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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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See here's where I get obsessive, crazy, weird, and all around way too intense. :rolleyes: My Legacy, (the Solaris Legacy if anyone cares on the Star Forge server) are not from a Republic or Imperial world. It has a very specific culture that I made up years ago for my femRevan in the OG KoTOR and my MExile in TSL. I won't go into too much detail but there was a lot of mixing of ancient Celt/Irish and Greek/Athenian influences with smatterings of Norse/Viking stuff too.


All of my characters, (except my BH and Cathar Trooper) live as strictly as possible to their culture within the context of the wider galaxy. Marriage is one area they don't compromise on. So my JC would want her traditional marriage rights and a second ceremony of whatever Zakuul's customs are, if they even have any.


As for the 'code' pish posh! :D They follow the will of the Force not strict adherence to dogma or political institutions.


Emotion yet Peace

Passion yet Serenity

Ignorance yet Knowledge

Chaos yet Harmony

Death yet the Force

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How does everyone envision a wedding for Arcann and their PC? I mean in your imagination, since I'm sure we'll never see such a thing in game (hopefully we'll get a proposal sometime soon, but I don't think swtor has ever done any actual wedding scenes?). I imagine something quiet, intimate and far-away, maybe with just Senya and a few of my JKs closest friends and family there. I doubt she or Arcann would want much attention.


That brings me to another question: for those of you romancing him with a Jedi, how do you headcanon your way around breaking with that part of the Jedi code? I wish the game would touch upon it, the way the JK and JC class companion romances do. In Kira's romance she mentions that it is possible to petition the Jedi Council for permission to marry, I think -- but there isn't really a Jedi Council anymore since, you know... Arcann nearly destroyed the Order. There's so much opportunity for angsty romance there! :p


I would assume the same like you - something private. Maybe just the two of them - when I married it was just my husband and me on a beach on Seychelles no other family or friends, can be nice too actually.


There is an option for Jedi to choose after the Corellia FP to join the Republic and become a member of the new Jedi Council or to stay independent with the Alliance. I am not sure what difference this decision is making at the current point or in the future but to play it safe I choose for those that romance Arcann the Alliance.


But to be honest - they wouldn't break a relationship over this decision in game. But I don't think a Jedi with a romantic partner would be normally allowed on the council. They would have to keep it secret, and I doubt that would really work. My Jedis wouldn't do that either. If the council does not accept that as new change for going forward they would leave the council and maybe even the Jedi. They would always be a Jedi at heart, ready to defend the Jedis and the Republic (and whoever is in need) but not abandon their LI.

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How does everyone envision a wedding for Arcann and their PC? I mean in your imagination, since I'm sure we'll never see such a thing in game (hopefully we'll get a proposal sometime soon, but I don't think swtor has ever done any actual wedding scenes?). I imagine something quiet, intimate and far-away, maybe with just Senya and a few of my JKs closest friends and family there. I doubt she or Arcann would want much attention.

Absolutely! I can only envision something super low-key and intimate for them! As it pertains to my characters that are romancing Arcann, I can only really see them wanting Senya there. In my head canon for my characters, most other people (friends in the alliance etc) can't fully embrace/understand the PC's relationship with Arcann, although they might be trying really hard to be more accepting. Not going to lie - most of my characters, although surrounding themselves with a lot of allies, consider themselves to be lone wolves deep down, erring more on the side of trusting very few people after so many betrayals and difficult times. Having Arcann and Senya there would be all that mattered to them.


As for a location, I'm not really sure. So many of these worlds might have some super dark and bad memories attached to them from past events. I'm not sure if "claiming" any of these locations frought with bad past events with something positive like a marriage would be the way to go or if they should just have it take place on Odessen. As we discussed before, "home" is where the people you love are. Location might not matter too much to my characters :) I'll have to think about it some more!


