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Dear Bioware, give back my characters' wives


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Aside from previous companion characters there are two side characters in the Imperial Agent storyline which have a mini romance, depending on the player character, that I would like as actual companions:

Watcher 2 and Aristocra Saganu

I would like those as companions.


The one companion character I "miss" by far most is Kira, even though I prefer to play female characters and consequently was never able to romance her. But that's ok, I am just going to hook her up with Theron once that business with him is sorted out, all I want is to have her back on the team. (They both seem to have a thing about constantly dreaming of vacations... difficult to judge based on fictional characters with limited depth, but I suppose Theron and Kira would get along very well)


Curiously, I don't think as Kira as my Padawan in the first place. She is a fellow Jedi Knight, I just happened to take over for her master as though she was my own padawan, but that was years ago. The eternal padawan is Nadia, Kira is a knight in her own right.


Aside from the missing companions what frustrates me is that not all playable species are covered by companion. Sometimes I just like to play with a member of my character's own species as companion, it just feels right that the characters might seek the company of their own species sometimes. In the case of Chiss, Miraluka and Miralan that's not possible, all other species are covered.


Human: Many, Cyborg: Mako, Sith Pureblood: Lord Scourge, Rattataki: Kaliyo, Twi'lek: Zentith & Vette, Kathar: Aric, Zabrak: Akavi, Togruta: Ashara.

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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I saw your posts on Reddit in "That" thread! And I loved all of them! :D

Thank you very much! No hint needed - I posted pretty much nothing else yesterday. I am super-hopeful for "that" content. :)


On the, um, subject of possible new LIs... and the actual topic of this thread, strong connections to old LIs... I wish BW would give us an "I'm taken" conversation option. Not so much a rejection of the possible new LI but the option to say you care for them but are committed to the old LI. Like... "in another time, in another life." That sort of thing. :o


The reason I think it's doubtful to happen is that responsibility for initiating romance seems to rest solely on the main character now. By initiating the flirt and then being all "in another life," you'd basically be giving them hope only to turn them down, which is sorta mean. I actually miss the way that some of the old LIs would flirt first, would show they were attracted to the main character without waiting for the main character to state their own interest. I know it annoyed some people who weren't interested and then had to turn the companion down, but I really liked it.


I can't help but wonder if the choice to make the newer romances completely player-initiated is due to same-sex being an option. In "that" Reddit thread yesterday, I came across someone who was annoyed that same-sex flirt options even existed in his conversation wheel and wanted a toggle for that. I can only imagine how many people would express their annoyance if same-sex flirts were initiated by companions. (I find such annoyance a bit problematic, but everyone has their own sincere feelings which I probably shouldn't criticise.) But maybe the approach was just taken so that no one has to be "annoyed" by any companion they don't want to romance expressing interest in them, whether it's same-sex or opposite-sex. I dunno... is the freedom from annoyance really worth the price of the main character always having to be the one who makes the first move? Some people don't find it at all annoying to be flirted with - would actually quite enjoy it - yet miss out on it because it's annoying to others.

Edited by Estelindis
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As far as I am concerned at least Aristocra Saganu does fit the topic. You cannot strictly marry him, he only makes "merrit member" of his house. However, I created Shavere, my chiss jedi knight, only a couple of days after the possibility to unlock species for all classes was introduced and the first thing I did was to drag her in my legacy family window to the position of my Imperial Agent's daughter. Now given that the amount of romances with male chiss is kinda limited, there aren't so many options for who Shavere's father may be.


So, my Imperial Agent may not be strictly Aristocra Saganu's wife, but they do have a common daughter.


And seriously which Aristocra would say no to marrying a chiss agent who is: a) The commander of the Eternal Alliance b) commands the eternal fleet c) is allied with the Empire but meets them on eye level d) is a merrit member of the own house e) happens to be a former lover and shares some fond memories (he doesn't even have to intrigue to win her heart) and f) hasn't aged in five years. And if he is married... well, there are solutions for snipers.

