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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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I was thinking today about Arcann and friendship. I'm assuming that, aside from Thexan, Arcann didn't have any friends - both as a child and as an adult.


Is that the feeling that you all have?


Could it be that our player characters are not only the first romance for Arcann but also the first true friendship that he's formed with another person? Imagine the strength of the bond that he'd form with our characters, if that's the case. It makes any foreseeable breakup scenario even more devastating.


That breakup letter from Arcann is absolutely horrible.




I had actually never seen the letter, had to google it. Poor guy.


To be honest, the way he attaches to you, it's possible that it's just that he never had anyone respect him before, so he latches on the first person who does. I mean, his first romance scene shows that.

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To be honest, the way he attaches to you, it's possible that it's just that he never had anyone respect him before, so he latches on the first person who does. I mean, his first romance scene shows that.


I don't think respect is the right word. The emperor has a central role in Zakuul's culture and society. Arcann would definitely have been used to commanding respect because of that fact alone. But more than that, I think he commands respect as a result of being an extremely powerful Force-user and highly skilled warrior. While he is a tyrant during his reign, he is not an ineffectual ruler; he accomplishes a great deal in just five years. He vastly expands his empire and that can't just be boiled down to having the Fleet at his disposal. A poor leader or strategist couldn't have accomplished that.


I think the first romance scene might very well be the first time he experiences someone truly caring for him, not because of what he is, but because of who he is. And I definitely think it's the first time he has ever been in love. But I feel that those emotions grow out of a long and complicated history with our character and saying that he just latches onto the first person who respects him sells that short.

Edited by witchglove
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I don't think respect is the right word. The emperor has a central role in Zakuul's culture and society. Arcann would definitely have been used to commanding respect because of that fact alone. But more than that, I think he commands respect as a result of being an extremely powerful Force-user and highly skilled warrior. While he is a tyrant during his reign, he is not an ineffectual ruler; he accomplishes a great deal in just five years. He vastly expands his empire and that can't just be boiled down to having the Fleet at his disposal. A poor leader or strategist couldn't have accomplished that.


I think the first romance scene might very well be the first time he experiences someone truly caring for him, not because of what he is, but because of who he is. And I definitely think it's the first time he has ever been in love. But I feel that those emotions grow out of a long and complicated history with our character and saying that he just latches onto the first person who respects him sells that short.


I absolutely concur, Lumi.


An example of someone that is not widely respected in the game would be Petryph, the king on Onderon, in my opinion. Although it isn't the same type of 'respect' that a character like Kao Cen Darach might command for certain attributes that he possessed, I'd argue that Arcann is greatly respected by many, many people, not based solely upon some decisions (devastating ones, at times) that he has made, but if only for his battlefield prowess, mastery of the force/combat skills, and ability to accomplish goals.


As for the romance with the player character, I'd argue that the initial romance scene shows that he's grown to care immensely for the player character over time and then he proceeds to list the numerous reasons why. It isn't clingy, it isn't desperate, but is a genuine appeal to an individual that he respects a great deal after getting to know their character and personal attributes. It is a wonderful scene of pure respect and character growth on both sides!

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I can't believe we're less than a week away from 7.0. I'm super hopeful that we'll get some Arcann scenes - it wouldn't make sense to create the scene where we have the option to send Arcann to Elom and then not have anything come of it!!


I'm starting to get a bit excited :)

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I'm determined to stay hopeful that we'll see Arcann tomorrow! :)


I had a look at the timeline posted by Boyd below. Assuming we began our romance with Arcann at the end of KOTET, they've been together for about 4-5 years... Even if we count from around game update 5.8, it's been at least a few years. Boyd has said before that time is subjective in Star Wars and I think that's definitely the case here, as it doesn't feel like they've been together nearly that long to me.

Where is the relationship right now in your mind/head-canon? Are they still just starting out or does it feel like it could have been years to you? What do you imagine has happened between them 'behind the scenes' that we haven't (and likely won't) see in game? I really do hope we get a voiced 'I love you' - that's one thing I don't want to miss seeing in game!


