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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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Thanks 😊 I really really want Arcann, but I can't complete Kotet :confused: Can't defeat Vaylin :mad: I was playing it for hours and I still can't. I've just finished Iokath and can go to Umbara. Then I would love ❤ to hook up with Arcann but won't get an alert because of it. 😢 I was watching this fight on YouTube but it doesn't help. I don't know what to do. So I'm playing previous chapter where is Arcann again and again . Can anyone help me please?


Which fight? the one on Odessen or the dream fight?

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Vaylin's Chapter 9 is harder than average story chapters. It took me longer too and I wore 248 gear. Keep healing with the green circles, avoid Vaylin when she Overload. Pack up stims, adrenals and medpack. I think its generally recommended to save Lord Dramath.


Personally, I hope the current writers aren't too concerned about overlapping romances and creating 'cheating' story. I really hate it with people accidentally romancing Kaidan and constantly got triggered by him.

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Personally, I hope the current writers aren't too concerned about overlapping romances and creating 'cheating' story. I really hate it with people accidentally romancing Kaidan and constantly got triggered by him.


I like how current romances to date have been added. They are not to be treated as flings, so the game doesn't do that - the proper romances that is, there are flings in the game that can't be treated otherwise in-game like Pierce.


I think they shouldn't have done break up scenes at all, don't want that romance forever? don't pick it. it's been bugged since Theron's arc started also, my Inquisitor is stuck with the quest unable to remove it because even though she never cheated on Andronikos to start with, she got the break up quest yet cannot do it because there's no one for her to break up with as she never started any other romance.


The popup to confirm to take that option (starting a romance) is great, there's no stealth romance happening, you as a general player choose it knowingly now. I like that.

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Got bored and feverish and drugged. So I wrote some bit to make this afternoon less deary.



Arcann woke up to see the barest hint of twilight at the edge of horizon. Sorrow passed through him as with the dream of his childhood with Thexan and Vaylin. He carefully stretch out but the weight at his side kept him still. He looked down at the restless figure against his side.

As her powers grew, so was the prophetic nightmares and visions that invaded her when she was at her most vulnerable. She tried to hide it especially from her people. But it was harder not to notice the strains of the Force around her nor the chaotic emotions that leaked from her own dreams.

Arcann spread out his powers like a warm cocoon over them both. He hummed under his breath. A small lullaby of a time of innocence. Of laughter and hope, now forever lost.

"That was beautiful."

Arcann stared down at a pair of dark eyes. He could lose hours staring into them. Perhaps, forever.

"I'm a man of many talents," he said with a wink.

"That you are," she cooed. Her hand reach out to touch his scarred half. "Thank you."

Arcann blinked and studied her upturned face. Her eyes had a trace of hollow bleakness within them. He could feel her raw emotions through their bond. Just like him, she struggled with her own darkness as well. His father had damaged both of them almost beyond repair and yet they still found each other. Their bond grew with each stolen seconds they shared.

He had Thexan for most of his life. He never really knew what it was to feel alone until the moment he felt Thexan died in his arms. For her, the hollowness was constant in her entire life. He would never let her feel lost again.

Arcann lifted her up until her body draped over him. Her legs between his sides. Hands against his chest. Her unbound hair cascade against her shoulder. Her skin gleamed as the ray of sun bathed the room. He could see himself reflected in her eyes.

He became entranced when she smiled. The world around him bloomed with life. Maybe it was selfish of him to feel like this, even after every ugly things he had done to the galaxy. To her. But when she pressed her lips against his, breathing in her presence, he never felt more blessed.



Edited by revkashepard
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Vaylin's Chapter 9 is harder than average story chapters. It took me longer too and I wore 248 gear. Keep healing with the green circles, avoid Vaylin when she Overload. Pack up stims, adrenals and medpack. I think its generally recommended to save Lord Dramath.


Personally, I hope the current writers aren't too concerned about overlapping romances and creating 'cheating' story. I really hate it with people accidentally romancing Kaidan and constantly got triggered by him.


Saving Dramath makes things lot easier for the fight with her as he can keep healing you. Also, Vaylin takes damage from those green circles so you may wish to run her into few of those during the fight.

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Saving Dramath makes things lot easier for the fight with her as he can keep healing you. Also, Vaylin takes damage from those green circles so you may wish to run her into few of those during the fight.

