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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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As I mentioned in an earlier post, Mr. Baker is available through the Cameo service. I booked one with him and told him how Theron is my favorite NPC in the game and love what Mr. Baker brings to the character. He responded that Theron indeed has meant a lot to him. I'm including the link to the video below. Crossing fingers that it works. :)




I've seen him on there and thought about booking a cameo from him. He was such a nice guy. Super super tall though. I'm short, but wow is he tall! I looked like a hobbit next to him.


But yeah, I adore Theron. I love his sense of humor and one liners. They're always something I look forward to getting more of when new content drops.

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I'm on the fence with Theron. With my Warrior, I saved him after the events that led to the destruction of The Eternal Fleet and The Gravestone, But he couldn't trust him so decided to part ways.


Lol, Theron will always get a pass from me. I really hate the whole traitor story line though. I rewrote it in my brain. Theron was kidnapped and cloned, and it was the clone that did everything, lol. It was far more involved than that, but I have a lot more fun with that part of the game when I pretend it was a clone, lol.

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Lol, Theron will always get a pass from me. I really hate the whole traitor story line though. I rewrote it in my brain. Theron was kidnapped and cloned, and it was the clone that did everything, lol. It was far more involved than that, but I have a lot more fun with that part of the game when I pretend it was a clone, lol.


I like your idea so much better. Theron as a dude in distress that needs rescuing? I'm am SO there. Besides, it would give SWTOR the opportunity to use their own "Bound" emote. <.< >.>

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Lol, Theron will always get a pass from me. I really hate the whole traitor story line though. I rewrote it in my brain. Theron was kidnapped and cloned, and it was the clone that did everything, lol. It was far more involved than that, but I have a lot more fun with that part of the game when I pretend it was a clone, lol.


I wanted to say my agent can have a clone army of Therons, but after a second thought, having an army of Disaster Mess it's maybe not a good idea. One Theron is enough to drive him crazy (and broke his heart lol)

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My heart was broken when Theron was revealed to be the traitor

Theron is my main's romance and from the start of the traitor story line, I never believed he was a traitor; I always thought him turning "traitor" was a ruse because of the conversation you have with him before you start the Umbara FP story.

This is confirmed in Theron's character note after you accept him back into your Alliance. What really annoyed me was why the writers decided to give Theron a kill/exile option for being a traitor as it was just his cover. He is a spy after all and turning traitor was the only way, in his view, protect the alliance and his partner. Lana would have done it in a heartbeat. I can't understand why they went that way unless it was done to appease the swtor fan boy hate for many of the male romance characters, especially Theron. The only other reason I can think of is that they decided Theron needed a kill/exile option because he didn't fit with a dark side character's alliance but even then, that just raises questions of the bad companion writing for all the light-companions-with-a-dark-character during and after kotfe/kotet.


This is partly why I asked the question about romancing Theron with a Republic character who turns saboteur for the Empire; I can't see it working, so I think my super dark & evil smuggler (who has Theron as her romance) may have to become dark/neutral.

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I like your idea so much better. Theron as a dude in distress that needs rescuing? I'm am SO there. Besides, it would give SWTOR the opportunity to use their own "Bound" emote. <.< >.>


I rp write him for a friend who romanced him. The story was pretty involved. I tend to go down a deep rabbit hole when I get creative. I'm biased, of course, but it was a far more engaging plot, lol. Granted, I'm also incredibly mean to any character I write. Theron had a rough time.

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  • 2 months later...
My BH needs more time with her hubby, a nice long mission would be great.


Character interaction is sadly lacking lately. But I'm not sure if he's been put on the back burner because of the options in the later game



his demise



Also with so many companions now, how do they choose which to give more time with.

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Okay Deputy Downer :p... If I worked for Charles Boyed, I'd say... "We need to give players more time with their LI's so they go first. Then we need to figure out how much class specific stuff is going to come, (I'm hoping like SOR) so we need little blips for classic class companions next. Finally, we need to give time to people like Koth and Senya."


See, a list of clear priorities.

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Okay Deputy Downer :p... If I worked for Charles Boyed, I'd say... "We need to give players more time with their LI's so they go first. Then we need to figure out how much class specific stuff is going to come, (I'm hoping like SOR) so we need little blips for classic class companions next. Finally, we need to give time to people like Koth and Senya."


