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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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All the Eternal Empire cinematics make me cry. It's another reason I can't kill Arcann and Senya on any toon. The entire family suffered so much that even with their dark deeds nothing compares to the torment they've already suffered.


I know what you mean. Although it is my favorite cinematic, I find it hard to watch Arcann's frustration and rage destroy Thexan. Valkorion really caused so much pain and suffering in that family.


I have a few imp toons that I created in order to raid with my friends. I made them in a hurry and skipped KOTET/KOTFE on them and, since the default imp choice is to kill Arcann and Senya, I don't have either of them on those characters. Whenever I log into those toons to do some dailies etc and hit the N key and see no Senya and no Arcann, I feel horrible. Makes me not want to play those characters, not gonna lie! I went and redeemed Senya from the Odessen terminal to try and feel a bit better but, eh, still stinks!

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Since SWTOR's ten year anniversary is right around the corner, I made this Arcann tribute video to celebrate my favorite character (and romance). Thought you might enjoy it.



It is honestly amazing to think that a relationship that was founded on jealousy and mutual dislike ended up turning into one of the most respectful, passionate, and deep romances in the game. It is my personal favorite romance in the game followed closely by the trooper + Jorgan.


Arcann's VA sent me a tweet today saying that more Arcann content is coming soon. I'm beyond stoked. Here we go! <3


Fantastic video! Thank you for sharing :)


Glad to hear that Arcann gets more content - I don't expect much but it is nice to see that he is not totally forgotten.

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I love reading the responses here!


Question for you all: did you choose to send Arcann to investigate

the planet where Darth Nul's relic was first discovered?



I said yes on pretty much all of my toons and I'm hoping now I won't regret it ie I hope nothing happens to him. What did you all pick for that choice?


I don't think we need to be worried. I guess it is just a way for BW to be able to include a little companion / LI content for those that are interested without having the need to include all possible LIs/companions in certain scenes.


It would be very mean to imply more companion/LI content just to have something bad happen to this character or the relationship. I think if something might endanger a character or relationship they would give several red flags before that.

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If I want to romance Arcann, do I have to play through KOTET or can I skip it? I really don't want to play everything again....


Does completing Iokath closes KOTET or at least gives you Arcanns alliance alert?


Otherwise I suppose I have to play through it again, although I really don't like the gameplay of several chapters.

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If I want to romance Arcann, do I have to play through KOTET or can I skip it? I really don't want to play everything again....


Does completing Iokath closes KOTET or at least gives you Arcanns alliance alert?


Otherwise I suppose I have to play through it again, although I really don't like the gameplay of several chapters.


No you cannot skip if you Want to romance Arcann sorry.:(

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If I want to romance Arcann, do I have to play through KOTET or can I skip it? I really don't want to play everything again....


Does completing Iokath closes KOTET or at least gives you Arcanns alliance alert?


Otherwise I suppose I have to play through it again, although I really don't like the gameplay of several chapters.

Yes you must do all of KotFE & KotET and make sure you choose to help Senya save Arcann in Chapter 1 of KotET.

Cloudcastle tested what would happen and posted the results.

Iokath is not one of the "hard save" points iirc however skipping straight to Ossus will autocomplete everything and give you Arcann but not his romance.

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If I want to romance Arcann, do I have to play through KOTET or can I skip it? I really don't want to play everything again....


Does completing Iokath closes KOTET or at least gives you Arcanns alliance alert?


Otherwise I suppose I have to play through it again, although I really don't like the gameplay of several chapters.


To echo what everyone else here said, you'll have to play through the expansions again in order to have the full Arcann experience ;) It is worth it, in my opinion, to go through everything again, however, since you miss out on his letters if you skip over everything. The letters are AMAZING. Plus, the less you skip, the better the overall experience is - you get more time to fully appreciate everything that you and Arcann have been through. <3

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Fantastic video! Thank you for sharing :)


Glad to hear that Arcann gets more content - I don't expect much but it is nice to see that he is not totally forgotten.


