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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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I'm sorry to burst you guys bubble, but arcann is going to be a minute man. meaning 2:30 secs worth of conversation aka "lovin". :D


Hey, you're not bursting any bubbles here! I don't think any of us have unrealistic expectations about the depth or length of the romance. We're just happy it's actually happening. :)

Even if it's only 2 or 3minutes, I'll love every minute of it!

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OK, so. I think I’m done with my text. Earlier than I expected.

A few warnings first :

- It is the very first time I write anything other than professional stuff in english and english is not my mother tongue. I am pretty happy with the quality I achieved, but there might well be a lot of language mistakes. I simply hope that it can still vibrate despite the mistakes. Feel free to point them to me, though.

- It is the very fist time I write any romance stuff as well and I am no reader of the genre neither (not that I never tried, but I found that awful to read). I might, or might not, use clichés of the genre, I do not even know. I only wanted to try my hand at it.

- Do not look for accuracy. Places might not exist, informations might not be accurate, I do not really care. ;)

- This is totally p*** free but they are still doing it. If it makes you unconfortable, read at your own risks. In order to only avoid the hotter parts, I have placed red marks to show where you should stop and where you can read again. ;)

- This is not even close to what I am expecting in the game. I know it is totally unlikely. Again, I just wanted to have fun and experiment something new.

Here we go, then…



“Enough ! Let them leave the Alliance if they do not trust us anymore. So be it…”


Lana gave me a surprised look but answered with her usual reverence. “Yes, Commander.”


I sighed and massaged my temples. “I’ll be in my apartments. Don’t bother me if not absolutely necessary…”.


She nodded again and watched me leave. Senya and Arcann had remained silent, but I could see on their face that they had not been expecting my reaction. At that moment, I couldn’t care less.


I had barely spent a couple of minutes in the only area of the base I could consider private when the door suddenly opened. “****!”, I muttered, getting ready to send away whoever it was.


Arcann was coming in, quite irritated. “No! I am not letting you do that, I am not letting you give up like that. Not after all you’ve done to go this far.”


“I said I wanted to be left alone… let me be.”


“No. I am not letting you give up, he repeated. This is not who you are. You are a fighter. You built this Alliance, gained their trust and respect and now you let them choose to believe rumours that you are dangerous and must be stopped?”


“Yes! Because I cannot force them to trust me and stay against their will. I never wanted the throne and you know it. Unlike your sweet little family, I have no intention to become a tyrant!”


I saw his jaw tighten up but he swallowed my remark without a word. The last few days had been hard and Arcann was as exhausted as I was. There had been many battles to fight and he had been with me all along. We actually made a good team and the way we fought together had made me wonder many times how it had been between him and Thexan with the bond they shared. We definitely did not share the same, but it was still as if none of us had to speak, he was always where I expected him to be. I had to admit it, Arcann had in fact been a great companion lately and definitely did not deserve my wrath. I sighed and turned around, heading towards my bedroom. “Now leave me alone.”


“No. We can do it together. I’ll fight by your side.”


He had grabbed my arm and pulled to prevent me from fleeing the conversation, but had used more strength than necessary, which had dragged me close to him and put our chests nearly in contact.


We both froze, instinctively avoiding eye contact, his hand still holding my upper arm tight. This was close… too close to be safe.


“I… am not sure… this is right, “ I finally said slowly. I was suddenly feeling breathless, my pulse ringing in my ears. He nodded, remaining silent, but I could hear, and feel, that he was breathing slightly faster.


“I tried to kill you… Multiple times,” he said in a deep hoarse voice.


“So did I… But it was another time… And another you,” I answered. I truly believed that the Arcann I had in front of me was not the same who had sat on the Eternal Throne. The sacrifice of his mother and the Voss healing had profoundly changed him.


“You cannot afford to give another reason to Theron and the order of Zildrog to think that you have become the new threat of the Galaxy.” His grip softened a bit but his hand did not leave my arm.


“I know… But I still feel inexorably drawn to you.” I finally raised my eyes only to see that he was also gazing at me. I had never seen this look in his eyes, a mix of fear and interrogation, and was sure my look was echoing his.


His last words were uttered in a whisper: “I want this… badly.”


