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Most people are obsessed with dark side, why?


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Jedi still feel emotion. xD

They haven't comepletely removed the concept of emotion from their members, they simply suppress certain emotions that are considered 'bad' that lead to the dark-side. They still very much feel and can happily express themselves in a way that's not self-damaging.

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Probably the same reasons for why the GTA series has been so popular.


Personally, I just play DS most of the time because I have played DS characters since the original KOTOR, I do tend to lean more neutral nowadays with my characters, but I still find most of the DS choices to be more fun, or even make more sense in certain cases.

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Most people play as their currently chosen side, aka Light side for Jedi or Dark side for Sith.


How do you know? I know a lot of people who have Light Side Imperial characters and Dark Side Republic characters. I have plenty of Imperial characters and they are exclusively Light Side.


Playing against what's expected of you can offer some very interesting situations, and in some cases, it actually just makes sense. A Light Side Agent (save for the finale in which I went neutral because the "light" choice there was almost downright offensive to me in respect of what had happened several planets prior) for instance, has many times when the Light Side option seems more beneficial to the Empire than vice versa.


I'd be more comfortable assuming the majority of players do both, rather than stick exclusively to one or the other. At least that seems to be the general consensus whenever I've seen the question posed before.

Edited by SourOrange
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Like someone else said, I make choices based on what the character's personality is. Most of the time this means making a mixture of LS and DS choices depending on the situation.


And then there are times when I have not seen a particular DS result and *I* as a player want to see it again. So I make the DS choice.

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Maybe that's because most of the time Dark Side options in this game make way more sense than the LS alternative, although both are, in general, equally cringeworthy.


I don't think I've at least one full DS/LS toon, most are neutral with the sole exception of Jedi Knight (LS1) and Sith Warrior (DS1, Neutral leaning)


I'd actually say the opposite .. a lot of DS choices make no sense. At least on the Imperial side. I mean sure, some of the DS options are more pragmatic (i.e. killing someone to ensure silence) but a lot of them also go like this:


1. (LS) Keep person alive but manipulate them to do what you want.



Which is why my Imperials are light side. I'd rather do something that gets me what I want even if it's an LS choice rather than choose DS because murder-death-kill.

Edited by Elessara
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My experience in general is that more often force alignment matches faction alignment. So if you run Flashpoints often on Rep side you'll end up with teammates who choose more light side options overall and on Imp Side you're more likely to get teammates that take the dark side options. Of course there are exceptions to both, particularly Imp Side, which I think has a more even divide between light and dark alignment than Rep side. It's also why Light Side is ahead much more often in DvL.


As to why players choose the dark side option in Flashpoints...


1. They're not roleplaying characters as themselves. The characters often do things the player wouldn't in similar situations, and the DS option is in character for their character.

2. The novelty of being the bad guy. In most games the protagonist is a hero, so the novelty factor of actually playing the villain appeals to some.

3. The influence of the movies or the lore of the game universe. Sith are generally into mustache-twirling villainy in the series' canon, so it's not surprising that many players go that route with their Sith. DS Sith are actually a lot more in keeping with the lore than light side Sith are.

4. Edgelords. There are always a few.

5. Some dark side options result in the Flashpoint being shorter by introducing a shortcut or a benefit of some kind. The Esseles is one, where you can skip a bonus portion by killing the engineers instead of saving them. Some annoying speedrunners even insist that you do it that way. (a demand I promptly ignore)

6. Spacebar tappers who aren't paying attention and just choose the first option which happens to be DS.


Take your pick!

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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My experience in general is that more often force alignment matches faction alignment. So if you run Flashpoints often on Rep side you'll end up with teammates who choose more light side options overall and on Imp Side you're more likely to get teammates that take the dark side options. Of course there are exceptions to both, particularly Imp Side, which I think has a more even divide between light and dark alignment than Rep side. It's also why Light Side is ahead much more often in DvL.


As to why players choose the dark side option in Flashpoints...


1. They're not roleplaying characters as themselves. The characters often do things the player wouldn't in similar situations, and the DS option is in character for their character.

2. The novelty of being the bad guy. In most games the protagonist is a hero, so the novelty factor of actually playing the villain appeals to some.

3. The influence of the movies or the lore of the game universe. Sith are generally into mustache-twirling villainy in the series' canon, so it's not surprising that many players go that route with their Sith. DS Sith are actually a lot more in keeping with the lore than light side Sith are.

