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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Wait hold on... The Class story's start 10 years after The Treaty of Coruscant that's insane, the blew up Coruscant while the summit on Alderaan... I thought it was at least 15 years after The Treaty of Coruscant. That's messed up. I'll tell you what else is messed up the whole game spanning 15 years!


Think what it means for my main. I didn't realize a lot of this until I started putting everything into a text file and organizing it by date. If we don't age while in carbonite then my main, who was 16 at the start of the story, making them seven years younger than Theron (born in 3666 BBY / 13 BTC), and who romanced Theron, is now, at a physically age of 24, 12 years younger than Theron, who is 36 at the current point in the story.

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36? holy...I mean whoa!

that sure puts a disturbing perspective on MY LS inquisitor's romance with Theron...


to explain, I noticed that in the class story, the inquisitor is repeatedly referred to as a ''child" not only by Darth Marr, but a few others as well. (several NPCs also comment on how unusually fast the inquisitor rises to power, so that helped!


Thus, for my own headcanon, I took those explicit details and ran with it!


I decided that basically the Inquisitor is the youngest of the eight classes and built that into her backstory as a major plot point.

basically, My human Female Inquisitor was enslaved at fourteen, as an act of humiliation against her Minor Noble parents who did not watch their mouths around a prominent Darth!


before she could be branded on the face, she had a fear induced panic attack that caused her to release an uncontrollable electrical storm from her body that killed the slave master and everyone else the room and lost consciousness!

upon awakening she was given the same choice all force sensitives under the empire are given, join or die!


after two years of basic training, she is shipped to Korriban at 16, where after another six months she becomes Zash's apprentice.


the story chapters 1 - 3 take place over a span of two and a half years, with chapter one being the longest, because she spent a long time on Nar Shadda building her reputation as "the Great Healer"


basically, she becomes Darth Imperious, shortly before her twentieth birthday.


add a little under three years before being frozen in carbonite, plus the five as an unaging trophy... so that makes her chronologically 27or 28? I don't know I suck at math!


regardless, old age will never be a worry, as if she sees any crows feet, the inquisitor can just saunter off back to Belsavis and use the Key to take a therapeutic soak in the "Mother Machine" and reset her body to the way it was after being rebuilt! (The Rakata, tell you they are scanning your imprint for their records)

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To skip through the Class story... Kalki-Sati Johar becomes Kalki-Sati of clan Lok to finally have a family and community of which she isn't completely ashamed. Because you know, a genocidal war criminal, and a party, money loving, prostitute is are usually not the type of parents one brags over.


Meeting Theron blows her mind and heart because she sees someone like her only opposite. Two people forced to create their own identities and places in the Galaxy despite their parents. Kalki-Sati should have been Imperial Elite, or ccould have become another joy girl because of her past, Theron should have been a Jedi or could have been another military hero. However, they both ended up where they belonged on their own.


This is what attracts her to Theron and is the basis for the respect that lets her open herself up to him in a romantic way. She gets all the broken parts of him, and tries to help him see that even if he never gets the typical family bonds with his parents, he can be proud of them, and he was safe and well cared for, something she never had. Her broken parts are soothed by his. So she's completely willing to side with the Pubs with the mutual understanding that she is Mandalorian first, last, and always.

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I had a similar reasoning behind my Sage's age. The Consular is frequently referred to as a child prodigy who came into their abilities very young. In my case, though, the story starts in 3670 BBY (17 BTC) when the parents of my Sorc are living on Balmorra.


In 3670 the Empire invaded Balmorra and began their occupation. Though they were Echani Balmorra had become their home after being forced to leave Eshan so they chose to join the resistance. Four years later my Sorc is born in 3666 (completely by coincidence the same year Theron Shan was born). In 3662 the Empire crushed the resistance cell that my Echani progenitors were members of. The mother was left for dead, and the father and four-year-old Sorc, along with a number of the other resistance fighters, were taken as slaves. After the mother recovered they fled Balmorra thinking their husband and child were dead and settled on Dantooine (also complete coincidence, I chose Dantooine long before it was added to the game). Three and a half years later my Sage is born to their Echani mother and human father in 3659.


In 3658, at the age of eight, my Sorc's story takes a tragic turn as they are forced to watch their father beaten to death and they are branded with their master's mark. This moment, more than anything, instilled my Sorc with a hatred of slavery and planted the seeds that would lead to their eventual defection from the Empire.


3655 is an important year for the two brothers. My Sorc's master is destroyed by a powerful rival and in the ruins of the fallen household an 11 year-old Echani child is found to be powerful with the force. In the same year on Dantooine, a four year-old half-Echani child with an unusually powerful connection to the force is discovered. Each begin their respective training.


