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Saturday Night Harb - pub side.


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well.. if i win with Pubs i feel like i achieved something...

it is fun to help a weaker team to win.

I feel like the team needs me to win so i would say for me a win counts 10 times more on Pub side in this case.

So it is actually fun sometimes ;)


I respect that, I did it long time for republic on imp dominated servers.


After years doing it you realize it wears on you when you have to carry so much and even with all the work you and your premade does, you still lose alot.


I am a realist, I know harb pubs is done. There is no revival for that server at all. Too many rage quitters and people who play imps to get wins. I had to transfer over to ebon hawk to win on pub, and now I am content. I also like imps on ebon hawk, seems server is really balanced out like it should be. It may be only us server that is, I know tre seems like its pretty balanced but I like a better ping..

Edited by Caeliux
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Everyone has jumped ship to imp on harb, and weekends is when people wanna play. So bascially pub pvp is doomed on harb, there is no solo, no ranked, no nm mode guilds pushing content, nothing.


I would like to add that master mode FPs are also pretty dead on pub side harb. I swear I can't get a friggin' pop on a healer , or tank or dps on pub side. I haven't completed Galactic Conflict weekly in many weeks on any of my pub toons. Maybe I'm queing at the wrong times, but I don't have have this problem at all imp side.


Also harb being pure imp for mains does hold some truth, all my mains are Imp side . I don't have a single repub toon that has any 248 implants or relics. Only my imp toons. If it werent for friends that play mostly republic toons, all my pub toons would be rotted out by now on harb.

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I would like to add that master mode FPs are also pretty dead on pub side harb. I swear I can't get a friggin' pop on a healer , or tank or dps on pub side. I haven't completed Galactic Conflict weekly in many weeks on any of my pub toons. Maybe I'm queing at the wrong times, but I don't have have this problem at all imp side.


Also harb being pure imp for mains does hold some truth, all my mains are Imp side . I don't have a single repub toon that has any 248 implants or relics. Only my imp toons. If it werent for friends that play mostly republic toons, all my pub toons would be rotted out by now on harb.


I came back hoping there was a republic on harb to revive, and fact is there isn't. Instead of playing imp only, I bailed and came to ebon hawk for a server balance. To be honest this server is doing pretty well, now the q times are different because harb is west coast and holds more EU players so EH isn't has active and heavy as harb.


But forsure holds a balance for both factions, its almost like 50/50 win here, and has both factions doing good in pvp and somewhat in pve with nm progression push.


If you can deal with RP, and love pub pvp then ebon hawk for us is the choice.


Hands down.

Edited by Caeliux
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So you use the I am a veteran and you know the difference in a losing match and a winning match from the get go?



The entitlement of yourself is priceless, Your using semantics in reasoning behind quitting, you waste everyone's time when you rage log cause you have a opinion about a match you feel YOU have to work hard to achieve a win. This is sole reason why people quit, they don't wanna work for nothing and want to given a easy win.


So basically what it boils down to is, you act like pub pvp is not as horrible, so you rage when you see other team might be stacked.


Then you rage quit on pub pvp, so you ruin any chance for pub pvp to win.


So rage quitting to you is a example of balance in this game, it offers some great achievements and fun for people to continue to throw matches aside due to opinions or flat out a quitter mentality.


No wonder pub pvp died on harb, that mentality alone is why its dead.


If leaving a match when you see 3-4 healers in spawn on your team is what qualifies as "rage-quitting" to you, I rest my case.

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I've been playing on Harby since the first sever merge. I can look at my group and know we have good chance of winning, losing or maybe winning.

I also will quit a game as soon as it starts when the only healer runs of to cap a node by themselves.

I also almost never do arenas pub side because most pubs don't know to play them and the match up with imps is bad class wise.

I still win a lot more games pub side then I lose.

Most people are lazy and don't want for a win. So they try imp side. I see a lot more quit a game then pubs. I only spend about 2/5ths of time on imp side pvping.

There are bad players on both side and players that just que and do nothing.

Last Saturday was the worst night pvp wise on the pub that I've seen in long time.

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I've been playing on Harby since the first sever merge. I can look at my group and know we have good chance of winning, losing or maybe winning.

I also will quit a game as soon as it starts when the only healer runs of to cap a node by themselves.

I also almost never do arenas pub side because most pubs don't know to play them and the match up with imps is bad class wise.

I still win a lot more games pub side then I lose.

