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Nerf Sin/shad


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Reduced the damage done by Ball Lightning by 5.15%

Amped Voltage no longer increases the damage of Discharge, but retains the rest of its effects

Dominating Slashes no longer increases the damage of Assassinate and the damage bonus it gives to Lacerate and Voltaic Slash has been reduced from 10% to 5%

Reduced the critical damage bonus given to Discharge and Ball Lightning by Crackling Blasts from 10% to 5%

Reduced the low-health damage bonus given by Sith Executioner from 5% to 3%




Reduced the damage done by Psychokinetic Blast by 5.15%

Fracturing Force no longer increases the damage of Force Breach, but retains the rest of its effects

Prevailing Strikes no longer increases the damage of Spinning Slash Strike and the damage bonus it gives to Whirling Blow and Clairvoyant Strike has been reduced from 10% to 5%

Reduced the critical damage bonus given to Force Breach and Psychokinetic Blast by Deep Impact from 10% to 5%

Reduced the low-health damage bonus given by Judgement from 5% to 3%



im out

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and you get a nerf, and you get a nerf, and you get a nerf... everybody get's a nerf! :D


soon errybody will be hitting the almighty mercs and snipers with wet noodles.


Exactly, not everyone gets the nerf. The changes made to mercs and snipers don't address the absolutely pvp breaking experience they created with 5.0. Lord I hate ranged, but why wouldn't I roll a commando. They can out-survive my shadow and do much more DPS since it will be immortal.

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Crackling Blasts now increase the critical strike damage dealt by Surging Charge’s Discharge effect and Ball Lightning by 10% (down from 30%).

The damage dealt by Ball Lightning has been reduced.

Voltaic Slash now consumes 20 Force (down from 25). Damage dealt has been reduced with respect to the cost reduction.

This was from 4.0.3 in december 2015.

ball lightnings somehow keeps overperforming all the time :D

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Glad you are posting this in PVP forum as PVP was the reason they got nerfed and it was obvious they needed the nerf, mainly when you compare the spec performance with other nerfs to specs.


Honestly, I'm just curious to know why you think that, especially since you're playing mainly a marauder, who is -at least for fury and anni- far above Deception in pvp because of its current defensive (and raid utility -> speed and defense, even blood thirst if really needed). Deception does have Guard for others, which sadly don't combine well with its light armor, leading often to a choice «do I save him or do I save myself ?». Stealth out now doesn't work well, because every ranged attack and half of the melee attack has an animation that will hit you in stealth anyway. The class only had its dps in a warzone, and even in PvE. Now with its current state, without any real burst it wont do anything, and will just die trying. :rolleyes:

Peoples will again prefer to bring a marauder in a group, for both PvE and PvP :/

Glad to see I farmed those 300CR for this ;) Good luck for those who stay on this game, I'm out. I don't see why I should stay for an abusive relationship like this if there is no incentive to play at all :D it may be a cool franchise, but it is tainted with too much error from BW to keep its appeal for me ^^


Cya all somewhere else, now gotta decide where to spend my money on something worth it :rak_03:

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Honestly, I'm just curious to know why you think that, especially since you're playing mainly a marauder, who is -at least for fury and anni- far above Deception in pvp because of its current defensive (and raid utility -> speed and defense, even blood thirst if really needed). Deception does have Guard for others, which sadly don't combine well with its light armor, leading often to a choice «do I save him or do I save myself ?». Stealth out now doesn't work well, because every ranged attack and half of the melee attack has an animation that will hit you in stealth anyway. The class only had its dps in a warzone, and even in PvE. Now with its current state, without any real burst it wont do anything, and will just die trying. :rolleyes:

Peoples will again prefer to bring a marauder in a group, for both PvE and PvP :/

Glad to see I farmed those 300CR for this ;) Good luck for those who stay on this game, I'm out. I don't see why I should stay for an abusive relationship like this if there is no incentive to play at all :D it may be a cool franchise, but it is tainted with too much error from BW to keep its appeal for me ^^



Cya all somewhere else, now gotta decide where to spend my money on something worth it :rak_03:


i know your feeling mained a sorc since alpha and seen to mutch like this happen to sins its just sad how overal the inquisitor class just gets shafted every time so merc sniper overlords even need to try

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Glad you are posting this in PVP forum as PVP was the reason they got nerfed and it was obvious they needed the nerf, mainly when you compare the spec performance with other nerfs to specs.