That brings me to another question: for those of you romancing him with a Jedi, how do you headcanon your way around breaking with that part of the Jedi code? I wish the game would touch upon it, the way the JK and JC class companion romances do. In Kira's romance she mentions that it is possible to petition the Jedi Council for permission to marry, I think -- but there isn't really a Jedi Council anymore since, you know... Arcann nearly destroyed the Order. There's so much opportunity for angsty romance there! :p


Lol yes this is a great subject!

Most of my jedi (and sith!) characters that are romancing Arcann are flawed individuals that have come close to falling to the darkside several times over the years, always leaning more towards lightside tendencies in the end. It wouldn't be hard to envision most of them skirting by/ignoring the Jedi Code as it pertains to forming attachments :D


What a wonderful topic of discussion, Witchglove!

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See here's where I get obsessive, crazy, weird, and all around way too intense. :rolleyes: My Legacy, (the Solaris Legacy if anyone cares on the Star Forge server) are not from a Republic or Imperial world. It has a very specific culture that I made up years ago for my femRevan in the OG KoTOR and my MExile in TSL. I won't go into too much detail but there was a lot of mixing of ancient Celt/Irish and Greek/Athenian influences with smatterings of Norse/Viking stuff too.


All of my characters, (except my BH and Cathar Trooper) live as strictly as possible to their culture within the context of the wider galaxy. Marriage is one area they don't compromise on. So my JC would want her traditional marriage rights and a second ceremony of whatever Zakuul's customs are, if they even have any.


As for the 'code' pish posh! :D They follow the will of the Force not strict adherence to dogma or political institutions.


Emotion yet Peace

Passion yet Serenity

Ignorance yet Knowledge

Chaos yet Harmony

Death yet the Force


Oh wow, you really put a lot of effort in your legacy. I don't really have much background information for my characters. I just love to create new characters with different races and outfits and for different LIs. Sometimes I see an outfit and think I really need a new character for that armor :)

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I love crafting a story within the story I'm a writer so its in my blood. That said I don't RP with others because I am a control freak!


As for the Council, the Code and Arcann... According to the old EU the permanent ban on all marriage, (with dying out species exceptions) only came into effect 1000 yrs. before the movies. Yoda was still a Grogu when it happened. They didn't kick out Satele and she got herself pregnant!


TBH they need JC and JK far too much to quibble about Arcann, Kira, Doc, Iresso, Lana, Theron, Nadia, Scourge, Zenith, or Koth. (Did I get them all?)

Edited by JakRoanin
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Yeah honestly when it comes to the jedi/romance thing, I basically think things have been so fundamentally shaken up and damaged that the old ways aren't necessarily going to apply anymore (like with Luke Skywalker basically rebuilding the jedi order without the same rules as the previous jedi). If nothing else, even if the few remaining high ranking jedi forming a new council are old school hardliners that would have a problem with your romance and marriage, I think they'd keep their mouths shut in order to have the most powerful ally possible during a time of extreme turmoil and war.
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As for a location, I'm not really sure. So many of these worlds might have some super dark and bad memories attached to them from past events. I'm not sure if "claiming" any of these locations frought with bad past events with something positive like a marriage would be the way to go or if they should just have it take place on Odessen. As we discussed before, "home" is where the people you love are. Location might not matter too much to my characters :) I'll have to think about it some more!


Good point! I can imagine a very awkward conversation planning the wedding and trying to find a location that Arcann hasn't invaded/bombed/star fortress'ed into subjugation in the past! :D

Odessen would probably be the safest choice :)


Most of my jedi (and sith!) characters that are romancing Arcann are flawed individuals that have come close to falling to the darkside several times over the years, always leaning more towards lightside tendencies in the end. It wouldn't be hard to envision most of them skirting by/ignoring the Jedi Code as it pertains to forming attachments :D


What a wonderful topic of discussion, Witchglove!


