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Worst community in gaming?


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God, where do I begin on such a wide subject.

Tell you what, I'll just list the things since I don't feel like writing up a long detailed message of the MANY thing wrong with this community, so here goes:


-dead silence and no socializing whatsoever unless people are asking for a heroic or flashpoint group


-people are WAY too sensitive(and that branches off to many problems in itself)

1. they abuse the ignore buttong because you said something that SLIGHTLY disagrees with them

2. They have their noses in the air thinking they're better than everyone else, and calls everyone else a wow player and to go back to that game

3. WAY too defensive of this game, despite obvious flaws

4. they cut themselves off from an already isolated community that barely socializes


-You're ALWAYS a troll, no matter what, simply because they say so.


-an argument can start from anywhere and blow itself way out of proportion in a matter of seconds because of how sensitive and over-protective these guys are of this game.



you get this jist....

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Yeah but who are "they"? the enitre community? how dare you judge me as such, I never ignore people unless they're trying to sell me money or generally being a reportable pain in the neck.


I think you need to take a chill pill and a deep breath, and then realize that all games have these people. You're running with the wrong crew, my friend. :rolleyes:


Also, this game is new so most serious players are busy leveling. It'll get better soon, and please DO join a proper guild, then you can just ignore the heck out of everyone else if you can't take a few bad seeds here and there.




(Btw I'm not experiencing any of what you're saying, for the most part. So I really can't relate at all to your issue.)

Edited by Zoroth
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God, where do I begin on such a wide subject.

Tell you what, I'll just list the things since I don't feel like writing up a long detailed message of the MANY thing wrong with this community, so here goes:


-dead silence and no socializing whatsoever unless people are asking for a heroic or flashpoint group


-people are WAY too sensitive(and that branches off to many problems in itself)

1. they abuse the ignore buttong because you said something that SLIGHTLY disagrees with them

2. They have their noses in the air thinking they're better than everyone else, and calls everyone else a wow player and to go back to that game

3. WAY too defensive of this game, despite obvious flaws

4. they cut themselves off from an already isolated community that barely socializes


-You're ALWAYS a troll, no matter what, simply because they say so.


-an argument can start from anywhere and blow itself way out of proportion in a matter of seconds because of how sensitive and over-protective these guys are of this game.



you get this jist....

Play LoL then come back to me and let me know if you still feel the same way heh

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So, you're sharing your experience with one server, mind you, it's a negative one to represent the whole community of swtor is bad? that doesn't sound very intelligent.


You must be forgetting, no matter where you go, good and bad will follow you. The community here is a lot nicer but this is from my experience even though I see time frame about bashing on WoW or other irrelevant topics that pay no interest to me in general chat.



You want to see a bad community? try playing on any competitive game in PVP, FPS games in particular or LoL /WoW ...it gets pretty "real" there.

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I'd much rather play on a server of obnoxious jerks who actually DO socialize, rather than a ghost town of a server(not player wise, but talking wise). Until you play on such a server, you have NO IDEA how much it ruins the entire feeling of the game.


And yes I'm gonna bust these players out....anyone on the republic side of the Lord Prevan server.

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I play on a pretty loaded server "Prophet of the Five" , I have maybe ran into one or two morons so far , but it's something you're not going to escape. It's how you deal with it is going to make or break your game play. I mean..the same thing applies to WoW, you play on a ghost town, you have causals who know no better and think they are king of the hill, you go to one of top 3 populated realm, it's elitism central..this isn't news lol
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REALLY OP?! I'm sorry, but to call SWTOR "worst community in gaming", really does prove your lack of experience in online gaming.


The points you made are somewhat true. I agree that the community is quite quieter then average online games. I also agree that people do get very defensive when the game is being bashed upon (guilty of that), but to call this the WORST community in gaming is absurd and irrational.


Constantly, I get aid in quests. The questions I ask are answered. There is hardly any corpse camping at lower levels, I hardly get tripled ganked by 50's in a 20 zone, and I've yet to see a player "need" every item.


Again, WORST community in gaming? I think not, not by a long shot.


Time for a little online education OP.


Lineage 2 when it was in beta and early release was known for one of the worst communities ever. Gold farmers would literally camp in rooms killing every single mob. If you were to take the mobs they would kill you. Foreign language clans would constantly hunt down every player whenever possible. Stealing your mobs, and trying to steal your items.