🙄 I think you may have your information mixed up a little, they were nerfed because of OPS, but honestly, who cares why they were nerfed.

Edited by Totemdancer
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Four to five more rounds of these nerfs and PTs and Juggs will be fine.... Keep them coming hopefully every class gets their utilities and DCDs nerfed too.... Funny the main thing the PVP community wanted was a Merc nerf and reduce the slow spam and somehow it has turned into this mess. In the end we still have slow spam and Mercs are even more OP. We probably will see PT and Jugg nerfs before Mercs survivability is addressed. The Merc community must have a powerful lobby group. Edited by Glocko
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..........and anni- far above Deception in pvp.........


Anni far above Deception in PVP?

The only thing Anni is better at is fighting Arsenal Mercs and Snipers. When I say better I don't mean good enough.

If the utility that gives Mercs reduced CD for Energy Shiled (Energy rebounder?) would only work on direct single target dmg we could talk about Anni/Watchman in PVP, but now with only yolo and regs popin' where most played toons besides mercs are Concealment Ops and Deception Sins!?

....Anni is the worst mara spec for fighting Concealment Ops and Deception Sins, not the the other two spec are good enough. It's just that a clicker with basic knowledge of the game can beat any Anni mara if playing Concealment (that reduced CD on evasion :o ), Deception is a bit harder but not by much.


On the topic, PVP wise I don't agree with this Deception nerf.

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Anni far above Deception in PVP?

The only thing Anni is better at is fighting Arsenal Mercs and Snipers. When I say better I don't mean good enough.

If the utility that gives Mercs reduced CD for Energy Shiled (Energy rebounder?) would only work on direct single target dmg we could talk about Anni/Watchman in PVP, but now with only yolo and regs popin' where most played toons besides mercs are Concealment Ops and Deception Sins!?

....Anni is the worst mara spec for fighting Concealment Ops and Deception Sins, not the the other two spec are good enough. It's just that a clicker with basic knowledge of the game can beat any Anni mara if playing Concealment (that reduced CD on evasion :o ), Deception is a bit harder but not by much.


On the topic, PVP wise I don't agree with this Deception nerf.


Well, for the concealment part, any class that isn't a merc will usually have trouble beating a concealment player. I agree on the part about the slow build of anni's dps, though mara are way more resistant since 5.0 which helps them by a lot. I don't know about anni in ranked, since I played mainly Deception.

Since 5.0 I would put anni roughly on par with Deception, because a marauder is really tanky now, obfuscate being a huge helps for this, and Deception being quite squishy. As for burst, Deception has a bigger one, but a marauder can absorb it for quite some times. A good Deception player could beat a good anni mara if they never dueled before, because you can easily trick someone when it's their first time against you. For Deception, it is often like this, if you can mindf*ck your opponent it's a win.

For concealment though, if you can roll correctly it's a win, because off-heal :rolleyes:

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Thats sad.

I love deception. IDK how huge will be the impact of these changes, I must play it before get into conclusions.

But anyway, worst scenario is change into Darkness Skank for Ranked.


On a parse point of view, imagine a drop of around 800-700 dps, if you're lucky and didn't have to rely too much on ball lightning.


On a PvP point of view, it removes our main burst capability. Now we're squishy and we hit like a wet noodle. :p

Deception was fine because it has only its burst for it, now we lose a good part of it, since most of our passive burst increase are removed. Just remove completely the idea of beating a merc, a sniper or a mara now. They'll hit way too hard and will bypass the only burst left you have. :rolleyes:

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