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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I forgot about Ziost. Imps don't get a goodbye at all. After Ziost is finished, Pubs can first ask Theron to join their crew - to which he declines - then ask him out for a drink - to which he declines again. Theron! Just let someone love you! Stop running! >.<

Speaking of Ziost: Finished Ziost on my agent last week. My seven-year-old daughter came in to watch and saw all life on Ziost get turned to dust and the planet turned grey and lifeless and she started crying! 😭 She cried for a solid twenty minutes for the trees and people on that digital planet. She was upset about it for a good two hours after that too. I did not know it would affect her so much. (Though I should have had some idea. She has always been incredibly empathetic.) Made me resolve not to play the game with her around anymore. 🥺


On 4/26/2023 at 9:29 AM, Goreshaga said:

Can't comment on the BH though, i've never romanced Theron with one, as my main BH is a Torian girl all the way and doesn't see anyone else, and my male BH will go for Rass (might be a nice romance tbh as he's pretty cute so far), but i've just started him (i think i'm on DK, but i've played other characters since then so not fully sure), so i'm very far to meeting Rass with him.

I didn't even realize Rass was a possible romance! So, of course, I had to look for a video. FemBH really delivers on that flirt line. It sounds flirty😄 Like Zenith, making Rass an official romance would be awesome. Doesn't look like he is one yet.

On 4/26/2023 at 9:09 AM, cannibithobbal said:

BH peeps chime in about how start of relationship is, I am curious since they are "imperial" but also, like, not really, so does Theron trust them way more than sith or agent or does the dialogue not really account for different levels of "imperial"?

That's a good question. 🤔 Personally, I don't think there is much difference between different Imperial levels. There are small dialogue lines that attempt to make a difference and the buildup of the way the character has been played up to that point, and the choices made after, adds personal emotional weight to the lines. For example, on Rishi, Theron will say, "Is that a good hello or a bad one? I can never tell with you Imperial types." An agent can respond along the lines of, "You're lucky I'm working with you at all" (Not an exact quote as it is from memory. It's a very antagonistic line and I didn't take it and chose the say nothing route.) and Theron lets it go like water down his back, and says he'll take it as a good hello. (Like some of you, I have a list of points in the story I have to redo for dialogue purposes. I never recorded this line and now I wish I had.)

A hunter can deny being Imperial by replying, "The Empire's a lucrative client, but they don't own me." To which Theron replies, "Okay, if you say so..." 😐

I feel there was more difference in the way Marr treated me. Marr never liked my hunter and voices as much. But my agent? Oh, Marr definitely liked him and the feeling was mutual. For once, I was actually upset when Marr got killed by Arcaan Valkorion.

Edited by yenzin
Arcaan -> Valkorion
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6 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

Yeah would be nice to see them interact a bit more. But i really liked having Kira, Scourge, Theron, Arcann and Senya with me during EoO, if only the very last scene had not been such a disappointment though...

Still mad that Scourge didn't have anything to say during SoR, we could've had some interesting dialogues between him and Revan, but nope, they just don't see each other.

I actually really love the end of EoO.  Even though I'm sad we don't see Theron again to bookend it, the exchange with Satele about him is one of my favorite scenes about Theron in the whole game even though he's not even there, it is so sweet.  There's only a few times in the whole game where your character's romance with Theron is specifically referenced when talking to other characters when Theron isn't there, and it's basically just that scene with Satele and talking to Lana after Umbara.  I wish we got comments about it to other characters more, but I do understand why they limit it. 

I do agree about Scourge, I had him as my companion through SoR and it's weird that he's just hanging back there totally silent dealing with stuff that is super relevant to him lol  Also, similarly, I've always though it's weird that JK doesn't mention anything about already working with a sith when meeting Lana 😅  poor Scourge, forgotten, then friendzoned lmao

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10 minutes ago, yenzin said:

I have no idea what my first flirt line on my FemJK with Theron will be. That HC is strong with this one. It is an integral part of the BH/Theron fanfiction I am writing. Going to be hard to mentally adjust. 🤔

Personally I just think of each of my characters as being in an alternate timeline/universe in my HC, just to make the mental gymnastics easier 😅  I only have ONE character that I specifically HC as being connected to a character from a separate story, but that's a character I don't plan to play past class story so it's fine lol

Relatedly, after I did my first full playthrough with Theron romance and everything on JC, I thought it would be weird and impossible for my brain to adjust to doing the whole same thing on another character and having another character also love/marry Theron.... but then I ended up loving the JK version even more so, got over that pretty quick 😆

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 Shoot I did not see you had a second post on next page, I would have combined responses, sorry for so many posts 😓

14 minutes ago, yenzin said:

I forgot about Ziost. Imps don't get a goodbye at all. After Ziost is finished, Pubs can first ask Theron to join their crew - to which he declines - then ask him out for a drink - to which he declines again. Theron! Just let someone love you! Stop running! >.<

Speaking of Ziost: Finished Ziost on my agent last week. My seven-year-old daughter came in to watch and saw all life on Ziost get turned to dust and the planet turned grey and lifeless and she started crying! 😭 She cried for a solid twenty minutes for the trees and people on that digital planet. She was upset about it for a good two hours after that too. I did not know it would affect her so much. (Though I should have had some idea. She has always been incredibly empathetic.) Made me resolve not to play the game with her around anymore. 🥺

Oh noooo poor thing 🥲  Just.... let her play it once she's older.  Yes.

F.F.S. THERON.  ngl, Ziost is not my favorite of the stories with Theron in, partly because him and Lana being kind of prickly at first feels weird, and then Theron basically loves and leaves at the end and it's sad.  (also I am biased because f'd up the recording of it a few times, and missed the best flirt in the story where you say you were worried about him because it was the third down dialogue option for some reason so I'm still bitter about that and mad at myself lol)  I never even thought about the fact he literally rejects you twice in a row too though, omg Theron.

19 minutes ago, yenzin said:

That's a good question. 🤔 Personally, I don't think there is much difference between different Imperial levels. There are small dialogue lines that attempt to make a difference and the buildup of the way the character has been played up to that point, and the choices made after, adds personal emotional weight to the lines. For example, on Rishi, Theron will say, "Is that a good hello or a bad one? I can never tell with you Imperial types." An agent can respond along the lines of, "You're lucky I'm working with you at all" (Not an exact quote as it is from memory. It's a very antagonistic line and I didn't take it and chose the say nothing route.) and Theron lets it go like water down his back, and says he'll take it as a good hello. (Like some of you, I have a list of points in the story I have to redo for dialogue purposes. I never recorded this line and now I wish I had.)

A hunter can deny being Imperial by replying, "The Empire's a lucrative client, but they don't own me." To which Theron replies, "Okay, if you say so..." 😐

I feel there was more difference in the way Marr treated me. Marr never liked my hunter and voices as much. But my agent? Oh, Marr definitely liked him and the feeling was mutual. For once, I was actually upset when Marr got killed by Arcaan.