Otherwise, hit and run. I think I used DoTs and instants mainly, jumping into the green areas as often as possible.

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I am really shipping this romance more than I thought I would. Quinn and Vector are still my favourites, but Arcann actually makes a tie with Theron on third place.:p


Wrote another short story for those interested: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14077602


If anyone has any prompts, just say the word :)


Thank you! Great to see more Arcann fan fiction.


I am currently leveling my JK for Arcann. Her name is Adahlya and she is now in chapter 11 of kotfe. Hopefully I can finish kotfe today. But your story really fits her too which was great :)


Regarding prompts - I would like to see some reactions from the Alliance members on the romance - seeing that we don't get it in game. But anything else is appreciated too :)


Got bored and feverish and drugged. So I wrote some bit to make this afternoon less deary.


Thank you for the story! I love to read romance fluff :)

And get well soon!


I played my fisrt SW as a full DS one and didn't like it that much on the secon playthrough I took some light choices and all, and found my SW to be much more interesting and in fact way more dangerous than the full DS one.


Well playing in french I can't tell about the english voices, male SI has for me the best voice of all the male PC, followed by male SW, I also really like the female JK's voice. But dislike the female SW voice. I have problems with my fem. BH's voice as well as she's quite young (she's in her early 20 at the begining of the game) but has a voice of a much older woman.

And well, Theron's voice's really nice too :rolleyes:


She'll soon meet her love ^^


On a side note, both my sis and a friend of mine told me that my JK looks better with Theron than Arcann, I guess i'll have to find someone else for Arcann then... But none of my girls are free :(


Regarding playing in different languages: while the german voice actors are normally pretty good I normally can't stand german voice over in games - not in movies - that is done very good but in games they really have the problem that most of the time they lack the context and don't know how it is supposed to sound. During the english voice over I know that the actors have information from the writers (at least for Bioware games) and this is really helpful. I think the german actors don't even have the english voice over as comparison. And this is why german voice over sounds monotone and not fitting. Was a problem in Dragon Age too - I saw a video about the german voice over process and there they explained their difficulties.


But I prefer to play in english - it trains the language skills and I love the english voices - and additionally, it is the language in which the dialog was written. And with us story folks clinging on every spoken word it is important for me to get the original wording and to prevent things getting lost in translation.


I am wondering - how do you all decide the LIs for your characters?


Of course if you have several characters and like different LIs. If you only play a single character or only like a single LI I guess it is easier.


I have characters that I created specifically for certain LIs - e.g. a Chiss Agent for Aristocra Saganu, or one Agent for Vector and so on. And I have characters that I just liked to play (certain combination of class/appearance/personality) where I am flexible regarding the LI.


I ask because Goreshaga said that her girl looks better with Theron than with Arcann - and I must say how my characters and the LI look together is a criteria for me too - and the other side is personality. I mean some combinations just don't work in my opinion.


Example: I would only pair a LS LI (let's say Theron) with a Sith when my Sith is LS or is on the way of redemption. You could even head canon that the LI is the reason the character wishes to change. But I would not play an evil Sith romancing Theron because I personally think he would suffer in this relationship. Just my personal opinion of course.


For Arcann I am a little bit struggling to be honest. He does not want to fall back to the DS. I can totally see him with a Sith and maybe both working on their redemption. But if you really play a DS "evil" Sith - I mean even Darth Malgus loved - I guess you could have Arcann as the one thing the DS Sith loves while hating/killing everything else? But how would that affect Arcann? Would he try to redeem the DS Sith? Fall back to DS?

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Thanks 😊 I really really want Arcann, but I can't complete Kotet :confused: Can't defeat Vaylin :mad: I was playing it for hours and I still can't. I've just finished Iokath and can go to Umbara. Then I would love ❤ to hook up with Arcann but won't get an alert because of it. 😢 I was watching this fight on YouTube but it doesn't help. I don't know what to do. So I'm playing previous chapter where is Arcann again and again . Can anyone help me please?


If you mean the chapter 9 fight - that one is really difficult - at least compared to all other previous fights.


First of all check your armor - try to improve it if possible. I don't remember which rating I had but it will be easier the better your armor rating is.