The next moment, our lips were sealed in a passionate kiss, him arms holding me in a tight embrace. A fire had burst within me and was now roaring wildly, but I was strangely feeling peaceful at the same time. I was right where I had to be.


The first urge had left us dizzy but I knew I could not stop wanting more. “Come,” I said, taking his hand and dragging him gently to the bedroom. That was happening, then. I only realised now that I had been unconsciously driven towards him ever since he had joined the Alliance. Everything that was happening now just seemed to make sense, was meant to be. But it was scary nonetheless and I had never felt as vulnerable as at this very moment, trying to undo the straps of my armour suit.


[OK, this is where you stop if you do not want the slightly hotter stuff]


We were both naked after a while, our eyes stuck on each other, but barely touching. It was the first time I got to see his ravaged body. He was deeply scarred and his cyberarm did not really match with the rest of his muscular build.


“I am afraid, this is not very appealing,“ he said with a shy smile.


“I don’t mind,“ I answered, lightly drawing the lines of the scars at the base of his neck with the tips of my fingers.


We slipped on the bed, kissing, taking our time to discover each other’s body, making the exploration last as long as we could bear.


“You’ll have to teach me,” he whispered.


“You… never….”


“I did. But I never bothered much about what the other felt before…”


I nodded, smiling. “I’ll show you.”




[You can read this]


Sana-Rae suddenly woke up from her trance in the Force Enclave with a deep sigh of relief.


“The Void and the Sum of Both have merged.

Through that, Balance can be restored.

A new Era is beginning.”


[stop again :p]




The pleasure we had shared had left us panting and we were both remaining silent, listening to each other’s breath, our bodies still tangled in a passionate embrace. None of us wanted to break the bond that united us and go back to reality.


[it is safe again, now]


I was first to speak. I had to know.


“Arcann… is this… supposed to last?”


For the very first time since he joined us, I heard him laugh. It was a light and relaxed sound, and as much as he had changed thanks to Senya and the Voss, I felt that he had just changed even more.


“Call me naive, but I never even considered the opposite to be an option. We cannot stop this right now. I cannot… Can you?”


I shook my head. “No…” And even though part of me was relieved by his answer, my mind was already formulating the next questions. He sensed it, and drew me close to him again. He spoke before I had to, as if he had been reading my mind.


“But you cannot afford to give the Alliance another reason to lose their trust in you… You, and a former bloodthirsty tyrant…”


I remained silent. I did not need to tell him what it meant, he already knew. He kissed me gently and slipped out of bed. I was immediately struck by the void it left and every single part of me wanted to beg him to come back, but I remained still, watching him getting dressed.


He finally sat on the bed, gazing into my eyes one last time.


“Just promise me that you are not giving up. Neither on the Alliance, nor on me.”


“I won’t. I promise…” I paused. “Arcann… we will find a way.”


He nodded, “we will,” and kissed me again in a sudden rush of passion before parting from me.


“Good night, Commander.”

Oh, that was a really good read :)

EDIT : I should've say "facinating reading" I guess :D


Arcanites! Although I do not count myself among your numbers, please accept my warm and sincere congratulations! I hope you all have a GREAT time tomorrow!

Thanks ^^

Edited by Goreshaga
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I absolutely do not care how many minutes the developers will give to Arcann. For me the main thing is the very fact of romance with him. It's like a seal in a passport about a legitimate marriage.:p


Exactlyyyy!!!! It's happeninggggggg:D:D:D

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Thanks. ;) Glad someone read it. :p


I will, after playing the Alert :).


And you know... that's ok! I'm just glad my headcanon is finally coming alive in game. I know not to expect too much, that way I'm not horribly disappointed. Keep expectations low or non-existent and sometimes you can be pleasantly surprised. :D


Yep. My Outlander would love to be pleasantly surprised for once. After all that “unexpected” backstabbing, moaning, hypocrisy, plot holes and "all that work for nothing" on the horizon, she needs something nice happening for a change.


At least Arcann already got over "want to kill you" itch. I hope.

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Yep. My Outlander would love to be pleasantly surprised for once. After all that “unexpected” backstabbing, moaning, hypocrisy, plot holes and "all that work for nothing" on the horizon, she needs something nice happening for a change.


