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Everything posted by WolfesBite

  1. This from the person who spent 90% of my time here sarcastically mocking me. Sorry pal but there's no route to the high road from where you are. These "Bad Apples" you're talking about, yeah you're one of them. If you had put even 1 comment that wasn't in some way a backhand, snide, sarcastic or rude I may have actually seen some sort of value in your view or opinion, but you have proven that you are not worth the consideration.
  2. Btw to all of you people talking about how it's like this in every game, all over the internet. No it's not, plain and simple it's not this bad in ANY mmo or even game that I have ever played. I'm a gamer of over 20 years in every genre there is, and this is BY FAR the worst community I've ever seen (No I have not played WoW but yes much worse than CoD). The fact that you all justify it as an acceptable norm is by far the worst part. I've uninstalled the game, feel free to perma-lock my account. I have moved on.
  3. You forgot to call me a "terrorist" while you were at it lol. I can't even take you seriously. You come off as someone who sits there at the keyboard ringing their hands together, thinking "Yes my sarcasm is so witty, I'm the best!!" and from there everything you say just becomes silly, empty noise.
  4. Nah. Honestly I'm actually ashamed of the time I spent on this game and have already contacted my bank to reverse payment on my account. I'll likely have it locked and don't really care. But hey, as you point out, shame on me for bothering to give the game a second chance to begin with.
  5. I'm aware that there are always exceptions, but I have seen an overwhelming amount of bad alongside nearly no good. Personally I see zero appeal in wading through a galaxy of bs for a hand full of half-decent people. This game has changed the way I see the fans and it's unavoidable. When I was younger Kotor 1&2 were my favorite games, I loved the worlds and lore. Now anything Star Wars will always just leave a bad taste in my mouth. Honestly I'd rather see the fan-base dissolve, it would serve them right.
  6. Tbh this community has 100% changed my view of Star Wars fans. I used to think it was a group of like-minded people who could enjoy what they like away from ridicule. You people are hateful, rude, and killing the very thing you claim to love. Heck even Lucas himself said he can't handle Star Wars fan. Enjoy this exclusionary, fake world you cling so dearly to. I don't think I'll ever support another Star Wars title. I just wast all the fandom and it's endless hate to disappear for good. So finally, Thank you Swtor for not only driving me away from your game but Star Wars as a whole.
  7. It's getting to that point because ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away. After you ignore those trolls, they go after the newer players. who then quit playing. This leaves the long-term and the trolls, and as time goes by more long-term players will leave and trolls will push out the rest. Have none of you seen a multiplayer die? It's a numbers game, and before long it just wont be worth it to keep the game going, too many people will leave. It has nothing to do with content or updates, people can only deal with bs for so long before you realize you don't have enough of a reason to deal with it.
  8. Soooooooo by bringing cyber bullying into the light I'm giving power? Wow you have no actual clue. Handing power over is letting people harm other's with no consequence. That's clearly the world you want but not me. I won't stay quiet while people like you choose to sweep victims under a rug because you simply can't handle the idea the physical violence isn't the only form of bullying. Unlike you I will continue to take a stand against those who victimize others. And for the record I have intentionally made 1 assumption of you for each you have shown to make about me.
  9. My point exactly. Why is it that the people who use the chat to listen for people needing help or running missions are the ones bullied into less game features because the trolls go unchecked? Like I said I pay my money, I shouldn't be forced to lose out because EA doesn't want to make a decent environment.
  10. I would consider comparing a victim to one who likes to victimize others a bigger faux pas than comparing two types of victims, so I stand by my statement as the lesser of 2 evils. Also love the callas disregard you use when you put "victim" as though nobody could possibly be bullied or harassed through cyberspace and therefore should just get over it. When you just ignore those who victimize others, you are the problem. You pass the suffering onto others in the lowest, most cowardly way. And the fact that you said you don't know which is worse, the troll (who gets pleasure out of other's suffering) or the person "being wound up" (also sometimes called the victim) makes you lose ALL credibility moving forward, but please continue.
  11. It's entirely wrong to put a troll on the same level as the victim of trolling. They didn't ask for the bs and shouldn't be forced to take it in stride. It's NEVER wrong to stand up for yourself, and it is ALWAYS wrong to victimize others. Few things are black and white in nature, but this is. Your statement is very similar to "Look what she's wearing, she's asking for it"
  12. Not me. One word: "Micro-transactions" And many differ on that statement..... MANY https://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2013/04/09/ea-voted-worst-company-in-america-again/#356b4f847aeb
  13. Dang 3 for 3. Killing it EA, absolutely killing it. https://www.trustpilot.com/review/www.ea.com
  14. Ouch I think this one might take the cake though. https://www.consumeraffairs.com/entertainment/ea-games.html
  15. Just gonna go ahead and leave this here. That's a 98% negative btw https://www.bbb.org/greater-san-francisco/business-reviews/video-games-wholesale-and-manufacturers/electronic-arts-inc-in-redwood-city-ca-64196
  16. I 100% believe that. The one that did it for me was seeing gen chat full of people talking about making an ISIS guild to go after white players. That's both horrible and doesn't even really make a lot of sense. I called to report the players and was insulted. Absolutely sickening.
  17. I'd rather just quit playing, it's not worth it. Especially since turning off the chat would basically remove the mmo aspect. If they don't want to regulate their servers then screw them. I have 100+ steam games and growing, and don't need to throw away my time and money on a greedy, uncaring game. Way to go EA, you did it again.
  18. That's the worst part, the general community seems to welcome the hate and bullying.
  19. The name is pretty blunt and I can already hear the trolls waking from their bridges. I'll be called "too sensitive" or "I should try WoW" but honestly the community for the most part makes me sick. Constant hate speech in chat, rampant bullying, and NO PUNISHMENT handed down. Before you start saying crap like "You don't know what they do", while this is true I do know FOR A FACT that 2 daily bullies admitted that they intentionally get reported just to prove there's no response. I pay my sub like anyone else and it took very little time to feel like I was being ripped off. I'll be called out for not listing any single example but frankly use your eyes for 5 seconds and you'll see it. EA/Bioware you've failed to uphold any real standard and I just can't keep turning a blind eye. I've got 31 days left on my sub, keep it, cause it's the last dime you get from me. I've had an okay time over the last 6 months but it's clear that newer players are not welcome here. Goodbye Swtor.
  20. "No support" Game has issues after update, they pull servers to fix issue, they give constant updates as they work, all will be fixed in under a whole day ($1) "No Support"
  21. Show me the game you made please.
  22. I pay my sub too chap, I'm just not so arrogant that I equate the loss of less than $1 to "GIVE ME FREE STUFF GRHAA!!" it's really sad to see.
  23. Everyone's so greedy on here. You lost less than $1 worth of sub, poor you. Stop asking for free crap that would just require them to do more work. I just want the servers back up.
  24. I'm not too proud to admit when I'm wrong, and after being contacted by customer support, I have to take back my claim that no system is in place. While I still think work needs to be done on the "report" feature to prevent misuse, I'd like to thank CS for showing that they are making steps to rectify these issues. While I don't know for certain that "proper" action was taken, I do think that the issue was at least seen and handle. Small side note: the main culprit has not logged on in over a day, possibly just a coincidence though xD
  25. See that's the stuff I'm talking about. That level of control within a single group will ultimately kill the game. I don't want some group of jerks controlling what features I'm allowed to enjoy. Why play at that point?
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