Regarding the tactic: what helped me was running away a lot. And as already mentioned: the green circles heal you but they damage Vaylin a lot if she is running into them. So try steer Vaylin into these circles. If you need healing take the green circle yourself but most of the other time leave it for Vaylin to run into and to get damage. If you see a red circle run away so that Vaylin cannot blast you. Takes a while but that did it for me and I didn't have Lord Dramath to help me with.


I am not sure if I remember correctly but I think if you fight her directly and you are not in the violet circle that is around her the damage is reflected back to you. So if you attack her direclty you need to be close to her.


But to be honest - I tried fighing her directly but luring her in the green healing circles does far more damage to her than just attacking her (at least in my case). So I only fought her directly when I didn't saw a healing circle.

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Hmm how do I pick Li's for mine? generally I play them without going for a romance, and eventually one may click and just fit really well for the character. If I find myself feeling like I need to change my character's general personality/responses to not make the potential LI disapprove of literally everything then they are not a match. Personality matching is my main thing.


Only two of my characters would fit Arcann, my sith warrior and my agent, however my SW fitted Theron far better, and I can't see either with any other character of mine (or a dif LI) so they'll stick together for as long as Bioware's story allows them to. Just like Doc and my JK are awesome together. I was a little worried about my Agent, she's broken, finds connecting with others in a real sense hard, faked/pretend fine, but I believe she fits poor broken Arcann well because of it. They'll learn and heal together.

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Hmm how do I pick Li's for mine? generally I play them without going for a romance, and eventually one may click and just fit really well for the character. If I find myself feeling like I need to change my character's general personality/responses to not make the potential LI disapprove of literally everything then they are not a match. Personality matching is my main thing.


Only two of my characters would fit Arcann, my sith warrior and my agent, however my SW fitted Theron far better, and I can't see either with any other character of mine (or a dif LI) so they'll stick together for as long as Bioware's story allows them to. Just like Doc and my JK are awesome together. I was a little worried about my Agent, she's broken, finds connecting with others in a real sense hard, faked/pretend fine, but I believe she fits poor broken Arcann well because of it. They'll learn and heal together.


I can totally see Agent + Arcann together.


That is one reason why I can play with different characters over and over again - you may need sometimes a little head canon but the game already gives you so many different options to play your characters differently. You can play an Agent deeply hurt by the manipulation done to you by your own government or accept it as being part of the job. Play a evil, psychopatic, "murder everything" Sith or as it was said before an intelligent Sith who manipulates others to underestimate him/her....

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Just another thing I noticed as I played kotfe yesterday again.


Lana knows that you are imprisoned in carbonite and that you are dying because of the imperfect process of carbonization. Based on what Lana says (something like you aren't rescued yet (because they still need to escape) but I kept you from dying instantly) I guess getting out of carbonite would normally kill you without the cure. But you were affected during your time in carbonite - you were clearly suffering during the dream phase.


I wonder - if Lana knows this I am pretty sure Arcann knows it as well. And if Lana can obtain a cure I guess Arcann can do so as well.


So - does he not cure the outlander because he needs to free the outlander for that and he thinks it is a risk that his father would maybe jump to a different person and escape?


Why was the carbonization process even imperfect? We see a lot of carbonite blocks with people inside in this chamber. Clearly they had a lot of practise. And the Bounty Hunters use it as well to transfer prisoners. Zakuul really seems quite technologically advanced - but they botched the carbonization process?


Do you think it was maybe on purpose? To keep the outlander week and have another security layer if someone would one day free the outlander? Although this did not prevent Lana from saving the outlander but it might have cost her additional time.


I think it comes down to what Arcanns plan was for the outlander and his father - to keep him inside the outlander and frozen in carbonite locked for eternity to get rid of this father?


Then it would have been helpful to keep the outlander healthy. Not sure what would have happened to Valkorion if the outlander had died - I guess he would stil be able to leave the outlander but I don't think Arcann is aware of all Valkorions possibilities.


And I saw a video about what Arcann says if the outlander kneels. He is clearly jealous. I think this means he doesn't really know that his father is going to inhabit the outlanders body? At least I think this is what Valkorion intended to do when Arcann killed him and stopped the process. If you don't kneel I think without your consent Valkorion cannot completely posess you. So I guess by killing Valkorion Arcann might have saved you :)


But on Asylum Arcann tells you he is looking for a way to separate his father from you. Not sure if he is lying but I wonder what he really understands about Valkorion and how he thinks he can kill his fathers ghost?