That is definitely a little sad, but like I said before at least there is that option to say you are not actually imperial, but weird that Theron will just keep treating you like you are anyway lol  Obviously it works out, thankfully 😅

It's kind of funny to me that Marr dislikes the BH, he never even expresses specific dislike for my republic characters, he must reaaaaaaally hate bounty hunters 🫠  I love Marr though, I was always sad he died (maybe because he didn't hate my characters though lmao, sorry BHs 😢)

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10 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I have not played a male consular, but female consular voice is my personal favorite of all the player characters ❤️  she always sounds like the perfect Jedi to me, just calm, serene, and wise.  I love her.  


Thank you for this. I feel that JC gets shafted a LOT. My JC is with Arcann, (forever and always) but she views Theron as another brother, (she has 8 so Theron makes 9.)

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9 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Did you make dupe JK too?  Because I made 2 identical JKs, can recommend, good life choice haha.

If you are curious how diff it is and haven't seen it, though, here is JK proposal scene (hopefully the link to time stamp worked, should be 43:32), it is actually crazy how diff it is to the BH, the characters really have such different personalities!  Back to that great voice acting, man.  They are all so distinct, exact same lines but feels so different.

Yup! Two exactly the same. Even the names are the same except for an umlaut. Then I got one to level 11 and the other to level 8 and realized their skin colours were three marks off and had to pay with CC to change one of them. 😅 Was more worth it than starting completely over. When I get to Chapter 9, I am finally going to buy the hairstyle pack with the long hairdo I like and spend more CC so they will both let their hair down (literally and figuratively 😏) for the cantina scene.

As long as I don't make major blunders when going through dialogue, I won't have to remake one of them again. (And one of them can go without subtitles to get great screenshots.) On my agent, I'm going to eventually make a clone to fix some dialogue scenes. My JC killed Surro and Theron was so upset! "You know what? I can't. I can't talk to you right now." I felt so bad! I just wanted to see what would happen! Now I HC it that JC intimately knows how the Jedi work and knew they would not be able to help Surro and she was likely going to suicide before the year was out so he ended her suffering early. For a while, I considered making a clone but in the end decided not to as I really like that HC. I'm going to have to make a clone of my hunter too. Was my first character so my method for recording scenes was not well thought out. I tried compiling it all into a video and I have to do so. much. editing. It'll be easier just to re-record everything.

Watched the proposal because you said the lines were the same so no spoilers there. And wow! the different VAs really do change the scene. 😲 Not a lot, but certainly enough. Thanks for sharing! If you ever get around to posting the videos for the public to see, I don't think you'll face a problem. 😉

7 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

Yeah would be nice to see them interact a bit more. But i really liked having Kira, Scourge, Theron, Arcann and Senya with me during EoO, if only the very last scene had not been such a disappointment though...

As far as voice acting goes, i can't really comment on the VA in english, as i've played nearly exclusively in french, though i'm in the middle of recording the JK's playthrough in english, but i'm on Hoth, so still very far from even meeting Theron, and i've missed one of the convos with Doc because it ended before i could esc, and i want to change a dialogue with Killran, so i'll probably have to remake one in the end (i should really stop deciding on other dialogue options and clothes after i record, because i keep redoing new clones of my JK to record all over again...).

If anyone's interested, here's the proposal in french : https://youtu.be/ZdFqgdsXqX0?t=132. It's an old recording though, my JK doesn't even look like that anymore, so i'll have to re-record it at some point, when i'll get there.

Arcaan was a present surprise. He lived in my playthrough only because I couldn't bear to kill Senya because she reminded me so much of my mom. I have a sister I do not talk to who is a combination between Vaylin and Kaliyo and my mom still loves her anyway because she is one of the few people out there who is truly capable of unconditional love. So Arcaan got to live and I ended up really enjoying getting to see his character evolve. To the point where I have been tempted at times to romance him. Maybe on an eventual smuggler...

The whole chapter with them all was amazing. Then, yes, waking up was a disappointment. Now I have to heavily warp reality in my brain to wake up to Theron instead. There is no way he left me there! Not even if he was poisoned by someone and was incredibly ill would he leave me there on the floor without knowing I would be all right.

I have wondered for two years now which game language you play in. You mentioned playing in another language in a post back in 2021. The voice acting for the scene in French is amazing! 🤩 I don't speak a word of French, but I can hear the inflections. Theron and FemJK sound so hurt and I can hear the pure relief in Theron's voice when she says yes. Loved it! Thank you for sharing! 🥰 I am going to have to change the language for certain scenes now as I play through on my JK. Ack! Why am I thinking of making more work for myself!? 😂


Now to go find some pink and black dye to put Theron in...

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1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

I actually really love the end of EoO.  Even though I'm sad we don't see Theron again to bookend it, the exchange with Satele about him is one of my favorite scenes about Theron in the whole game even though he's not even there, it is so sweet.  There's only a few times in the whole game where your character's romance with Theron is specifically referenced when talking to other characters when Theron isn't there, and it's basically just that scene with Satele and talking to Lana after Umbara.  I wish we got comments about it to other characters more, but I do understand why they limit it. 

I do agree about Scourge, I had him as my companion through SoR and it's weird that he's just hanging back there totally silent dealing with stuff that is super relevant to him lol  Also, similarly, I've always though it's weird that JK doesn't mention anything about already working with a sith when meeting Lana 😅  poor Scourge, forgotten, then friendzoned lmao

No, i really liked the part with Satele, whether you tell her how much you love him and want to make him happy or that Theron needs her in his life and she agrees to be more involved, that's good stuff.

It's the part after that, when we wake up once again to Lana in our face that irks me to no end. Not only is it irritating to get that again after several complaint that it's really creepy, but it also doesn't make any sense, and makes everybody else look really bad. She wasn't even there to begin with, and then all the people who are the closest to my JK just abandonned her unconscious on the floor of a broken abandonned ship just so that Lana can show up to get a second romance scene (which i absolutely don't care about because none of my characters romance her) when neither Kira nor Scourge got any. Honestly i'm fine with not having a second romance scene with Theron or Arcann as they got one at the beginning, but we should've woken up to Kira and Scourge as they're the only ones who were there regardless of players choices (could've been after they dropped Satele and her students on Coruscant), and they should've been given some romantic interaction at the end too.


Yeah ignoring completely Scourge here wasn't a very good choice tbh. I would've loved Scourge teasing my JK about her falling in love with Revan's descendant and son of the Grandmaster too, especially after he told her she would eventually fall in love with someone during one of his convos on the ship, could've made for a pretty funny interaction. Discarding the odd confessions at the end of Onslaught, i could totally see Kira and Scourge playing matchmakers for my JK during SoR.

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12 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Arcaan was a present surprise. He lived in my playthrough only because I couldn't bear to kill Senya because she reminded me so much of my mom. I have a sister I do not talk to who is a combination between Vaylin and Kaliyo and my mom still loves her anyway because she is one of the few people out there who is truly capable of unconditional love. So Arcaan got to live and I ended up really enjoying getting to see his character evolve. To the point where I have been tempted at times to romance him. Maybe on an eventual smuggler...

