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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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dont worry....you are in a safe place here ! :D



but i have to admit..im trully , honestly scared about next week....i dono if my heart can take it !

...if its good..if its bad....:confused:


I feel all warm and fuzzy! You Arcannites are the best!:D:D



And I agree! The closer it gets to Tuesday, the more I worry!! I'm also really wondering if there will be anything in the future, after this romance "arc"


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Not a fan of Mr Egg Head (but my daughter loves him) The only elfy for me was Zevran in DAO....that voice :rak_01:


Fully agree with you. I still dislike Solas, I had to force myself to see the romance just once (never completed that run though, sadly). Zevran was fun.

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I don't think I've seen Vaylin's troll letter, what does it say?


https://imgur.com/a/cK88B Here you go. And Dusk, I start to think that your PC just likes to play hard to get. ;)


Is it just me and literal minded translation or does "run off" in this context have a funny connotation? :p


Sometimes, I think that Vaylin acts like a little girl who were never allowed to grow up past the "I am the center of the Universe! Burning anthills is fun!" stage. Sometimes, I think that she is like her Dad – a monster from the start. If it is possible? Sometimes, I wounder how Vaylin would turn out if Valkorion choose a... less brutal disciplinary action and Senya were allowed to raise her.


ill be sure to stroke the egg head for good luck with the Arcann romance thingy :D :D




Do it! We gonna need all the luck.


Edit: By the way, l think that safe spaces are nice, but they can present a different kind of danger. I need critique to stay grounded! ;) And I liked the debating part of this thread and some of the points brought up in the hate topics were VERY good (the logical ones).

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Edit: By the way, l think that safe spaces are nice, but they can present a different kind of danger. I need critique to stay grounded! ;) And I liked the debating part of this thread and some of the points brought up in the hate topics were VERY good (the logical ones).


Agreed! We don't all agree on everything, while we all like Arcann, we all want different things, like different things! I think that's really cool! :)

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Agreed! We don't all agree on everything, while we all like Arcann, we all want different things, like different things! I think that's really cool! :)


Aye, there's the majority group here with the same mindset and wants, then the stragglers that hang out in the corner that want something completely different with Arcann and hope we're not disappointed too.. lmao

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Sometimes, I think that Vaylin acts like a little girl who were never allowed to grow up past the "I am the center of the Universe! Burning anthills is fun!" stage. Sometimes, I think that she is like her Dad – a monster from the start. If it is possible? Sometimes, I wounder how Vaylin would turn out if Valkorion choose a... less brutal disciplinary action and Senya were allowed to raise her.


She does act like child in some occasion/or give in for tantrums, but we should remember that she didn't exactly have a normal life to grow up, since she spent most of her childhood and adolescent years in Nathema, her mind and powers suppressed through physical/psychological violence. That lock was broken when Revan awoke Vitiate on Yavin 4.


On main topic, hooray for upcoming Arcann romance, the wait will be over soon. :)

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Also i created a Sith assassins on DM :D ..was actually considering making a guild "Arcannite" ..but then i realized i need 5 ppl to do it...kinda hard to convince that many ppl that im not some crazy person so they can help out :D:D:D

Like I said, you folks make the guild my characters will join :D


https://imgur.com/a/cK88B Here you go. And Dusk, I start to think that your PC just likes to play hard to get. ;)


Is it just me and literal minded translation or does "run off" in this context have a funny connotation? :p


Sometimes, I think that Vaylin acts like a little girl who were never allowed to grow up past the "I am the center of the Universe! Burning anthills is fun!" stage. Sometimes, I think that she is like her Dad – a monster from the start. If it is possible? Sometimes, I wounder how Vaylin would turn out if Valkorion choose a... less brutal disciplinary action and Senya were allowed to raise her.




Do it! We gonna need all the luck.


Edit: By the way, l think that safe spaces are nice, but they can present a different kind of danger. I need critique to stay grounded! ;) And I liked the debating part of this thread and some of the points brought up in the hate topics were VERY good (the logical ones).


Nah my characters don't have the attention span (or interest, they prefer the direct approach when they want something :rak_04:) for hard to get :D All he needs to do is turn up and he'll have their Undivided attention ;) Alas with him absent they have found little that can hold their attention for long. My Inquisitor is BORED.