4. Edgelords. There are always a few.

5. Some dark side options result in the Flashpoint being shorter by introducing a shortcut or a benefit of some kind. The Esseles is one, where you can skip a bonus portion by killing the engineers instead of saving them. Some annoying speedrunners even insist that you do it that way. (a demand I promptly ignore)

6. Spacebar tappers who aren't paying attention and just choose the first option which happens to be DS.


Take your pick!


yuppers... this is the best thing about this game. you don't have be the goody two shoes hero. i recall playing another mmo where i was a necromancer that was running around and saving everyone.. that just felt so wrong.

besides these choices = replayability.

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Probably because the internet allows people to get their "inner gangster" fed without possibility of actual harm.


Same with the forum... much of what goes on in the forum is a lot of gangster style exaggerated ranting, raving, and hollow threats behind the safety of ones computer screen.


*Moves Orbital Battle Station into position over post*


I'm poppin' that strap yo, watch yoself bruh.

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I'd actually say the opposite .. a lot of DS choices make no sense. At least on the Imperial side. I mean sure, some of the DS options are more pragmatic (i.e. killing someone to ensure silence) but a lot of them also go like this:


1. (LS) Keep person alive but manipulate them to do what you want.



Which is why my Imperials are light side. I'd rather do something that gets me what I want even if it's an LS choice rather than choose DS because murder-death-kill.


Well, it depends. Some situations are like that, a lot of others are more like choosing between helping an enemy of the Empire or killing them and eliminating the threat they pose. I don't remember how much this is true for other classes, but I believe Sith Warriors' Class Story would be mostly DS choices if they were going for pure practicality.

Edited by OldVengeance
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As for the LS choices, Jedi Philosophy and such. People tend to get Envious (especially over power). Some also feel compelled to get their way no matter what. And ofcourse losing something valued at times brings some to anger, frustration and possibly fear. These if let go can get out of hand and detrimental to all around. And as for Killing Vaylin, and some of the others; It had to be done don't dwell just do it and move on.
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Well it depends. Some situations are like that, a lot of others are more like choosing between helping an enemy of the Empire or killing them and eliminating the threat they pose. I don't remember how much this is true for other classes, but I believe Sith Warriors' Class Story would be mostly DS choices if they were going fur pure practicality.


My DS warrior knew Baras was up to something so he kept a few choice people alive just in case. Maybe ended ip with 5000 LS points before hitting Dark V doing that. I make him a "play the crowd" type he's never the same around different people, if he spies an asset in the making he'll take it rather than kill it.


If I was playing a more beserker type warrior it wouldn't have mattered but the VA makes him/her sound intelligent enough to make that kind of character make little sense.


Similar to the way it's incredibly difficult to play an Inquisitor non-snarky due to the VA.


Though TBH the DS/LS system in this game generally is a little black and white. With some exceptions.

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All my toons are light but one.


In saying that a couple have taken 'ds' choices at one time or another depending on the situation and the char.


My smuggler wont hurt innocents but has no issue killing slavers, drug lords and other bad dudes.


My agent is a double agent and has taken dark side hits where the choice benifits the republic over the empire tbh those should be ls for a double agent anyhow.


Stuff like that.


My one ds inquis is totally insane. All my other Jedi are always 100% light.

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Story can sometimes be really interesting. I don't yet know what i do with my Inquisitor, i started it as ultimate evil. He looks like walking embodiment of evil. minor spoiler about inquisitor class:

when i corrupted Jedi girl, tortured her and forced her to join me, it all was normal evil. But then i got opportunity to flirt. And it all got so emotional when you think about it.

A former slave who has no reason to like anyone, finds a fallen Jedi who never fit into Jedi order, and they both learn from each other and fall in love with each other. The voice acting and dialoque of male inquisitor has to be the best in the game, followed by male Imp Agent.

And now i am at moment where my character might start turning to light side. Tale as old as time. Evil bastard does not care about anything. He captures and corrupts innocent girl, does couple of average genocides and then - love happens. If you combine everything in the game with your imagination, role play and feelings, it all becomes really cliche, but still touching story. Does Lord Wehirse of Invictimus legacy, bringer of war (my character name), see error of his ways, and together with fallen Jedi, criminals, scum and others monsters, reject dark side and pay for their mistakes better than any prison ever could, by wandering all around galaxy and saving it couple of times.

I love role play


I certainly recommend that everyone tries going from evil to good or other way around or something in between, and do some role playing and imagination where game's limitations don't allow it.


It can also be good stress relief. Sometimes there is no better way to relieve stress than take bloodiest game you have and murder everyone in most brutal ways possible. And i don't even like blood and gore usually. In Star Wars i don't even care about dismemberment or any of that. But sometimes it is brilliant way to relieve some stress. No need to think about right or wrong, just murder some pixels until you are content.

