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Can't Handle the Players Anymore


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In an environment where an ignore feature exists and is easy to use, anyone who engages with trolls is simply fueling the problem.


Unfortunately ignore features do not exist in real life. I resent your assumption about how I feel about real life problems. I would never ever blame a rape victim under any circumstance, and in fact I would welcome an immediate death penalty to any and all rapists as I find them to be the most repugnant scum of the earth, followed by all abusers of children, women, and animals.


So let's not get crazy here and how about you don't continue equating a trolling "victim" in a video game with rape victims. You are going to come out bad no matter how you spin it.

You will soon see that no matter how hard you try to make the point you are making to the OP, it will be spun where you are an example of the people he is complaining about here. Again, search his thread history. He does this from time to time and the same thing happens in every thread.

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The name is pretty blunt and I can already hear the trolls waking from their bridges.


I'll be called "too sensitive" or "I should try WoW" but honestly the community for the most part makes me sick. Constant hate speech in chat, rampant bullying, and NO PUNISHMENT handed down. Before you start saying crap like "You don't know what they do", while this is true I do know FOR A FACT that 2 daily bullies admitted that they intentionally get reported just to prove there's no response.


I pay my sub like anyone else and it took very little time to feel like I was being ripped off. I'll be called out for not listing any single example but frankly use your eyes for 5 seconds and you'll see it. EA/Bioware you've failed to uphold any real standard and I just can't keep turning a blind eye. I've got 31 days left on my sub, keep it, cause it's the last dime you get from me.


I've had an okay time over the last 6 months but it's clear that newer players are not welcome here.


Goodbye Swtor.


I can't blame you. The SWTOR community seems to attract the gutter trash of the world, keyboard warriors, and Internet tough guys all with the maturity of a 12 year old, except that's insulting to 12 year old kids.

Sometimes, though, I fear these "gutter trash of the world, keyboard warriors, and Internet tough guys all with the maturity of a 12 year old" are not actually 12 year old kids but are really 40 year old guys. That's incredibly beyond face palm if you got 40 year olds acting like 12 year olds.


Most of the time, I just collapse my chat window or switch to a chat tab that filters everything except whispers and group messages.

The SWTOR community is bad.

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I can't blame you. The SWTOR community seems to attract the gutter trash of the world, keyboard warriors, and Internet tough guys all with the maturity of a 12 year old, except that's insulting to 12 year old kids.

Sometimes, though, I fear these "gutter trash of the world, keyboard warriors, and Internet tough guys all with the maturity of a 12 year old" are not actually 12 year old kids but are really 40 year old guys. That's incredibly beyond face palm if you got 40 year olds acting like 12 year olds.


Most of the time, I just collapse my chat window or switch to a chat tab that filters everything except whispers and group messages.

The SWTOR community is bad.


I don't play on EU servers, so I cannot speak for those servers.


As far as the US servers go, While no server is completely free of trolls, most of the US servers have mature, respectful and friendly communities, with very few trolls.


The only US server I have found to be inundated with trolls and people displaying less than desirable behavior is Harbinger. That server truly is a toxic cesspool. So much so that many players have moved themselves and their guilds OFF Harbinger, even at the cost of the guild and personal assets that were lost and had to be replaced.


Ebon Hawk is the second most populated server and has a very nice community, although it also has a large RP community. If you are not reliant upon the LFG tool for group activity and can respect those who RP, you might find a nice home on Ebon Hawk.

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I don't play on EU servers, so I cannot speak for those servers.


As far as the US servers go, While no server is completely free of trolls, most of the US servers have mature, respectful and friendly communities, with very few trolls.


The only US server I have found to be inundated with trolls and people displaying less than desirable behavior is Harbinger. That server truly is a toxic cesspool. So much so that many players have moved themselves and their guilds OFF Harbinger, even at the cost of the guild and personal assets that were lost and had to be replaced.


