen. They do not look like it. 20 at the very least. 25 seems quite good. Which would make him nearly 32 now. I can go with nearly 27, but I can't imagine less.

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Yes, I have a hard time imagining the twins leading raids on Tython and Korriban and just being sixteen. They do not look like it. 20 at the very least. 25 seems quite good. Which would make him nearly 32 now. I can go with nearly 27, but I can't imagine less.

Yep, so i'll go with him being around 25 in KOTFE chapter 1, i think it's more fitting, and that way, he's around the same age as Naeya.

I've problems with Torian's age too, because, he's said to be the same age as Mako, but i always saw him as a bit older than her, like 1-2 years older.

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I've problems with Torian's age too, because, he's said to be the same age as Mako, but i always saw him as a bit older than her, like 1-2 years older.


Well, there is physical age and there is experience aaaaand then there are society expectations :). Oh and temperament! And other stuff. Maturity. Both Mako and Torian had to grow up fast, but I think Torian is more serious then Mako because he is a Mando, wants to prove himself and acts accordingly.


Have you noticed how different the young man who served in military from their peers?

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Well, there is physical age and there is experience aaaaand then there are society expectations :). Oh and temperament! And other stuff. Maturity. Both Mako and Totian had to grow up fast, but I think Torian is more serious then Mako because he is a Mando, wants to prove himself and acts accordingly.

Yep, you're probably right on this.


Well anyway, i did my BH only 3 years older than him, that way i don't feel too awkard with him being quite young.

Funny part is when you chase after his father and he tells you that if he was younger he'd marry you, and then you end up with the son :D

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Ages is why a ton of my characters have trouble finding romance. I made most rather young (17/18) during the prologue so many vanilla LI's were out of the question for a teen. Only my BH was almost 30, and smuggler + Agent early 20's. the rest were 17/18.

Comparing them to the LI's (all) .. yeah I think my bh would feel too old for Arcann in KotET :p

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Ages is why a ton of my characters have trouble finding romance. I made most rather young (17/18) during the prologue so many vanilla LI's were out of the question for a teen. Only my BH was almost 30, and smuggler + Agent early 20's. the rest were 17/18.

Comparing them to the LI's (all) .. yeah I think my bh would feel too old for Arcann in KotET :p

Yep, that a bit hard sometimes with the ages we can give to our character.

My fisrt BH was around 30 too, so Mako felt way too young for him, and too bad i can't try him with Akaavi who would suit him better.


At the begining of the game, my 8 main are 19 (Naeya), 20 (my BH), 21 (female SW), 22 (male SW), 24 (JC), i'm not set on a particular age for my 4 other characters yet though. I think my SI will be the oldest, probably around 30.


Edit : and... that makes 9, not 8, because I forgot that i added, that awsome lady SW in the mix xD

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Yep, that a bit hard sometimes with the ages we can give to our character.

My fisrt BH was around 30 too, so Mako felt way too young for him, and too bad i can't try him with Akaavi who would suit him better.


At the begining of the game, my 8 main are 19 (Naeya), 20 (my BH), 21 (female SW), 22 (male SW), 24 (JC), i'm not set on a particular age for my 4 other characters yet though. I think my SI will be the oldest, probably around 30.


Edit : and... that makes 9, not 8, because I forgot that i added, that awsome lady SW in the mix xD

I have that issue with my BH potentially dating Torian, who would fit her quite well but feels so young! Still thinking if she will go for the attraction of the fierce Mandalorian, whatever his age is, or consider him a kid. Her twin sister (SW) is perfect for Lana, though. First time I go for a F/F relationship but it is interesting to see.

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Yep, that a bit hard sometimes with the ages we can give to our character.

My fisrt BH was around 30 too, so Mako felt way too young for him, and too bad i can't try him with Akaavi who would suit him better.


At the begining of the game, my 8 main are 19 (Naeya), 20 (my BH), 21 (female SW), 22 (male SW), 24 (JC), i'm not set on a particular age for my 4 other characters yet though. I think my SI will be the oldest, probably around 30.


Edit : and... that makes 9, not 8, because I forgot that i added, that awsome lady SW in the mix xD


on prologue/class start I have Saf (sw) - 17, Chay (jk) 19, Kyr (smugg) 23, Dereyn (bh) 28, Ashiella (agent) 25. The rest.. don't really matter, i never put that much thought into those ones xD

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I have that issue with my BH potentially dating Torian, who would fit her quite well but feels so young! Still thinking if she will go for the attraction of the fierce Mandalorian, whatever his age is, or consider him a kid. Her twin sister (SW) is perfect for Lana, though. First time I go for a F/F relationship but it is interesting to see.

