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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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I do believe that Arcann and our players DID want to kill each other. The only thing keeping us from being rekt by Arcann was Valkorion.

I'm of a different opinion. I think Arcann was blinded by his hatred of his father and his twisted desire to want to take over Valkorian's position as the greatest power in the galaxy. Doesn't he even say something along the lines of us being collateral damage? I forget his exact words, however we harbour Valkorian so in killing us he thinks he will destroy his father (he's wrong though). Most of my characters don't want to kill Arcann, however I have some dark-sided ones who really want him dead!

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Okay I just went through it again with my SW and I have to say I understand how Siita (Love the name BTW) can believe that Arcann is more powerful than any PC. She has tons of evidence to back it up in terms of the game mechanics and the fancy names they give Arcann's powers.


That said, I still believe there is a smidge of room to groove here. But first, let's dispense with the obvious...


Everyone knows that putting a non-Force-user through KOTFE/KOTET is nonsensical!:D


Will I give up my Theron and Jorgun romances? No way! But truth is truth. Arcann should have just wiped the floor with every 'tech' class and Vaylin would have hung us on her wall.


Now that the tech classes are dead and hanging lets get to the Force users... Is Arcann truly more 'powerful' in the sense his connection to the Force is stronger than PC's? It's certainly possible. Tenebre is no joke when it comes to strength in a connection to the Force, and I'm betting he chose OG Valkorian's body because he as also no 'pull a mind trick' only Force Sensitive. Senya in her own right is definite top-tier master level of Force Sensitivity, (Oooh to see her and Satele spar).


So yes, theoretically Arcann could have a stronger connection to the Force than PC.


However, and it's a big however it could be as simple as a whole different skill-set. Zakuul doesn't adhere to a Jedi or Sith dogma ergo they train completely differently. Something that should be expounded on more. Like the Voss, their view of the Force shapes their powers. Arcann was shown to be less naturally talented then Thexan and nowhere near Vaylin's raw Force connection.


Logically, he'd focus on the abilities he came at most naturally and amp them up as far as he could. JK, JC, SW, and even SI get blindsided by these because they've never been trained in or taught about them.


So, I'm still comfortable in my belief that Arcann is on equal ground when it comes to a raw Force connection with my Force users. But he certainly does have a special set of skills all his own.

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I wanted to get your thoughts on this <3:


In one of his letters to you, Arcann says this -


It was not until you defeated Valkorion and took the throne that I realized my feelings had evolved beyond admiration. I did a poor job of concealing it, didn’t I?



Can we talk about this moment of realization? :) What evidence do you all recall that points to him "not doing a good job of concealing it"? Love it!!! :D

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TBH not much LOL I think Arcann was just so overwhelmed by these feelings that he thought PC could see them. Kind of like we all do round the person we're attracted to.


My JC was honestly shocked. All this time she was overwhelmed by his pain, trying to help save the Galaxy, and maybe him, then he begins healing, she falls in love but figures that he's got enough going on, then BAM beautiful (though not really) armor, and she decides... "I'll trust in the Force, and tell him I care."


So to me they were both very surprised that each of them was willing to be together.

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I wanted to get your thoughts on this <3:


In one of his letters to you, Arcann says this -





Can we talk about this moment of realization? :) What evidence do you all recall that points to him "not doing a good job of concealing it"? Love it!!! :D


I love the thought of him struggling to hide it! :) I'm probably reading way too much into everything he says and does, but I think it shows in a number of his pre-romance lines and letters. The most obvious one is that very first letter you get after defeating Valky (the one with the "And I have you" line). I can just imagine him struggling to write that letter without revealing too much :D But also the way his manner towards you is so deferential, almost courtly. To me that seems like more than just regret and respect for a commander.


TBH not much LOL I think Arcann was just so overwhelmed by these feelings that he thought PC could see them. Kind of like we all do round the person we're attracted to.


I like this interpretation. To me, Arcann reads as very inexperienced in romance. Not just because of his "this is unfamiliar territory for me" line in the first romance scene, but also because he seems genuinely overwhelmed by his own emotions and by the thought that anyone would actually care for him. I feel like there is a virginal quality to him - not that he is necessarily a virgin, but there is a sense of purity and newness to his romance that I think is really endearing.