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Thank you very much! No hint needed - I posted pretty much nothing else yesterday. I am super-hopeful for "that" content. :)


On the, um, subject of possible new LIs... and the actual topic of this thread, strong connections to old LIs... I wish BW would give us an "I'm taken" conversation option. Not so much a rejection of the possible new LI but the option to say you care for them but are committed to the old LI. Like... "in another time, in another life." That sort of thing. :o


The reason I think it's doubtful to happen is that responsibility for initiating romance seems to rest solely on the main character now. By initiating the flirt and then being all "in another life," you'd basically be giving them hope only to turn them down, which is sorta mean. I actually miss the way that some of the old LIs would flirt first, would show they were attracted to the main character without waiting for the main character to state their own interest. I know it annoyed some people who weren't interested and then had to turn the companion down, but I really liked it.


I can't help but wonder if the choice to make the newer romances completely player-initiated is due to same-sex being an option. In "that" Reddit thread yesterday, I came across someone who was annoyed that same-sex flirt options even existed in his conversation wheel and wanted a toggle for that. I can only imagine how many people would express their annoyance if same-sex flirts were initiated by companions. (I find such annoyance a bit problematic, but everyone has their own sincere feelings which I probably shouldn't criticise.) But maybe the approach was just taken so that no one has to be "annoyed" by any companion they don't want to romance expressing interest in them, whether it's same-sex or opposite-sex. I dunno... is the freedom from annoyance really worth the price of the main character always having to be the one who makes the first move? Some people don't find it at all annoying to be flirted with - would actually quite enjoy it - yet miss out on it because it's annoying to others.


It's difficult I guess. While I myself don't care seeing female/female flirt options, there will be those that do! A toggle feature doesn't really seem that bad. In ME there weren't any [flirt] hints, but it was easy enough to find out which was the romance option except with Jacob, I still don't understand that one. Or Blackwall in DAI.:rak_03: I was wondering why I suddenly was in a relationship.:p


I'd like it too if NPC's were to flirt, but out of all the options, the flirt option is the least confronting. If there isn't going to be a toggle off for same sex romance.

I also don't think people want to be flirted by with everyone. Arcann has enough haters on these forums, I don't think any of those would appreciate it if he suddenly came onto them.:rak_03:

I mean people are already upset by willingly reading the letters he sent instead of deleting them without looking. By this NPC they oh so hate so much.


So yeah, I think flirting initiated by NPC's is probably not a good idea for more reasons than one! But I'd find it fun myself. :)

Edited by Eshvara
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It's difficult I guess. While I myself don't care seeing female/female flirt options, there will be those that do! A toggle feature doesn't really seem that bad. In ME there weren't any [flirt] hints, but it was easy enough to find out which was the romance option except with Jacob, I still don't understand that one. Or Blackwall in DAI.:rak_03: I was wondering why I suddenly was in a relationship.:p


I'd like it too if NPC's were to flirt, but out of all the options, the flirt option is the least confronting. If there isn't going to be a toggle off for same sex romance.

I also don't think people want to be flirted by with everyone. Arcann has enough haters on these forums, I don't think any of those would appreciate it if he suddenly came onto them.:rak_03:

I mean people are already upset by willingly reading the letters he sent instead of deleting them without looking. By this NPC they oh so hate so much.


So yeah, I think flirting initiated by NPC's is probably not a good idea for more reasons than one! But I'd find it fun myself. :)

I get the impression that toggles seem very easy to players but are actually very hard to implement, so every time a player says "just add a toggle," a developer somewhere bursts a blood vessel. :D


I hope that Bioware don't let themselves be dictated to by players who hate a character. I feel like we've already seen that with Koth to some degree. I think Koth is a great character whose story shows immense reactivity to player choice. But he didn't fawningly love everything all players did, so lots of people hated him - and after his possible death, he's had pretty much no story role. I feel like, if Bioware add a romance with Arcann, who can be dead for some players, that's a sign that they're moving away from an approach where the people who hate certain characters are the ones who are listened to most. (I mean, I'm sure they haven't been doing that for any reason other than it's the easier path development-wise. Presumably they love all the characters they create.) But those people do still need to be listened to, to some degree, so you're probably right about the flirts.

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I guess I just don't understand the importance of this...it's not like they talk about the past once they return...they're just as silent from the terminal as they are from the story. Why not just pretend you went on some epic quest to Odessan to claim them back? The story is a minor fragment of gameplay...it takes literally 5-minutes of time...why not make up your own story?


The story may only be a minor fragment of game play for you but for many others -- story is the only game play they care about. Different strokes and all that. When I play SWTOR I story, thats what I do. I don't grind cxp, I don't do group ops, flashpoints only in story mode, I don't grind cxp. I story.