  • Battle of Ilum/Conclusion of Class Storylines occurs by the end of 13 ATC/3640 BBY.
  • Black Hole, Terror from Beyond, Section X, and everything else released in 2012 IRL occurs in 14 ATC/3639 BBY
  • Rise of the Hutt Cartel occurs in early/mid 15 ATC/3638 BBY, and Oricon in the latter half of that year. (2013 IRL)
  • Tython/Korriban invasion in early/mid 16 ATC/3637 BBY, and Shadow of Revan near the the end of that year. (2014 IRL)
  • Ziost is early/middle 17 ATC/3636 BBY, followed within a few months by the events of Sacrifice and the first chapter of KotFE. (2015 IRL, part one)
  • Carbonite nap from middle/end of 17 ATC/3636 BBY until late 22 ATC/3631 BBY. (2015 IRL, part 2)
  • The events of KotFE chapter 9 and first wave of Alliance Alerts take us into the beginning of 23 ATC/3630 BBY, followed by the rest of KotFE and KOTET by the middle/end of that year. (2015 IRL part 3, 2016 IRL)
  • The battle for Iokath is in the first half of 24 ATC/3629 BBY, while Umbara and Copero occur in the latter half of that year. (2017 IRL)
  • The Nathema Conspiracy is wrapped up in early 25 ATC/3628 BBY, with the attack on Ossus occurring near the end of that year and kicking off the renewed war between Republic and Sith Empire.
  • Hearts and Minds follows a few months later, in early/mid 26 ATC/3627 BBY, with Onslaught in the latter half of the same year.
  • Task at Hand is at the very beginning of 27 ATC/3626 BBY. Although our next story release will be following it by several months IRL, it will be intended to occur within a couple of weeks of Task at Hand; more of a shift than I would normally like, but real life has intervened as we all know :(

Edited by witchglove
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I am immensely disappointed (like everyone else). Can we talk about what we think happened?


Most of us assumed that we sent Arcann to Elom and expected to see him there or at least hear about his mission in a letter or something. I was always unsure if he really did go to Elom, because the planet we sent him to is never named in "Whispers of the Force" and Sana-Rae says it's in Wild Space - which Elom is not.

7.0 could make it seem like he went somewhere else entirely. It's just too bizarre that my character who romanced him would go through that entire flashpoint and not at least get one option to mention that he went there (if he in fact did).


We know that Dellums said that he has been recording lines for Arcann. My assumption at this point is that we will get whatever was recorded some months from now. I assume they mean to stagger the story updates. The only other explanation is that they recorded lines for Arcann and just scrapped them - but that's too depressing for me to contemplate.


If we were mistaken in thinking he went to Elom, then it's honestly due to terrible writing. There shouldn't have been any confusion about that.


If he did go there and the writers just forgot or decided to pretend it never happened, then I'm simply lost for words.

Edited by witchglove
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I am immensely disappointed (like everyone else). Can we talk about what we think happened?


Most of us assumed that we sent Arcann to Elom and expected to see him there or at least hear about his mission in a letter or something. I was always unsure if he really did go to Elom, because the planet we sent him to is never named in "Whispers of the Force" and Sana-Rae says it's in Wild Space - which Elom is not.

7.0 could make it seem like he went somewhere else entirely. It's just too bizarre that my character who romanced him would go through that entire flashpoint and not at least get one option to mention that he went there (if he in fact did).


We know that Dellums said that he has been recording lines for Arcann. My assumption at this point is that we will get whatever was recorded some months from now. I assume they mean to stagger the story updates. The only other explanation is that they recorded lines for Arcann and just scrapped them - but that's too depressing for me to contemplate.


If we were mistaken in thinking he went to Elom, then it's honestly due to terrible writing. There shouldn't have been any confusion about that.


If he did go there and the writers just forgot or decided to pretend it never happened, then I'm simply lost for words.


Yeah, there's no excuse for this. Why even write the part in the story where we have to make a choice whether or not to send Arcann to Elom if it isn't going to be resolved in the current story ON ELOM? It doesn't make sense to bring him in later on. We've already handled our business on Elom with Malgus.


There's gotta be an explanation.


Shame on the people that complained about anything related to KOTFE/KOTET - it contains some of the best story, lore, characters, and content we've received in this game, especially when you compare it to the "story" scraps we get now. It is appalling and depressing, to be frank.

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Yeah, there's no excuse for this. Why even write the part in the story where we have to make a choice whether or not to send Arcann to Elom if it isn't going to be resolved in the current story ON ELOM? It doesn't make sense to bring him in later on. We've already handled our business on Elom with Malgus.


There's gotta be an explanation.


Shame on the people that complained about anything related to KOTFE/KOTET - it contains some of the best story, lore, characters, and content we've received in this game, especially when you compare it to the "story" scraps we get now. It is appalling and depressing, to be frank.


If their plan is to stagger story updates, it's a bad plan when your stories get shorter and shorter. I can't say I'm overly surprised, I felt it coming with how short Onslaught was compared to previous expansions but honestly they're giving players scraps and calling it an expansion. I can't help but feel like it's making the future of this game look hopelessly bleak and as a long-time player since this game launched it's making me want to never come back because it's not really worth it anymore.


As for Arcann, I'm sure nothing was scrapped, they don't generally do something like that with no payout planned but given the tremendously slow content cadence for this game, it will probably be months before we see it and it won't be worth resubbing for what will probably be like 30 seconds of content.