In 3643, the year the class stories start, the 23 year-old Sorc is sent to Korriban and 16 year-old Sage is sent to Tython. This sets up their eventual meeting on Yavin in 3637.


Even though I have taken several characters through Fallen Empire and Eternal Throne, in my headcanon I only have two Alliance Commanders: my Sage and my Sith Assassin. The rest of my characters fall into one of those two continuities. So in my headcanon it was my Sage who formed an alliance with Theron and Lana and led the forces on Yavin. But my Sorc joined Darth Marr on Yavin allowing the two brothers to meet. As they say, in the force there is no coincidence. It was that meeting that started my Sorc on the path to leaving the Empire. While my Sage slept in carbonite my Sorc took the defeat of the Empire and the destruction of the Dark Council as a sign to, shall we say, not go down with the ship. They spent the next five years in hiding working to thwart Zakuul where they could, but not fighting for either side (Imp or Pub). When they felt their brother's presence again they sought them out, eventually finding Odessen and joined the Alliance.

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  • 4 months later...
Woah, it's been a hot minute since this thread updated. Since the new expansion is out, what do you fellow Theron lovers think of it? I haven't gotten far on my main but so far on her one scene with Theron... I'm not really feeling it? Like I'm getting a little tired of seeing the same formula of Companion walking up to you >says they love you > kiss or don't kiss > some lollygaging about an activity > Scene over. I would like to see some more development with the romances like maybe a mini storyline to go with them. Not for all companions at the same time as there are almost thirty people to romance in SWTOR now... I rather some development now go into what we have instead of getting more generic dialogue.
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Woah, it's been a hot minute since this thread updated. Since the new expansion is out, what do you fellow Theron lovers think of it? I haven't gotten far on my main but so far on her one scene with Theron... I'm not really feeling it? Like I'm getting a little tired of seeing the same formula of Companion walking up to you >says they love you > kiss or don't kiss > some lollygaging about an activity > Scene over. I would like to see some more development with the romances like maybe a mini storyline to go with them. Not for all companions at the same time as there are almost thirty people to romance in SWTOR now... I rather some development now go into what we have instead of getting more generic dialogue.


Yeah, I was disappointed there was no new Theron romance content in Onslaught. In fact, I was really upset at the ending with him for the Empire Saboteur! :(

The fact that if you choose the "saboteur" dialogue option when Darth Krovos is explaining her plan to bomb Corellia, instead of choosing the LS outrage option, you fail to stop her plan and Theron gets super mad at you for all the civilian deaths! :( I mean, he has every right to be angry - I'm angry! But I chose the option that was clearly being pointed to as the best for the Republic, and got burned for it. If my LS character had chosen the LS dialogue choice instead of the Saboteur choice, apparently the Dark Council would have quashed Krovos' plan and I could have saved all those people. And my relationship with Theron. I assumed the LS "That's monstrous!" response would be laughed off by the Dark Council, and would be ineffectual (or even bring suspicion down on me).

I really really hope this didn't wreck my romance with Theron. :(


Edited by TariNimmireth
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I haven't been able to play Onslaught yet as the update finished a short while ago, but i had 3 days to watch videos on YT, and saw the one and only short romance segment and i was really disappointed by the "small talk - kiss - Lana (or Theron if you romance Lana) interrupts"

I'd rather have my character and Theron just talk about doing something together alone later (going to a restaurant, take a walk or whatever) than this.

I really enjoyed the short bit of romance in Hearts and minds far more than the one in Onslaught.


And if animating romance scenes is too much, then rather write love letters for all LIs than giving a not so satisfying scene to only 2 LIs. (not counting K & S who were returning companions and new romances)

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Yeah, I was disappointed there was no new Theron romance content in Onslaught. In fact, I was really upset at the ending with him for the Empire Saboteur! :(


I agree with you. The ending left me feeling cold and unhappy. Maybe that's the point, but I wish I could have had more time with Theron and at least talk in private. I hate that Lana is always around and there is never a decent private moment with Theron alone.





I haven't been able to play Onslaught yet as the update finished a short while ago, but i had 3 days to watch videos on YT, and saw the one and only short romance segment and i was really disappointed by the "small talk - kiss - Lana (or Theron if you romance Lana) interrupts"

I'd rather have my character and Theron just talk about doing something together alone later (going to a restaurant, take a walk or whatever) than this.

I really enjoyed the short bit of romance in Hearts and minds far more than the one in Onslaught.