My BH is somewhat similar to what a grown up Mathilda in the Professional could be, with Braden as her Leon. So she started her BH career really young, left him before he found Mako to take revenge on the people who murdered her familly and always tries to apprear older than she actually is. That way, Torian's age is not quite a problem, ans she is only 3 years older than he is.

Not enough f/f potentiel relationships in this game, as i took Lana for my SW, she not available anymore, and well, all my girls are already taken anyways.


on prologue/class start I have Saf (sw) - 17, Chay (jk) 19, Kyr (smugg) 23, Dereyn (bh) 28, Ashiella (agent) 25. The rest.. don't really matter, i never put that much thought into those ones xD

I'll probably go for 28 with my SI, 22 for my smuggler something like 24,25 for my IA and 26-27 for my trooper, but that's not set in stone right now.


Page 501? What deal did you make with the devil.. I mean Zildrog?

I promised him Ashara and Jaesa's soul to spare Theron :cool:

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Page 501? What deal did you make with the devil.. I mean Zildrog?


Quick and painless death. It was very compliant after it seen what I done to Gemini 16.


Thank you for that copy of Windows 10 by the way. Good warm up.

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Wow ... you're crueller then I am! :eek: I wouldn't inflict Ashara on anyone!

Well, yeah, and that's why the Gravestone exploded :eek:

Zildrog could not handle her ego and blacked out

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Gemini 16 was the equivalent of a Windows 10 Program.


Exactly. First, you show them what they really are.


My SI took pictures of Gemini 16 ego crumble then she seen the real “Luminous Engine” and understood how pathetic it is. Then, Gemini realized how close she is to that embarrassment and comprehended that her code would never let her to breach the meager limits of her programming. And that a simple door opening program is more sophisticated then her fabled intelligence...


Ah, that moment then Gemini have been whimpering and screaming that she is not a droid, not A DROID, NOTADROID!


Talk about bursting a bubble. What a splash!


At least Little Vay have new material for her ever growing nest. Gemini 16 will be of some use at last.

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Oh, No! I hope Arcann will never change body! Let devs give a couple more customizations with different clothes (not an emperor's) and that's enough.

All the characters to whom the body changed look terrible!:eek:

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Oh, No! I hope Arcann will never change body! Let devs give a couple more customizations with different clothes (not an emperor's) and that's enough.

All the characters to whom the body changed look terrible!:eek:

I'm with you here : all for new outfit customizations for him, but not changing his built.


It's a bit sad that we can't choose different height and built on the characters creator. I'd like to have a tall slender character for exemple a shorter but more muscular one.

Like a type 3 heigh with a type 2 build.

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Thank you for the letter. That was a sad one...


All credit to the original poster :) -Thank you Nathema letter thread :D-


I read your Fanfiction :) You evoke emotions wonderfully and your sense of humour may or may not match mine :D

I like a good mix of introspection and action (bodylanguage, interactions etc.).

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I found the cloths I want him to be able to wear...

He would look yummy in a grown up version of his kids cloths...




I read your Fanfiction :) You evoke emotions wonderfully and your sense of humour may or may not match mine :D

I like a good mix of introspection and action (bodylanguage, interactions etc.).

Thank you! *blows a kiss*

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Yes, simple Zakuul clothes would have suited Arcann. Considering that he is no longer Emperor of Zakuul, it is strange to wear an imperial dress with dragon emblems.

By the way, this dragon is Zildrog?

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Yes, simple Zakuul clothes would have suited Arcann. Considering that he is no longer Emperor of Zakuul, it is strange to wear an imperial dress with dragon emblems.

By the way, this dragon is Zildrog?

I'd like that kind of customization too.

I'd see him and Senya wearing that kind of outfit while in more relaxed places, like when they're alone together or when Arcann goes to the training ground if he thinks he'll be alone there.


And yeah, i too think that this dragon is Zildrog

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Oh man, just returned to SWTOR for the first time since January. I was pretty pleased with how Arcann's romance turned out, it was very sweet! And I loved getting the pre- and post-Nathema stuff too <3 I'm sad the writer responsible for his romance left, hopefully the next can do a good job...
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