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. I feel like there is a virginal quality to him - not that he is necessarily a virgin, but there is a sense of purity and newness to his romance that I think is really endearing.


There's nothing wrong with being an adult and a virgin! I think Arcann is.


Truthfully the SW/Vette romance is my favorite precisely because she insists on being married before getting fully physical. And if you take no flirts before Vette it can be a mutual 'first'. What can be more beautiful? As for our favorite prince, I love that we haven't had a "fade to black" moment yet. My JC is patiently for their marriage. Oh please 7.0 give it to us. I don't need it on the 14th, but sometime during this expansion.

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There's nothing wrong with being an adult and a virgin! I think Arcann is.


Truthfully the SW/Vette romance is my favorite precisely because she insists on being married before getting fully physical. And if you take no flirts before Vette it can be a mutual 'first'. What can be more beautiful? As for our favorite prince, I love that we haven't had a "fade to black" moment yet. My JC is patiently for their marriage. Oh please 7.0 give it to us. I don't need it on the 14th, but sometime during this expansion.


Oh, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it! I think he is, too, and I also prefer it that way. I only meant that I guess it is left open for interpretation.

I think it makes a lot of sense that he is a virgin, not only because it suits the romance and who he is, but also because I think his life on Zakuul would have left very little or no opportunity for any kind of relationship. We know that Valkorion switched out the princes' tutors and Knights regularly to stop them from forming attachments, so I'm sure they wouldn't have been allowed to have any kinds of dalliances, even if they'd wanted to. As emperor, I think Arcann was far too preoccupied with rage and grief to be interested in that sort of thing - not to mention too busy waging war, running an empire and hunting the Outlander.


I would LOVE a wedding eventually. My JK would absolutely wait for that before consummating their relationship, as well.


And I didn't know that about Vette! I never actually tried her romance, but I want to now. That sounds adorable :)

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You haven't tried the Vette romance :eek:! Truthfully all my PC's never really go 'there' in my head until the commitment is locked. I know the game has fade to black moments but in my head its just a bit of necking and talking.


As for Arcann I tend to go more simple in his chastity. The minute he learns how babies are made he decides... Never, never, never, never, never, never, never, going to have a baby!


Let's face it, the only way to be sure no little ones appear is to not have sex. I mean I don't think he'd trust any woman not to get herself pregnant just for power.


That said if my JC can ever finish the war, she'll convince him babies aren't a bad idea at all.:D

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I wanted to get your thoughts on this <3:


In one of his letters to you, Arcann says this -





Can we talk about this moment of realization? :) What evidence do you all recall that points to him "not doing a good job of concealing it"? Love it!!! :D

What the whatting what??? :eek:

Does anyone have a screenshot of this letter and know when in the story we get it? I'm redoing the Arcann romance now and I don't remember seeing this. Just checked the two letters I have from him so far (I've just finished Nathema and the traitor Arc and it's not mentioned).


EDIT: found it on

- it comes after Nathema so I should get it on this character when I next log in.


As for a time when he didn't do a good job at concealing it, there is a bit right at the start of KotFE (in Chapter 1) when Arcann comments:


that he's been reading about our history from the ship's records and he mentions how impressive we are. He really does sound genuinely in awe



As for Arcann being a monk - nope. I'm pretty sure before Arcann went all dark-sidey and power hungry he was probably like every other young male in the galaxy (well like all except Doc who is something else entirely)! When he refers to unfamiliar territory, I think he's referring to love and trust, rather than sex.

Edited by Sarova
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Here's the thing though Valkorian controlled them either through direct means or manipulation emotional and through the Force. Do you really believe that he wouldn't be monitoring any potential 'complications' to his plans? Even in SW's birth control isn't perfect. (Padme anyone?) I can't see Valkorian allowing any of sort of procreative actions.


I'm pretty sure before Arcann went all dark-sidey and power hungry he was probably like every other young male in the galaxy---


I really do have to object to this generalization of "young males" there are young men who wait for marriage for a variety of reasons.