And if animating romance scenes is too much, then rather write love letters for all LIs than giving a not so satisfying scene to only 2 LIs. (not counting K & S who were returning companions and new romances)


I agree with you. I've only played through once, that's all I've had time for, owing to real life problems. I play as a DS-V Jedi Knight and I've sided with the Empire, so yeah, I can honestly say that it leaves you feeling cold at the end. Not exactly the feeling I'm shooting for when I pay money to play. That said, I've rolled a new JK who I'll have side with the Republic to see how the other half lives. Something I'd hoped to avoid but if that's the only way to receive that warm fuzzy feeling at the end of my $24Can then I guess that's what I have to do. :( I wish the writers would realize that dark siders shouldn't be punished in their personal lives...light or dark, it's just a point of view.


I made the DS choice on Corellia, but in doing that I figured I'd be saving more lives in the long run, and those would just happen to be Republic lives.

The Silencers would blow up Pub capital ships and kill thousands rather than a few hundred on the planet. It's a military choice for the greater good. Theron should've seen it that way and been more understanding of my choice...if they were looking for an angle to justify it.


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I agree with you. I've only played through once, that's all I've had time for, owing to real life problems. I play as a DS-V Jedi Knight and I've sided with the Empire, so yeah, I can honestly say that it leaves you feeling cold at the end. Not exactly the feeling I'm shooting for when I pay money to play. That said, I've rolled a new JK who I'll have side with the Republic to see how the other half lives. Something I'd hoped to avoid but if that's the only way to receive that warm fuzzy feeling at the end of my $24Can then I guess that's what I have to do. :( I wish the writers would realize that dark siders shouldn't be punished in their personal lives...light or dark, it's just a point of view.


I made the DS choice on Corellia, but in doing that I figured I'd be saving more lives in the long run, and those would just happen to be Republic lives.

The Silencers would blow up Pub capital ships and kill thousands rather than a few hundred on the planet. It's a military choice for the greater good. Theron should've seen it that way and been more understanding of my choice...if they were looking for an angle to justify it.

I've only seen vids of a LS JC Pub loyalist romancing Theron and one of a DS SW Imp loyalist romancing Lana so far.

Well i was already happy seeing how the Empire is always the one to attack and aim for civilians so far that my Theronmancer is a LS JK who chose the Republic over the Empire, because she could clearly not tolerate to fight for the Empire in these conditions.

Reading this makes me happier that i sided with the Republic, but it clearly sucks to potentially loose a romance over choices when you don't know beforehands what kind of consequences they'll have...

Edited by Goreshaga
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Yeah, I was disappointed there was no new Theron romance content in Onslaught. In fact, I was really upset at the ending with him for the Empire Saboteur! :(

The fact that if you choose the "saboteur" dialogue option when Darth Krovos is explaining her plan to bomb Corellia, instead of choosing the LS outrage option, you fail to stop her plan and Theron gets super mad at you for all the civilian deaths! :( I mean, he has every right to be angry - I'm angry! But I chose the option that was clearly being pointed to as the best for the Republic, and got burned for it. If my LS character had chosen the LS dialogue choice instead of the Saboteur choice, apparently the Dark Council would have quashed Krovos' plan and I could have saved all those people. And my relationship with Theron. I assumed the LS "That's monstrous!" response would be laughed off by the Dark Council, and would be ineffectual (or even bring suspicion down on me).

I really really hope this didn't wreck my romance with Theron. :(



Ran into the same thing, on my first run with a Imp romancing Theron I chose the [saboteur] option and he got angry and walked off in the end cut scene, on my SI LS I chose that LS option and got his romance moment at the end of the FP.


Looking into the future I'll be very, very curious if that one single moment is enough that ends the romance. I remember a long time ago (correct me if I'm wrong) that one of the Dev's mentioned Lana/Theron could leave if we do enough against their original side AKA pub side here. Though it couldn't possibly come down to a single decision right? Maybe if we make two or three like with Koth's decision to leave?


I find it ironic that my Imp character goes down the saboteur route primarily because of Theron and in choosing the [saboteur] option he gets angry with me and walks off? Maybe I'm being too much of a nitpick here but I hope in future choices for saboteurs are more clear in their outcome with Theron/pub side. My character wants to choose all the saboteur options but he is also LS, I chose the saboteur route and Theron gets angry with me, he knows I'm playing spy/saboteur so why so angry? How will I know in the future to choose between a LS or Saboteur route when I really don't know what's going to set him off or cause him to leave?