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If their plan is to stagger story updates, it's a bad plan when your stories get shorter and shorter. I can't say I'm overly surprised, I felt it coming with how short Onslaught was compared to previous expansions but honestly they're giving players scraps and calling it an expansion. I can't help but feel like it's making the future of this game look hopelessly bleak and as a long-time player since this game launched it's making me want to never come back because it's not really worth it anymore.


As for Arcann, I'm sure nothing was scrapped, they don't generally do something like that with no payout planned but given the tremendously slow content cadence for this game, it will probably be months before we see it and it won't be worth resubbing for what will probably be like 30 seconds of content.


Well put, Jesira. I absolutely concur with what you said. I have to admit, as someone that's been here non-stop since launch, this is the first time that I'm truly feeling despair and disappointment on a grand scale. Forgetting all of the UI issues and the numerous bugs just for a second, the crumbs of "story" we were given is appalling. We waited almost a full year... for that?


As for what you mentioned about Bioware not usually scrapping content, I have a folder open right in front of me

containing 128 audio tracks that they paid Troy Baker to record for Zenith's original alliance alert (one filled with wonderful story and interactions between Zenith and the different player classes).

Why on EARTH would they scrap something like that after it had already been written and recorded? This is all almost too sad to discuss. I wouldn't be completely shocked if they did something like that to Arcann in this story and Dellums simply didn't know it was cut from the story.


Great, now I've gone and depressed myself even more. Man, oh, man.

Edited by Siita
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Yeah, there's no excuse for this. Why even write the part in the story where we have to make a choice whether or not to send Arcann to Elom if it isn't going to be resolved in the current story ON ELOM? It doesn't make sense to bring him in later on. We've already handled our business on Elom with Malgus.


Since they didn't intend to follow up on Arcann's mission in 7.0, I don't understand why they gave us "Whispers" so soon. The only logical implication of that scene was that he went to Elom. Whatever he did or wherever he went, it's hard to see it having any kind of relevance or impact now.


If their plan is to stagger story updates, it's a bad plan when your stories get shorter and shorter. I can't say I'm overly surprised, I felt it coming with how short Onslaught was compared to previous expansions but honestly they're giving players scraps and calling it an expansion. I can't help but feel like it's making the future of this game look hopelessly bleak and as a long-time player since this game launched it's making me want to never come back because it's not really worth it anymore.


As for Arcann, I'm sure nothing was scrapped, they don't generally do something like that with no payout planned but given the tremendously slow content cadence for this game, it will probably be months before we see it and it won't be worth resubbing for what will probably be like 30 seconds of content.


I'm extremely sad to agree completely. I think we will get Arcann's recorded content eventually, but it's just too little, too late at this point. If they would at least communicate when the next story update is coming, maybe I could hold on to some sliver of hope, but that doesn't seem to be in cards either.

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Well put, Jesira. I absolutely concur with what you said. I have to admit, as someone that's been here non-stop since launch, this is the first time that I'm truly feeling despair and disappointment on a grand scale. Forgetting all of the UI issues and the numerous bugs just for a second, the crumbs of "story" we were given is appalling. We waited almost a full year... for that?


As for what you mentioned about Bioware not usually scrapping content, I have a folder open right in front of me

containing 128 audio tracks that they paid Troy Baker to record for Zenith's original alliance alert (one filled with wonderful story and interactions between Zenith and the different player classes).

Why on EARTH would they scrap something like that after it had already been written and recorded? This is all almost too sad to discuss. I wouldn't be completely shocked if they did something like that to Arcann in this story and Dellums simply didn't know it was cut from the story.


Great, now I've gone and depressed myself even more. Man, oh, man.


Yeah, but they made us have to choose whether to send Arcann on the mission or not in order to continue with the story at all and that's why I don't think they scrapped it, there's obviously more to come with this story given how it ended and I really don't think they'd bother to put that scene and choice in the game as a part of the main story if they weren't going somewhere with it but yeah at the rate they've been going it's probably going to be ages from now. Perhaps if we wait 3 years there will be enough content accumulated for it to be worth subscribing to play through, and that is what I find most depressing.

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GUYS!! I asked Boyd if Arcann went to Elom and HE REPLIED!! That is NOT where he went.



I'm SO happy that we got that completely wrong. It would have been super helpful to maybe have had the name of the planet mentioned in the briefing!!!


I'm over the moon. Lumi = MVP :D

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If their plan is to stagger story updates, it's a bad plan when your stories get shorter and shorter. I can't say I'm overly surprised, I felt it coming with how short Onslaught was compared to previous expansions but honestly they're giving players scraps and calling it an expansion. I can't help but feel like it's making the future of this game look hopelessly bleak and as a long-time player since this game launched it's making me want to never come back because it's not really worth it anymore.