Edited by TheRomanRuler
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Because as Empire, Light Side generally seems benefitial for the Empire, but is boring. And as Republic, Dark Side often helps the Republic more than the LS chooses.


I'm leveling a new Knight. Amusingly I decided he would be DS, but I find myself often choosing LS without even meaning too. Guess he has a life of his own.

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I had to think about this for awhile before I could put my finger on exactly why I prefer playing dark sided characters. My initial reaction was "because it's fun!" and then I had figure out just why it was fun.


I think I'm generally more challenged by making dark side choices and hence more immersed in the story and character. You can space bar through a light sided character's dialogue half asleep but the dark character makes you pay attention, makes you think about what you're doing and sometimes even makes you feel things. Occasionally it's guilt and revulsion because some dark side choices are just so aggressively evil.


But other times it's more like a sort of.. culmination, like a grand finale of consequences. Like, you messed with me - meddled with my plans and stood in my way, and this is the result. It's fun.


I certainly recommend that everyone tries going from evil to good or other way around or something in between, and do some role playing and imagination where game's limitations don't allow it.


I've done that in another game, it was fantastically fun.

Edited by grania
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I'm just asking, I just completed four veteran flashpoints today recently, and all of my team members did dark side, like choosing the killing the innocent NPCs, injured slaves in korriban and even for no reason at all, for example, my agent did ds in class story because she was brainwashed so did a several revenge cutscenes with dark side options, ok, that was it because there was a reason. but those people I played with mostly doing it for fun, are you sadist or something? because I see no reason killing a npc asking me to don't close off a generator because they were getting power from it, I allowed it, but I bet sith players would kill it in cold blood or even force choke.


I know this is just a game, but makes me wonder




EDIT: I'm a light side agent, (mostly) and yes, I choosed to defeat hunter in my chapter 3, also killed the sith who asked me to deliver the black box, no regret at all


Huh? It's Star Wars not Earth xD Different rules. I play the game as if it's one of the movies etc. act how Sith act and act how Jedi act. Sith kill innocents in all the movies and books. So I'm gonna do the same. If I wanna be lightside I'll be a Jedi. Simple. It's fiction after all. Barely anybody in SW universe is reasonable.

Edited by uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
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I'm just asking, I just completed four veteran flashpoints today recently, and all of my team members did dark side, like choosing the killing the innocent NPCs, injured slaves in korriban and even for no reason at all, for example, my agent did ds in class story because she was brainwashed so did a several revenge cutscenes with dark side options, ok, that was it because there was a reason. but those people I played with mostly doing it for fun, are you sadist or something? because I see no reason killing a npc asking me to don't close off a generator because they were getting power from it, I allowed it, but I bet sith players would kill it in cold blood or even force choke.


I know this is just a game, but makes me wonder




EDIT: I'm a light side agent, (mostly) and yes, I choosed to defeat hunter in my chapter 3, also killed the sith who asked me to deliver the black box, no regret at all


I tend to go dark side just because I have the Empire Logo and Sith Code tattoo'd on my leg because the Sith code make sense to me.

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I'm just asking, I just completed four veteran flashpoints today recently, and all of my team members did dark side, like choosing the killing the innocent NPCs, injured slaves in korriban and even for no reason at all, for example, my agent did ds in class story because she was brainwashed so did a several revenge cutscenes with dark side options, ok, that was it because there was a reason. but those people I played with mostly doing it for fun, are you sadist or something? because I see no reason killing a npc asking me to don't close off a generator because they were getting power from it, I allowed it, but I bet sith players would kill it in cold blood or even force choke.


I know this is just a game, but makes me wonder




EDIT: I'm a light side agent, (mostly) and yes, I choosed to defeat hunter in my chapter 3, also killed the sith who asked me to deliver the black box, no regret at all


Evil with always triumph because good is dumb. -Dark Helmet

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I have played both but I tend to play my light side characters more. For me it makes more sense to play my lightside as some of the dark choices are not something most of my characters would do. Just doesn't feel right. I have two dark side , one my sorceress and one my warrior but the rest, are lightside.


My main is my smuggler and even my smuggler is light side. I just can't really see going darkside on most of my toons.

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Folks are just trying to push the D/L global toggle their way for the CXP reward bonus.


I mean I got attacked, defended myself, but because I have this D/L toggle set to dark I'm contributing to the dark side of the force and gain dark side points? Just a dumb game mechanic.

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