The whole chapter with them all was amazing. Then, yes, waking up was a disappointment. Now I have to heavily warp reality in my brain to wake up to Theron instead. There is no way he left me there! Not even if he was poisoned by someone and was incredibly ill would he leave me there on the floor without knowing I would be all right.

I have wondered for two years now which game language you play in. You mentioned playing in another language in a post back in 2021. The voice acting for the scene in French is amazing! 🤩 I don't speak a word of French, but I can hear the inflections. Theron and FemJK sound so hurt and I can hear the pure relief in Theron's voice when she says yes. Loved it! Thank you for sharing! 🥰 I am going to have to change the language for certain scenes now as I play through on my JK. Ack! Why am I thinking of making more work for myself!? 😂

Ah, you replied while i was typing.

Yeah, i really like Arcann too, i paired him with my Warrior and they work really well together, even if the romance is not much, it's really sweet, and that guy really needs love, in my HC he has become pretty much my JK's brother and is my SW's lover, my JK and SW are quite like sisters too. I'd love to see Theron and Arcann interact a bit more too, they could have an intersting dynamic and i think they could eventually become pretty good friends.

Same, in my HC the scene will end in a completely different way, Theron just took his mom and fiancee on the shuttle he's in (seriously considering the size of the shuttle and that Arcann and Senya took the other one, i'm pretty sure everybody else can fit in the same shuttle) and they both woke up with him next to them, i just can't see him willing to abandon any of them in these circomstances, that's just completely ooc for him (well like not being part of the carbonite rescue mission...).

You're welcome, happy that you liked it. 😁 I absolutely love how well fem JK and Theron's voices go together in french, i've tried some other classes with him, but none of the other PCs sounded as in love with him as F JK. F SW and Arcann's voices are pretty nice together too.

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5 hours ago, yenzin said:

The whole chapter with them all was amazing. Then, yes, waking up was a disappointment. Now I have to heavily warp reality in my brain to wake up to Theron instead. There is no way he left me there! Not even if he was poisoned by someone and was incredibly ill would he leave me there on the floor without knowing I would be all right.

5 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

No, i really liked the part with Satele, whether you tell her how much you love him and want to make him happy or that Theron needs her in his life and she agrees to be more involved, that's good stuff.

It's the part after that, when we wake up once again to Lana in our face that irks me to no end. Not only is it irritating to get that again after several complaint that it's really creepy, but it also doesn't make any sense, and makes everybody else look really bad. She wasn't even there to begin with, and then all the people who are the closest to my JK just abandonned her unconscious on the floor of a broken abandonned ship just so that Lana can show up to get a second romance scene (which i absolutely don't care about because none of my characters romance her) when neither Kira nor Scourge got any. Honestly i'm fine with not having a second romance scene with Theron or Arcann as they got one at the beginning, but we should've woken up to Kira and Scourge as they're the only ones who were there regardless of players choices (could've been after they dropped Satele and her students on Coruscant), and they should've been given some romantic interaction at the end too.

Personally I am definitely sad that the others aren't there when they wake up at the end of EoO and especially for Theron it would definitely 1000% make sense that he be there (I mean, I do really wish he was there), but it doesn't actually bother me because I also really love Lana and I always consider Lana to be my character's BFF (and it never felt creepy to me, just a fun friendly interaction). 

Also I am 100% certain that a) Satele told Theron that everything was fine and she would look out for them (there is definitely an implication that she had woken up and gone back into the mindscape after, as she knows what everyone is doing - that was always my assumption about what happened anyway) and b) Theron did not so much as step away until Lana had them safely in hand.  I also HC that Satele personally asked Theron to help Kira and Scourge, and that Theron was hesitant but ultimately agreed because Satele and Lana assured him they'd keep them safe, and he trusts both of them.

Edited: so I rewatched the scene again and realized maybe I had been wrong/misremembered and my HC needs some work lmao  I still don't have an issue with the scene (I like it in fact, even though obviously I always want more Theron at all times so of course I wish he was there), definitely still HC Theron had some kind of firm and trustworthy assurance that his bf/gf was ok and was asked to help Satele to explain him leaving (that's been my HC for this long, not changing it now), but I realize from a few lines I forgot that I was prolly been wrong this whole time about Satele waking up then going back, whoops lol it's fiiine /end edit 

From a meta dev standpoint I also know that there are like 5 potential LIs in the FP and it would be hard to accommodate for waking up with every one of them or having everyone there in one scene lol  For Kira and Scourge, unfortunately I also just get that they aren't going to make alt scenes for JK compared to other classes to have them stay there, even though it also makes sense.  It is a trend through the whole game that character interactions that probably should happen between specific characters compared to others don't because of budget, and it's always a little sad, but I also get it.  I cherish it when they actually do it though.

5 hours ago, yenzin said:

Arcaan was a present surprise. He lived in my playthrough only because I couldn't bear to kill Senya because she reminded me so much of my mom. I have a sister I do not talk to who is a combination between Vaylin and Kaliyo and my mom still loves her anyway because she is one of the few people out there who is truly capable of unconditional love. So Arcaan got to live and I ended up really enjoying getting to see his character evolve. To the point where I have been tempted at times to romance him. Maybe on an eventual smuggler...

I was shocked how much I came to love Arcann, ngl.  Any character that goes from power mad tyrant to absolute sweetie that I want to give hugs is, well it's shocking but wonderful.  The first time through I did initially just save him only because there was absolutely no way I was going to kill Senya (I loved her immediately when she showed up), but on second playthrough it was 100% that I was saving both of them. 

I have seen some people complain that his redemption was unearned and therefore not good but I can't disagree with that more honestly, it makes perfect sense to me that his super loving and caring mother doing a ritual to give him her life force would imprint her lovingness onto him and that he would change, since he was clearly already ready to when he saved Senya from Vaylin. 

I was also so happy when we got Arcann return again to be involved in the Malgus story.  I don't think I would ever romance him on any character but I really love him, and never would have expected to say that when the story started!

5 hours ago, yenzin said:

Yup! Two exactly the same. Even the names are the same except for an umlaut.

As long as I don't make major blunders when going through dialogue, I won't have to remake one of them again. (And one of them can go without subtitles to get great screenshots.) 

I tried compiling it all into a video and I have to do so. much. editing. It'll be easier just to re-record everything.

ngl, adding an umlaut is a shout, I should have done that, I just took away an ' instead from my JK and changed one letter on JC 😅

I wish you all the best of luck in not making dialogue blunders!  ngl I am actually tempted to remake JK a third time because I am SO UPSET that I botched my Ziost recording.  Missed the best flirt (seriously BW, why was the "I was worried" THE THIRD OPTION DOWN and not clearly visible because of the background colors, and why was the scene not exitable to redo and why was I dumb and going too fast and not reading properly, so mad at myself) and also accidentally cut off dialogue a few places, and these things should not bother me but they totally do lol.  I am also reallllly debating whether I record JC or not just because, frankly, I am out of storage space.