As for Arcann, I'm sure nothing was scrapped, they don't generally do something like that with no payout planned but given the tremendously slow content cadence for this game, it will probably be months before we see it and it won't be worth resubbing for what will probably be like 30 seconds of content.

I embarrassed for them that they advertised what we actually got as story content. I really hoped we'd get story similar to how they rolled out kotfe/kotet. Some of us may still be seething about the loss of companions in that BUT we did get some good story content. The Elom flashpoint was just another Lana showcase and none of it made sense. Considering

the teams sent on the mission died, what on earth happened to Arcann? He wasn't even mentioned. It was like they'd missed out part of the story and lumped us in at the end. And how on earth did we manage to capture Malgus given the level of power he had only to be recaptured? He freed himself from being manipulated and under Acina/Vowrawn's control only to fail? And all of a sudden we have collective super force powers to subdue him? Did the writers all leave? Or is it all part of Malgus's plan and he's done a deal with Arcann? Nah, that would take some good writing!


Given what they've done so far, I would not be surprised if they scrapped the potential Arcann content they have. As someone else pointed out, they did it to Zenith a few years back; he was supposed to originally return in kotfe iirc correctly and we got him back only recently.

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The Elom flashpoint was just another Lana showcase and none of it made sense. Considering

the teams sent on the mission died, what on earth happened to Arcann? He wasn't even mentioned. It was like they'd missed out part of the story and lumped us in at the end. And how on earth did we manage to capture Malgus given the level of power he had only to be recaptured? He freed himself from being manipulated and under Acina/Vowrawn's control only to fail? And all of a sudden we have collective super force powers to subdue him? Did the writers all leave? Or is it all part of Malgus's plan and he's done a deal with Arcann? Nah, that would take some good writing!


Given what they've done so far, I would not be surprised if they scrapped the potential Arcann content they have. As someone else pointed out, they did it to Zenith a few years back; he was supposed to originally return in kotfe iirc correctly and we got him back only recently.


Hi Sarova!! I'm so glad to see you again!

Yeah, we were talking about that very thing today. Why even bother writing that whole scene on Odessen and have us decide whether or not we should send Arcann on this important mission if it wouldn't be brought up again?


Well, apparently we've all had the wrong idea from the start. We were assuming that Arcann was sent to look for Darth Nul's relic on Elom, however Charles Boyd told us today that Elom is not where Arcann was sent. Lana never explicitly states that the planet featured in the briefing is Elom - the name of the planet is never mentioned. We were putting two and two together since we were looking for Nul's relic and intel was pointing us to Elom. Ooops, I guess.


I'd have to assume that most other people were expecting to see Arcann yesterday/today on Elom as well. Are the devs trying to keep the planet where Arcann was sent a secret? Why not explicitly tell us where he is going? Either way, I'm glad to be wrong and we will hopefully see Arcann again in the very near future <3

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Hi Sarova!! I'm so glad to see you again!

Yeah, we were talking about that very thing today. Why even bother writing that whole scene on Odessen and have us decide whether or not we should send Arcann on this important mission if it wouldn't be brought up again?


Well, apparently we've all had the wrong idea from the start. We were assuming that Arcann was sent to look for Darth Nul's relic on Elom, however Charles Boyd told us today that Elom is not where Arcann was sent. Lana never explicitly states that the planet featured in the briefing is Elom - the name of the planet is never mentioned. We were putting two and two together since we were looking for Nul's relic and intel was pointing us to Elom. Ooops, I guess.


I'd have to assume that most other people were expecting to see Arcann yesterday/today on Elom as well. Are the devs trying to keep the planet where Arcann was sent a secret? Why not explicitly tell us where he is going? Either way, I'm glad to be wrong and we will hopefully see Arcann again in the very near future <3




I just saw Witchglove's post which I did not read before posting my rage post! My bad :o

They really should make it clear in the story what's actually happening and there he was sent. It wouldn't spoil anything to know that in advance. Seems they are going to be dragging out the whole story over the year :( A roadmap of what's happening would be good as so far many people think that Manaan and Elom are the only story we're getting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

They need to find a way to retcon arcaan imo. I think there are some that regret killing him off especially since they added the romance alert from him. I mean he is blood of the immortal emperor. Surely bioware can think of something. They should never give kill options to major characters like arcann, theron or lana. I'm pretty sure that theron is not dead either.

I'm still shakng my head over malgus. I mean I chopped thus dude up on ilum. There is no way he should have survived so make it happen for arcann.

It just irritates me that they did this to both main male characters and finally a male force weilder, but good ole lana is always here in our face. Choke some more of that down.

That being said, I hope more happens for arcann. I'd love to see more of his path to redemption. He's just a big cuddly boy now that just melts at the outlanders feet. Customization needs to happen. Open up his gear slots bioware please. I want to see him in regular clothes. He's left the throne world far behind.

Edited by Darthmoriquendi
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