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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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But on Rishi you can tell he is still hurt. He says something about her calling him her agent, like it is an accident that they have the same last name. On Yavin he says something else about her, and you can kind of joke about him being force blind and he laughs and says I think you know I needed that. So clearly, he isn't in a place where he is at peace with it. It is those moment that tear at Jen's heart the most, because she wants nothing more than to love Theron openly and she can't.


These are from my merc's point of view on Satele and Theron's relationship.


Theron had been a bright spot in an awful situation. I couldn't put my finger on why I cared for him so much. He was a Republic spy, as he was fond of reminding me. I should hate him. But I couldn't bring myself to hate the handsome SIS agent. Not on Manaan when we first met, or on Rakata Prime, and by Rishi...well I loved him. Not in the way I had loved Torian. But in a way that I knew losing him to the Revanites was unacceptable. Kissing him the first time had been an impulse. I wanted him to see he was worth loving, was loved, even if it wasn't by his cold and distant mother. I had kissed him twice more. Once on Yavin as we parted, this kiss was different, our truce was ending, it was bittersweet, full of longing for something that could never be. And again in the last moments on Ziost, the stakes had never been higher, and emotions flared, where once again we were parting, this time, forever. Our kiss on Ziost...I had thought he was dead when he ran toward Master Surro, and engaged a shield around me, protecting me. I watched as he was lifted off his feet, choking for breath, and then tossed into a pillar like a child's broken toy. I had been helpless to do anything to save him. I tried to tell him what he meant to me with that kiss. I loved him, I was happy he was alive, not just that he had survived his encounter with the Jedi, but that he even existed, I would spend the rest of my life missing him. I couldn't deny that there was something between Theron and I. But him being from the Republic and me from the Empire there was nowhere that we could be together. It was just a fantasy, a passing dream.






Even from this distance I could see the angry set of his jaw. He strode across the camp towards his own tent. I jogged over to him. “Hey Theron, is everything okay?”


He looked up, his eyes burning with fury. He clenched and unclenched his jaw as he threw a furious glare back at the tent he had just left. “I don't know why I try...all we do is disappoint each other. I can never live up to her expectations…” His shoulders sagged and he looked at me sadly. “You wouldn't happen to have a mother that is impossible to please, would you?”


I shook my head. “No. I am sorry Theron. It is sad that she can't see what the rest of us do.” I looked over at her tent. “It’s her loss.”


“It’s a sad state of affairs when the Empire’s best gun for hire sees something worthy in me but my own mother, the head of the Jedi Order, dismisses me as a liability and a risk.” I had half a mind to march over to her tent and give her a piece of my mind. I wasn’t scared of Satele Shan. I turned to leave and do just that, but Theron reached out and grabbed my arm. “Jen, what are you doing?” His eyes met mine and then flickered to Satele’s tent and back to me. “It isn’t worth it. Just leave it alone, this is something I have to deal with.”


I gave her tent another dirty look and looked back up at Theron. I wished I had the words to make his pain go away. How could she look at her son and not see the goodness that shone out of him. He was charming and handsome, and had a way of making friends with everyone. “Theron…


There was a loud roar behind us, and we turned to see Broonmark running into the camp at full speed. Theron put his hand on my waist and pulled me towards him. Broonmark barreled into Pierce and Skadge, knocking them apart. Quinn was pulling Emm towards him much the way Theron was me, away from the scene of the melee. Torian came through the trees behind Broonmark. He pulled Skadge one way, and Broonmark pulled Pierce the other. I watched Torian, his arms straining to pull the stupid houk off to his tent so he could sleep it off.


Theron watched the struggle playing out before us and then looked down at me. “Looks like it is my turn to go on patrol. Goodnight Emmogen.” He turned and walked into his tent, I heard glass shatter and then he was striding passed me and into the woods. I knew in that moment, I hated Satele Shan.



Later that same chapter, in Jen and Torian's tent. Edited to remove the more mature content.


“Jetii.” I hissed angrily.


“You jumped me, because you are angry at Satele?” His brows knit together in confusion. "What did I miss while I was on patrol?"


