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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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Hmm, Asmodesu post made me think - is it even possible to have a healthy relationship for PC and Arcann? They both can have some serious issues and a very vague idea how it works. I would expect some tensions and misunderstandings.


Unconventional pairing under extraordinary circumstance meant for unconventional relationship, right?


Arcann and my Lady Wrath are both broken people. One was a tyrannical son of the Sith Emperor, another was a tyrannical Sith executioner who loyally served the Sith Emperor. They are not normal to begin with; they met at their their darkest and then feel strongly for each other just as violently. As rivals, as companions, as lovers. What they have is a Star Wars romance, not Harlequin novel types.


Arcann needed someone who understand his dark half while she have trust issues with ALL men in her life who always betrayed her. They will always have issues but they are capable of overcoming them together. Besides, being the most powerful couple in the galaxy and possibly creating a powerful bloodline... yep, the galaxy should tremble.

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Is someone else annoyed by the fact that the developers were too lazy to give us a clearer relationship between the PC and Arсann? That is, they think that the PC simply ... will forgive and forget all that has happened? And rush into the arms of the one who tried to kill him? Without any explanation of the relationship? Without any signs of mistrust on both sides?

Does anyone think that the developers had to show us the development of relations from "hatred to love" of former deadly enemies? Before give us romance?


I agree that without some headcanon it definitely feels like a chunk of interaction is missing from it.

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Is someone else annoyed by the fact that the developers were too lazy to give us a clearer relationship between the PC and Arсann? That is, they think that the PC simply ... will forgive and forget all that has happened? And rush into the arms of the one who tried to kill him? Without any explanation of the relationship? Without any signs of mistrust on both sides?

Does anyone think that the developers had to show us the development of relations from "hatred to love" of former deadly enemies? Before give us romance?


The actual romance scene in the game is just under three minutes. I wouldn't say its entirely perfect.


For my case, it mostly suit me just fine because of how I play my character and how I play KOTFE and KOTET. I really could just repeat several favourite chapters with my character and Arcann and gush at the way they look at each other.


As for disappointing romances... I played Mass Effect Andromeda. I do enjoy the game but I wouldn't gush about the romances.

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Is someone else annoyed by the fact that the developers were too lazy to give us a clearer relationship between the PC and Arсann? That is, they think that the PC simply ... will forgive and forget all that has happened? And rush into the arms of the one who tried to kill him? Without any explanation of the relationship? Without any signs of mistrust on both sides?

Does anyone think that the developers had to show us the development of relations from "hatred to love" of former deadly enemies? Before give us romance?


I am good with it. The whole seemed logical to me at first sight, because of how I see my character. Then I started filling the hole with headcanons, and still am. I'd even say that I rather prefer something subject to interpretation than having the same story for all.

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Is someone else annoyed by the fact that the developers were too lazy to give us a clearer relationship between the PC and Arсann? That is, they think that the PC simply ... will forgive and forget all that has happened? And rush into the arms of the one who tried to kill him? Without any explanation of the relationship? Without any signs of mistrust on both sides?

Does anyone think that the developers had to show us the development of relations from "hatred to love" of former deadly enemies? Before give us romance?


I am annoyed at the quality of writing in general.


Yep, without headcannon it is... unexpected. Be it possible trusts issues, forgiveness or sudden attraction. But I needed a lot of headcannon for everything since KotFE.


Trust: Arcann had a golden opportunity to kill PC in the end of KotET. He could also choose not to help them in the mind landscape... But he done what he done and thats pretty big. As for Arcann trust in PC – well, they could kill Senya and him on Voss, but they did not (obviously). For my PC it clears the trust issues :).


Tried to kill: weeeeeell, my Sin was not just standing there, she was giving as good as she got :p. This is what enemies for, right? And as strange as it may sound, but I never seen Arcann as the enemy, that spot have been occupied by Vitiate since Yawin. Arcann was just another pawn of the Emperor. In fact, for my Sin it was a kinda... bonding moment? Vitiate manipulated Sith Empire so much and for so long and then discarded it... Oh wait, no, he decided to use it as a test dummy for his new and improved Empire! Grrrrrrr!


Attraction: thats the hardest one for me. But as someone said, they have been around each other for quite some time :p. And if it is one step from love to hate, why not the other way around? Is it not what happened to Arcann? Could happen to PC. Certain amounts of trust and respect were already established, depending on your class they could have a lot in common and if we take into account that Arcann is not exactly the ugliest of them all (if you do not mind scars) - thats a pretty flammable mixture :cool:.


But I would love to see more :).

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Arсann, as a character, had a huge potential for his story. A villain who realized what he was doing, and tries to redeem, but society does not accept him. (I can not believe that people do not care that our PC keeps the former tyrant). It could be a very bright and dramatic story of romance, where the PC and Arcann would have to really fight for their love. Where all will be against them - former comrades, society, enemies.