Edited by JakRoanin
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I like this interpretation. To me, Arcann reads as very inexperienced in romance. Not just because of his "this is unfamiliar territory for me" line in the first romance scene, but also because he seems genuinely overwhelmed by his own emotions and by the thought that anyone would actually care for him. I feel like there is a virginal quality to him - not that he is necessarily a virgin, but there is a sense of purity and newness to his romance that I think is really endearing.


OH MY GOSH!!! I love what you wrote here!

I completely get the same feelings/vibes from Arcann. He cares passionately for our characters and it is unfamiliar territory for him. Gah, I love this character so much.


One of my favorite things about Arcann is the respect that he shows our player characters. It is extremely attractive to me. I really can't wait to see how things continue to develop between Arcann and our characters over time. I expect the respect and mutual attraction to grow exponentially and it is intoxicating to be a part of <3

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I expect the respect and mutual attraction to grow exponentially


How much more can it 'grow' in terms of mutual attraction then what we already have? We aren't going to get R-rated scenes (thank goodness) and there isn't a single romance in the game that takes a major role in the story. That's a good thing. I get your enthusiasm I adore Arcann too. I would caution you though to temper your expectations. I'd hate for you to be glum that you didn't get quite what you thought you would.

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How much more can it 'grow' in terms of mutual attraction then what we already have? We aren't going to get R-rated scenes (thank goodness) and there isn't a single romance in the game that takes a major role in the story. That's a good thing. I get your enthusiasm I adore Arcann too. I would caution you though to temper your expectations. I'd hate for you to be glum that you didn't get quite what you thought you would.


Oh I'd love to see things evolve even further, especially emotionally, between the two! It is wonderful when these moments occur, especially from a character that has had such a rough life constantly seeking the approval and love of someone that never viewed him as anything more than a toy or pawn.


One of my favorite Arcann moments takes place in the Alliance base right before the player heads off to address the traitor situation on Nathema. When he says "Please come back to me. I don't know what I'd do without you", I die a little inside. To see him lower his voice and express this genuine emotion to the player is heartwarming, yet not over the top. Dellums knocks it out of the park. I'd like more small moments like that. I have hope!!!

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Oh I agree small moments like those are the best!:D Still, it's a good idea to keep an eye on the 'big picture.' They won't happen every patch (unfortunately). If I went into every update hoping a specific LI got a moment I'd go stark-raving-bonkers. As it is, I'm not sure if Elara has spent one entire night with my Male Trooper since she got to Odessen!:rolleyes:
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I just wanted to go ahead and post all of Arcann's letters that appear in the LIVE GAME for those who were interested in seeing them. Posted in order of arrival (first letter arrives first etc):


From: Arcann

Subject: The Future



Valkorion is gone. Finally.

As hard as I try, I will never forget my father’s cruelty. Those empty, dismissive eyes. His attempts to break me and my siblings, eroding kindness until there was nothing left but hatred and resentment. Only my brother Thexan found a way to cope… until my rage destroyed him.

When you saved me on Voss, I was struck by how much you reminded me of Thexan. You both have a gift for inspiring loyalty. It is a shame you two never met.

Now Thexan, Valkorion, and Vaylin are all gone, but I am no longer alone. I have my mother. I have the Eternal Alliance…

And I have you.





From: Arcann

Subject: The Alliance



We’ve spent such a short time as allies, but already I feel a connection to the Alliance, and to you. Your victories give me strength—and I feel the sting of your setbacks. This betrayal unsettles me.

I realize you’re strong enough to take care of the matter yourself. I witnessed your power, not so long ago. But as you protect the Alliance from this dangerous man, know that I am a weapon for you to wield however you see fit. My hand is yours. You need only ask.





From: Arcann

Subject: I needed to say this



Look at all that you’ve accomplished. Once again, you protected your people and kept the galaxy safe. It seems there is no end to your strength and courage.

When we first met all those years ago, I felt threatened by you. But now I see that I admired you even then—and it angered me. It was not until you defeated Valkorion and took the throne that I realized my feelings had evolved beyond admiration. I did a poor job of concealing it, didn’t I?