Ebon Hawk is the second most populated server and has a very nice community, although it also has a large RP community. If you are not reliant upon the LFG tool for group activity and can respect those who RP, you might find a nice home on Ebon Hawk.


I am on Harbinger, and you've hit the nail on the head in your description of Harbinger. If Ebon Hawk really has a better community, I just might transfer 1 character I don't care much for to "test the waters" and if Ebon Hawk is a night and day difference, I just might move my entire legacy over there. I should have saved up enough CC for that. I also have a relatively low number of characters (5 that I care about and 2 that are just "experiments"). Thanks for the post :)

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I am on Harbinger, and you've hit the nail on the head in your description of Harbinger. If Ebon Hawk really has a better community, I just might transfer 1 character I don't care much for to "test the waters" and if Ebon Hawk is a night and day difference, I just might move my entire legacy over there. I should have saved up enough CC for that. I also have a relatively low number of characters (5 that I care about and 2 that are just "experiments"). Thanks for the post :)


You're welcome. I would suggest creating a character on Ebon Hawk to "test the waters" and save the 90 CC until you are sure you want to move, though.

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I would consider comparing a victim to one who likes to victimize others a bigger faux pas than comparing two types of victims, so I stand by my statement as the lesser of 2 evils. Also love the callas disregard you use when you put "victim" as though nobody could possibly be bullied or harassed through cyberspace and therefore should just get over it.


When you just ignore those who victimize others, you are the problem. You pass the suffering onto others in the lowest, most cowardly way.


And the fact that you said you don't know which is worse, the troll (who gets pleasure out of other's suffering) or the person "being wound up" (also sometimes called the victim) makes you lose ALL credibility moving forward, but please continue.


You're making a lot of assumptions about me that are so wrong all I can do is :rolleyes: It doesn't matter, I'm done trying to help you as I originally did. I'm sorry that my advice wasn't to hack Bioware's admin privileges and go nuke the people that trolled you in the game. It was to use the only tool available to you, which most people use and go on with their life instead of making mountains out of molehills and perpetuating the power trolls have over people like you. The only thing you've accomplished is shown how you cannot cope with the separation of what is virtual and what is real, and you've given power to all the trolls that "bullied" you inside a game by coming in here and whining about it.


I've always tried to help people who feel bullied in game with advice using the tools available. It is clear you are enjoying the attention as much as the trolls enjoyed getting yours. I'll no longer feed you (shame on me for bothering in the first place)

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Gen chat off and hair trigger ignore. In fact I may need a hotkey for ignore shortly.


No, I won't click your ref link. No, I won't perform a sexual act on you. No, I don't care about your opinion on anything.


It's getting to Call of Duty levels of nonsense at this point, why? Nothing to do thanks to a content drought and poor management. It's getting to the end times.


I talk to my guildies where applicable and that's it. The game is now a giant salt mine.

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I agree with the OP, the community is not one to be proud of and it's steadily been worsening.


I also don't think turning off the chat is the answer- since when are the people who are behaving properly the ones who should be socially ostracized?


My point exactly. Why is it that the people who use the chat to listen for people needing help or running missions are the ones bullied into less game features because the trolls go unchecked? Like I said I pay my money, I shouldn't be forced to lose out because EA doesn't want to make a decent environment.

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You're making a lot of assumptions about me that are so wrong all I can do is :rolleyes: It doesn't matter, I'm done trying to help you as I originally did. I'm sorry that my advice wasn't to hack Bioware's admin privileges and go nuke the people that trolled you in the game. It was to use the only tool available to you, which most people use and go on with their life instead of making mountains out of molehills and perpetuating the power trolls have over people like you. The only thing you've accomplished is shown how you cannot cope with the separation of what is virtual and what is real, and you've given power to all the trolls that "bullied" you inside a game by coming in here and whining about it.