Thank you SO much!! That means so much coming from a fellow Arcann supporter!! I might have to make more! <3


Arcann's voice actor told me again yesterday that there's "More to come!" so I'm really hoping we get some decent Arcann story in the near future.

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Thank you all for answering my question - I did skip Kotfe but I started playing through Kotet and luckily it is a Consular sage and I simply love the AOEs. And I got commander compendiums to boost Lana and Theron to level 50 so that I can breeze through the content.


I do agree that Kotet is worth it for the cool Arcann scenes, it is just a lot of stormtroopers to kill in between.....

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Thank you SO much!! That means so much coming from a fellow Arcann supporter!! I might have to make more! <3


Arcann's voice actor told me again yesterday that there's "More to come!" so I'm really hoping we get some decent Arcann story in the near future.


Please do! I lack the skills but I really enjoy those kind of videos.


Great that you have a reliable "inside" source :). With so much characters/companions I am not trying to hope for too much content for Arcann and others in the future but I am glad for everything that we get - even letters are better than nothing.

I am wondering if they do something with Vaylin too or just leave it with that. Would be great to see her reunited with Arcann and Senya.

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Thank you all for answering my question - I did skip Kotfe but I started playing through Kotet and luckily it is a Consular sage.


Consular/Arcann FTW!:D I honestly cant see Arcann with anyone else. After all, the whole Consular Storyline deals with...


The Children of the Emperor



PS. I saw a DS Consular romancing Theron on YouTube last night... creepy!:eek:


I play a shadow myself. Stealth rules.

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Oh I can't wait to go through the consular story again for an Arcann romance! It is going to be a blast!


I recently completed all of the story on a Sith Warrior and, I have to say, it was pretty neat to have her enter a romance with Arcann since they BOTH had been pawns of the Emperor for so long. Crazy to think about and I like to think it was a shared experience that profoundly impacted them both. <3

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You know, it has been really wonderful getting to know you all via this Arcann appreciation thread!



I wanted to let you know that I've created an "Eternal Empire" discord server that is Arcann-centric where we can share our creations and also post and discuss things that aren't appropriate for the official forums. Please DM me for an invitation.



DM me if you have any questions <3

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I am so hoping that with Arcann we get a proposal/Marriage update, All the other LI's have them. But mostly I want stuff for every LI. I can't play ultimate favorite because each character and Romance is unique.


Oh my goodness! I'm not a super mushy/gushy person, but if they put a marriage proposal from Arcann into this game that fits his character and isn't over the top, I might die of sheer happiness :D I'd never even thought of that or how it might go down but I am 100% on board with this idea LOL

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I am so hoping that with Arcann we get a proposal/Marriage update, All the other LI's have them. But mostly I want stuff for every LI. I can't play ultimate favorite because each character and Romance is unique.

I don't think Koth gets one. However, they gave Khem Val* one so Arcann is well overdue! You make a good point though - whilst I do have 2-3 favourites, I like all my romances as they are unique (though I mostly do female character male companion romances so can't comment on the female/male ones).


*I still haven't got over how very disturbing this is! :D

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My favorite marriage in-game is definitely SW/Vette. However, I don't think Arcann is 'overdue' quite yet. The man has ton of issues, and if like my (JC) the both don't have a ton of experience building romantic relationship marriage wouldn't be a good idea. Sometime during this expansion though we need to be able to put a ring on it.
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I wanted to get your opinion on a few KOTFE scenes - not related to the Arcann romance, but it does pertain to Arcann.


Going to put spoiler tags in here just in case someone hasn't played through KOTFE yet lol...



In the first opening scenes of KOTFE, we see Arcann report to Valkorion that the player character + Marr "have arrived". Obviously Valkorion wants us to walk into his ambush with the Eternal Fleet. After the Outlander and Marr have been captured, Arcann tells us "You won't have to talk to give me the answers I'm looking for".