I agree that Arcann goes well with flawed and morally gray characters, but I actually also really like him with a super pure Jedi. I like the idea that while he was never allowed to be good, she was never allowed to be anything else. I think they would have a lot to teach each other. My JK chose to rejoin the Jedi Order rather than stick with the Alliance - partly because she still views herself as a Jedi and not a Commander, but also because I want Gnost-Dural or some other Jedi Master to get on her case about Arcann so that she can actively choose him over the Order :p


My personal head-canon (JK class story spoilers):



My Battlemaster was the perfect Jedi Knight poster-girl until KOTFE/KOTET. I made her and her twin brother (a force-blind smuggler; they were separated at a young age) back when the game launched, so when the Sacrifice trailer dropped I knew she would feel some sort of special connection to these twin conquerors :)

I imagine she was suffering from some PTSD after her class story and Ziost, after being mind-controlled by Vitiate and seeing so much war and death. She was always very much an idealist and obsessed with trying to save everyone. After being possessed (again) by Valkorion, losing five years of her life and the structured/controlled existence she had led in the Jedi Order, I picture her going through a pretty dark time where she had to rediscover herself. Clinging to the hope that Arcann could be saved was a way for her to hold on to some of her light and the person she used to be. I imagine their romance as a real slow-burn; helping each other heal and slowly falling in love. For his part, I imagine that he would come to deeply admire this woman who has spent her life hunting his father, yet held on to who she was.

Even so, she would have struggled with her feelings for him. She very much took Orgus Din's warning that "a Jedi destroyed by passion is a terrible thing" to heart at a young age. I imagine she would feel duty-bound as a Jedi to aid Arcann on his journey towards becoming a new and better person, and she would be terrified of complicating or even ruining that journey by starting a romance with him. I think that he, in turn, would help her see that love doesn't have to be this wild, selfish passion she has been taught to fear, but that it can also be redemptive in itself.



I love crafting a story within the story I'm a writer so its in my blood. That said I don't RP with others because I am a control freak!


As for the Council, the Code and Arcann... According to the old EU the permanent ban on all marriage, (with dying out species exceptions) only came into effect 1000 yrs. before the movies. Yoda was still a Grogu when it happened. They didn't kick out Satele and she got herself pregnant!


TBH they need JC and JK far too much to quibble about Arcann, Kira, Doc, Iresso, Lana, Theron, Nadia, Scourge, Zenith, or Koth. (Did I get them all?)


Your legacy story sounds very interesting! I'd love to hear more :)

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Well my Legacy Story is really complicated because I firmly believe that the FemRevan and MExile stories from the OG are far superior to the canon versions that TOR uses. (Sorry Mr. Boyd if you're redaing this) So I had to do some major twisting and turning to fit my own past stories to 'semi-fit' with TOR it involves the Emperor sort of DL-ing my FemRevan and MExile's identities into the canon counterparts during TSL. My Revan and Exile escaped and got back home to their spouses. Bringing 'canon' Revan and Exile with them. (Theron does need to be born.)


My Pub characters are descended from Revan and Carth Onasi. While my Imp characters are descended from my Exile and Visas Marr (no relation to Darth Marr).


The entire Solaris family took a blood oath to defeat the Sith. My JC knowing of her ancestress's fall and redemption views Arcann much the same way.

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Okay Jak and Witchglove.... I NEED TO READ SOME OF YOUR WRITING! Do you have anything that you'd be willing to share?


I am INCREDIBLY interested in reading more about your legacies/fiction/headcanon stories, especially as they intertwine with Arcann and his story. Wow. I am all about reading your works! <3

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Good point! I can imagine a very awkward conversation planning the wedding and trying to find a location that Arcann hasn't invaded/bombed/star fortress'ed into subjugation in the past! :D

Odessen would probably be the safest choice :)

I know, right? Big oof :( Even Odessen isn't "perfect" (not that it has to be).

Depending on the character, that landing area on Odessen is where Arcann's sister was killed by the player character and also where Vaylin could have killed Torian, possibly the player's previous husband.