Speaking of, side question for everyone who records: how on earth do you fit them all on your computer?  I am a few gb away from my 4tb drive being completely full lol  I am uploading them all to YT but in case something happens to those videos I don't want to delete the originals, genuinely not sure what my best option is.  If anyone has advice, lemme know haha

Maybe my problem is that I am too lazy to edit anything down?  So some videos have extra stuff between the cutscenes.  Not gonna change it though, too lazy.  Plus, some scenes have characters talking over the top that I don't wanna miss.

5 hours ago, yenzin said:

Now to go find some pink and black dye to put Theron in...

😈 dew it.  bonus if it's black leather, and pls send pics lol

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15 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Personally I am definitely sad that the others aren't there when they wake up at the end of EoO and especially for Theron it would definitely 1000% make sense that he be there (I mean, I do really wish he was there), but it doesn't actually bother me because I also really love Lana and I always consider Lana to be my character's BFF (and it never felt creepy to me, just a fun friendly interaction). 

Also I am 100% certain that a) Satele told Theron that everything was fine and she would look out for them (there is definitely an implication that she had woken up and gone back into the mindscape after, as she knows what everyone is doing - that was always my assumption about what happened anyway) and b) Theron did not so much as step away until Lana had them safely in hand.  I also HC that Satele personally asked Theron to help Kira and Scourge, and that Theron was hesitant but ultimately agreed because Satele and Lana assured him they'd keep them safe, and he trusts both of them.

Edited: so I rewatched the scene again and realized maybe I had been wrong/misremembered and my HC needs some work lmao  I still don't have an issue with the scene (I like it in fact, even though obviously I always want more Theron at all times so of course I wish he was there), definitely still HC Theron had some kind of firm and trustworthy assurance that his bf/gf was ok and was asked to help Satele to explain him leaving (that's been my HC for this long, not changing it now), but I realize from a few lines I forgot that I was prolly been wrong this whole time about Satele waking up then going back, whoops lol it's fiiine /end edit 

From a meta dev standpoint I also know that there are like 5 potential LIs in the FP and it would be hard to accommodate for waking up with every one of them or having everyone there in one scene lol  For Kira and Scourge, unfortunately I also just get that they aren't going to make alt scenes for JK compared to other classes to have them stay there, even though it also makes sense.  It is a trend through the whole game that character interactions that probably should happen between specific characters compared to others don't because of budget, and it's always a little sad, but I also get it.  I cherish it when they actually do it though.

That's the thing, that scene as is works if you've killed Theron, Arcann and Senya, because Lana's there the whole time or if your character either has Lana as their LI or effectively considers her their BFF. None of that works in my case, and for none of my characters. All 3 are well and alive and were there the whole time, and none of my character romances Lana or considers her a BFF. It's even worse in my JK's case, because here all the people who were there and just decide to leave her were the ones the closest to her. And it feels creepy to me because the game forces a level of intimacy between my characters and Lana that's just not actually there (with all the waking up to her face, interrupting the romance scenes, mostly with Theron and Koth, worried looks and concerned tones, and romantic sunset walks in the woods), so she ends up looking like a stalker, who is in love with them even though they'll never reciprocate the feeling.

I understand they can't account for everything, and have several versions of the same scene, but then they should go for what makes the most sense instead of always defaulting to Lana no matter how nonsensical it can be. For instance, it made no sense that Lana would be the only one for the carbonite rescue mission (other than T7 who doesn't make sense for any other characters than the JK) as my JK and Lana were not on good terms at the end of Ziost, and for my JK who last saw her on Ziost so not too long before being frozen, having Lana suddenly be "it's so good to see you" the very next time they see each other, is super weird, so having both Lana and Theron here would've made the most sense, not to mention it would've made the whole reunion with Theron a lot better than what we got. At the end of EoO, as the only characters who were there for everybody were Kira and Scourge, it would've made the most sense to wake up to them after they droped Satele and her students on Coruscant, or to wake up on Odessen with all the people involved being there when you wake up (so Kira, Scourge and Lana by default, plus Theron, Arcann and Senya when they're still alive).

So as far as i'm concerned, in my HC the rescue mission is different and Theron is involved, and the end of EoO is completely different. The group taking Satele and her students back to Coruscant also took my JK, and Lana stayed on Odessen the whole time, because that's the only way these scenes make sense.

15 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I have seen some people complain that his redemption was unearned and therefore not good but I can't disagree with that more honestly, it makes perfect sense to me that his super loving and caring mother doing a ritual to give him her life force would imprint her lovingness onto him and that he would change, since he was clearly already ready to when he saved Senya from Vaylin. 

I may be wrong on this, but i also think the Voss ritual reseted his personality to be closer to how he was as a kid, and how he would've been without the constant negative influence from his father, because there were already hints of that kind of personality when he talked about Senya and Thexan, even before he decided to protect his mother from Vaylin. I would've loved to have a bonus chapter like the HK one, where we would've followed him after the events on Voss and we would've seen a bit of his own journey towards redemption and how he came to consider working with the Alliance, it could've been interesting, and as much as i like having his redeemed, i would've loved to see more of it.

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On 4/27/2023 at 11:19 PM, cannibithobbal said:

p.s. Theron totally is quite tall.  As companion he is constantly bending halfway over looking down at JC and is even slightly taller than my JK with same body type to the point he still has a slight lean 😂

How tall is Theron? 6'2"? Becasue it looks like he is a full foot taller than my agent. Is that body type 5'2"? He's a shrimp! 😱 

That would place the second body type at roughly 6'00". How tall is the third body type then? 6'8"? 7'00"? 😅

On 4/28/2023 at 8:50 AM, cannibithobbal said:

 Shoot I did not see you had a second post on next page, I would have combined responses, sorry for so many posts 😓

Oh noooo poor thing 🥲  Just.... let her play it once she's older.  Yes.

F.F.S. THERON.  ngl, Ziost is not my favorite of the stories with Theron in, partly because him and Lana being kind of prickly at first feels weird, and then Theron basically loves and leaves at the end and it's sad.  (also I am biased because f'd up the recording of it a few times, and missed the best flirt in the story where you say you were worried about him because it was the third down dialogue option for some reason so I'm still bitter about that and mad at myself lol)  I never even thought about the fact he literally rejects you twice in a row too though, omg Theron.

It's kind of funny to me that Marr dislikes the BH, he never even expresses specific dislike for my republic characters, he must reaaaaaaally hate bounty hunters 🫠  I love Marr though, I was always sad he died (maybe because he didn't hate my characters though lmao, sorry BHs 😢)

Haha! If I started worrying about the number of responses I post, I would likely go silent. 😅 (Though someone please chime in if I need to write less or put more spoiler tags in, please. I'm enjoying have people to chat about the game with. No one in my life plays.)

She likes making characters even though she can't play the game yet. Unlike mine, which are all overly attractive with no flaws, all of hers are JC or JKs (she likes the glowy swords) with a slew of scars! Her latest JK is a miraluka with a bone mask, dreadlocks, and scars all over her face. 🤣 They have so much character! I like to HC that they all used to be Sith apprintences.