Most people are lazy and don't want for a win. So they try imp side. I see a lot more quit a game then pubs. I only spend about 2/5ths of time on imp side pvping.

There are bad players on both side and players that just que and do nothing.

Last Saturday was the worst night pvp wise on the pub that I've seen in long time.


I agree. Everyone wants to point fingers that pubs are somehow extremely worse players as a group and I can't agree with that. I seen just as bad players on both sides.


On weekdays the games tend to be better on weekends in general the reg pvp population seems to get extremely worse. I really think this is because of what I call "weekend warriors". Players who only play on weekends and don't have enough experience under their belt to make a large impact in the matches you play.

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On TRE there are 2 types of pub players: bad solo players or good players in healer / tank premades. And obviously this is self-perpetuating problem, as the random good solo players will still end up on the losing side, and subsequently decides to find some pub pvp friends to form a healer / tank premade with.


Fighting either group is equally pointless and boring.


(Obviously I am exaggerating a bit, but not by much....)

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No, it's not. You're just not part of the pub premades.


Look at the leaderboards and tell me one player above 1 k on pub ranked.


Also tell me one guild doing any progression nm mode on pub.


Even if pub wins sometimes vs imp, dont mean mean pub pvp is alive and well.


Its dead jim.

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Pubs definitely aren't great during west coast prime time, lots of sages who face tank 4-5 players. In saying that though, I'm in plenty of games where not a single player on either team can crack 2k dps. I'd say as a whole, imps are less bad, but they're not exactly good. I came back to game in January and was surprised how bad the average reg players were. Over the past few months that standard has rapidly declined. Quality of games might be better if lowbies wasn't obsolete; players might at least have a slight idea how to play their class. But as it currently stands, there's no difference in skill between regs and lowbies.
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Quality of games might be better if lowbies wasn't obsolete...


It is? I had non-stop lowbie pops last night 6PM - 9PM EST. Granted, it was the same 10 people mixing together on the team over and over and over. :D


We won a fair amount. People seemed to know what they were doing, and offered advice up during the troublesome matches, instead of the usual "you all suck... <rage quit>" (well, we got a few of those too).


I think pub side is definitely light on population, but in my experience it's not quite dead. Dead was when I was back on The Deadweight, and setting at max level waiting half hour for any match at all. No matter which side. Prime time.

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Look at the leaderboards and tell me one player above 1 k on pub ranked.


Also tell me one guild doing any progression nm mode on pub.


Even if pub wins sometimes vs imp, dont mean mean pub pvp is alive and well.


Its dead jim.


People just don't queue ranked on their pub toons because the likelihood of getting a craptastic teammate is really high. And it only takes one.


There are plenty of good players that are on the pub side. I'd be more than happy to group with pretty much anyone from ShuRa or Quii gon and a few others that I see around.


If I was on the pub side and wanted to play it consistently I'd make a discord that was not guild specific, call it "The Few!" or something. Every time I saw someone performing the way I like to play (objs or TDM or whatever you like best) then invite them to the discord.


Then after a month or two you'd have a sizable group of people and you could log on and type "@everyone anyone for a few games?" or type in that you'd be on at 8PM CST etc.


This is exactly what I do and rarely do I not have one bro/sis to queue with.


We all know that PvP guilds don't last so why not transcend guilds? Id love to play with anyone like that but I don't typically initiate pvp queuing on the pub side. I'm Bleloch#5916 on discord.

Edited by Wimbleton
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People are shy, too.

I transferred from Harbi to TRE because of it...

I asked every day on the fleet to group up with me - maybe it is me (or the timeshift) or they just do not want to group up for PvP.

I do not know.


Playing alone is not fun at all this is an MMO ;).

Edited by Tharianus
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Last night was pretty fun. I think I went 8 wins out of 10 matches on Pub side. There were not a lot of the tank/healer premades which was nice and I met a few hardcore pub cats that were super geared and played objectives.


What's up tonight? Anyone planning on grouping up to smash some imp face?

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Last night was pretty fun. I think I went 8 wins out of 10 matches on Pub side. There were not a lot of the tank/healer premades which was nice and I met a few hardcore pub cats that were super geared and played objectives.


What's up tonight? Anyone planning on grouping up to smash some imp face?


I think pubs were getting smashed up until about 8:30 - 9 PM EST. Then yeah, I saw things turn around. Had some good games that kept me playing way longer than I should have. :)

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