“If you aren’t willing to finish, then move. I need to speak with her.” I shoved his shoulders, trying to move the solid wall of muscle that was always hidden under his heavy armor.


“Not a chance. You will talk with your fists, and while I doubt that would cause problems for anyone else but Theron…” Understanding dawned on his face, and he looked angry, hurt, confused. “This is about Theron?” I heard the cold anger in his accusation.


“No!” I said louder than I intended. I lowered my voice before speaking further. “Yes. But not what you are thinking. She has a son, and she does nothing but discard him. I can’t imagine ever treating my son like that!” I felt my chest heaving. I didn’t want to talk about this, I just wanted to be made to forget.


“You are upset because...You are jealous...Have you changed your mind?” He was trying to make sense of my answer.


“I don’t know, Torian. The lives we lead...I love being in the middle of a battle. I can’t be a mother by day and go out and complete bounties by night.” To give him what he wanted would mean I would have to give up everything I was. Or I would have to take the same route that Satele had when she had given up Theron. And that was not something that I was willing to do. Giving up a child, or giving up Theron? I didn't even care to make the distinction.



Heading to Nathema


Neither Emm or Quinn wanted me to go, they wanted to send someone else in my place. Emm begged me to send Meli or Disti. Quinn said I wasn’t ready to go on missions yet. I shouldn’t be flying off to the Imperial post, fighting the Order of Zildrog so soon after delivering Theron and I's child. We didn’t even know for sure if Theron was there. But I made them understand, it had to be me. Emm had hated that she hadn’t been on Iokath when we brought Malavai back. Malavai had thought that Emm had fallen out of love with him when she wasn’t the one to come find him. I couldn’t send Meli or Disti, or Emm even. Not if I wanted to convince Theron to come home. If anyone else went he would feel like he wasn’t important enough to fight for. Again. I could not make him feel unimportant. That was Satele’s job.




And the letter if you leave Theron for Arcann is heartbreaking.

Edited by rachetsw
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It's too easy for fanfic writers to transfer their own experiences onto a character. I've been guilty myself. BUT, it has its limits.


NOBODY knows Theron Shan with any sort of authority at all except his original creator. And however, someone wants to depict him in his/her story should be respected and not argued over. It's the writer's choice to portray him as they see him and it's the reader's choice to read or not.


Some see him as a weeping broken man-child, others as a self-abuser, alcoholic, womanizer, other's as a walled off, stoic loner, the list goes on and on.


My Theron Shan is not the same as 'Your' Theron Shan, but unless someone has some secret psychiatrist's session tapes to expose, he's still just a fictitious character that we all see in our own way.


The fact remains, NOBODY is an expert on Theron Shan. It's all interpretation or guesswork at best.



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Theron is not 100% at peace with it no, I don't think so, but it doesn't define him either. Hell, I'm not 100% at peace with the things I've gone through in the parent department, I never will be, but it doesn't define me either. It doesn't dictate my life and every waking moment, it doesn't influence my decisions. I'm not a walking collection of bad choices and fragility because 'my past'. It's there, it hurts, I do have some natural fears and insecurities that stem from that situation of course but it is not who I am. I am stronger than it, and I had to fight like hell to become stronger. Many people do. To put textbook spiraling behavior on him and put all these traumas and insecurities on him is, in my own eyes, actually insulting to his character. As if he isn't strong enough to make and live his own life, to get out above his past and stand tall even with moments of insecurity or showing hurt which are only natural. That stuff does creep up on you from time to time even if you've grown beyond it and especially when confronted with it as Theron is on Rishi.


Now I realize and know not everyone is that strong. Not in the fictional world and not in the real world, and that is okay. Every person does handle their past and trauma in different ways but Theron is not the sort to spiral or live in some dark hell because of his past, not in my eyes.


And again, to reiterate, that is *my* personal take. I see him as stronger than that. I do respect others do not and honestly, we all have our own Theron and it's great that we do. The last couple of pages show as much and while I love debating his character, at the end of the day it is entirely up to our own interpretation. Based on what we see and how we perceive it and that perception, in turn, is driven by our own experiences and our preferences. Unless your name is Drew Karpyshyn, you don't actually *know*. You interpret at best and no one's view should be sold as fact or forced down anyone's throat as though that version of Theron is the only one to go by.