I've always tried to help people who feel bullied in game with advice using the tools available. It is clear you are enjoying the attention as much as the trolls enjoyed getting yours. I'll no longer feed you (shame on me for bothering in the first place)


Soooooooo by bringing cyber bullying into the light I'm giving power? Wow you have no actual clue. Handing power over is letting people harm other's with no consequence. That's clearly the world you want but not me. I won't stay quiet while people like you choose to sweep victims under a rug because you simply can't handle the idea the physical violence isn't the only form of bullying. Unlike you I will continue to take a stand against those who victimize others.


And for the record I have intentionally made 1 assumption of you for each you have shown to make about me.

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Gen chat off and hair trigger ignore. In fact I may need a hotkey for ignore shortly.


No, I won't click your ref link. No, I won't perform a sexual act on you. No, I don't care about your opinion on anything.


It's getting to Call of Duty levels of nonsense at this point, why? Nothing to do thanks to a content drought and poor management. It's getting to the end times.


I talk to my guildies where applicable and that's it. The game is now a giant salt mine.


It's getting to that point because ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away. After you ignore those trolls, they go after the newer players. who then quit playing. This leaves the long-term and the trolls, and as time goes by more long-term players will leave and trolls will push out the rest. Have none of you seen a multiplayer die?


It's a numbers game, and before long it just wont be worth it to keep the game going, too many people will leave. It has nothing to do with content or updates, people can only deal with bs for so long before you realize you don't have enough of a reason to deal with it.

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Tbh this community has 100% changed my view of Star Wars fans. I used to think it was a group of like-minded people who could enjoy what they like away from ridicule. You people are hateful, rude, and killing the very thing you claim to love. Heck even Lucas himself said he can't handle Star Wars fan. Enjoy this exclusionary, fake world you cling so dearly to. I don't think I'll ever support another Star Wars title. I just wast all the fandom and it's endless hate to disappear for good.


So finally, Thank you Swtor for not only driving me away from your game but Star Wars as a whole.

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Tbh this community has 100% changed my view of Star Wars fans. I used to think it was a group of like-minded people who could enjoy what they like away from ridicule. You people are hateful, rude, and killing the very thing you claim to love. Heck even Lucas himself said he can't handle Star Wars fan. Enjoy this exclusionary, fake world you cling so dearly to. I don't think I'll ever support another Star Wars title. I just wast all the fandom to disappear for good.


Don't put all Star Wars fans into one basket. It is like anything else, you have good people and bad people. For the most part I have met some wonderful people, some that are now my real life friends that I met over 10 years ago on another Star Wars games, SWG. One of them is now my boyfriend. Yea there will be people that make snide comments, are rude etc but they are not the general rule.


As far as the forums it is the same way. Star wars fans are just like everyone else, except we love Star Wars. Some of us grew up on Star Wars and while we can be a little protective of it most of us are fairly nice to know.

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Don't put all Star Wars fans into one basket. It is like anything else, you have good people and bad people. For the most part I have met some wonderful people, some that are now my real life friends that I met over 10 years ago on another Star Wars games, SWG. One of them is now my boyfriend. Yea there will be people that make snide comments, are rude etc but they are not the general rule.


As far as the forums it is the same way. Star wars fans are just like everyone else, except we love Star Wars. Some of us grew up on Star Wars and while we can be a little protective of it most of us are fairly nice to know.


I'm aware that there are always exceptions, but I have seen an overwhelming amount of bad alongside nearly no good. Personally I see zero appeal in wading through a galaxy of bs for a hand full of half-decent people. This game has changed the way I see the fans and it's unavoidable.


When I was younger Kotor 1&2 were my favorite games, I loved the worlds and lore. Now anything Star Wars will always just leave a bad taste in my mouth. Honestly I'd rather see the fan-base dissolve, it would serve them right.

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Tbh this community has 100% changed my view of Star Wars fans. I used to think it was a group of like-minded people who could enjoy what they like away from ridicule. You people are hateful, rude, and killing the very thing you claim to love. Heck even Lucas himself said he can't handle Star Wars fan. Enjoy this exclusionary, fake world you cling so dearly to. I don't think I'll ever support another Star Wars title. I just wast all the fandom and it's endless hate to disappear for good.