All very complicated - I wish Charles would give us some more insight into this. I mean the Valkorion story is over now so no need to keep spoilers.

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But on Asylum Arcann tells you he is looking for a way to separate his father from you. Not sure if he is lying but I wonder what he really understands about Valkorion and how he thinks he can kill his fathers ghost?

I'm pretty sure he was not lying. If you choose to surrender, things go pretty well untill Valko pops in front of Arcann and behind your back to fuel his anger and have him attack you. So I guess Valko doesn't want you and Arcann to get along.


As for how I choose my characters' LI, well, pretty much the same way as Asmodesu. They have to fit personnality wise and look good together.

And this is were I'm struggling with my JK. She's the only one of my characters that fits with Arcann, but she's also the one that fits the best with Theron.

This is also where I'm struggling with my males PCs, because I really don't like the master/apprentice romances and all male Force users have that. I see my SW and Vette more in a kind of brother/sister relashionship (well, she dies anyway during KOTET so no need for that romance to happen) I think Mako is also waaaay too young for the male BH, anyway, my BH is female and happy with Torian.

Haven't tried Risha or Akaavi for male smugglers though, maybe I'll like one of the 2

Edited by Goreshaga
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Just another thing I noticed as I played kotfe yesterday again.


Lana knows that you are imprisoned in carbonite and that you are dying because of the imperfect process of carbonization. Based on what Lana says (something like you aren't rescued yet (because they still need to escape) but I kept you from dying instantly) I guess getting out of carbonite would normally kill you without the cure. But you were affected during your time in carbonite - you were clearly suffering during the dream phase.


I wonder - if Lana knows this I am pretty sure Arcann knows it as well. And if Lana can obtain a cure I guess Arcann can do so as well.


So - does he not cure the outlander because he needs to free the outlander for that and he thinks it is a risk that his father would maybe jump to a different person and escape?


Why was the carbonization process even imperfect? We see a lot of carbonite blocks with people inside in this chamber. Clearly they had a lot of practise. And the Bounty Hunters use it as well to transfer prisoners. Zakuul really seems quite technologically advanced - but they botched the carbonization process?


Do you think it was maybe on purpose? To keep the outlander week and have another security layer if someone would one day free the outlander? Although this did not prevent Lana from saving the outlander but it might have cost her additional time.


I think it comes down to what Arcanns plan was for the outlander and his father - to keep him inside the outlander and frozen in carbonite locked for eternity to get rid of this father?


Then it would have been helpful to keep the outlander healthy. Not sure what would have happened to Valkorion if the outlander had died - I guess he would stil be able to leave the outlander but I don't think Arcann is aware of all Valkorions possibilities.


Battle of Odessen certain dialog choice lead to this: “I thought I have condemned him to the fate worse then death – trapped forever, forgotten and alone.” It seems Arcann knew something about Essence Transfer ritual. Maybe not everything, but enough to know that he can trap his Dad in carbonite (just like Baras traps Voice on Voss).


I think carbonite poisoning was intentional to keep Valkoryon in weakened state. Maybe to kill him veeeerrrrry slowly.


And I saw a video about what Arcann says if the outlander kneels. He is clearly jealous. I think this means he doesn't really know that his father is going to inhabit the outlanders body? At least I think this is what Valkorion intended to do when Arcann killed him and stopped the process.


Oh yes, he was jealous. Maybe Valky let his sons in a secret of his immortality and was promising them that if they will prove themselves worthy, he will move on another "project" and let them inherit the Emprire? And if not, then he will find a new body?


If you don't kneel I think without your consent Valkorion cannot completely posess you. So I guess by killing Valkorion Arcann might have saved you :)


Hey, good point! But I think "saving" was an unfortunate side effect of not letting Valkoryon to finish the ritual :p.


But on Asylum Arcann tells you he is looking for a way to separate his father from you. Not sure if he is lying but I wonder what he really understands about Valkorion and how he thinks he can kill his fathers ghost?


I think Arcann was not going to separate his father from PC. Maybe he was trying to see how much control Valkorion already have – and in certain cases Valky will have a lot of control. Or maybe he was just not in the mood for dragging the Outlander kicking and screaming to the carbonite chamber? He is a busy man after all! And some PC can scream and kick pretty hard :p.