But ... We did not get anything. Neither the reaction of the galaxy and the Alliance to the former tyrant in the team, nor the history of his redeem, nor even the simplest explanation of relations.

And all this looks so improbable and false that even in the headcanon around me runs Stanislavsky with a cry of "I do not believe!"

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Arсann, as a character, had a huge potential for his story. A villain who realized what he was doing, and tries to redeem, but society does not accept him. (I can not believe that people do not care that our PC keeps the former tyrant). It could be a very bright and dramatic story of romance, where the PC and Arcann would have to really fight for their love. Where all will be against them - former comrades, society, enemies.


But ... We did not get anything. Neither the reaction of the galaxy and the Alliance to the former tyrant in the team, nor the history of his redeem, nor even the simplest explanation of relations.

And all this looks so improbable and false that even in the headcanon around me runs Stanislavsky with a cry of "I do not believe!"


Ah. Well, people did not liked Chapter format. BW dealt with the problem in their usual manner - not by finding and correcting it, but by cutting everything mercilessly and making it worse (just look at the Conquest or skank tank solution). Maybe everything you (and everyone here I think) miss was in the cut content.


I have to confess, that the scene itself made my inner Stanislavsky to not grumble very much :o. But thats because he was impressed by voice actor performance.

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We can be happy that we at least got the 3 minutes cutscene - Arcann can be dead after all and he is still kind of an exception that they provide such a content for a character that can be killed.


We know that they have a resource problem - they had to scrap the story together. Maybe it was planned more because there is seriously much missing but they did what they could to wrap things up.


And don't forget that not everyone is interested in Arcann. To have a large portion of the story about him and the outlander falling in love was never to be expected. There are already too much companions and LI and romance was always more a nice to have addition and not a focus point.


Of course more reaction from the alliance and rest of the galaxy about a spared Arcann would have been very badly needed and maybe additional options to deal with Arcann ( sparing him but maybe exile him or put into prison...) but again - resource problem.


That being said - I have no problem to head canon a relationship developing. Arcann does give some hints in his e-mails (e.g. "I have you") that can be interpreted in different ways. You can romance Arcann directly after Kotet or later - I think I prefer after Iokath because it gives Arcann + the PC more time to spend together and to develop a relationship. I think the last chapters of kotet all feel very fast paced (especially after recruiting Arcann).


But to be honest - even with all the flirts that we get with Theron I have to use some head canon to make the romance work with an Imperial PC. On Rep side it works I think but on Imp side he is understandable cautious and even a little hostile - I think he only really changes when you show up to rescue him.

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I try to read every post I can on the forums, but this thread's pace is on some next level ish. :mon_trap: Y'all on fire! :rak_08:


What everything?! Oh my... Hope you have a little bit of fun in this one – it's not a BW forum without Rabid Fangirls running around :D.


We can be happy that we at least got the 3 minutes cutscene - Arcann can be dead after all and he is still kind of an exception that they provide such a content for a character that can be killed.


It is a human nature - to want more :). But yes... It was unexpected. And so much grief could be awoided with exile/imprison options.

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*slaps a wax strip on Pauls mustache and tears it off


This should help with evil urges, Mr. Sutherland :).


Tear it off slowly, it hurts more! But then again, maybe I'm wrong.:rak_03:

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Praise Zildrog, now you're learning :)


More like relearning. By this rate you may meet my Deep Wriggle pet soon. It knows a “kiss the enemy” command... and now then I remembered it, Mr. Wriggles is long overdue for his next stage of growth. He needs a host to incubate in... Would you and your order like to look after a little cute green eyed monstrosity while I am away on very important business? It will not cause much trouble once it will find a cultist of the correct blood type. And you will be compensated generously of course.



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I had a feeling that the developers themselves did not know what they would do with Arсann. At first he was a common villain-antagonist, whom we had to kill. In the KOTFE he was so written, by the way.


Then Arcann decided to make a companion and given the opportunity to take him to the team. But there was no resources for writing his story, and we did not receive any disclosure of the character, nor his story of redemption, nor the Alliance's relationship to the former tyrant.

Besides, he could be dead, so they did not invest resources in his.


And then the developers decided to make romance. And they gave romance for absolutely raw and undisclosed companion, which made it not logical and forced the players to come up with their headcanons that would justify the holes in the story.


That's how I see the whole situation with Arcann.

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So true, I can't keep up with all those posts either.

But it's fun to read some of 'em.


Darth Jadus Aloysius




Ahem. Pretend that this never happened, please.


I am honored that you find our simple minded levity entertaining, Dark Lord.

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