And :eek: wow, Vaylin that is...:D she's P****d very, very P****d. Thank you :) that was excellent, I hadn't seen that one :D also re-enforces my read on that sibling relationship :D

Vaylin inherited some traits from her father, but they aren't what made him awful (Imo); what he did with them is. He denied her the chance to make that choice :( We/ they will never know what she could have been.

And as for the childishness, there are times when all of Valky's kids come off that way to me. In different ways he effected all of their development...Frankly I find it a testament to all of them that they kept any positive traits/ behaviours at all. They are what they are despite him, not because of him :mad:. They owe him NOTHING.


-Growls- ...Anyway


Safe spaces do not preclude healthy criticism and debate, actually when done well they augment such things :).

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Yesterday, the old fart Valky in chapter 9 admitted that his goal was to get the PC to kill Arcann. Heh, the old stump is dreaming! If someone will dance to his tune, then obviously not my PC.:D


I didn't want to kill either of them, it was obvious we were being baited from the start! :(

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The manipulations of Valky are so primitive that they offend the intellect of my PC! How can to listen this old stump?:mad:


I am indignant that after Nathema our PC communicates with Valky as if nothing had happened. We do not even have replicas to express this monster, what we think about it.

It seems that the PC just does not care what this old stump was doing with Vailyn on Nathema.

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I am indignant that after Nathema our PC communicates with Valky as if nothing had happened. We do not even have replicas to express this monster, what we think about it.

It seems that the PC just does not care what this old stump was doing with Vailyn on Nathema.


My Pc is just done with Valky after SoR/ Zoist. They're working to take him down. Thats it. No need to engage with him any more than is absolutely necessary. Silence is all he deserves (And rudeness/ hostility where silence fails :D).

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And :eek: wow, Vaylin that is...:D she's P****d very, very P****d. Thank you :) that was excellent, I hadn't seen that one :D also re-enforces my read on that sibling relationship :D.


You are welcome. :) I think that the "Empress of Zakull" sign is another attempt to troll the big Brother :p. And what's your read on sibling relationship?


On a side note, my SI Outlander just found their room in the Alliance base. By pure accident.





"So tired... Need to find a safe place to sleep... What's is this, a congregation of assassin droids? Oh, they are guarding a doorway. What could be important enough for MY droids to guard? Hmmm, I remember this room. It had a datapad with some fetch quests. Wait, is it a bed?.. Wait, is it my room?! No one bothered to tell me I have a room?! I was sleeping on Fury, in the speeder, camping out in the Odessen wilds and scaring our troops to death by playing Goldilocks in the barracks! Someone is going to pay:mad:! Oh, a chocolate cookie :). Why Lana says it is not normal that I constantly find them :confused:? Oh well, a cookie is a cookie :rolleyes:!"


Alliance daily news:

Commander returned from Nathema. And they finally found their personal quarters. Boys and girls, you will have to come up with another way to initiate "fresh blood". As hilarious as it was to lure Commander with a chocolate cookies trail to a bunk of a newcomer and record the face expression of a poor sod finding a Darth/That Imperial menace/Outlander peacefully having a nightmare in their bunk, it did cause some incidents.



Sana Rae had a vision - "Commander should not be lured with chocolate cookies trail to our new "ally" quarters." Wait what? You tell me that someone was going to do give a "Special welcome to Alliance AKA lets see if you will dare to wake up Commander and ask them to leave!" greeting to Arcann of all people?! Nah, no one could be this stupid. Wait what? Team 42 seriously was going to do it? They already placed the cookies? The disaster will be averted thanks to Vaylin attacking Odessen... now? WHAT?!!


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Does the PC have a room there? :eek:Shame on my head! How many times I ran around the Alliance base, but did not know that it was a PC room!


I just done Nathema Chapter and noticed that a room PC wakes up in at the start looks kinda familiar! And then I realized that HK-51 and HK-55 were guarding it!


I am also suspect that there is a shower in this room...


Come to think, companion terminal sorta hinted at it too...

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Does the PC have a room there? :eek:Shame on my head! How many times I ran around the Alliance base, but did not know that it was a PC room!


you guys...how can you not know !?...we save Gault, the most bad *** trickster in swtor there :eek:

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