I think Ziost is less than a year after Rishi. Lana did let Theron get captured and tortured by the enemy without letting him decide if he wanted to undergo such an ordeal. He likely is used to having some choice about the missions he undertakes if they are going to involve possible torture. She didn't give him that choice. I think it's between 6-12 months between Ziost and carbonite freezing and then five years after that. Time heals most wounds. He had more time to move on from that betrayal and in Fallen Empire, they have a better working relationship. So their snippy dynamic on Ziost makes sense to me. Especially as they are both stressed from the mission, and Theron especially. Doesn't help that she wants to experiment on one of his team either. 

I think my JC was a bit hurt by the double rejection (though my JC did rightly deserve it) because I was just rewatching videos and he was very blunt with Theron when he called for help. "I'm supposed to be the first person you contact when it comes to him (the Emperor). Not your last resort." I also noticed that I did take the flirt option on my JC because it expresses concern. I never take it on my Imps because they say, "You're a sight for sore eyes." Which I feel is selfish and inappropriate when Theron just crash-landed and is wounded. 

Marr's dislike of my BH is due to my LS choices. And he is very subtle Sithy about expressing it too 😂. For instance, when I suggested not to torture Ivan,


he replied, "Just remember where the bulk of your credits come from." When my agent made the same suggestion, he was silver-tongued about it and Marr replied in an approving tone of voice, "I can always look to you for a particularly skewed perspective. It should please you to know your service to the Empire is invaluable."

Marr, you know just what to say to make an agent feel welcome. 🤩

Marked as spoiler because I don't think you are there on a BH yet. 😉 You seem alright with spoilers but playing it a bit safe. 🤗

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22 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I actually really love the end of EoO.  Even though I'm sad we don't see Theron again to bookend it, the exchange with Satele about him is one of my favorite scenes about Theron in the whole game even though he's not even there, it is so sweet. 

My BH is extremely protective of Theron. To the point where it blinds him to most things. He told Satele off during that scene and does not regret it. She will not be coming to any family dinners! Not even if she begs. I think my agent is going to be more neutral and cordial. My JC, who is intimately familiar with how the Jedi work, is going to take the polite and caring, "I love him, don't worry, he's in good hands" option. 

On 4/27/2023 at 9:31 AM, Goreshaga said:


I HC my JK as being quite optimistic, joyful, snarky, quite easy going with other people, a bit sassy and mischievous at the beginning of her journey, but not as much after her time with the Emperor, she became a bit more closed to others (even Kira who she saw as a sister) maybe quite a bit more depressed in the end.

So far my JK is outspoken and snarky but respects authority. Thus, she holds her tongue against most other Jedi. She is also shallow. O.o I've taken three of the comments so far that refer to someone's looks because she has no brain-to-mouth filter and I haven't seen such dialogue options on my other characters so I'm enjoying being a brat with her. 😅

On 4/28/2023 at 9:33 AM, JakRoanin said:

Thank you for this. I feel that JC gets shafted a LOT. My JC is with Arcann, (forever and always) but she views Theron as another brother, (she has 8 so Theron makes 9.)

I like to imagine that my JC stands in front of the mirror every morning for a solid five minutes to practice some self-love.

"You. Yes, you. You are confident. Brave. Dependable and honest. And you have a very sexy voice." 😏

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On 4/28/2023 at 9:58 AM, Goreshaga said:

Honestly i'm fine with not having a second romance scene with Theron or Arcann as they got one at the beginning, but we should've woken up to Kira and Scourge as they're the only ones who were there regardless of players choices (could've been after they dropped Satele and her students on Coruscant), and they should've been given some romantic interaction at the end too.

I would have loved to wake up to Kira and Scourge! Not because I know them (I don't. My JK is not that far) but because they started the mission and they should have been the ones to end it. 

11 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

That's the thing, that scene as is works if you've killed Theron, Arcann and Senya, because Lana's there the whole time or if your character either has Lana as their LI or effectively considers her their BFF. None of that works in my case, and for none of my characters. All 3 are well and alive and were there the whole time, and none of my character romances Lana or considers her a BFF. It's even worse in my JK's case, because here all the people who were there and just decide to leave her were the ones the closest to her. And it feels creepy to me because the game forces a level of intimacy between my characters and Lana that's just not actually there (with all the waking up to her face, interrupting the romance scenes, mostly with Theron and Koth, worried looks and concerned tones, and romantic sunset walks in the woods), so she ends up looking like a stalker, who is in love with them even though they'll never reciprocate the feeling.

I understand they can't account for everything, and have several versions of the same scene, but then they should go for what makes the most sense instead of always defaulting to Lana no matter how nonsensical it can be. For instance, it made no sense that Lana would be the only one for the carbonite rescue mission (other than T7 who doesn't make sense for any other characters than the JK) as my JK and Lana were not on good terms at the end of Ziost, and for my JK who last saw her on Ziost so not too long before being frozen, having Lana suddenly be "it's so good to see you" the very next time they see each other, is super weird, so having both Lana and Theron here would've made the most sense, not to mention it would've made the whole reunion with Theron a lot better than what we got. At the end of EoO, as the only characters who were there for everybody were Kira and Scourge, it would've made the most sense to wake up to them after they droped Satele and her students on Coruscant, or to wake up on Odessen with all the people involved being there when you wake up (so Kira, Scourge and Lana by default, plus Theron, Arcann and Senya when they're still alive).

The last time my JC saw Lana on Rishi, he told her, "If we meet again, don't expect any mercy." Her reply was calm and composed. "A traditional Sith farewell. You're so thoughtful." 😂 On Ziost, that animosity is forgotten about when I next see her and at the end of the mission, she leaves in an angry fit. Then I see her outside the carbonite chamber and I have no choice but to be super nice, open up to her about my nightmares, or pretend to have forgotten her. All of those options were extremely frustrating and did not fit! 😡 Five years may have passed for her, but only months have passed for me!

Having the trio there for the rescue would have been perfect. I would have loved that! 😍Because Theron is not there, Lana gets more flirts with the player than Theron does. Koth gets about the same as her during the rescue, and there should have been at least two more with him to develop the possible relationship further before the cantina hook-up scene. Having him there would have improved the reunion a lot. Theron's, "I wasn't sure you would remember me," is not well thought out in my opinion because again, only about a year has passed for the player, so of course he/she should remember Theron just fine. 