I agree that Arcann goes well with flawed and morally gray characters, but I actually also really like him with a super pure Jedi. I like the idea that while he was never allowed to be good, she was never allowed to be anything else. I think they would have a lot to teach each other. My JK chose to rejoin the Jedi Order rather than stick with the Alliance - partly because she still views herself as a Jedi and not a Commander, but also because I want Gnost-Dural or some other Jedi Master to get on her case about Arcann so that she can actively choose him over the Order :p

Okay that is just plain amazing. I LOVE the idea of having to make such a choice. Always Arcann... 100% of the time <3

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Back in the day I had hundreds of pages written of a KoTOR fic posted on a now dead site called Kotor Fan Media. The story and the site is long gone and it was teen-writing, (Ick).:p I don't have any SWTOR fanfiction. But I do have a profile on Fanfiction net. The name there is SilverSentinal21.


At some point I probably will write an Arcann snippet but I really need to be in the right frame physically.


Now I have a topic I'm curious about. What type of relationship does Arcann have with the PC's we don't romance him on?


For my JK and SW he's sort of an apprentice/rehabilitation/protégée relationship, that morphs into friends/borthers'-in-law.

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Now I have a topic I'm curious about. What type of relationship does Arcann have with the PC's we don't romance him on?


For my JK and SW he's sort of an apprentice/rehabilitation/protégée relationship, that morphs into friends/borthers'-in-law.


I haven't thought too too much on my character's backstories (not like your incredible legacy!), but Arcann and Senya are two of the most powerful allies and assets on my characters that aren't romancing Arcann. I literally only complete content with one of them by my side <3 If it were up to me, they would be on my character ships instead of Theron and Lana and would also eventually become my character's 'top advisors' as well.

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If you had to keep the overall plotline of KOTFE/KOTET the same, but you could change some things, what would be some things you'd adjust?


For me, during one of the final scenes of KOTFE,

after defeating Arcann on his flagship and all of the debris is falling around Arcann, I'd give my character the option to say something along the lines of:

"We can't stay in here - it is going to blow. Come with me, Arcann."

Although he wouldn't take me up on the offer due to the way the story goes, it would fit my characters SO much better than letting the world come down on him, stand outside of the room and tell Lana that the "Emperor is finished" etc.

Doesn't really fit my lightside characters to not try to coax him to safety, regardless of past actions.



Additionally, on my Jedi Consular characters,

it would have been amazing to have been given the option to assist Senya on Voss to cleanse Arcann of his hatred. You can't tell me that the Barsen'thor wouldn't have been able to assist in a major way during that scene. It would have been so much more meaningful for our JCs!



I'm dying to hear what you all have for some ideas!

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I jumped with a character to Ossus from the end of the class story and I still had Arcanns alert active - so in theory I could have had started a romance with him (which was hard to resist but this character was meant for Zenith).


I mean you would miss the cutscene with him from the Nathema FP but it might actually be possible.


But I think I prefer to play Kotfe to get more cutscenes with Arcann. Just wanted to let you know it is not impossible :)

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I jumped with a character to Ossus from the end of the class story and I still had Arcanns alert active - so in theory I could have had started a romance with him (which was hard to resist but this character was meant for Zenith).


I mean you would miss the cutscene with him from the Nathema FP but it might actually be possible.


But I think I prefer to play Kotfe to get more cutscenes with Arcann. Just wanted to let you know it is not impossible :)


You get the alert but not the flirt option. So it's not possible sorry.:(


If you had to keep the overall plotline of KOTFE/KOTET the same, but you could change some things, what would be some things you'd adjust?


For me, during one of the final scenes of KOTFE,




Additionally, on my Jedi Consular characters,




I'm dying to hear what you all have for some ideas!


I would have tweaked the Voss scene for sure with my JC, but also added stuff for Vaylin, because her mind was literally shattered and held together by Valkorian's programming. Still I hate the dialogue on the Flagship fight. Nothing about it shows any of the compassion all of my characters feel for the entire family! Come to think of it none of the dialogue with either Arcann or Vaylin during their battles makes me happy. I tend to head-cannon that Valky tries hard to be ventriloquist, and our characters aren't aware.

