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What species do you mostly play as?


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There have been a lot of threads over the years of people asking for new species as playable characters on the forums. Yet when I'm in the fleet or anywhere really, I mainly still see humans, with a few twi'leks (mostly female) and that seems to be about it.:rak_02:

What species does your account mainly consist out of?


I myself have all humans and 1 Twi'lek that I made back in 20011(?) At launch' ish.:rak_03:

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There have been a lot of threads over the years of people asking for new species as playable characters on the forums. Yet when I'm in the fleet or anywhere really, I mainly still see humans, with a few twi'leks (mostly female) and that seems to be about it.:rak_02:

What species does your account mainly consist out of?


I myself have all humans and 1 Twi'lek that I made back in 20011(?) At launch' ish.:rak_03:


I have at least one of each species in my legacy, BUT the characters I play the most are:

Twi'lek Jedi Knight

Human Smuggler

Cyborg Bounty Hunter

Human Jedi Consular

Zabrak Sith Warrior



I also have a....

Mirialan Trooper

Sith Pureblood Sith Inquisitor

Cathar Smuggler

Zabrak Sith Warrior

Chiss Imperial Agent

Miraluka Jedi Knight

Togruta Trooper

Rattataki Sith Inquisitor

Cyborg Jedi Consular

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Among my first/main eight, I have two Twi'leks and one of each other launch species except for human and cyborg.

Including my LvD characters and low-level ones I haven't played yet, I have three Twi'leks, two each Chiss, Miraluka, Mirialan, Togruta, and Zabrak (one of each flavor), and one of each of the other species.

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The 7 characters I play most are all human, except 1 Chiss. I have a smattering of other species in lesser characters I don't play often. I don't have any Sith purebloods - they're too ugly - and no Twi'lek for no particular reason. Edited by JediQuaker
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I haven't actually unlocked all races for all classes/factions yet so it's whatever needs to be unlocked currently.


I do like Iridonian Zabraks (those are the red ones yes?) and Rattataki though due to the extra tattoos and stuff. Possibly Togruta as well.

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Mostly humans, although among my 70s:

* Cyborg Commando (actually the first one to reach 70) (my only cyborg)

* Miraluka Guardian (yes, *that* one)

* Rattataki Operative

* Rattataki Sorcerer


I have a sprinkling of Twi'leks, several Mirialans, a couple of PBS, a couple of Cathar, one Togruta and no Zabraks of either colour.

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My "mains" with about 250 hours /played between them.

F Human Operative

M Ratataki Merc

M Human Scoundrel

F Human Vanguard


And my 2nd leaque (the chars I'd like to play more but never quite find the time to)

M Human Assassin

F Sith Sorc

F Human Jugg

F Twi'Lek Gunslinger


The rest looks similar, 2/3 humans, but chars of all other species as well.

Edited by Mubrak
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I have a sprinkling of Twi'leks, several Mirialans, a couple of PBS, a couple of Cathar, one Togruta and no Zabraks of either colour.


Peanut Butter Sandwiches? Sorry, it was the first thing that came to mind. :D


My main is a Twi'lek, and my second favorite char is a Twi'lek as well. I have 3 Twi'leks altogether. Two females and one male.


I also have:


3 Cathar

3 Sith Purebloods

3 Cyborgs

3 Rattataki

2 Zabraks (one of each kind)

2 Chiss

2 Togruta

1 Mirialan

1 human

1 Miraluka


I think that's all. :p

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I do love aliens, so it comes as no surprise that my first three characters (and consequently my only three level 70's so far) are as follows:


Chiss Imperial Agent

Zabrak Sith Warrior

Pureblood Sith Inquisitor


I also have a small assortment of humans, one of which I play as a Joiner, a couple Twi'leks, a Cathar, a Mirialan, and two characters I play as Tusken Raiders.

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Female Cyborg Commando (*)

Male Human Smuggler (*)

Male Human Jedi Knight

Female Miraluka Jedi Consular


Male Cathar Powertech (yes, that included a lot of RP to make sense sometimes) (*)

Female Twi'lek Sorcerer

Male Sith Pureblood Juggernaught

Female Chiss Operative


(*) are my mains


I later noticed that my Imperial toons are mostly alien species, while 3/4 Rep toons are Humans. Seemed a bit ironic.

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I would say around 80% of my characters end up being Miralukas, I just love the idea of being a blind force user, or blind sniper. The other 20% are or will be Purebloods. I do have one Togruta, but I never play him because the lack of a helmet annoys me.
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