She is constantly there. 🤣 I was flirting with Koth with my agent, because well, why not? and she disapproves! Well then, stop listening in! I still remember thinking the start of leaving to confront Valcorian with Scourge and Kira was a bug because Lana was being all heartfelt and mushy and I was mentally screaming, "When did we start dating!? What is going on?" I restarted that mission several times before finally letting it play out long enough to see Theron arrive. And I did not want Theron going because I was worried about him and my BH is extremely protective of him, but Theron played the 'Satele is my only parent left card', and my BH instantly folded. He has my BH wrapped around his finger. 💞

To be fair, I like Lana just fine. Most of the time. I just wish the dynamics were more even. I wish she wasn't constantly interrupting my kisses with Theron. I wish she hadn't taken over Theron's job in the Alliance. I wish we could get a romantic scooter ride through the forest. I especially wish there for more Koth and Theron. And Arcaan! 🥺


And I really need to stop writing novel replies. Sorry, everyone! 🙏

Edited by yenzin
Scooter ride. Arcaan.
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19 minutes ago, yenzin said:

I think Ziost is less than a year after Rishi. Lana did let Theron get captured and tortured by the enemy without letting him decide if he wanted to undergo such an ordeal. He likely is used to having some choice about the missions he undertakes if they are going to involve possible torture. She didn't give him that choice. I think it's between 6-12 months between Ziost and carbonite freezing and then five years after that. Time heals most wounds. He had more time to move on from that betrayal and in Fallen Empire, they have a better working relationship. So their snippy dynamic on Ziost makes sense to me. Especially as they are both stressed from the mission, and Theron especially. Doesn't help that she wants to experiment on one of his team either.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I totally understand Theron and Lana's less good working relationship on Ziost (like, at the end of Yavin he tells her he hopes not to see her again lmao), but it does make me a bit sad because I love them both and I know how good of friends they become later.  The main reason I don't like Ziost as much is just because.... I don't like the story as much haha, definitely my least favorite story that Theron is directly involved in.

That of course and just... THERON WHY YOU LOVE ME AND LEAVE ME, JUST RUN AWAY WITH ME FFS 🥲  (I know plot wise it would make noooo sense if he did, but, c'mon Theron.  I know you literally never completely get rid of that loner instinct and this is early days, but, c'mon.  lol)  Watching him walk away at the end is such a downer ending, a downer ending just guts me about the whole story.  Ziost for me is, like, the exact opposite of the fractures alliances emotional roller coaster where it started painful and ended in super emotional Theron and marriage which made me retroactively love the whole story 😅

28 minutes ago, yenzin said:

How tall is Theron? 6'2"? Becasue it looks like he is a full foot taller than my agent. Is that body type 5'2"? He's a shrimp! 😱 

That would place the second body type at roughly 6'00". How tall is the third body type then? 6'8"? 7'00"? 😅

Honestly he might be 6'2 lol  though maybe not because Tau and Sana-Rae and Scourge are all giants compared to him and I doubt they are 7' tall so idek 😅

your poor lil shrimp agent tho lmao 🤣  

32 minutes ago, yenzin said:
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he replied, "Just remember where the bulk of your credits come from." When my agent made the same suggestion, he was silver-tongued about it and Marr replied in an approving tone of voice, "I can always look to you for a particularly skewed perspective. It should please you to know your service to the Empire is invaluable."

Marr, you know just what to say to make an agent feel welcome. 🤩

Marked as spoiler because I don't think you are there on a BH yet. 😉 You seem alright with spoilers but playing it a bit safe. 🤗

Marr omg.  I love sassy Marr, I cannot lie.  Even if (especially when?) he's sassing my own characters, I love him 😆  (and nah, I don't mind spoilers, especially not for dialogue options, it's all good)

32 minutes ago, yenzin said:

My BH is extremely protective of Theron. To the point where it blinds him to most things. He told Satele off during that scene and does not regret it. She will not be coming to any family dinners! Not even if she begs. I think my agent is going to be more neutral and cordial. My JC, who is intimately familiar with how the Jedi work, is going to take the polite and caring, "I love him, don't worry, he's in good hands" option.

I am also protective of Theron, but man I could never be mean to Satele, I love her so much too.  I just want a big happy Shan family ok.  Every single one of my characters has encouraged Theron and Satele to have a better relationship haha

I still think it's super weird that Theron and Satele seem to have a worse relationship in the imp side version of the story (at least at the start, obv I did not get that far in), where she refers to him coldly as her agent and he's bitter and rants about it, whereas like, on republic side they are not close but are cordial and Theron is even like "it's a bit weird but we work well together".  Totally alternate universe shenanigans going on there.  Honestly just one of the many reasons I prefer republic story, I get to enjoy my sassy sith but also my happy jedi.

39 minutes ago, yenzin said:

So far my JK is outspoken and snarky but respects authority. Thus, she holds her tongue against most other Jedi. She is also shallow. O.o I've taken three of the comments so far that refer to someone's looks because she has no brain-to-mouth filter and I haven't seen such dialogue options on my other characters so I'm enjoying being a brat with her. 😅

I made my JK disgustingly good and kind and upright and genuinely dedicated to being a good Jedi (to the point of being a bit of a nerdy dork sometimes), but also a free thinker who doesn't just believe in all Jedi or Republic things blindly (like, I picked the line where he disagrees with the rule about Jedi not being able to fall in love, for obvious reasons), like if a rule or order does not follow his own moral code and beliefs he will just not abide by it and that's that.  On my dupe JK I did make some alternate choices during the class story just to see what happened, and I did not like it, it never felt right when I did that.  (Obviously I made all the same choices from forged alliances onward since I was recording that lol)

47 minutes ago, yenzin said:

"You. Yes, you. You are confident. Brave. Dependable and honest. And you have a very sexy voice." 😏


49 minutes ago, yenzin said:

I'm enjoying have people to chat about the game with. No one in my life plays.

I am as well!  My brother and a mutual friend play (they got me into it), but, they aren't playing currently, and they are not all into talking about characters and stuff like I am so for all intents and purposes I have no one lol.  This thread is lovely and so happy it's always so positive because I really love this game and (almost all) the characters and while I know not everyone is gonna love as much as me, seeing toxic talk about it makes me sad, so ty to everyone here 😇

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On 4/24/2023 at 12:23 AM, eabevella said:


It's always great to tell Satele how much you love Theron. To me that's a big moment for Theron and Satele to heal from their relationship trauma (supported by the mail we got form Theron afterward too).


As a Sith or Agent that letter tells me I finally broke Theron. I didn't mean to, but I did. All his previous letters are calm and reserved. In this one he's hysterically happy. It's all emotion. I could march into the Galactic Senate, claim I'm taking over, and he'd be right at my side holding the laser rifle.

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9 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Having him there would have improved the reunion a lot. Theron's, "I wasn't sure you would remember me," is not well thought out in my opinion because again, only about a year has passed for the player, so of course he/she should remember Theron just fine.

That line is so weird lol  honestly it made more sense on JC because she didn't romance him until KotFE, they were just coworkers for a few months or whatever, but it made 1000% less sense on JK who romanced him and they literally banged on Yavin and Theron sent a "for when you wake up" love letter.  Like, seriously Theron, how forgettable do you think you are bb 🤣  I have to HC that either a) he's being a bit cheeky or b) he has a bit of low self-confidence about relationships and kinda forgets that it's not been 5 years for the other person and doesn't wanna show his emotional feelings that he isn't sure if the other person still reciprocates.  It's a line that really should have had an alt for people who romanced him before, but, I where there's a will there's a HC haha

As for the Lana stuff, I definitely get how it would all be jarring if you didn't play your character as having a good relationship with her.  I always played every character as being friends with Lana (she's my 3rd fave character in the game after all), or at least trusted allies, even if they took Theron's side when the two disagreed, and especially post-KotFE Lana is basically their best friend after Theron, so for me all of it was always consistent and in character, but I can definitely see how it would not seem so if you did not play your character as friendly with her. 

