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What species do you mostly play as?


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My smugglers are all human, my Sith are all pure blood except one twilek, my agents are human, rattatakii, and chiss, two troopers one human & one chiss, BH's are human, and Jedi are human, chiss, togruta, & cathar.


Fun fact.... all the human characters look exactly alike. (They're modeled after me. BT4 male, long hair same beard, & white eyes :D)

Edited by ImmortalLowlife
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Almost always Miraluka. Only three who aren't are my Knight (playing as the progenitor of the Khai family from the Legends canon), my Inquisitor (made her after Lana), and my Agent (because alot of actions are locked to aliens as an Agent).


Loved Miraluka's sense '04 with Visas. They need more love.

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Fist off.. OOH I love these types of threads. Fun and revealing and nothing about powertripping.


Now that I've been nice, let me switch to Nasty Dasty mode...


1) I have all species among my characters, but I grudgingly chose human for the presence buff, and, well, I figured might as well have 1 human. Not begrudging others at all, but part of the reason I love Star Wars is the escapism (is that a word? :D). I'm a human in real life so I like playing other species. I like playing things different than what I am. Ergo, as a gay male I have no problem roleplaying straight females, straight males, etc. -- point being -- I'm pretty good at separating my avatar from my real life (I'll survive Theron being the traitor, just as survived as Quinn betraying me [though I did make Quinn walk around in Jori's loinclothas punishment for a while :rak_03:]). With that said, I do have a man-whoring Chiss gunslinger, which brings me to point...


2) This statement will be more controversial....By far, by far, my favorite are Chiss and Sith. The reason is straightforward: the color palette of the game is a bit brown and grey for my tastes, particularly for armor. Particularly with dyes, the color blocking (in case you didn't know I was gay lolz) is awesome.


3) More controversial, I lied in point 1. I had a Togruda, but even I paid for a race change because you can't wear any type of helm, even goggles.



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I have something of everything.. eh, now I feel compelled to check.. but I want to add a disclaimer first, as I have so many characters that after a while I just had to turn mostly to humans if I didn't want them all to look the same.


51 Human

25 Sith

10 Cyborg

10 Chiss

9 Twi'lek

6 Cathar

3 Mirialan

3 Miraluka

2 Rattataki

2 Red Zabrak

1 Ugly Zabrak

1 Togruta


Had I not checked, I would've said that human-customization aside, I favored Sith and Chiss.. that seems more or less validated. :p


Two of the Twi'leks were meant to be Nautolans, and may still be changed if we ever get that species, or maybe I'll make new ones, since I've gotten so used to them the way they look now.


At any rate. There's a very good chance that if you ever come across me in the game, I will be playing a human, but I've been chiming in in favor of adding new ones whenever I see a relevant thread pop up.

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Most of my characters are human. I have one Mirialan smuggler because it suited my character best to be such, one Miraluka jedi knight and a Zabrak trooper as my only non-humans.

Though according to legacy stuff I'm missing twi'lek and rattataki so I have tried others to get to 50 at least in the past.

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Mostly human but I also have a Cathaar, Chiss x 2, 1 Rattataki (love her she is my main BH) 1 mira and 1 twi. A lot of my humans are actually cyborg tho with implants.


I don't care for many of the other species, I cant custom them to look nice for the most part. Chiss I like, I can deal with Chiss, Cathaar has very limited options and none of them look great. Im also not impressed with the twi options, still have the char but ended up remaking my smuggler as human.

Edited by Suzsi
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When I first started the game way back when I didn't see any reason to play as human at all, seeing all the awesome colorful alien options. Since I deleted those characters when I came back to the game I don't know exactly what they were anymore but I think a Zabrak, a Mirialan and definitely a Chiss that still exists on a different server (never played her).


When I came back, I still really liked the alien options, so I have two Zabrak of either color, a Mirialan and a T'wilek. But for my first playthrough character after coming back, I actually chose a human, for the simple reason that it is amazing to see a very dark black woman with cornrows be the leader of the galaxy. :p


Still love playing her for that reason, though my "main" for lack of another word is now my Mirialan scoundrel, because stealth. Oh, and I do have another human, because I made her when I still thought I would go back to preferred soon and lose any races that are not Zabrak or human. That clearly didn't happen, but I do like her too, she has cool hair. :D


And I still want to maybe make a Togruta or / and a Cathar at some point, but I haven't decided on that yet.

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