We all love Theron (even the haters poppin' in are just jealous of his biteable hiney ;)) and that's great so let's just celebrate that.

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But on Rishi you can tell he is still hurt. He says something about her calling him her agent, like it is an accident that they have the same last name. On Yavin he says something else about her, and you can kind of joke about him being force blind and he laughs and says I think you know I needed that. So clearly, he isn't in a place where he is at peace with it. It is those moment that tear at Jen's heart the most, because she wants nothing more than to love Theron openly and she can't.


Oh, that joke is great...because it varies by class. I loved with my SI he jokes about being her apprentice. "I'm into you, but I'm not *that* into you." :p


And the letter if you leave Theron for Arcann is heartbreaking.


Yeah, it really is. Arcann's is as well if you reconcile with Theron.

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I don't think his relationship with Satele defines him, so much as it defines Jen's feelings for him in the beginning. It bothers her how much Satele dismisses him, because she can't understand dismissing a child, for her it is a foreign concept. And the fact that it is Theron and his bitable hiney in question, it is harder for her to accept.
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Yeah. I can get behind that, so to speak. ;)

I'd rather have him get behind me. \o/


I don't think his relationship with Satele defines him, so much as it defines Jen's feelings for him in the beginning. It bothers her how much Satele dismisses him, because she can't understand dismissing a child, for her it is a foreign concept. And the fact that it is Theron and his bitable hiney in question, it is harder for her to accept.

It bothers my Jedi as well. But she's also very protective of Theron so defense mode and grrr kicks in at the mere thought of anyone hurting him, which doesn't help her struggle in coming to terms with Satele's actions even if in some ways she does understand.

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I think this thread is veering off course and topic from admiring the Theron we know from the comics by Alexander Freed, the novel Annihilation by Drew Karpyshyn and of course, the character we've grown to know and love through the game.


I see it becoming more of a 'me fest' of self-promotion. Wanna promote your fics? Groovy...that's what signatures are for in my thinking. Wanna promote them even more? Here's a thought...why not post them in the fanfiction forum? There is one y'know. It's always nice to see new people over there and get to have new story choices to read. :)


Like others have said we all have different ideas about the man Theron is and how his formative experiences affected him...but no one is an authority unless their name is Freed or Karpyshyn.


Writers aren't always the most secure people in the world, especially ones that are starting out, or even trying to write a different character for the first time. I wouldn't want anyone to think their ideas weren't valid simply because some of the bolder opinions tout that he is this...or that...

Edited by Lunafox
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I don't think his relationship with Satele defines him, so much as it defines Jen's feelings for him in the beginning. It bothers her how much Satele dismisses him, because she can't understand dismissing a child, for her it is a foreign concept. And the fact that it is Theron and his bitable hiney in question, it is harder for her to accept.


Even though Lelu and Theron tried to keep things quiet on Yavin, rumors still spread, and Satele ended up giving him an ultimatum. Pretty much "end it or I'm going to your boss and your father", obviously not in those words. He kind of flipped her the bird and walked away...not really, but for the most part.


At that stage in the game, Lelu wasn't sure how to feel about Satele, other than it being remarkably ironic as to who his parents were. She had no parents. She doesn't even know how old she is. The closest thing she has is Marr, who found her wandering the streets of DK after she accidentally killed her master and ran away (it was how she discovered she was force sensitive). He kept her for two years, teaching her what she needed to survive, and then brought her to Korriban at the age of 20. She doesn't really understand parental units at all.


Besides, the whole time they were together on Yavin, she knew deep down it had an expiration date, so she figured Satele's ultimatum was unfounded anyways. Theron, on the other hand...

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I see it becoming more of a 'me fest' of self-promotion. Wanna promote your fics? Groovy...that's what signatures are for in my thinking. Wanna promote them even more? Here's a thought...why not post them in the fanfiction forum? There is one y'know. It's always nice to see new people over there and get to have new story choices to read. :)


Like others have said we all have different ideas about the man Theron is and how his formative experiences affected him...but no one is an authority unless their name is Freed or Karpyshyn.