Moving forward I don't know what to do, choose the saboteur route as that's what I want to do but possibly lose Theron or ignore the saboteur options and go LS so he doesn't get angry and leave? Shouldn't he be more understanding if we chose the saboteur route options especially after a certain "traitor arc." As an Imp playing saboteur we're literally in the lions den here, if we get caught in a bad spot were done for no questions asked, we're putting in a lot of risk that I don't feel is being appreciated by him at the moment.


Sorry for length, but again I don't know, I feel as though I'm being overly nit picky here. Can we not be a LS Saboteur? Or at least be given an option to explain what happened to Theron?


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Ran into the same thing, on my first run with a Imp romancing Theron I chose the [saboteur] option and he got angry and walked off in the end cut scene, on my SI LS I chose that LS option and got his romance moment at the end of the FP.


Looking into the future I'll be very, very curious if that one single moment is enough that ends the romance. I remember a long time ago (correct me if I'm wrong) that one of the Dev's mentioned Lana/Theron could leave if we do enough against their original side AKA pub side here. Though it couldn't possibly come down to a single decision right? Maybe if we make two or three like with Koth's decision to leave?


I find it ironic that my Imp character goes down the saboteur route primarily because of Theron and in choosing the [saboteur] option he gets angry with me and walks off? Maybe I'm being too much of a nitpick here but I hope in future choices for saboteurs are more clear in their outcome with Theron/pub side. My character wants to choose all the saboteur options but he is also LS, I chose the saboteur route and Theron gets angry with me, he knows I'm playing spy/saboteur so why so angry? How will I know in the future to choose between a LS or Saboteur route when I really don't know what's going to set him off or cause him to leave?


Moving forward I don't know what to do, choose the saboteur route as that's what I want to do but possibly lose Theron or ignore the saboteur options and go LS so he doesn't get angry and leave? Shouldn't he be more understanding if we chose the saboteur route options especially after a certain "traitor arc." As an Imp playing saboteur we're literally in the lions den here, if we get caught in a bad spot were done for no questions asked, we're putting in a lot of risk that I don't feel is being appreciated by him at the moment.


Sorry for length, but again I don't know, I feel as though I'm being overly nit picky here. Can we not be a LS Saboteur? Or at least be given an option to explain what happened to Theron?



Oh man, I chose that saboteur option too because I didn't realize the other option would stop civilian deaths and the saboteur one wouldn't, I thought it was just commentary rather than a choice. If this ruins his relationship with Theron then the character as a whole will be ruined and unplayable. I REALLY don't want to have to start all the way over at level one because of one "decision" I didn't even know I was making. D: To add insult to injury is that Lana doesn't seem to care what we do or who we side with and we're stuck with her no matter what.


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It seems saboteurs and Imperial characters are walking a tight rope when it comes to their Theron romance in Onslaught. I hadn't realized the issue, only having taken my LS loyal Knight through (who has Theron romanced) and my 'gray' Sith Warrior who has Arcann romanced. Theron did throw a fit about all the deaths on my SW and walked off but I figured that was simply because I don't have him romanced on that toon. Doesn't feel right that people are getting robbed of their flirt/kiss moment without any prior indication that might be the case, not even a "Theron disapproves" or "Your actions will be remembered" pop up like in other scenarios where 'choices matter'. Guess my Nox will have to goodie-two-shoe the situation, even if that's entirely OOC for her, just to make sure she gets her smooches in the end.


Semi-related side note; I took an instant liking to Indigo on Mek-Sha, especially when talking to him and I wasn't sure why since I'm normally not big on the mando types but then Charles tells me he's voiced by Troy so, you know, that explains that. ;) Plus the fact he's a lot more useful and fun to work with than that bug-eyed thing.

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*sobs in "I used my favorite character for my first playthrough"* T_T

That' sucks :'(


I'm using an unimportant JC who actually skipped everything from Tython to Ossus (she was already lvl 70 because i only used her to grind heroics for credits), just to experiment on the story before going there with my main JK and not risk messing anything with Theron.

Im' really glad i did actually because i may have chosen the Empire on Iokath and imediatly regret it afterwards as she's LS and supporting the Empire after Iokath would have been just impossible for her now.

And messing anything in the romance with Theron would clearly mean that i'd have to delete the character and create a clone of her to get things right.


That our choices could have ill consequences is fine, but i still think there should be some kind of warning that this may have bad results with certain characters so that you can actually avoid messing things up with a character you actually like and want to keep around or on the contrary know how to get rid of a character that you could want far away from you.

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Well, here's MY take on it ...



I used my BH -- who is romancing Theron -- yes he got mad .. but I seriously doubt that ONE choice this early on will make him leave us ... I just can't believe that the devs would do that to us since they gave us how many ?