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Okay Jak and Witchglove.... I NEED TO READ SOME OF YOUR WRITING! Do you have anything that you'd be willing to share?


I am INCREDIBLY interested in reading more about your legacies/fiction/headcanon stories, especially as they intertwine with Arcann and his story. Wow. I am all about reading your works! <3


Alright, I'm doing it! I'm putting the first couple of chapters of my Arcann/JK epic on A03, even though that's really scary for me! :p I'm witchglove there as well, if you're interested :) I'll put a direct link on the Discord. It really puts the S in Slowburn though, so it's many, many chapters of angst before there's any fluff :D They're actually both little kids in my very first chapters.


Well my Legacy Story is really complicated because I firmly believe that the FemRevan and MExile stories from the OG are far superior to the canon versions that TOR uses. (Sorry Mr. Boyd if you're redaing this) So I had to do some major twisting and turning to fit my own past stories to 'semi-fit' with TOR it involves the Emperor sort of DL-ing my FemRevan and MExile's identities into the canon counterparts during TSL. My Revan and Exile escaped and got back home to their spouses. Bringing 'canon' Revan and Exile with them. (Theron does need to be born.)


My Pub characters are descended from Revan and Carth Onasi. While my Imp characters are descended from my Exile and Visas Marr (no relation to Darth Marr).


The entire Solaris family took a blood oath to defeat the Sith. My JC knowing of her ancestress's fall and redemption views Arcann much the same way.


That's so cool! I'm doing some pretty massive rewriting as well. In the fic I mentioned above, I replace a number of characters I'm just not interested in writing about with some of the player classes (my smuggler replaces Koth, my Darth Nox largely replaces Acina). I'm also shamelessly stealing part of Kira's back story for my JK.

In my headcanon, she was also meant to be one of the Emperor's Children. It gives her a stronger connection to Arcann and makes Vitiate/Valkorion's plans for her more coherent, I find.



If you had to keep the overall plotline of KOTFE/KOTET the same, but you could change some things, what would be some things you'd adjust?


For me, during one of the final scenes of KOTFE,

after defeating Arcann on his flagship and all of the debris is falling around Arcann, I'd give my character the option to say something along the lines of:

"We can't stay in here - it is going to blow. Come with me, Arcann."

Although he wouldn't take me up on the offer due to the way the story goes, it would fit my characters SO much better than letting the world come down on him, stand outside of the room and tell Lana that the "Emperor is finished" etc.

Doesn't really fit my lightside characters to not try to coax him to safety, regardless of past actions.



Additionally, on my Jedi Consular characters,

it would have been amazing to have been given the option to assist Senya on Voss to cleanse Arcann of his hatred. You can't tell me that the Barsen'thor wouldn't have been able to assist in a major way during that scene. It would have been so much more meaningful for our JCs!



I'm dying to hear what you all have for some ideas!


OMG YES! Those are exactly some of the changes I would make as well (and have tried to make in my fanfic retelling). I would have loved an option to plead with him/coax him to safety in game.

I would also make the Scions play a bigger and more obvious role. And I would make so much more of Chapter 12: Visions in the Dark. Changing your character's understanding of the Force in order to defeat Arcann is super interesting to me, but I felt it was rushed and kind of non-sensical in game. I suspect they would have made much more of it if content hadn't been cut. Most of all, though, I would change how Vaylin is dealt with. If she must die, I would make a tear-jerker of a cutscene with Arcann and Senya really trying to get through to her first, as well as properly talking through their feelings about her death afterwards. Ideally, this would happen in a funeral scene of some sort. I imagine no one would want to attend that (hated as she was) except for Arcann, Senya and possibly our character, who would be there to support them. I'm a sucker for pain :p

Edited by witchglove
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You get the alert but not the flirt option. So it's not possible sorry.:(


I do get the flirt option. I just tried it again with a different character.


But I wouldn't recommend it because in this case we miss his romance cutscene in the Nathema flashpoint.

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If you had to keep the overall plotline of KOTFE/KOTET the same, but you could change some things, what would be some things you'd adjust?