Writers aren't always the most secure people in the world, especially ones that are starting out, or even trying to write a different character for the first time. I wouldn't want anyone to think their ideas weren't valid simply because some of the bolder opinions tout that he is this...or that...


Not everybody has fics that fit the rules of the fanfiction forum... ;)


And sharing our thoughts and feelings on the character, and how they interact with our characters is a way to show love for Theron's character. If we can't have perfectly civil discourse on our interpretations of a character we love, what is the point?


But, whatever...I'll shut up now.

Edited by Dracofish
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I think this thread is veering off course and topic from admiring the Theron we know from the comics by Alexander Freed, the novel Annihilation by Drew Karpyshyn and of course, the character we've grown to know and love through the game.


I see it becoming more of a 'me fest' of self-promotion. Wanna promote your fics? Groovy...that's what signatures are for in my thinking. Wanna promote them even more? Here's a thought...why not post them in the fanfiction forum? There is one y'know. It's always nice to see new people over there and get to have new story choices to read. :)


Like others have said we all have different ideas about the man Theron is and how his formative experiences affected him...but no one is an authority unless their name is Freed or Karpyshyn.


Writers aren't always the most secure people in the world, especially ones that are starting out, or even trying to write a different character for the first time. I wouldn't want anyone to think their ideas weren't valid simply because some of the bolder opinions tout that he is this...or that...

*bows to you and hears the crowd roar*


I still need to get my hands on those comics but they're hard to find, especially in my country. :(

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Even though Lelu and Theron tried to keep things quiet on Yavin, rumors still spread, and Satele ended up giving him an ultimatum. Pretty much "end it or I'm going to your boss and your father", obviously not in those words. He kind of flipped her the bird and walked away...not really, but for the most part.


At that stage in the game, Lelu wasn't sure how to feel about Satele, other than it being remarkably ironic as to who his parents were. She had no parents. She doesn't even know how old she is. The closest thing she has is Marr, who found her wandering the streets of DK after she accidentally killed her master and ran away (it was how she discovered she was force sensitive). He kept her for two years, teaching her what she needed to survive, and then brought her to Korriban at the age of 20. She doesn't really understand parental units at all.


Besides, the whole time they were together on Yavin, she knew deep down it had an expiration date, so she figured Satele's ultimatum was unfounded anyways. Theron, on the other hand...


I don't remember any Lelu in my game or Theron flipping the bird. I should have frapsed I guess. :rolleyes:

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*bows to you and hears the crowd roar*


I still need to get my hands on those comics but they're hard to find, especially in my country. :(


It took me ages to find a copy of the comics D:

They don't get sold physical here without expensive shipping second hand (not that I can find anyway), but I eventually found The Lost Sons through Marvel Comics app. and a couple on a read comics free website. Revan and Annihilation novels I managed to get through itunes books ( :( sadly the only place I could find them)

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But if he is behind you how are you going to bite his hiney? ;)


It is totally weird that I can do SoR with any other class, or character, and the comments don't bother me as much. But I run it with a Jen clone, and it just rubs me the wrong way.


Jen is a merc, she was raised in the Empire, so she doesn't understand the Jedi ways. To her it is just cruelty. And now that she has a baby of her own, she doesn't want to make the same mistakes that Satele did. She wouldn't give up her only piece of Theron, since she has no clue when or if he is coming back. And when or if he does, she wouldn't keep Theron away from his child.


And if anyone was upset by what I posted, I am sorry. I wasn't trying to promote my version of Theron at all. Was explaining why I felt Satele wasn't a good mother, more than anything since we were discussing the twitter vote thing about Satele vs Senya.

Edited by rachetsw
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Not everybody has fics that fit the rules of the fanfiction forum... ;)


And sharing our thoughts and feelings on the character, and how they interact with our characters is a way to show love for Theron's character. If we can't have perfectly civil discourse on our interpretations of a character we love, what is the point?


But, whatever...I'll shut up now.