3 opportunities to make up our minds to change sides or not ?

-- just doesn't seem likely they'd do it on ONE choice, when none of us knew the outcomes ...

when I get around to my agent though, it will be played differently -- I have been warned; besides -- really, for more realism and role play, the saboteur should occasionally make dark side decisions -- IF they don't want to get caught and killed ...


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Well, here's MY take on it ...



I used my BH -- who is romancing Theron -- yes he got mad .. but I seriously doubt that ONE choice this early on will make him leave us ... I just can't believe that the devs would do that to us since they gave us how many ?

3 opportunities to make up our minds to change sides or not ?

-- just doesn't seem likely they'd do it on ONE choice, when none of us knew the outcomes ... when I get around to my agent though, it will be played differently -- I have been warned

I don't think that ONE choice alone will drive him away, but before that point his father may already have died partially because he acted like an idiot but also partialy because of our own choices, his friend Gnost-Dural may have died because of one of our choice, and there will probably be other choices later that may convince him to leave for good, and if there are no more warnings, that may come pretty fast.

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I don't think that ONE choice alone will drive him away, but before that point his father already died partially because he acted like an idiot but also partcialy because of our own choices, his friend Gnost-Dural may have died because of one of our choice, and there will probably be other choices later that may convince him to leave for good, and there are no more warnings, that may come pretty fast.




I have a strange feeling we may get a chance to save Master Gnost-Dural later on if we took him prisoner (which I did) --

just a feeling -- THAT should help our standing with Theron --- and don't forget helping out the Jedis ( and even the Imp saboteurs get to help with that one too)


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I have a strange feeling we may get a chance to save Master Gnost-Dural later on if we took him prisoner (which I did) --

just a feeling -- THAT should help our standing with Theron --- and don't forget helping out the Jedis ( and even the Imp saboteurs get to help with that one too


I also think you'll have a chance to help him i really did not like the choice for an Imp saboteur with him, either you kill him, or you spare him for the imperial to torture him to get a ton of valuable informations. I wish i could've had a choice to pretend to kill him, so that he could've been in the same state Malgus leaves him on Republic side.

About the rest i'm only on Oderon on my first character who is a pub loyalist so i don't really know what happens imp side


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Played through my 100% evil/DS Agent last night, had a chuckle when,



Theron who I had left to die on that character, was invisible in the ending Meridian FP cut scene but had dialogue. Seen others with the glitch also. Wasn't annoyed but had a good chuckle.



Also anyone else hoping we're going to get some good time with Theron coming up with,


The Satele arc with Scourge/Kira? I have to imagine he'd come with us during it or at least have some dialogue before we leave to go sort it out?


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Oh Indigo. <3


So funny thing, about Indigo. I made up a character months ago, that my SW sees in a force vision, who is a half Chiss Mandalorian named Indigo. He is the son of my BH and Theron.


Now he is real, and voiced by Troy Baker? Is someone at Bioware reading my fic? :D:p

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Oh Indigo. <3


So funny thing, about Indigo. I made up a character months ago, that my SW sees in a force vision, who is a half Chiss Mandalorian named Indigo. He is the son of my BH and Theron.


Now he is real, and voiced by Troy Baker? Is someone at Bioware reading my fic? :D:p


Lol I'm gonna say yes.

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Oh Indigo. <3


So funny thing, about Indigo. I made up a character months ago, that my SW sees in a force vision, who is a half Chiss Mandalorian named Indigo. He is the son of my BH and Theron.


Now he is real, and voiced by Troy Baker? Is someone at Bioware reading my fic? :D:p

Lol, yes! You should totally be on the credits. ♥ That's a funny/eerie coincidence though.

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Lol, yes! You should totally be on the credits. ♥ That's a funny/eerie coincidence though.


Right? When I met him I was like okay that is kind of cool, but when I found out he was voiced by Troy? Yeah, too strange.


I know we haven't see under his helmet, but please can he be a Chiss? That would make it even more amazing, lol.

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Right? When I met him I was like okay that is kind of cool, but when I found out he was voiced by Troy? Yeah, too strange.


I know we haven't see under his helmet, but please can he be a Chiss? That would make it even more amazing, lol.

With all the new NPCs we've been getting, Indigo is someone I wouldn't mind seeing more of, even if he was just a quest NPC. I found him interesting and appealing despite the very brief interaction. Who knows what he might be under that helmet? Always strikes me as interesting when new content hits a similarity with fiction we, or someone we know, is working on. Shine on!

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