Maple Story, Vindictus, and other popular free to play games. Due to the F2P component, these games often have many "kiddies" who not only lack politeness, but love the sense of trolling. "UMAD, your mom, pwnzubbq!!" are phrases often seen in general chat and dungeons. Trolling is on a daily basis.


CoD, Battlefield 3, Halo. The online community is full of elitist, thinking that they are the best. Calling everyone "hackers or cheaters" if they are dominated by another player. Again, rudeness is a trend, tea bagging, lack of advice, and childish phrases are used frequently.


Yes OP that was a very quick summary of other online communities. But seriously, WORST community in gaming? Venture out into more online games and you will wish you came back to the SWTOR community.



(On a side note, early 90's online gaming had the best community, remember old starcraft battlenet anyone?)

Edited by Kuriby
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God, where do I begin on such a wide subject.

Tell you what, I'll just list the things since I don't feel like writing up a long detailed message of the MANY thing wrong with this community, so here goes:


-dead silence and no socializing whatsoever unless people are asking for a heroic or flashpoint group


-people are WAY too sensitive(and that branches off to many problems in itself)

1. they abuse the ignore buttong because you said something that SLIGHTLY disagrees with them

2. They have their noses in the air thinking they're better than everyone else, and calls everyone else a wow player and to go back to that game

3. WAY too defensive of this game, despite obvious flaws

4. they cut themselves off from an already isolated community that barely socializes


-You're ALWAYS a troll, no matter what, simply because they say so.


-an argument can start from anywhere and blow itself way out of proportion in a matter of seconds because of how sensitive and over-protective these guys are of this game.



you get this jist....

you obviously havent played heroes of newerth, league of legends, or dota

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I like chatting in /1... and I'm usually pretty sociable...


I agree it's pretty quiet but, problem is the chat is only on the planet you're on


Also there are players stretched across lots of servers so if you think about it, not the whole community ever really has the chance to talk.


I'll agree that people are being quiet, I'm on an EU server, so if I'm on a planet with 100 people on it, there'll probably only be about 10 talking if that, because most of them don't speak English very well.


Think it could be worth changing it so General is a cross planet chat, so you can talk with EVERYONE that is online on your server at once. Change it so the way it is now would be called "Local" or "Area"

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Wow, a bit harsh. I personally am never like that on my Jedi account (Lanax) which is on server Master....something something. On my sith and bounty hunter accounts (xalan and Nalax) I can come off as a jerk since I love playing the part and usually if you really read what I say you can tell I am joking around. They are both on Port Nowhere. Ya, join a guild. :cool:
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God, where do I begin on such a wide subject.

Tell you what, I'll just list the things since I don't feel like writing up a long detailed message of the MANY thing wrong with this community, so here goes:


-dead silence and no socializing whatsoever unless people are asking for a heroic or flashpoint group


-people are WAY too sensitive(and that branches off to many problems in itself)

1. they abuse the ignore buttong because you said something that SLIGHTLY disagrees with them

2. They have their noses in the air thinking they're better than everyone else, and calls everyone else a wow player and to go back to that game

3. WAY too defensive of this game, despite obvious flaws

4. they cut themselves off from an already isolated community that barely socializes


-You're ALWAYS a troll, no matter what, simply because they say so.


-an argument can start from anywhere and blow itself way out of proportion in a matter of seconds because of how sensitive and over-protective these guys are of this game.



you get this jist....

Its probably you, because you seem like an annoying little twerp

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Its probably you, because you seem like an annoying little twerp


Was that necessary?


We need to learn to get along with our fellow man or we lose our humanity. Also, you make yourself look more as a fool when you react that way. He who argues with a fool makes himself more the fool.

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God, where do I begin on such a wide subject.

Tell you what, I'll just list the things since I don't feel like writing up a long detailed message of the MANY thing wrong with this community, so here goes:


-dead silence and no socializing whatsoever unless people are asking for a heroic or flashpoint group


-people are WAY too sensitive(and that branches off to many problems in itself)

1. they abuse the ignore buttong because you said something that SLIGHTLY disagrees with them

2. They have their noses in the air thinking they're better than everyone else, and calls everyone else a wow player and to go back to that game

3. WAY too defensive of this game, despite obvious flaws

4. they cut themselves off from an already isolated community that barely socializes


-You're ALWAYS a troll, no matter what, simply because they say so.


