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The hottest star wars male characters.


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As a straight man, these are the characters I find aesthetically pleasing:


1. Han Solo: Ok, I could live without the unbuttoned(rather buttonless :D ), but looks rather nice. ESPECIALLY in ESB. Very nicely groomed Nerf Herder.

2. Ewan Kenobi: Especially older incarnations as seen in Clones Attack and in Revenge. Ewan outdid himself here as did choreographers. Especially in Revenge.

3. Jango Fett: There's something awesome about his rough look. His armor set's also very nice.


Note that I'm not talking about "hot" per se. But overall aesthetics.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, lemme form a top 5 of hottest male characters from both Legends and Canon, movies as well as other content:


1. Jacen Solo - Come on, look at him... look at the man... he is hot, the hottest man in the Star Wars universe if you ask me. The Force knew what it did when he was conceived...


2. Atton Rand - I have a thing for bad boys... and Atton is a prime example of that. Especially bad boys who have a tough exterior and soft inside. Also, just like his hair swoops down to the side I swoop down to the ground when I see him.


3. Valkorion - Come on, do I need to explain myself? Do I really need to explain myself? Not only the young can be beautiful and pretty, older men can be hot as well! Now, Valky is rather very very old... and evil... but wouldn't you do whatever he told you with that deep velvety voice of his?


4. Kylo Ren - Burn me, I dare you, burn me. Kylo is hot and you can't stop me from thinking otherwise. Especially in the trailers for The Last Jedi he looks particularly handsome... maybe it's the scar?


5. Cassian Andor - Did you see that face? Those puppy eyes? Do I need to say more? Also, that accent... swoon!

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I'm surprised to see Jacen Solo barely mentioned. I would have thought he'd get more fans! Then again, my taste in men may not be the same as others' :p


My list did change though after the Last Jedi. The updated list would be the following:


1. Jacen Solo

2. Kylo Ren

3. Valkorion

4. Cassian

5. Atton Rand

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3. Valkorion - Come on, do I need to explain myself? Do I really need to explain myself? Not only the young can be beautiful and pretty, older men can be hot as well! Now, Valky is rather very very old... and evil... but wouldn't you do whatever he told you with that deep velvety voice of his?


4. Kylo Ren - Burn me, I dare you, burn me. Kylo is hot and you can't stop me from thinking otherwise. Especially in the trailers for The Last Jedi he looks particularly handsome... maybe it's the scar?

3 - I have to agree, I find Valkorion rather attractive both in who he is as a person and I do really love his voice.


4 - Kylo, I liked him in TFA but now after TLJ... spiked up to 100% for sure lol. He's pretty damn hot, I loved the scar and really, baby, leave the cowl you don't need it. :o

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  • 3 weeks later...

1. THERON!!!!

2. Luke Skywalker

3. Han Solo

4. Starkiller

5. Anakin Skywalker( pre-Mustafar OFC)

6. Young Obi-Wan

7. Poe Dameron

8. Arcann

9. Atton Rand

10. Darth Marr

11. Definitely not Kylo Ren. Why would anyone ever like him? He is ugly both on the outside and the inside!

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4. Kylo Ren - Burn me, I dare you, burn me. Kylo is hot and you can't stop me from thinking otherwise. Especially in the trailers for The Last Jedi he looks particularly handsome... maybe it's the scar?


After seeing TLJ, I agree. Kylo Ren is pretty hot. :p Didn't like him at all in TFA but he certainly became much more likeable in TLJ, giving more to his character (that was pretty interesting already in TFA). His performance in the new film made me count him among my favorites in new Canon. :)

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  • 4 months later...
Did you just assume genders?


Really need to bring in this debate into what appears to be a fun playful post??? Really?


As a straight male, my ideas of what constitutes an attractive man may be different than others. I'm more inclined to define male attractiveness in terms of what i consider "coolness" factors.


Galen Marek Starkiller (Sam Wittier sp.)

Qui Gon (liam Niesen)

DJ (Benicio del toro) ...although his character was a let down for me.

Cassian Andor (Diego Luna)


Just a few cool cats...


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  • 1 month later...
Because there isn't a thread for male characters and we need one of those too. (If there is, forgive me I couldn't find it.)


1 - Arcann /swoon


2 - Malgus /Drool


3 - That Zabrak Jedi from the cinematics, Satele's master(?)


4 - Obi wan, from the 2000 movies.


5 - Anakin Skywalker(Hayden Christensen)


6 - Kylo Ren (in the movies only) Sue me.:rak_03:


I think that was about it.:rak_06:



1 - Yarael Poof /closethread

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Valkorian is a great looking older man. Reminds me of the actor Anthony Hopkins.


However, for voice and looks Malavai Quinn is my top pick. Broad shoulders, nice bum, and a really great looking officer's uniform (especially at end game when he is a Major). Also has a voice as smooth as honey.


Theron Shan comes in next - even though he is perpetually having a bad hair day. Voice isn't bad either.


The young Mandalorian is pretty nice looking - Torian Cadera - might have to roll a female Bounty Hunter just for the romance.


As for the movies - there can be only the one - Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan.

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No matter what I will forever have a raging b0ner whenever Obi is on the screen. Space jesus is too hawt man.


I also like Dooku and Scourge, in general I've always found the well poised and calm individuals attractive (regardless of gender). Cytharat and Qui-Gon also belongs to that characteristic list. Dooku and Scourge still have to be at the top of the list, very masculine and in great shape for their age. Charming voice too.


Also I remember getting unreasonably warm every time Cad Bane walked on screen... Not sure why though, he isn't my usual type.

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  • 7 months later...
Lord Cytharat


Lord Abaron

Darth Marr


2019. Don't care, lol. Anyway...


Cross Arcann off the list. About Darth Mar: we never see his face so we can't say he's attractive but his voice sure is interesting and PERFECT for his character. Lord Cytharat is pretty good-looking but my MMO character is female so he's of no use to her.

1. Malavai Quinn

2. Kao Cen Darach

3. Valkorion

4. Master Ven Zallow (but we didn't see enough of him)

5. Scourge (wish he was romanceable; c'mon BioWare, if you can make Khem Val (*shudder*) of all things an option, surely you can get creative with Scourge

6. Qui-Gon Jin

7. Also (last but certainly not least)....I was sighing romantically over SO MANY Sith Pureblood males throughout my class story (Abaron (proud and handsome), Arkous (meticulous and proper), Scourge (passionate-willed and strong), etc.) Such attractive features, dignified personas, strong tradition. Crazy because I thought they were ugly at first, lol....

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