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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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-Snorts- :D


On another subject, I am honestly considering creating a male and a female Alt; making them together/ married in the family tree and romancing Arcann with both of them, headcannon a happy little threesome (Is that right word :rak_02:).


Didn't you promise Asmodesu that you would behave?




I'm currently more on the romantic side myself. Re-reading the last of Arcann's messages. So much devotion it makes me shiver. :p

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Didn't you promise Asmodesu that you would behave?




I'm currently more on the romantic side myself. Re-reading the last of Arcann's messages. So much devotion it makes me shiver. :p


I was actually meaning a romantic committed relationship :D Thats why I wasn't sure if threesome was the right term.

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I'll throw the question to the room, What would you call a committed romantic relationship between three people? Dusk needs to know for science :rak_03:.

Found it... it is a... THROUPLE. Lol, what an ugly word.

Three-Person Romance, otherwise.


Huffpost even has a guide on the difference between throuple relationships and threesomes, lol.

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Poly amorous?


Looked up definition: Polyamorous

Polyamory (from Greek πολύ poly, "many, several", and Latin amor, "love") is the practice of, or desire for, intimate relationships with more than one partner, with the knowledge of all partners.


Well done Eshvara :) Think you might have got it in one.

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Found it... it is a... THROUPLE. Lol, what an ugly word.

Three-Person Romance, otherwise.


Huffpost even has a guide on the difference between throuple relationships and threesomes, lol.


:eek: Oh. my. God. Throuple.


Am dead. This killed me. But at least I died happy :D:D:D



From now on if you ask me how my characters are doing please ask after my Throuple.

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I'm studying Gilgamesh for a book discussion this Sunday and somehow I kept seeing Gilgamesh and Enkidu as Arcann and Thexan... lol


I couldn't concentrate, SWTOR is Improving my head...


There fixed :D

Also were you the one who suggested `Shatter me` - Lindsey Stirling awhiles back? If so thank you, the Vid is Hypnotic.

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Arcann's ship blew up, but that's because he was suffering from a form of tunnel vision, not noticing his bridge exploding around him.

The magnificence of our PC just blinded Arсann. Therefore, he could not tear his eyes from the PC and did not notice anything.:rolleyes:

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Don't know why anyone would want to deal with more than just one person in a relationship. I'd go nuts.:rak_03:

Totally fine in swtor though! :rak_03::rak_03: Arcann and Malgus!!


i dont know why anyone would need anyone else next to Arcann ...i mean....i am all for sharing and stuff...but no...he is mine :rolleyes::cool:


anyhow...good morning everyone! :D

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i have to admit...im sooooo tempted to redo a Agent on Darth Malgus :rolleyes:


but im so bored doing the planet quets :c...


ufff..decisions decisions....


I redid my agent, and deleted my old because I'd barely touched her. I didn't bother doing planet arcs, or sides. Class quests and nothing else! okay some solo space missions for exp but nothing otherwise!

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A polyamorous relationship between Naeya (my JK), Theron and Arcann would be epic. Dunno how Arcann and Theron would handle that though as Theron already seems very jealous of Arcann and nothing really happened between him and Naeya :D


Had a lot of fun reading the last few pages.

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I'll throw the question to the room, What would you call a committed romantic relationship between three people? Dusk needs to know for science :rak_03:.


A recipe for disaster? No one strikes me as a sharing type and Theron fans do not need another reason to hate Arcann.


Don't know why anyone would want to deal with more than just one person in a relationship. I'd go nuts.:rak_03:


Ah, the voice of reason...


Totally fine in swtor though! :rak_03::rak_03: Arcann and Malgus!!


Or not :p. Esh! Even if Malgus is alive, I think he is not over his marriage... :csw_destroyer:


i dont know why anyone would need anyone else next to Arcann ...i mean....i am all for sharing and stuff...but no...he is mine :rolleyes::cool:


anyhow...good morning everyone! :D



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A recipe for disaster? No one strikes me as a sharing type and Theron fans do not need another reason to hate Arcann.




Ah, the voice of reason...




Or not :p. Esh! Even if Malgus is alive, I think he is not over his marriage... :csw_destroyer:






Was talking about two of my Alts plus Arcann :D I'm currently thinking -

Throuple: (F) Bounty Hunter/ Arcann/ (M) Inquisitor :p

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Since the relationship with Lana for my sorceress is over due to the way how KOTFE chapter 9 cantina scene was presented :( , she will probably jump now into the relationship with Arcann , even tho she hated him firstly because he took away 5 years of her life while keeping her in the captivity and for several attempts of the murder on her she is a sith after all and one of hers everlasting goals is always the search for the more power which would make her stronger, and because of that she figured how the relationship with him would benefit her because they would become unstoppable force in the galaxy while ruling together over the Zakuulan throne. Edited by Lunablade
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wuat you mean ?O.o what happened ? :o


Romanced her since SOR but that cantina scene in the KOTFE chapter 9 was confusing for the many of us which went for the first time through that content since the camera focused so much on the Theron and because there was no clear indication what would happen for the people which didn't took that one flirt option there. I discovered later what that scene meant but was already to late coz I was in the KOTET and coz this game doesn't have an option for redoing the story flags.


She will become now the romance option for my BH , but it will be hard choice for me between her and Mako coz I like both :)

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Heh, Arcann so purposefully and persistently tried to kill my JK, that she eventually fell out of her anabiosis and began to show feelings. Of course, she is not as expressive as a Sith, but JK is almost a normal person!

And I finally stopped falling asleep behind the monitor, when I play for my JK.

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