See, a list of clear priorities.


This is a list I could get behind!

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  • 1 month later...
Hey all, sadly I'm off to work and can't play for awhile but I'm dying to know whether Theron gets any screen time in this latest update? I don't mind spoilers (but please put in spoiler tag for others). :)



Yes. You have the option to take him with you when you go to the ship.


He isn't very prominent, but he has a few lines of dialogue. When you go into Satele's mind, he'll tell you he doesn't want to go in, but that he'll stand guard.


After that you don't really speak to Theron, but Satele will thank you for protecting him and giving him a home, and you can ask Satele to spend more time with him.


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Yes. You have the option to take him with you when you go to the ship.


He isn't very prominent, but he has a few lines of dialogue. When you go into Satele's mind, he'll tell you he doesn't want to go in, but that he'll stand guard.


After that you don't really speak to Theron, but Satele will thank you for protecting him and giving him a home, and you can ask Satele to spend more time with him.


Thanks, I'll look forward to it this afternoon! :)



Glad he at least gets a little something especially considering Satele plays a big part in the story part. I'm romancing Theron on a SI so I'm kind of hoping for a dialogue line from Satele around me being a Sith (AKA her son married a Sith). :D


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Thanks, I'll look forward to it this afternoon! :)



Glad he at least gets a little something especially considering Satele plays a big part in the story part. I'm romancing Theron on a SI so I'm kind of hoping for a dialogue line from Satele around me being a Sith (AKA her son married a Sith). :D



I didn't romance him so I don't know if there is any extra dialogue for doing so.


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Hey all, sadly I'm off to work and can't play for awhile but I'm dying to know whether Theron gets any screen time in this latest update? I don't mind spoilers (but please put in spoiler tag for others). :)

Proper spoiler incoming...


To add to what others have said, my main is a sith inq with romanced Theron and the meeting with Satele is really nice; she explains that she's surprised a sith could give her son something she couldn't and you are left with the impression that she approves of and gives the relationship her blessing. I took the option for my character of explaining how much in love with Theron she is, which fit more (for me) as Satele is strongly tied to the Jedi rule of no emotional attachments. That said, I thought there should have been far more Theron dialogue and far, far less Lana - I don't know why she (the devs) thought anything to do with Theron and the character's romance is her business. I'm so fed up of my character waking up to Lana's ugly face! :rolleyes:


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Slightly concerned about a possible bug related to Theron so I esc'd out of a conversation. Looking for any possible help and enlightenment!


My imperial agent saboteur sided with the Republic on Iokath. Malcom survived. However, when Theron asks about joining the new mission, he says that he's already lost one parent and doesn't want to lose another. Is everyone getting this line, regardless of whether Theron "lost" his father? Or is this some sign of a bug?


Edit: Yep, looks like there's a bug. Checking the status of Acina and Malcom in my contacts page, they are somehow both listed as dead after failing to control the Iokath superweapon.

Edited by Estelindis
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Overall I really liked the story content, I can’t comment of the new FP, I've heard about all the bugs with it so am leaving it till it’s patched up. Really enjoyed it. :)


What I liked,


That Theron got to come with us!

The chat we had with Satele, I liked her surprise and acceptance that yes I’m Sith but I care about him and he’s home with me.



What annoyed me…


Umm where did Theron go after everything with Tenebrae? He was there looking out for me and then I wake up with Lana who said we’d been knocked out a few hours and that she had come to pick me up. Where did Theron go? I do not believe for a single second that Theron (now my husband) would not have waited for a few hours with me till I woke up to make sure I was ok, did he seriously just up and leave us? Did those who romanced Kira/Arcann get anything here? :i_evil::mad:


Also did anyone get any letter from Theron afterwards? I didn't receive anything.


Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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I didn't get a letter from him either. :( Got letters from Arcann, and Scourge which had extra if you'd romanced them (my Knights got a normal letter and the one who romanced him got a normal and romance one lol) but nothing from Theron. :/


Kiss was cute but it annoys me that our possible romance of choice, especially if they were with us, abandoned us to have Lana wake us up. Considering one of my Knights hates her, he'd be pissed that Scourge left him with her instead of being there when he woke up. :rolleyes:

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