I will say, in my girl Lana's defense, she is just such an open character emotionally and for a sith strangely kind, friendly, and open-minded (like whereas Theron is prickly toward imperial characters she is never prickly toward republic characters, and after Theron tells her he hopes to never see her again she says "I hope I do see you again") that I personally think it makes sense that she would keep treating you nice even if you didn't treat her nice.  But I do get how if you don't want that relationship with her that it would be jarring.

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1 hour ago, yenzin said:

So far my JK is outspoken and snarky but respects authority. Thus, she holds her tongue against most other Jedi. She is also shallow. O.o I've taken three of the comments so far that refer to someone's looks because she has no brain-to-mouth filter and I haven't seen such dialogue options on my other characters so I'm enjoying being a brat with her. 😅

My JK is a bit similar, she's quite outspoken, but she also knows when it's better to keep it down a bit (but just a bit), like when she's talking to the Jedi Council. She teases the people she's comfortable with or likes quite a lot, which so far has been mostly Kira, Scourge and Theron, if there are options at some point, Arcann is probably going to join that club too, and she's extremely snarky at people she doesn't like. She also has a habit of pretending not to remember some people, just to piss them off.

45 minutes ago, yenzin said:

The last time my JC saw Lana on Rishi, he told her, "If we meet again, don't expect any mercy." Her reply was calm and composed. "A traditional Sith farewell. You're so thoughtful." 😂 On Ziost, that animosity is forgotten about when I next see her and at the end of the mission, she leaves in an angry fit. Then I see her outside the carbonite chamber and I have no choice but to be super nice, open up to her about my nightmares, or pretend to have forgotten her. All of those options were extremely frustrating and did not fit! 😡 Five years may have passed for her, but only months have passed for me!

Having the trio there for the rescue would have been perfect. I would have loved that! 😍Because Theron is not there, Lana gets more flirts with the player than Theron does. Koth gets about the same as her during the rescue, and there should have been at least two more with him to develop the possible relationship further before the cantina hook-up scene. Having him there would have improved the reunion a lot. Theron's, "I wasn't sure you would remember me," is not well thought out in my opinion because again, only about a year has passed for the player, so of course he/she should remember Theron just fine. 

She is constantly there. 🤣 I was flirting with Koth with my agent, because well, why not? and she disapproves! Well then, stop listening in! I still remember thinking the start of leaving to confront Valcorian with Scourge and Kira was a bug because Lana was being all heartfelt and mushy and I was mentally screaming, "When did we start dating!? What is going on?" I restarted that mission several times before finally letting it play out long enough to see Theron arrive. And I did not want Theron going because I was worried about him and my BH is extremely protective of him, but Theron played the 'Satele is my only parent left card', and my BH instantly folded. He has my BH wrapped around his finger. 💞

To be fair, I like Lana just fine. Most of the time. I just wish the dynamics were more even. I wish she wasn't constantly interrupting my kisses with Theron. I wish she hadn't taken over Theron's job in the Alliance. I especially wish there for more Koth and Theron. 🥺

Pretty much the same the last time i played SoR/Ziost/KOTFEET with a clone of my JK, she was extremely pissed at the stunt Lana pulled on Rishi, especially since she not only lied to everybody, but didn't even ask Theron if he was ok to be a bait (not to mention that in one of the KOTFE dialogues, we can learn he still has the scars from that 5 years later...). On Ziost, she was quite forced to work with her, but was cordial at best, and didn't tell her about Kovach, then Lana left angrilly when my JK decided to not let her take Suro (which is also why my JK didn't tell Lana about the old man in her mind). And the next time she saw Lana, Lana was all over my JK, so my JK did what she usually does with some people she doesn't like : pretend to not recognize them, even though she knew right away it was Lana.

Yeah, it's really annoying that Theron wasn't there, and the reunion on Odessen is really underwhelming for me. He could've played the hero and have some nice [flirts] both on Zakuul and and Asylum, but nope juste some quite cold [flirt] on Odessen and then you lock the romance in. When i'll finally find the time to write down my version, that is one of the things i'll change. In my HC, Theron will infiltrate Zakuul and be a central part of the rescue.

Yeah, her ruining the mood during Koth's and Theron's romance scenes is really annoying.

When i played EoO the first time, i nearly picked the meanest answer at the beginning because that first scene with her already annoyed me, i ended up going for the most neutral of the 3 but feeling like my JK is somehow romancing Lana behind my back and without my input is starting to really get on my nerves. My JK is similar, she didn't want Theron to join at first because she knows all too well how dangerous TVV can be, but i guess she knew he'd come anyways even if she told him not to (that's something she'd do too), so she thought it was better for him to come along, and be where she could keep an eye on him.

I liked Lana just fine too at the beginning (it's around the Nathema and even more so Ossus releases that i started to quite dislike her and after EoO, i'm really frustrated whenever i have to interact with her, i still haven't played LotS even once, just because i don't want to go through a whole FP with her), i would still like her just fine if they had treated Lana and Theron equally and kept the relationship with a non-romanced Lana as neutral / somewhat friendly but not as a pseudo-romance that you have no say in. But the way she is now, i just want her gone and never have to see her ever again.

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35 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

i would still like her just fine if they had treated Lana and Theron equally and kept the relationship with a non-romanced Lana as neutral / somewhat friendly but not as a pseudo-romance that you have no say in

Maybe it is just how I played the story giving me different options, but personally I have never thought any of Lana's non-romanced interactions were romantic or trying to force romance, it has always felt close and caring but totally platonic to me 🤷‍♀️ 

But I mean, I also loved her from day one when she showed up for me on Manaan so I am never mad when she shows up even if it's without Theron even though I definitely 100% always wish he was also there too.  (I mean, he's my very favorite character romanced or otherwise, I wish he was in every single scene in the whole game lmao)  So personally I am happy any time Theron OR Lana shows up because I love them both.  Especially considering all my other most favorite characters basically never show up at all (I am still holding out that they are going to bring Zenith back again since it felt like they were setting that up, but Vette has completely vanished post-KotET, I saved her then never got to see her again 😭  and where is Nadia in all the Jedi rebuild stuff? 😓) so I cherish the characters I can actually get that much more lol

Sorry to hear you feel so negatively about Lana on your playthrough, hopefully they can turn her around for you at some point 😢 

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When it comes to Lana, my JC can tolerate her bossy and superior personality better than any of my other PC's. Theron's Wife, Mando BH, LOATH'S her! She started hating her on Darvanis and it went to the point of no return after Umbara. However, she does respect Theron's professional relationship with her, and if he wants to be buddies with her then fine. But Kali-Sati will not hesitate to bust out the whistling birds and the flame thrower, if necessary.