But I no longer need to hide. I am undone by you. I am not a weapon, or a prince, or an emperor. I’m Arcann. And I’m yours.





From: Arcann

Subject: Our future.



We’ve been here before. My father, threatening the entire galaxy… me, feeling too powerless to stop him… and you, ridding us of Valkorion’s corruption and giving me the strength to be a better man.

But this time is different. This time, I am not suffocating on my own self-doubt, struggling with so much uncertainty about who I am, about what I’ve done… about my feelings for you.

There is still so much I have to atone for, but that uncertainty I felt before is long gone. This time, for the first time in my life, I have so much hope for the future. For our future.

I love you. There has never been anything else I have been more sure of. And I will do everything I can to show you that, for the rest of my life.





From: Arcann

Subject: I’ll be home soon.



Sana-Rae insisted that I leave at once, so by the time you read this, I will have left for my assignment.

I knew that when I joined the Alliance that there would always be those who sought to destroy it. That is why I promised to meet any threat to you, or what you’ve built, head on. It is my duty—but I hate leaving you, even if it keeps you safe.

The only thing that makes this bearable is the anticipation of seeing your smile when I return. That is what I will remember until I am by your side again. Until then, I hope you think of me too, and how much I care for you.





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The writer in-charge of the letters is very good! Jorgan's are also lovely! I think I'm a little miffed that he's used the 'L' word in a letter but not in his voice! Still, I love most that Voss didn't 'insta fix' everything. Little by little he's growing nd changing. I'd really like some more childhood stories like when he, Thexan, and Vaylin took off for a month.
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Consular/Arcann FTW!:D I honestly cant see Arcann with anyone else. After all, the whole Consular Storyline deals with...


The Children of the Emperor



PS. I saw a DS Consular romancing Theron on YouTube last night... creepy!:eek:


I play a shadow myself. Stealth rules.


So finally I got my Consular getting the romance option with Arcann :). Just finished the traitor arc and Ossus comes next. Playing through Kotet was faster than I thought.


I really like Consular with Arcann - my Consular is like the ultimate healer and tries to help as much as possible. And of course what you said.


I also have a Jedi Knight for him and I think that works very well too based on JKs class story.


I wouldn't romance him with a DS user but LS Sith, especially Sith Warrior works too. I plan on making a LS SW for him, I already have him as LI for a LS Sith Inquisitor, but I prefer him with my other characters.

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I just wanted to go ahead and post all of Arcann's letters that appear in the LIVE GAME for those who were interested in seeing them. Posted in order of arrival (first letter arrives first etc):


From: Arcann

Subject: The Future



Valkorion is gone. Finally.

As hard as I try, I will never forget my father’s cruelty. Those empty, dismissive eyes. His attempts to break me and my siblings, eroding kindness until there was nothing left but hatred and resentment. Only my brother Thexan found a way to cope… until my rage destroyed him.

When you saved me on Voss, I was struck by how much you reminded me of Thexan. You both have a gift for inspiring loyalty. It is a shame you two never met.

Now Thexan, Valkorion, and Vaylin are all gone, but I am no longer alone. I have my mother. I have the Eternal Alliance…

And I have you.





From: Arcann

Subject: The Alliance



We’ve spent such a short time as allies, but already I feel a connection to the Alliance, and to you. Your victories give me strength—and I feel the sting of your setbacks. This betrayal unsettles me.

I realize you’re strong enough to take care of the matter yourself. I witnessed your power, not so long ago. But as you protect the Alliance from this dangerous man, know that I am a weapon for you to wield however you see fit. My hand is yours. You need only ask.





From: Arcann

Subject: I needed to say this



Look at all that you’ve accomplished. Once again, you protected your people and kept the galaxy safe. It seems there is no end to your strength and courage.

When we first met all those years ago, I felt threatened by you. But now I see that I admired you even then—and it angered me. It was not until you defeated Valkorion and took the throne that I realized my feelings had evolved beyond admiration. I did a poor job of concealing it, didn’t I?

But I no longer need to hide. I am undone by you. I am not a weapon, or a prince, or an emperor. I’m Arcann. And I’m yours.





From: Arcann

Subject: Our future.