Its why I am very dissappointed the latest story pieces can't be repeated like the Kotfe and Kotet chapters are. The only way to redo Quinns reunion is to take another Sith Warr through the entire game, then only get to see it once more. I don't mind taking another char through, Ive multiples of each but there's some story elements Id still like to also be able to repeat at will.


For some like myself there is no SWTOR without story.

Edited by Suzsi
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... and my JC...well, don't care...her husband was boring and so was she. Played her for the achievement and Legendary status and never played her again (same with Trooper).


That's funny.

My trooper and JC are my favorites on the Pub side (and BH on the Imp side).


But I understand the sentiment here.


To me, getting the romanceable companions back into the game after KotFE should have been the priority.


Make the story work around that.

I get that not every companion could be put back in immediately, but for Guss and Bowdarr to be the first two smuggler companions? Seriously?

How hard should it have been to get Akaavi back in to the game at the same time that Torian came back, for example? Heck, let the players pick between the two to see which one they wanted to work with.


I think that a little more picking and choosing would have been fine. Not like anyone needs all of those companions, anyway.

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In terms of having the NPCs and companions flirting, the other end of that are the companions like Corso, who seem to be very aggressive about pursuing the player to the point where it can be uncomfortable (I have not played a smuggler, but have been told the romance flag is very early in the story for Corso, which many players don't know).


Maybe the best middle ground = statements from companions that are ambiguous, ie, they may or may not be taken as a flirt, and there are convo choices that reflect both interpretations. As I recall there are a few that work that way in the Bounty Hunter week among the informants - you can choose to take it as a flirt and answer that way, or you can be all business.


I do think that it's ridiculous that they have not brought back the absent LIs yet.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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In terms of having the NPCs and companions flirting, the other end of that are the companions like Corso, who seem to be very aggressive about pursuing the player to the point where it can be uncomfortable (I have not played a smuggler, but have been told the romance flag is very early in the story for Corso, which many players don't know).


Maybe the best middle ground = statements from companions that are ambiguous, ie, they may or may not be taken as a flirt, and there are convo choices that reflect both interpretations. As I recall there are a few that work that way in the Bounty Hunter week among the informants - you can choose to take it as a flirt and answer that way, or you can be all business.


I do think that it's ridiculous that they have not brought back the absent LIs yet.


Corso isn't aggressive, not at all. He also doesnt pursue the player in the way you think.


He acts a little jealous when other guys flirt with the player character - that's all. Aric does as well just in a different way. Corso is a bit more obvious, Aric hides it behind 'we should focus on work' etc. Corso is very much a gentlemen and thinks guys should treat women well, not as a piece of meat. Thats why he dislikes the flirting because he expects those men will not treat the smuggler well ( and he is probably right given the flirt options with guys more likely to just want a fling and not something serious). I've no idea what peoples issues are with this. Its clear the smuggler and Corso have known each other a little while prior to the smuggler story beginning and he is simply protective of them.


When it comes to the actual romance, he is careful. He doesn't want to treat the smuggler the way other men have -- he wants it to be something real and thus wont sleep with them or anything like that for a while. Guess some people just dont like him commenting on them flirting with everything in pants - they probably deserve it though! :D

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Corso isn't aggressive, not at all. He also doesnt pursue the player in the way you think.


He acts a little jealous when other guys flirt with the player character - that's all. Aric does as well just in a different way. Corso is a bit more obvious, Aric hides it behind 'we should focus on work' etc. Corso is very much a gentlemen and thinks guys should treat women well, not as a piece of meat. Thats why he dislikes the flirting because he expects those men will not treat the smuggler well ( and he is probably right given the flirt options with guys more likely to just want a fling and not something serious). I've no idea what peoples issues are with this. Its clear the smuggler and Corso have known each other a little while prior to the smuggler story beginning and he is simply protective of them.


When it comes to the actual romance, he is careful. He doesn't want to treat the smuggler the way other men have -- he wants it to be something real and thus wont sleep with them or anything like that for a while. Guess some people just dont like him commenting on them flirting with everything in pants - they probably deserve it though! :D


The thing with Corso I've heard is that players who don't actually *want* to be in a romance with him find out that they are - because the romance flag is very early on, and they didn't mean to land in the romance by choosing one or two flirts. And I do think that if you were not romancing Corso, or didn't think you were, some of his comments are off-putting - it's not really his place to decide how/who the smugglers flirts with anyone.