So finally, Thank you Swtor for not only driving me away from your game but Star Wars as a whole.


I look forward to your next thread (same topic) a few weeks from now. See you then.


Honestly I'd rather see the fan-base dissolve, it would serve them right.
If only more people were like you ... kind, honest, unselfish and tolerant. Edited by BRKMSN
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Gen chat off and hair trigger ignore. In fact I may need a hotkey for ignore shortly.


No, I won't click your ref link. No, I won't perform a sexual act on you. No, I don't care about your opinion on anything.


It's getting to Call of Duty levels of nonsense at this point, why? Nothing to do thanks to a content drought and poor management. It's getting to the end times.


I talk to my guildies where applicable and that's it. The game is now a giant salt mine.


Pretty much this.


Fleet chat consist of : PvP chat where people are yelling at each other to either que or dont que rank. Gen chat: referrel links, trump talk, and the usual "BW ruined the game, this game sucks, game is dying" stuff.


I sympathize with the OP alittle bit, the fleet chat is so horrible and just people trolling. I don't turn off chats or ignore people cuz half the time I just ignore it mentally or occasionally read chat to find something mildly amusing. But overall this a sign that the health of the game is not in a good spot atm.

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I look forward to your next thread (same topic) a few weeks from now. See you then.


If only more people were like you ... kind, honest, unselfish and tolerant.


Nah. Honestly I'm actually ashamed of the time I spent on this game and have already contacted my bank to reverse payment on my account. I'll likely have it locked and don't really care.


But hey, as you point out, shame on me for bothering to give the game a second chance to begin with.

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Nah. Honestly I'm actually ashamed of the time I spent on this game and have already contacted my bank to reverse payment on my account. I'll likely have it locked and don't really care.


But hey, as you point out, shame on me for bothering to give the game a second chance to begin with.


You are right to be upset, and you are right to try and get BW to pay attention and at least attempt to fix the problem, BUT, this is the norm when it comes to online gaming, the best antidote is finding people who behave better and spend your time in game playing and talking with those people, i know it's not an ideal solution, but it's as close to a solution as you will get.


Just try and put yourself in the shoes of BW, you don't need to search too hard to see the kind of abuse the staff gets, even if i do my job badly the customers don't get to insult me that's unacceptable, yet that's what happens if you are a game dev and the gamers are unhappy.


The abuse a player gets is nothing compared to what Eric gets, for things everyone knows he's not responsible for.


What i'm trying to say is, don't blame the lazy cop if your house was robbed, sure, it would be great if the cop was supercompetent, but the thief robbed you, he's the one to blame.

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Tbh this community has 100% changed my view of Star Wars fans. I used to think it was a group of like-minded people who could enjoy what they like away from ridicule. You people are hateful, rude, and killing the very thing you claim to love. Heck even Lucas himself said he can't handle Star Wars fan. Enjoy this exclusionary, fake world you cling so dearly to. I don't think I'll ever support another Star Wars title. I just wast all the fandom and it's endless hate to disappear for good.


So finally, Thank you Swtor for not only driving me away from your game but Star Wars as a whole.


I don't think you should let a group of people drive you away from something you love. It's not Star Wars that's the problem here. The problem is people who are rude and inconsiderate, and you'll find them anywhere, online especially since people who are too cowardly to be rude to someone's face can get away with it here scot-free.


If you're going to let a bunch of jerks ruin something that you love for you, your life is going to be miserable. And by letting them do that, you're letting them win- you're giving them what they want. The best way to 'defeat' these sorts of people is to continue on loving what you love, and not let them stand in your way.


I think what you need is a break from the online environment and to get back in touch with the stuff you like on your own terms. Singleplayer games, movies, TV shows, and books are all great recreational activities to really get in touch with why you fell in love with something in the first place.