At first, I took this literally as in he could sense or read our minds. After thinking more about it recently, I've started to assume that Arcann is curious as to why Valkorion is 1. So interested in us 2. Wants to capture us and not kill us.


When it gets to the part where Arcann finally overhears the Outlander's conversation with Valkorion and it is revealed to Arcann that Valkorion is indeed also the Emperor of the Sith Empire, you start to see the wheels really turning. Of course, I've always focused mostly on these scenes from my characters perspective. Imagine what Arcann is thinking about at this point. His father has been living another life and hasn't fully been devoting his energy to him, Zakuul etc.


YET AGAIN, his father has bestowed his attention to someone that isn't Arcann or Thexan. This "random" person that Arcann just captured has been "the one person" that has held Valkorion's attention all of these years and is the person that Valkorion wants to share his knowledge and power with. Imagine that insult... and the jealousy.


I found some dialogue (audio files) in the game that add even more to these scenes and it doesn't appear that they made it to the live game.


To be very frank, I feel tremendously sorry for all of Valkorion's children and am not surprised that they turned out the way that they did. They were all pawns in an experiment. It doesn't excuse the things that Arcann and Vaylin did, however I completely empathize with them and what they went through. I'm SO grateful that the devs gave us Arcann's redemption arc... it is a wonderful story.




I'd love to know your thoughts on these scenes. I LOVE KOTFE and KOTET so much! <3

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Wow. It's just so wild to see such a long thread for what I didn't realise was a more detailed romance than I thought!


So some thoughts. I have often thought about the Arcann romance for various reasons. Now my Jedi is a lesbian and is married to Lana. She had to break it off with Doc on his return(very hard, But In some respects.. "I apologise... I am actually married to a woman I am gay" is a lighter letdown for an ex husband then some routes. I opened the door just enough so I could have all the cards put on the table with Kira even though the conversation WAS heartbreaking. Since my Jedi is basically someone who was closeted and romancing Doc while Kira was her padawan.


Arcann... woo. That man made me cry. There was so much emotion in that 2 minute conversation when he gives you that armour. I wore that armour as part of a set for the next 6 months. I know haters come down on the horrid things he did as Ruler but War is different than Peace time.


And Even if we as Eternal Commander or Erernal Alliance didn't cut a swathe though the galaxy we have probably piled up a lot of bodies ourselves.


So I am thinking he could be the one to grab my "Evil" Agent's heart as he and his brothjer(DS smuggler) were both gentically created and messed with by Imperial powers to be superior forms. Although they are both apparently dark skinned Humans they suspect they may even have non human DNA and are kind of mad at the world.



I really like the idea that Arcann would be the one to soften my character. Irl I am also a lesbian but his voice is just amazing. There is so so much emotion in it. And I can't believe I am gonna have to go through that convo 7 more times at least... well probably more. I'm just not comfortable ever skippin kotfe and kotet. Too many choices that are unique to characters.


My LS Jedi made unusual choices that would NOT have been the default ones and even my evil characters are almost all very anti "removal of free will" so anything involving Slavery or the like.


But just wanted to say hello and will probably drop some updates once I have a romance with Arcann as this thread has shown me it is much more than just a 3 minute cutscene.

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I wanted to get your opinion on a few KOTFE scenes - not related to the Arcann romance, but it does pertain to Arcann.


Going to put spoiler tags in here just in case someone hasn't played through KOTFE yet lol...



In the first opening scenes of KOTFE, we see Arcann report to Valkorion that the player character + Marr "have arrived". Obviously Valkorion wants us to walk into his ambush with the Eternal Fleet. After the Outlander and Marr have been captured, Arcann tells us "You won't have to talk to give me the answers I'm looking for".


At first, I took this literally as in he could sense or read our minds. After thinking more about it recently, I've started to assume that Arcann is curious as to why Valkorion is 1. So interested in us 2. Wants to capture us and not kill us.