For me, during one of the final scenes of KOTFE,

after defeating Arcann on his flagship and all of the debris is falling around Arcann, I'd give my character the option to say something along the lines of:

"We can't stay in here - it is going to blow. Come with me, Arcann."

Although he wouldn't take me up on the offer due to the way the story goes, it would fit my characters SO much better than letting the world come down on him, stand outside of the room and tell Lana that the "Emperor is finished" etc.

Doesn't really fit my lightside characters to not try to coax him to safety, regardless of past actions.



Additionally, on my Jedi Consular characters,

it would have been amazing to have been given the option to assist Senya on Voss to cleanse Arcann of his hatred. You can't tell me that the Barsen'thor wouldn't have been able to assist in a major way during that scene. It would have been so much more meaningful for our JCs!



I'm dying to hear what you all have for some ideas!


Agreed, that would have been better (at least to have the option to select for certain characters). And what all of you already said - you have wonderful ideas.

Edited by Cawyden
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If you had to keep the overall plotline of KOTFE/KOTET the same, but you could change some things, what would be some things you'd adjust?


Another thing I would change would be to give Arcann some screentime or at least reference his activities during all that time he's gone between Voss and Chapter 6 in KOTET. I'm dying to know what he was doing then!


I would also let him take a more active role in his own redemption arc, instead of leaving so much of it up to Senya and the PC. I feel like he would have been a more popular character with more players if that had been the case. It would be nice to see him actually save us or an old companion we cared about, for example. One way to do that could have been to have him save us (or even Theron) from Vaylin in Chapter 6, instead of just killing that one random Knight to prove himself (in the return scene).

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Another thing I would change would be to give Arcann some screentime or at least reference his activities during all that time he's gone between Voss and Chapter 6 in KOTET. I'm dying to know what he was doing then!


ABSOLUTELY, YES!! I would also love to see the scene where he decides to no longer wear his mask, embracing this new life, accepting his scars (physical and emotional), and baring all as a part of this "metamorphosis" of sorts.



I would also let him take a more active role in his own redemption arc, instead of leaving so much of it up to Senya and the PC. I feel like he would have been a more popular character with more players if that had been the case. It would be nice to see him actually save us or an old companion we cared about, for example. One way to do that could have been to have him save us (or even Theron) from Vaylin in Chapter 6, instead of just killing that one random Knight to prove himself (in the return scene).


Genius! That would have been wayy more effective in that scene. Arcann saving Theron or the Alliance Commander? That would be a wonderful moment for all characters involved.


Phenomenal ideas!! <3

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Alright, I'm doing it! I'm putting the first couple of chapters of my Arcann/JK epic on A03, even though that's really scary for me! :p I'm witchglove there as well, if you're interested :) I'll put a direct link on the Discord. It really puts the S in Slowburn though, so it's many, many chapters of angst before there's any fluff :D They're actually both little kids in my very first chapters.


I CAN'T WAIT TO READ THIS! Sorry for the caps! I'm all about the slow burn! I'll see you in Discord a little bit later! <3

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Regarding Arcann's continuing rehabilitation, (and I don't think it will ever truly end) what teachings, Jedi or Sith do you think could help? One aspect of Jedi training that Arcann may benefit from is communion with the living Force. Basically tapping into and surrendering consciousness to the ebb and flow of the energy created by living things.


As far as I can tell, (the game is maddeningly short on specifics of Zakuul's Force culture) neither Senya nor Arcann view the Force as binding the universe together.


Being able to sense the connections the Force weaves through the universe and understanding just how destructive violence, destruction, killing, is may help give him more strength in controlling his aggressive nature. Because his is so passionate it could also incentivize him to hone his positive emotions, love, loyalty, devotion to duty, etc.


As for Sith training, if done properly, ie. Darth Marr, (who while definitely not a good guy, was not a maniac) channeling his negative traits, ego, envy, aggression, guilt, rage, and grief, into his combat without losing his situational awareness could be effective as well.