-an argument can start from anywhere and blow itself way out of proportion in a matter of seconds because of how sensitive and over-protective these guys are of this game.



you get this jist....


I see you've not played a new game in some time.

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I'd much rather play on a server of obnoxious jerks who actually DO socialize, rather than a ghost town of a server(not player wise, but talking wise). Until you play on such a server, you have NO IDEA how much it ruins the entire feeling of the game.


And yes I'm gonna bust these players out....anyone on the republic side of the Lord Prevan server.


And who the hell are you to command people to socialize? If they want to, they'll talk. I'd rather keep to myself when questing.


I agree that talking people down for simply asking for a group or being oversensitive is not nice, but you have no right to expect everyone to blabber on in general for the sake of blabbering on.

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And who the hell are you to command people to socialize? If they want to, they'll talk. I'd rather keep to myself when questing.


I agree that talking people down for simply asking for a group or being oversensitive is not nice, but you have no right to expect everyone to blabber on in general for the sake of blabbering on.


Agreed with this point, I sometimes even turn chat off since I think it makes lag go down a bit. I am probably wrong.

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There are some idiots, there are those that are quiet. but this is by far not a bad community.


I think a lot of people are listening to the voice quests and enjoying the game, they are probably more engrossed in the task, than watching chat channels. These people will more than likely start to chat to you when they have reached points where they have more time to chat, remember most people are sub 50 and are progressing.

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Its an mmo.....................................its like going into a bar full of strangers, only in this bar you are encouraged to interact. I bet that if you were given this situation in RL, you would probably find that you didn't get on with 85%+.


Its the way of things.

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Worst community in gaming? Based on your experience on one server? So if I was to visit a country, and one particular town, but that town was a closed minded, racist, selfish little place, should I tar the whole country with that brush?


I play on Sith'ari and I have to say it's a great community. Every question I have seen asked in general chat has been answered helpfully. There is always someone willing to help and share the experience. I have been invited to random pvp groupings, guilds, flashpoint parties, random questing groups. The only time I ever felt like someojne was out of line, was on a different server, on the beta. But, one person out of thousands , does not a bad community make.


I suggest you try another server or two before making such a bold statement. Have you ever played any FPS on xbox live?! If you have, then I have no idea how you can claim swtor as the worst community.

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you obviously havent played heroes of newerth, league of legends, or dota


actually yes i have. I'm a hardcore gamer, and have been for at least the past ohhh 12+ years? There are very few games I haven't played, or researched to the point of making a fair decision without playing it.


After all that said, I STILL believe this is the worst community in gaming. Why you ask? I'll give you a quick couple of pointers.


I know, I know this isn't the best reason, but it is still a reason. Those games you listed are free to play. Naturally free to play casual games like that are going to attract the worst of the worst. LoL is a mindless joke of a game. It was cool at first, but after that the community made it unbearable. A close contender to swtor, but again, free to play so it's expected.


This game was supposed to attract the most mature, well-behaved gamers out there. A game heavily based on story and not much based on "pew pew". Well where's this maturity?(go back to the 1st post in this thread)


And finally, this isn't really the community's fault, but it greatly helped out the anti-social atmosphere in this game. The single player feel. It cuts people off unless you have a group quest, and nobody even bothers to discuss anything because they're too caught up in their single player quest that there's no NEED to conversate. Well if you're stuck in that mentality as a gamer, the deeper you fall into that "leave me alone or i'll bite you, i'm gaming!" mindset.

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God, where do I begin on such a wide subject.

Tell you what, I'll just list the things since I don't feel like writing up a long detailed message of the MANY thing wrong with this community, so here goes:


-dead silence and no socializing whatsoever unless people are asking for a heroic or flashpoint group


-people are WAY too sensitive(and that branches off to many problems in itself)

1. they abuse the ignore buttong because you said something that SLIGHTLY disagrees with them

2. They have their noses in the air thinking they're better than everyone else, and calls everyone else a wow player and to go back to that game

3. WAY too defensive of this game, despite obvious flaws

4. they cut themselves off from an already isolated community that barely socializes


-You're ALWAYS a troll, no matter what, simply because they say so.


-an argument can start from anywhere and blow itself way out of proportion in a matter of seconds because of how sensitive and over-protective these guys are of this game.



you get this jist....


Troll, go back to WoW.

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