Mine don't necessarily 'conform' either, but I have this handy dandy 'get out jail free card' I saved, that Master Musco posted. Feel free to take a copy for yourself--it's liberating in what you can do here. https://i.imgur.com/uJIfLS1.jpg


I'm all for civil discourse so long as no one is left feeling bad about what they're doing. But whatevs... :)

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I have a ton of respect for Satele, even if I don't like her choices it shows often that she doesn't either but she's accepted and lives with the choices she made. Not many people can be strong enough to live with the consequences of their choices, regret is everywhere in the books and comics. Can't be easy for her, she cares about her son and is proud of him. The jedi may have won, but at least she found him a father to raise him even if it wsn't his biological one.


Senya, poor Senya, I have utmost respect for her too. The choices she went through were also less then easy, worried about her kids but they chose their father every time.

Yeah I can see that too. :) I do appreciate she found someone as wonderful as Master Zho to raise him, he really did do a tremendous job. And I can see how it has been hard on Senya too, with all three children choosing their father. They're both very complicated and difficult situations with many different perspectives and factors to consider.



Now, to all the parents in this thread--happy mother's day. ♥ To those who struggle with these such days, *hugs*. ♥

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It took me ages to find a copy of the comics D:

They don't get sold physical here without expensive shipping second hand (not that I can find anyway), but I eventually found The Lost Sons through Marvel Comics app. and a couple on a read comics free website. Revan and Annihilation novels I managed to get through itunes books ( :( sadly the only place I could find them)

I got Revan from Google Play, but Annihilation wasn't available for my region so I bought a physical copy of that one off Amazon US, along with the encyclopedia. Wanted to get the comics too but they were sold out at the time. Might see if I can obtain them via any comic apps, hadn't considered that so ty! :)

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It took me ages to find a copy of the comics D:

They don't get sold physical here without expensive shipping second hand (not that I can find anyway), but I eventually found The Lost Sons through Marvel Comics app. and a couple on a read comics free website. Revan and Annihilation novels I managed to get through itunes books ( :( sadly the only place I could find them)


*bows to you and hears the crowd roar*


I still need to get my hands on those comics but they're hard to find, especially in my country. :(


I haven't the physical copies, I wish I did and if I see them, I'll try to pick them up. I did however manage to round them up on Amazon and have them stored in my phone. :)

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Mine don't necessarily 'conform' either, but I have this handy dandy 'get out jail free card' I saved, that Master Musco posted. Feel free to take a copy for yourself--it's liberating in what you can do here. https://i.imgur.com/uJIfLS1.jpg


I'm all for civil discourse so long as no one is left feeling bad about what they're doing. But whatevs... :)


Thanks for that, though I would still be leery. I've never actually counted how many times the "f-bomb" gets dropped in my writing, but it's a lot. Not only that, but there's definitely stuff that should be behind a "click if you're an adult" warning.


And it was not my intention to make anybody feel like their interpretation is less valid. We're all different people with different life experiences and see things differently. What I see is not going to be the same as what you see, or what the next person sees. We can disagree without being disrespectful, and I thought that's what we were doing here. Different viewpoints can be wonderful.


And yes, I'm all for the hiney-biting. :cool:

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I wouldn't be mentioning my views at all if I went with how my character sees all the people she interacts with. In regards to parents she thinks it's all silly, and that parents only need to bother with their kids until the kid learns to survive alone, because that's how her heritage has been. So Satele did everything right to her, left the kid with someone who protected him and taught him how to survive. Since her way is protect sith kid until sith kid can protect themselves, then it's all on them. She only brings up the jedi things because she doesn't like the Jedi, sees them as a self-righteous bunch of hypocrits.

But I, as a player, see things very differently then my character does.

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I still need to get my hands on those comics but they're hard to find, especially in my country. :(

I have the same issue.

I was able to find Annihilation in store and only saw it once and it was the only copy available, i guess i was lucky with that one, and had to get Revan and the other 2 SWTOR books on Amazon.

The comics, i'll try to find them there too, because i've never seen them in store anywhere :(

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Hah! So after last night's debate I went and checked Amazon US again today for The Lost Suns comic and they had one copy available. Bought it, waiting impatiently, woo! Come into my hands Agent Shan. :cool: Edited by JennyFlynn
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