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Regarding Arcann's continuing rehabilitation, (and I don't think it will ever truly end) what teachings, Jedi or Sith do you think could help? One aspect of Jedi training that Arcann may benefit from is communion with the living Force. Basically tapping into and surrendering consciousness to the ebb and flow of the energy created by living things.


As far as I can tell, (the game is maddeningly short on specifics of Zakuul's Force culture) neither Senya nor Arcann view the Force as binding the universe together.


Being able to sense the connections the Force weaves through the universe and understanding just how destructive violence, destruction, killing, is may help give him more strength in controlling his aggressive nature. Because his is so passionate it could also incentivize him to hone his positive emotions, love, loyalty, devotion to duty, etc.


As for Sith training, if done properly, ie. Darth Marr, (who while definitely not a good guy, was not a maniac) channeling his negative traits, ego, envy, aggression, guilt, rage, and grief, into his combat without losing his situational awareness could be effective as well.


I adore everything about your post here, Jak. You have excellent insights into possible resources for Arcann's continuing rehabilitation. I think your suggestion of teaching Arcann to commune with the living force would be immensely helpful, as would your idea of channeling his emotions into his combat. I feel like a mix of both Jedi and Sith teachings would be fitting as Zakuulan force users/culture seems to embrace a balance of the two opposites!


I'm not gonna lie, if someone wrote some novels pertaining to Zakuul and its fascinating culture, I'd literally be throwing my money at them. I absolutely love the Zakuulan culture from what we've seen and I'm dying to see more.

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Regarding Arcann's continuing rehabilitation, (and I don't think it will ever truly end) what teachings, Jedi or Sith do you think could help? One aspect of Jedi training that Arcann may benefit from is communion with the living Force. Basically tapping into and surrendering consciousness to the ebb and flow of the energy created by living things.


As far as I can tell, (the game is maddeningly short on specifics of Zakuul's Force culture) neither Senya nor Arcann view the Force as binding the universe together.


Being able to sense the connections the Force weaves through the universe and understanding just how destructive violence, destruction, killing, is may help give him more strength in controlling his aggressive nature. Because his is so passionate it could also incentivize him to hone his positive emotions, love, loyalty, devotion to duty, etc.


As for Sith training, if done properly, ie. Darth Marr, (who while definitely not a good guy, was not a maniac) channeling his negative traits, ego, envy, aggression, guilt, rage, and grief, into his combat without losing his situational awareness could be effective as well.


This is such an interesting topic! I wish we knew more about what exactly it means that Zakuulans view the Force as "a reward for serving an ideal" (I believe those are Satele's words). The Emperor embodies that ideal, as I understand it, so what would that mean for their entire culture when Arcann and Vaylin are on the throne? More so, what would it mean after the final battle when there is no longer an emperor? And what does that mean for Arcann and Senya, personally? There's so much ground left unexplored when it comes to how Zakuul deals with that enormous change. I wish we could speak to Arcann or Senya about it!


Anyway, I think Jedi meditation would do Arcann a lot of good. I love how you put it; that through communing with the Living Force, he may be able to nurture his own gentler side. It's harder for me to see a benefit of Sith teachings for him. They are, after all, founded upon Vitiate's teachings. I think he needs an entirely new direction - but maybe I'm biased because I prefer him with Jedi characters.

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They are, after all, founded upon Vitiate's teachings. I think he needs an entirely new direction - but maybe I'm biased because I prefer him with Jedi characters.


This is a common misconception. The Sith existed both as a species and as an Order long before Tenebre's birth. As Vitiate he had the longest influence over the Sith Order, however, (again a big however). At is core the Order focuses on individualism above all else. No one Sith can claim to have the definitive interpretation of any Sith techniques. (Palpatine and Bane claimed to...)


Basically, what I am saying is this... A Sith may read a tome of Tulak Horde, and apply it in a totally different way than a fellow student. Whereas the Jedi don't do that.

Edited by JakRoanin
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