But on Asylum Arcann tells you he is looking for a way to separate his father from you. Not sure if he is lying but I wonder what he really understands about Valkorion and how he thinks he can kill his fathers ghost?


All very complicated - I wish Charles would give us some more insight into this. I mean the Valkorion story is over now so no need to keep spoilers.


Yeh. Before KotFE was announced, I heard some interesting rumors on what could have been: like every class having their own separate story that intervenes. Like in original game then if you play every class, you will see a bigger picture. Probably just rumors or early story drafts.

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Yeh. Before KotFE was announced, I heard some interesting rumors on what could have been: like every class having their own separate story that intervenes. Like in original game then if you play every class, you will see a bigger picture. Probably just rumors or early story drafts.

Too bad it didn't happen like that, because for me, KOTFE/ET works the best for LS SW or JK, they're the only PC's that have had enough encounters with the Emperor for him to take interest in them, then the JC because of the 1st Son thing, and the SI, but only if Valko's aware of his/her special power with gosts (and considering nothing points to that, i'd say that only the SI's crew know about it). Non Force users make very little to no sense in that story.

And for me, the most logical Outlander is the JK.

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I really like the theory about the unsuccessful freezing in carbonite, but it seems to me that the developers did not think it through in depth.


The story of KOTFE is very much lame. I think it's useless to look for logic there. Very often pianos and owls, stretched out on the globe, peek out of the bushes .

One Gravestone that our heroes "accidentally" found, not only works, but also destroys the whole Eternal Fleet with one more shot - it's a huge grand piano.

So the unsuccessful freezing in carbonite could be done solely to give Lana the role of Mary Sue, who is saving the PC.

Edited by MrJunay
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SoR right through to KotET has been my favourite story line in any games I've played so far, but of course being an mmo it doesn't have the effort put in to fully shape it out, and also we lost over one third of the storyline which most likely created even bigger plot holes then we would have had if the devs and writers had stuck to the original plan. It meant a ton of stuff in the story could not be addressed or wrapped up.


I do not think the carbonite freezing being imperfect was intentional, and I think Dr Oggurobb was the one who invented the cure needed for freeing the Outlander, he also wanted to test the Outlander's brain afterwards as that was likely incredibly rare to survive 5 years of carbonite freezing mostly unharmed let alone while suffering from carbonite poisoning too. Likely a bit of permanent brain damage happened in that time. Not to mention Iokath's nervous system shut down due to electrocution on that throne, as Elara put it she's surprised the Outlander even survived let alone able to function - needed to either be a trooper or romanced her to get that information, which really annoys me when the hide important stuff behind such specific walls.

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Too bad it didn't happen like that, because for me, KOTFE/ET works the best for LS SW or JK, they're the only PC's that have had enough encounters with the Emperor for him to take interest in them, then the JC because of the 1st Son thing, and the SI, but only if Valko's aware of his/her special power with gosts (and considering nothing points to that, i'd say that only the SI's crew know about it). Non Force users make very little to no sense in that story.

And for me, the most logical Outlander is the JK.


Have you seen a post by a writer trying to clarify Vitiate motives?


Also, this is what I heard looong ago. Take that with great grain of salt:



SW was supposed to become a Wrath again. If DS - willingly and if LS - forced to (something similar to Ziost control). And that they were supposed to do some dark stuff. With DS enjoying it and LS trying to bend the orders to sabotage Emperor or minimize the damage.


SI - they draw Vititate attention as a new possible host, due to Ashaa rebuilding them to be able to hold more power (ermm, midiclorians count over 9000?), Force Walking and Rishi life extending.


BH was going to undergo some ritual on Voss to make them immune to Force? So they could put a bullet into Vitiate head without being posessed.


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Have you seen a post by a writer trying to clarify Vitiate motives?


Also, this is what I heard looong ago. Take that with great grain of salt:



SW was supposed to become a Wrath again. If DS - willingly and if LS - forced to (something similar to Ziost control). And that they were supposed to do some dark stuff. With DS enjoying it and LS trying to bend the orders to sabotage Emperor or minimize the damage.


SI - they draw Vititate attention as a new possible host, due to Ashaa rebuilding them to be able to hold more power (ermm, midiclorians count over 9000?), Force Walking and Rishi life extending.