Besides, if the game is unenjoyable for you because of other players, why keep playing it? It's all just for fun anyway.

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Sometimes I wonder in situations like this, who the real bully is.


Is it the players that are rude and vile in gen chat? Is it the posters that reply in threads like this with less than 100% support for the OP? Or is it the guy that once every few weeks creates the same basic topic here to berate the community, customer support, and now the fan base as well so he can report everybody he doesn't like after they fail to support his cause?


Disagreeing with someone is not bullying. Nor is it indicative of one that supports bullying. Offering advice to a person on how to use available tools (in game) or offering practical suggestions to help with that person's problem is not bullying or pandering to bullies. People have opinions and if they disagree with yours to the point where you want to report their posts, maybe you found the real bully.


Repeatedly threatening to stop playing or cancel a subscription is a nice touch. Pressure those customer service reps to conform to your agenda. Definitely not bullying ... (sarcasm alert)

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Sometimes I wonder in situations like this, who the real bully is.


Is it the players that are rude and vile in gen chat? Is it the posters that reply in threads like this with less than 100% support for the OP? Or is it the guy that once every few weeks creates the same basic topic here to berate the community, customer support, and now the fan base as well so he can report everybody he doesn't like after they fail to support his cause?


Disagreeing with someone is not bullying. Nor is it indicative of one that supports bullying. Offering advice to a person on how to use available tools (in game) or offering practical suggestions to help with that person's problem is not bullying or pandering to bullies. People have opinions and if they disagree with yours to the point where you want to report their posts, maybe you found the real bully.


Repeatedly threatening to stop playing or cancel a subscription is a nice touch. Pressure those customer service reps to conform to your agenda. Definitely not bullying ... (sarcasm alert)


You forgot to call me a "terrorist" while you were at it lol.


I can't even take you seriously. You come off as someone who sits there at the keyboard ringing their hands together, thinking "Yes my sarcasm is so witty, I'm the best!!" and from there everything you say just becomes silly, empty noise.

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You forgot to call me a "terrorist" while you were at it lol.


I can't even take you seriously. You come off as someone who sits there at the keyboard ringing their hands together, thinking "Yes my sarcasm is so witty, I'm the best!!" and from there everything you say just becomes silly, empty noise.


I do enjoy sarcasm, but let's stay on topic, please. I too would like to see something done about bullying. I'm not sure why you continually choose to berate people that are just here to participate in discussions.

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The name is pretty blunt and I can already hear the trolls waking from their bridges.


I'll be called "too sensitive" or "I should try WoW" but honestly the community for the most part makes me sick. Constant hate speech in chat, rampant bullying, and NO PUNISHMENT handed down. Before you start saying crap like "You don't know what they do", while this is true I do know FOR A FACT that 2 daily bullies admitted that they intentionally get reported just to prove there's no response.


I pay my sub like anyone else and it took very little time to feel like I was being ripped off. I'll be called out for not listing any single example but frankly use your eyes for 5 seconds and you'll see it. EA/Bioware you've failed to uphold any real standard and I just can't keep turning a blind eye. I've got 31 days left on my sub, keep it, cause it's the last dime you get from me.


I've had an okay time over the last 6 months but it's clear that newer players are not welcome here.


Goodbye Swtor.


Yeah, how about no. If you can't handle being on the internet, just use the ignore feature. I gladly pay for a game that doesn't police it's chat. I'd rather all the time you'd advocate they put into policing players into more dev time.

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Btw to all of you people talking about how it's like this in every game, all over the internet. No it's not, plain and simple it's not this bad in ANY mmo or even game that I have ever played. I'm a gamer of over 20 years in every genre there is, and this is BY FAR the worst community I've ever seen (No I have not played WoW but yes much worse than CoD).


The fact that you all justify it as an acceptable norm is by far the worst part. I've uninstalled the game, feel free to perma-lock my account. I have moved on.

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