At least Arcann already got over "want to kill you" itch. I hope.


Haha, that last sentence. It's been a temptation for my warrior's story back when I contemplated her leaving Theron for Arcann the reason would have been "well, every guy I start to care for tries to kill me later on. At least he's gotten the trying to kill me part out of his system already."

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any girls in here looking for a boyfriend? I'm arcann's age (30) and I kind of look like him, i've also slaughtered millions of people and I am ashamed of what I did. Please come help redeem me (I'm romance-able) :D Edited by SaerethDL
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any girls in here looking for a boyfriend? I'm arcann's age (30) and I kind of look like him, i've also slaughtered millions of people and I am ashamed of what I did. Please come help redeem me (I'm romance-able) :D

As soon as I will stroke the shoelaces, so immediately.:rolleyes:

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any girls in here looking for a boyfriend? I'm arcann's age (30) and I kind of look like him, i've also slaughtered millions of people and I am ashamed of what I did. Please come help redeem me (I'm romance-able) :D


You can always make a Saereth "love" thread and see how many willing people you attract! I don't think any of the Arcannites are interested. As all we need is Arcann.:rak_03:

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As a long time lurker, thanks to all of the regular posters who've made this thread such a joy to read. May all your expectations tomorrow be exceeded! I re-subbed and ran a second consular through story in February in anticipation for this day :jawa_smile: and may have took a half day from work .
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any girls in here looking for a boyfriend? I'm arcann's age (30) and I kind of look like him, i've also slaughtered millions of people and I am ashamed of what I did. Please come help redeem me (I'm romance-able) :D

That's kind of cute... :p But...

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As a long time lurker, thanks to all of the regular posters who've made this thread such a joy to read. May all your expectations tomorrow be exceeded! I re-subbed and ran a second consular through story in February in anticipation for this day :jawa_smile: and may have took a half day from work .


Hi and welcome +Welcome back to swtor!! Glad you're having fun reading the banter going on in our thread. :D:D


I'll drink to that!:D:D

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My Agent wont be ready, but I'm going to go against my usual and romance Arcann with one of my main characetr's clones. Just so I can see it on day one still xD

I also found out my smuggler is also without a love interest but I don't think Arcann matches her, she'd be far too much for him. Criminal and all xD

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Thanks :p:p

Waiting for yours, now. :rolleyes:

Still waiting to see the romance, cuz I still don't know if my JK will stay with Theron (if he's not a traitor that is, she can forgive a lot but not everything either) or if she'll swith to Arcann.

But it'll depend on the romance and on the end of the traitor storyline

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Still waiting to see the romance, cuz I still don't know if my JK will stay with Theron (if he's not a traitor that is, she can forgive a lot but not everything either) or if she'll swith to Arcann.

But it'll depend on the romance and on the end of the traitor storyline


This situation is the same as mine with my Sith Warrior. hinges on both romances, and traitor arc ending... I resubbed, I will until 5.9 is out. O.o

I'm easy to strong arm into subscribing.. limit/cap my credits and make sure every decoration on the gtn is over the credit cap. That's all it takes :p

Edited by Asmodesu
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You can always make a Saereth "love" thread and see how many willing people you attract! I don't think any of the Arcannites are interested. As all we need is Arcann.:rak_03:


Well I was going to correct you when you said all that was needed was Arcann but then I read your comment again and noticed you said Arcannites, which actually disqualifies me lol. But I will also say this Arcann pales in comparison to my boyfriend :p. But have fun tomorrow.

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Companion Romance: Arcann - A redeemed Arcann makes his feelings known to those who’ve given him a chance to atone for the evil deeds of his past.


^ *heavy breathing and crying* I'm so happy for my Lady Wrath right now.... she will finally get to kiss her soulmate in matter of hours!

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Companion Romance: Arcann - A redeemed Arcann makes his feelings known to those who’ve given him a chance to atone for the evil deeds of his past.


^ *heavy breathing and crying* I'm so happy for my Lady Wrath right now.... she will finally get to kiss her soulmate in matter of hours!


hours? have they changed the time for this particular update from their usual times? I guess I need to triple check this O.o

edit: nope, but I hate time zones xD (should be taken down 10pm my time and back up approx 2am). *grumbles*

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