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Come on, Give Marauders one Self-Heal ability...


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Basically almost all the other classes has at least one self-heal. How come Marauder, a Warrior, doesn't have one? It's just annoying to know that you depend on a healer for survivability.

" Oh but you can stealth and hide " ( you will have 4 seconds, 6 maybe if you spent your skill points right ) and either way the ranked warzone 4x4 is small, and there is no good in hiding if you can't have at least one self heal.

Even in WoW the most basic human warrior have one heal, after that he is done.


This is a must have ability for any class. One self-heal is fair! I've seen snipers, powertechs healing full life everygod second, even Juggernauts have one self heal and they already have many defensive abilities.



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1. You can stealth out and heal to full. With decent team mates enemy wont chase. Being able to reset is extremely valuable.

2. A team of 3-4 Annihilation maras with Thirst for Rage+Blood Ward in regs is able of pulling over 2 million healing over the duration of the match.


3. Blood Ward heals you for 36% of your health when under attack over the course of its duration.


4. You have better dcds and almost passive (Cloak of Pain) mitigation than Juggernaut dps XD including 6 seconds god mode from single-enemy with Obfuscate and 6 secs from Guarded by the Force from all enemies. Grand total of 12 seconds GOD MODE against a single enemy. There is NOT A SINGLE COUNTER to OBFUSCATE with a utility.


5. Predation is an amazing group utility, small dcd and can make marauder an efficient melee kiter if focused.


You don't need more self-heals with this arsenal.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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This is a must have ability for any class. One self-heal is fair! I've seen snipers, powertechs healing full life everygod second, even Juggernauts have one self heal and they already have many defensive abilities.




No you have not. Powertechs have one self heal that only heals them to 30%, so they can't even heal out of execute range, and they have no dcd's worth mentioning.


I'm assuming you meant to type mercenary

Edited by Vember
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Basically almost all the other classes has at least one self-heal. How come Marauder, a Warrior, doesn't have one? It's just annoying to know that you depend on a healer for survivability.

" Oh but you can stealth and hide " ( you will have 4 seconds, 6 maybe if you spent your skill points right ) and either way the ranked warzone 4x4 is small, and there is no good in hiding if you can't have at least one self heal.

Even in WoW the most basic human warrior have one heal, after that he is done.


This is a must have ability for any class. One self-heal is fair! I've seen snipers, powertechs healing full life everygod second, even Juggernauts have one self heal and they already have many defensive abilities.




Nah, we dont need it. First of all if every class will have self-healing ability we will have the situation when all classes are similar lol, without serious differences. Secondly, giving mara an self-heal will make it very opped, since it will have not only new self-heal but also camouflage every 45 secs, saber ward (with proper utility it can heal 3% every second), an utility which heals you on 1% with using ability which requires power, blood ward for anni. This will be too opped.


Bioware just need to nerf merc defenses so that all other classes would not be too squishy against them.

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" We don't need it "

What server is your Mara in, is it Fury, what's the name of your character? What are your gear rating? You do realize we are not talking about specialization but Mara/Sentinel as a whole.

Edited by Gogoul
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It's just annoying to know that you depend on a healer for survivability.


Thats where the problem is. Overly relying on healing companions tends to stop players from developing how use of survival skills. Healing companions are so overtuned that they are basically training wheels that never come off. They over heal you so much that you're never in enough danger to actually need to learn how to use your survival and mobility skills and they keep you alive long enough that you never have to train yourself to put out fast DPS pressure to end fights fast.


I prefer to keep companions set to DPS, The onIy times I lean on a healing companion is soloing group content like Flashpoint/Uprisings/Heroic4+ areas, long boss fights (like the later rounds of eternal championship), or against other players in pvp instances (and really thats just because they are almost always using a healing companion and it becomes more about attrition). Outside of those situations if a Sentinel/Marauder is struggling without a healing companion, the problem is usually not a lack of heals but rather player damage output being so low that the fight outlasts your defenses.

If a tank companion gets overwhelmed, the problem was that the sentinel didnt get enough damage out before the tanks defenses gave out, not lack of self heals.

If a dps companion gets overwhelmed before your combined dps kills the mobs, the problem is usually low damage and poor threat management rather than a lack of self heals.


For the vast majority of gameplay as a sentinel, you shouldnt need more than biochem medpacs/med units as a heal supplement, which basically serves as a self heal unto itself.

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You're better off just dying and respawning with full health, it's much, much faster.


They are specifically talking about 4 v 4 arena warzones and/or ranked where when you die youre out of the match till next round. so if you can escape and break combat range, then re-heal to full you can re-engage and finish the other teams stragglers, or make the other team have to kill you again, can buy enough time to force sudden death.

Edited by thepilk
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Nope sorry I don't want self heals if I did I'd play with a self healing class the only change I'd like to see is for Furys recent buff to bloody slashes to be swapped with better AOE capability e.g. Spread Force Crush elemental damage with Smash.


Otherwise we're fine I love my Marauders my first spec my first class my first love.

Although Juggernauts are my second favourite and that is the spec I use when I play certain content where I might have to self heal or have a few extra defensive abilities. But most importantly is that I can use Rage easy peasy because my main Marauder is Fury so not much change in rotation except a few more options in the opener. Vicious Throw proc, Charge procs Force Scream to build 1 Rage and Force Crush procs a free Furious Strike, Raging Burst or Smash.

But I will be honest I favour certain classes although I like all just I've always preferred up in your face lightsaber/Force fighting so I will always resonate towards Marauders, Juggernauts and Assassins preferably Deception.

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