We’ve been here before. My father, threatening the entire galaxy… me, feeling too powerless to stop him… and you, ridding us of Valkorion’s corruption and giving me the strength to be a better man.

But this time is different. This time, I am not suffocating on my own self-doubt, struggling with so much uncertainty about who I am, about what I’ve done… about my feelings for you.

There is still so much I have to atone for, but that uncertainty I felt before is long gone. This time, for the first time in my life, I have so much hope for the future. For our future.

I love you. There has never been anything else I have been more sure of. And I will do everything I can to show you that, for the rest of my life.





From: Arcann

Subject: I’ll be home soon.



Sana-Rae insisted that I leave at once, so by the time you read this, I will have left for my assignment.

I knew that when I joined the Alliance that there would always be those who sought to destroy it. That is why I promised to meet any threat to you, or what you’ve built, head on. It is my duty—but I hate leaving you, even if it keeps you safe.

The only thing that makes this bearable is the anticipation of seeing your smile when I return. That is what I will remember until I am by your side again. Until then, I hope you think of me too, and how much I care for you.






Thank you! I haven't finished the story line with my Arcann lovers, I have a main that goes through everything first and the others (I have a lot of characters :)) follow along...


I wonder if Dellums knows about these letters? I suppose they showed him to keep him updated about his character but who knows... but I think he would like them as well.

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Oh I agree small moments like those are the best!:D Still, it's a good idea to keep an eye on the 'big picture.' They won't happen every patch (unfortunately). If I went into every update hoping a specific LI got a moment I'd go stark-raving-bonkers. As it is, I'm not sure if Elara has spent one entire night with my Male Trooper since she got to Odessen!:rolleyes:


There are so many LIs and maybe new coming up (and I always love more options) that they can't give everyone much screentime. But at least a letter from every LI should be possible, maybe not in every small update but at least after major story updates/flashpoints.


I would pay for a citadel like DLC just with companion interaction. That would be awesome.


So I hope every update for some LI content but I don't get my hopes up. Hope for the best and expect the worst :)


Still waiting for a Zenith romance (but if we get nothing I will just use my head canon - helps with everything :) ).


The romance with Arcann is really a nice development after the history of these both. Just imagine Senya years ahead telling her grandchildren how their parents met and fell in love :)

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The writer in-charge of the letters is very good! Jorgan's are also lovely! I think I'm a little miffed that he's used the 'L' word in a letter but not in his voice! Still, I love most that Voss didn't 'insta fix' everything. Little by little he's growing nd changing. I'd really like some more childhood stories like when he, Thexan, and Vaylin took off for a month.


I agree, Jak! I'm patiently waiting for Arcann to say the L word out loud! This is why I'm hoping to see it come to fruition soon as the Arcann relationship continues to blossom. I love what you said here about Voss not fixing everything. As we've discussed before, the fact that Arcann saved Senya from Vaylin's attack before his Voss healing shows that his hatred and jealousy hadn't completely consumed him and that there was always some good in him. I love what you wrote!

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So finally I got my Consular getting the romance option with Arcann :). Just finished the traitor arc and Ossus comes next. Playing through Kotet was faster than I thought.


I really like Consular with Arcann - my Consular is like the ultimate healer and tries to help as much as possible. And of course what you said.


I also have a Jedi Knight for him and I think that works very well too based on JKs class story.


I wouldn't romance him with a DS user but LS Sith, especially Sith Warrior works too. I plan on making a LS SW for him, I already have him as LI for a LS Sith Inquisitor, but I prefer him with my other characters.


Hi again, Cawyden!

I recently started another consular playthrough so I am VERY excited to get to KOTFE and beyond! I just finished my lightside SW playthrough (the character that I used for the Arcann tribute video) and I have to say that I love the fact that both my character and Arcann had a shared experience of being the Emperor's servant for so many years. They both endured so much, Arcann most of all.

SO glad to have you in discord with us now! <3

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Still waiting for a Zenith romance (but if we get nothing I will just use my head canon - helps with everything :) ).