BH was going to undergo some ritual on Voss to make them immune to Force? So they could put a bullet into Vitiate head without being posessed.

Is this just a theory, or was it originally supposed to be the story line of the Sith warrior in the KOTFЕ?:eek:

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Is this just a theory, or was it originally supposed to be the story line of the Sith warrior in the KOTFЕ?:eek:


I remember this, all eight classes were to have their own way of dealing with different parts of the Emperor.


If I recall, the Emperor was partially successful in his attempt to kill all life, one of the classes had to set up some kind of force barrier around certain planets that would shield them from the Emperor.

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Is this just a theory, or was it originally supposed to be the story line of the Sith warrior in the KOTFЕ?:eek:


As I said, it was a rumor.


It was presented as a: "I know the insider and they told me this".

In my experience, often it a lie. In some cases it is an early draft of the story. But sometimes (rarely) it is the real deal. People can not keep secrets :p.

But! I do notice a certain parallels between kneeling and refusing to kneel choice and SW rumors. Fits with the resisting or submitting theme and accepting or refusing Valky power.

Again, I stress, it was a rumor, I can not confirm it or even find the post itself.


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I'm pretty sure he was not lying. If you choose to surrender, things go pretty well untill Valko pops in front of Arcann and behind your back to fuel his anger and have him attack you. So I guess Valko doesn't want you and Arcann to get along.


Very interesting - I never saw what happened if you surrender. I don't think one of my characters will choose this option - there is no guarantee that Arcann will keep his word and even if Lana and the other remaining people on Asylum are not killed that day the whole reason Lana freed you was to battle against Arcann. If you surrender you loose the Gravestone for sure and nothing was won at all. If you battle you have at least a chance.


Battle of Odessen certain dialog choice lead to this: “I thought I have condemned him to the fate worse then death – trapped forever, forgotten and alone.” It seems Arcann knew something about Essence Transfer ritual. Maybe not everything, but enough to know that he can trap his Dad in carbonite (just like Baras traps Voice on Voss).


I think Arcann was not going to separate his father from PC.


Thank you, didn't noticed that dialog choice. Have to keep looking for it when I am again at this point. But with that I am pretty sure he is lying to you on Asylum - why should he try to separate you from his father when the whole point was to keep him locked up?



During chapter Disavowed you can say to Aric that Arcann is a victim too - that he stood in the shadow of Valkorion. Then Valkorion replies "Mine was not the only shadow the boy stood in". Do you know what he means by that?


And in the cutscene when Vaylin tells Arcann to cheer up and where he says "Am I laughing" she replies "You never laughed". Didn't they speak in a later cutscene about how they spend as kids a month in the swamps? I thought this was maybe a happy time for them just the three of them together. But does that mean Arcann didn't even laugh during that time? I can't really imagine that - never around Valkorion for sure but I would assume that at least for such a time just the three of them would lighten his mood.

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I remember this, all eight classes were to have their own way of dealing with different parts of the Emperor.


If I recall, the Emperor was partially successful in his attempt to kill all life, one of the classes had to set up some kind of force barrier around certain planets that would shield them from the Emperor.

As I said, it was a rumor.


It was presented as a: "I know the insider and they told me this".

In my experience, often it a lie. In some cases it is an early draft of the story. But sometimes (rarely) it is the real deal. People can not keep secrets :p.

But! I do notice a certain parallels between kneeling and refusing to kneel choice and SW rumors. Fits with the resisting or submitting theme and accepting or refusing Valky power.

Again, I stress, it was a rumor, I can not confirm it or even find the post itself.


It seems that rumors were true. Which KOTFE could be, if the developers embodied the story of all classes! I would be happy to play in the KOTFE of the new Emperor's Wrath, and not the faceless "Outlander"!

This addition could be very successful, but ...

We have what we have.

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I remember this, all eight classes were to have their own way of dealing with different parts of the Emperor.


If I recall, the Emperor was partially successful in his attempt to kill all life, one of the classes had to set up some kind of force barrier around certain planets that would shield them from the Emperor.


Wow sounds pretty dark - I mean how many planets would they have been able to save then? Not so much, would have become quite an empty galaxy after that... so glad they did not went with it.


But to treat the different classes separately in the story should have been more in focus.

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