When it gets to the part where Arcann finally overhears the Outlander's conversation with Valkorion and it is revealed to Arcann that Valkorion is indeed also the Emperor of the Sith Empire, you start to see the wheels really turning. Of course, I've always focused mostly on these scenes from my characters perspective. Imagine what Arcann is thinking about at this point. His father has been living another life and hasn't fully been devoting his energy to him, Zakuul etc.


YET AGAIN, his father has bestowed his attention to someone that isn't Arcann or Thexan. This "random" person that Arcann just captured has been "the one person" that has held Valkorion's attention all of these years and is the person that Valkorion wants to share his knowledge and power with. Imagine that insult... and the jealousy.


I found some dialogue (audio files) in the game that add even more to these scenes and it doesn't appear that they made it to the live game.


To be very frank, I feel tremendously sorry for all of Valkorion's children and am not surprised that they turned out the way that they did. They were all pawns in an experiment. It doesn't excuse the things that Arcann and Vaylin did, however I completely empathize with them and what they went through. I'm SO grateful that the devs gave us Arcann's redemption arc... it is a wonderful story.




I'd love to know your thoughts on these scenes. I LOVE KOTFE and KOTET so much! <3


I just finished writing a fanfic chapter about those scenes! :eek: (Still haven't worked up the courage to share it with the world...)



I always took "the answers" Arcann refers to in that first line to mean the answers to why Valkorion is interested in these people in the first place -- and whether or not they will prove useful to Arcann by ridding him of Valkorion. It's kind of an insane gamble of him to take. I think it shows how desperate he is and how much he is willing to risk to make another attempt on his father's life.


I agree with everything you said about how listening to the conversation in the throne room must have affected him. I really wonder how much he understands about what manner of being Vitiate/Valkorion actually is, though. He has obviously been brought up to view him as a god, and personally views him as a monster, but I wonder if he knows the extent of those powers (slithering from body to body across the centuries, consuming entire planets, master-minding wars all over the galaxy, etc.).


What are the audio files you found that might not be in the game? Could they be the dialogue you get for choosing to kneel to Valkorion? The outcome and Arcann's reaction to it is pretty interesting. He says something along the lines of having sacrificed everything for such an offer - which almost sounds as if he once hoped to be Valkorion's vessel (though I personally doubt he means it so literally).



Just a quick reminder for everyone here that the dev's story-centric livestream is tomorrow at 2:00PM CT (8:00PM UTC).


I hope you can make it to help hype up Arcann and remind Charles and Eric to continue providing us with more Arcann story and romance in the future!




See you all there in the stream chat! <3


Almost time! Can't wait!! :D

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Anyone else watching the Livestream? Arcann was NOT mentioned on the list of characters to join us as part of the story in 7.0 :( Does anyone know if he's in anything on the PTS? Are we going to have to rescue him?


I would love to have to rescue him. At least that way he would play a role in the story. I'm afraid that's too much to hope for and we'll just get a letter and maybe a few seconds of mush - and then just lots and lots of Lana as usual (not hating on Lana, just want Arcann instead) :(


Siita revealed some pages back that Dellums said there is more Arcann content to come, so presumably he will make an appearance, though!

Edited by witchglove
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I would love to have to rescue him. At least that way he would play a role in the story. I'm afraid that's too much to hope for and we'll just get a letter and maybe a few seconds of mush - and then just lots and lots of Lana as usual (not hating on Lana, just want Arcann instead) :(


Siita revealed some pages back that Dellums said there is more Arcann content to come, so presumably he will make an appearance, though!

I may have dreamt or imagined this but

I was sure someone posted that Arcann is in the Elom flashpoint on the PTS but I can't find any reference to it now. Many of us sent him on the mission to Wild Space in the recent mini story “Whispers in the Force” alert; it would seem a huge let down if nothing comes of that and just as bad if all we get is a letter. I'm hoping that they left Arcann out of the Livestream info because to mention him would be a huge spoiler.


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