Cawyden, you are officially my favorite person! ;):D

The main reason I fell in love with this game TEN YEARS AGO was the fact that I fell in love with Zenith's character. Going through the consular story on Balmorra + Zenith, this wonderfully complex and imperfect individual + the touching music on Balmorra = sealed the deal for me. I officially loved SWTOR!


I almost passed out when we were given the flirt option with Zenith.


I'd love nothing more than a long-overdue romance with him! I'm so glad to have found another Zenith fan as Arcann and Zenith are some of my favorite characters in the game!

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Cawyden, you are officially my favorite person! ;):D

The main reason I fell in love with this game TEN YEARS AGO was the fact that I fell in love with Zenith's character. Going through the consular story on Balmorra + Zenith, this wonderfully complex and imperfect individual + the touching music on Balmorra = sealed the deal for me. I officially loved SWTOR!


I almost passed out when we were given the flirt option with Zenith.


I'd love nothing more than a long-overdue romance with him! I'm so glad to have found another Zenith fan as Arcann and Zenith are some of my favorite characters in the game!


Oh thank you :) - but we aren't the only Arcann + Zenith fans, I think Sarova would like a Zenith romance too (and I guess others too). The vanilla dialog really felt sometimes as if he was going to be a romance option, you could even ask if he has family (wife/children) he is fighting for.


His reunion scene was great - it really felt like he has feelings for the commander even before/without using the flirt (maybe I am just seeing things...). Anyway, I hope we get a real romance scene (with kiss) with him but if not then I will just pretend he and my JC are together.


I guess we should open a Zenith romance thread?


Glad you are doing a JC playthrough for Arcann - I think they fit really well together. I am not sure if I should start with a SW for Arcann or wait for the update - it seems we get new customizations options. I do have cartel coins to spent but I rather save them (I really wish they would change it so that we can pay with credits instead of cartel coins, would be a good credit sink).


It is great that we know from Dellums that more Arcann content is on the way. But it is possible that it might come later and not this year with the new story update. I know we can send him on a mission and seeing that we get a personal scene with Akaavi when we send her earlier on a mission, we should get one with Arcann but maybe the new content is for some other story - I am still wondering if they are planning to do something with Vaylin, then Arcann and Senya would very likely be a part of this story as well.

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My JC was so young in the Vanilla Story, only 18 on Tython, and she gets thrown in to the deep end from the first ten minutes of arriving. From Flesh Raiders, Vivicar's plague, the Rift Alliance, and a Padawan! No way was she in an any position to have a relationship with anyone. At the end, she's on the Jedi Council! Tharan (though I adored him) and Iresso (who is so sweet, but... no) freaked her out with their attention.


As for Zenith, she cared about him, platonically, but the truth is she could never be with someone who doesn't believe in mercy at all. While Arcann never knew mercy and acted out of rage and pain, Zenith understood mercy and chooses not to grant it.


I'm not saying I don't love Zenith I do, and I think Qyzen would be happier if his Herald chose him over Arcann, my JC can only be with Arcann.:D

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How does everyone envision a wedding for Arcann and their PC? I mean in your imagination, since I'm sure we'll never see such a thing in game (hopefully we'll get a proposal sometime soon, but I don't think swtor has ever done any actual wedding scenes?). I imagine something quiet, intimate and far-away, maybe with just Senya and a few of my JKs closest friends and family there. I doubt she or Arcann would want much attention.


That brings me to another question: for those of you romancing him with a Jedi, how do you headcanon your way around breaking with that part of the Jedi code? I wish the game would touch upon it, the way the JK and JC class companion romances do. In Kira's romance she mentions that it is possible to petition the Jedi Council for permission to marry, I think -- but there isn't really a Jedi Council anymore since, you know... Arcann nearly destroyed the Order. There's so much opportunity for angsty romance there! :p


Still, it's a good idea to keep an eye on the 'big picture.' They won't happen every patch (unfortunately). If I went into every update hoping a specific LI got a moment I'd go stark-raving-bonkers.


This is solid advice, but too late for me, I'm afraid. I feel like I've already gone kind of bonkers hoping so desperately for more Arcann content with every story patch! I keep telling myself to keep my expectations low this time, but honestly, I'll be kind of crushed if there isn't at least one moment with him on the 14th.

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