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Do you guys mind if we steer convo away from negatively about Lana and back toward positivity about Theron?  I know I don't, like, own this thread, so hopefully that doesn't sound too mean or demanding (definitely not intended that way), and sorry to hear so many people have negative feelings toward her in one way or another, but I know I'm not alone in loving Lana as well as Theron.  And I know this isn't a Lana love thread, but it is a love thread, so I would rather keep it a nice positive space.   There are definitely a few characters I actively dislike in the game so I get it, but, hopefully we can focus on Theron is love, Theron is life, yeah? 🥰

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<sigh> This is why the Love threads can get complicated. So, the 39yr old writer in me is going to get on her soapbox. When you talk about the beloved character in the love thread inevitably will come to the relationships around the Loved Character. Lana and Theron were introduced together! Their relationship affects your relationship with them. So, if you love Lana the positive aspects of their relationship mean more to you in your relationship with Theron, if you have a PC who hates Lana, (my BH) the negative aspects of their relationship will impact that character more. 

Now my PC's are all unique people. I don't do Theron romances everyone. I feel it cheapens it. But every NPC that surrounds the PC influences the relationships within the group. 

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1 minute ago, JakRoanin said:

<sigh> This is why the Love threads can get complicated. So, the 39yr old writer in me is going to get on her soapbox. When you talk about the beloved character in the love thread inevitably will come to the relationships around the Loved Character. Lana and Theron were introduced together! Their relationship affects your relationship with them. So, if you love Lana the positive aspects of their relationship mean more to you in your relationship with Theron, if you have a PC who hates Lana, (my BH) the negative aspects of their relationship will impact that character more. 

Now my PC's are all unique people. I don't do Theron romances everyone. I feel it cheapens it. But every NPC that surrounds the PC influences the relationships within the group. 

Sorry, I realize my post may have seemed directed, it definitely was not (I was actually planning my message before you posted).  And I agree, there is nothing wrong with playing a character having a negative relationship with another character in a playthrough, and I also don't think there's anything bad about talking about that here (especially as it affects Theron), that's totally fine by me, doesn't bother me at all (I mean, lord knows imp vs pub characters are going to have very different positive vs negative reactions to different characters, if nothing else!). 

I would just rather avoid "I don't like X character" conversations, which this one was kind of headed in the direction of.  Not mad at anyone, I promise 🥰, just wanna get back to Theron and love is all.


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Well, I admit that I don't like Lana because I find her fake. But I hate others far more. It's just human nature and as long as people aren't taking it as a personal affront, then it's good to bring up characters negative traits and actions. Both Lana and Theron are built equally on positive and negative traits and actions with and to each other.

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4 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Maybe it is just how I played the story giving me different options, but personally I have never thought any of Lana's non-romanced interactions were romantic or trying to force romance, it has always felt close and caring but totally platonic to me 🤷‍♀️ 

But I mean, I also loved her from day one when she showed up for me on Manaan so I am never mad when she shows up even if it's without Theron even though I definitely 100% always wish he was also there too.  (I mean, he's my very favorite character romanced or otherwise, I wish he was in every single scene in the whole game lmao)  So personally I am happy any time Theron OR Lana shows up because I love them both.  Especially considering all my other most favorite characters basically never show up at all (I am still holding out that they are going to bring Zenith back again since it felt like they were setting that up, but Vette has completely vanished post-KotET, I saved her then never got to see her again 😭  and where is Nadia in all the Jedi rebuild stuff? 😓) so I cherish the characters I can actually get that much more lol

Sorry to hear you feel so negatively about Lana on your playthrough, hopefully they can turn her around for you at some point 😢 

At first it was okay, i guess it's the accumulation of weird situations that gave that weird pseudo-romantic relationship for me.

  • My characters always wake up to Lana (how many times has that happened ? At least 4, probably 5 even with the EoO one), even when my character's LI is nearby and would make more sense (just look at that moment you're asleep in the Gravestone, you have Theron, Koth, Torian, Vette, Jorgan and Kaliyo who are all potential LIs and are present, yet it's Lana you wake up to no matter what, and she's looking at the holocron in the very same room as the guy she's supposed to keep it hidden from, which is honestly not the brightest idea... if they could not account for all the LIs, it would've been better to wake up alone in that room and have our character walk out of the room they were sleeping in and go in the one Lana was studying the holocron in, that way no weird romantic subtext and she doesn't look like a moron by not doing the very thing she was supposed to do)
  • You get a very nice sunset walk in the woods to watch watefalls with her (which btw was completely unnecessary as you've already told her twice before that point which faction you wanted to support, so they could definitely have kept that for the romance only), when you don't get anything as remotedly romantic with any of the other LIs.
  • She's always the one to give you all the worried looks and concerned tones, even when you don't romance her, when in most cases you don't even get half of that from your actual LI, even when said LI is in the very same room.
  • And the fact she interrupts several romance scenes as if she doesn't want you to be intimate with your LI, that's also annoying.

Yeah there are other companions i'd like to see, honestly it wasn't that bad with Lana when the other companions were also more involved, but now that most of them are killable and rarely, if ever, have anything to say, it makes the situation even worse (to be fair, the kill option on Theron after all the other LIs who were important during KOTFE got one while Lana was safe from everything and got even more screentime than before was probably the straw that broke the camel's back for me). I already consider myself kinda lucky that i saved Torian, because at least he has showed up with the Mando stuff. Really these kill options on LIs were a terrible idea.

Honestly unless they rewrite most of the things from KOTFE onwards, which is extremely unlikely, i don't really see how they can make me like Lana again, because as i said, i liked her when she was introduced as Theron's counterpart on imp side, because she was also a good counterpart to my JK (they disagreed a lot, which is nice because it give a bit of conflict and life to the story, but still managed to work well together). I would still like her if Theron and her had been treated equally, being given the same level of importance in the story with both being given their time to shine, unfortunately, they favored Lana too much at Theron's expenses (Lana is always by your side doing cool stuff and being your hero and savior, meanwhile Theron is relegated to doing stuff off screen, whenever he goes on a mission with you, he disappears less than 5 minutes after the start, the exception being the chapter where you infiltrate Vaylin's party, and the only time he's given something important to do, where he is in fact your hero and savior, not only is he not by your side, but he's given a kill option too, and then it's Lana again who does most of his job, with Hylo doing it sometimes too because they wanted to give kill option, but they don't really want to account too much for the cases where the companion is still alive), and if the relationship with her was treated as more neutral. So as long as that trend of always favoring Lana and forcing that level of intimacy with her continues, there's no way my opinion will become more positive, which is a shame, because the whole dynamic between the PC, Theron and Lana was really interesting during SoR and Ziost, if only they kept it that way and developped more on that the whole story would be much better for me.

So, sorry to rant so much about her, but the whole unfairness of the situation really bothers me, even more so that i actually liked her at first and i really wish i could still like her.

Edited by Goreshaga
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