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Corso isn't aggressive, not at all. He also doesnt pursue the player in the way you think.


He acts a little jealous when other guys flirt with the player character - that's all. Aric does as well just in a different way. Corso is a bit more obvious, Aric hides it behind 'we should focus on work' etc. Corso is very much a gentlemen and thinks guys should treat women well, not as a piece of meat. Thats why he dislikes the flirting because he expects those men will not treat the smuggler well ( and he is probably right given the flirt options with guys more likely to just want a fling and not something serious). I've no idea what peoples issues are with this. Its clear the smuggler and Corso have known each other a little while prior to the smuggler story beginning and he is simply protective of them.


When it comes to the actual romance, he is careful. He doesn't want to treat the smuggler the way other men have -- he wants it to be something real and thus wont sleep with them or anything like that for a while. Guess some people just dont like him commenting on them flirting with everything in pants - they probably deserve it though! :D


Whilst I agree that Corso doesn't aggressively pursue the smuggler, I don't think it's clear that the smuggler and Corso have known each other for a little while prior to the story starting, especially since at the beginning of the smuggler story, the smuggler can ask Corso what their name is. I just recently played the smuggler story through and I clearly remember Corso running up and my smuggler going, "You got a name?" and Corso replying, "Corso, Corso Riggs."


I've done a smuggler playthrough where I didn't romance Corso and he didn't make suggestive comments other than in reply to the one flirt I actually chose. But then I didn't have my smuggler flirt with anyone else either.


For the female consular, when Iresso joins the crew he makes a flirty comment and your character can say they're not comfortable with that and he's like ok no problem and it ends right there.


I know Doc comes on strong but I'm not sure if he persists if the knight tells him to stop - mostly because I can't resist his horribly cheesy lines (they make me laugh every time) so I always flirt with him.

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That's funny.


How hard should it have been to get Akaavi back in to the game at the same time that Torian came back, for example?


I'm fairly certain you meant "Spiky wife"

But yes, why the Phantom Menace would she not go back to being a Mando if the Smuggler's gone missing?! Actually, kinda shocked SHE wouldn't be searching for US. She IS a bounty hunter, after all.

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It's difficult I guess. While I myself don't care seeing female/female flirt options, there will be those that do! A toggle feature doesn't really seem that bad. In ME there weren't any [flirt] hints, but it was easy enough to find out which was the romance option except with Jacob, I still don't understand that one. Or Blackwall in DAI.:rak_03: I was wondering why I suddenly was in a relationship.:p


I'd like it too if NPC's were to flirt, but out of all the options, the flirt option is the least confronting. If there isn't going to be a toggle off for same sex romance.

I also don't think people want to be flirted by with everyone. Arcann has enough haters on these forums, I don't think any of those would appreciate it if he suddenly came onto them.:rak_03:

I mean people are already upset by willingly reading the letters he sent instead of deleting them without looking. By this NPC they oh so hate so much.


So yeah, I think flirting initiated by NPC's is probably not a good idea for more reasons than one! But I'd find it fun myself. :)


Just so you're aware, It's against the TOS to ask for that kind of toggle for same sex flirts because it's discrimination. Bioware has said it before in past threads and it still stands now, especially given I've yet to see someone push for a toggle to turn other gender flirts off.


That being said, there is only one person my main male sniper wants back: Theron Shan. He'll wait patiently as he needs to for him to come back.

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Just so you're aware, It's against the TOS to ask for that kind of toggle for same sex flirts because it's discrimination. Bioware has said it before in past threads and it still stands now, especially given I've yet to see someone push for a toggle to turn other gender flirts off.


That being said, there is only one person my main male sniper wants back: Theron Shan. He'll wait patiently as he needs to for him to come back.


Where did I ask for a toggle? Someone on Reddit wanted one, and me and Estelindis were talking about it.

Edited by Eshvara
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Just so you're aware, It's against the TOS to ask for that kind of toggle for same sex flirts because it's discrimination. Bioware has said it before in past threads and it still stands now, especially given I've yet to see someone push for a toggle to turn other gender flirts off.


I'm glad Bioware has taken this stand. Sad that in 2017 it would even be an issue for some.

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For the female consular, when Iresso joins the crew he makes a flirty comment and your character can say they're not comfortable with that and he's like ok no problem and it ends right there.

Iresso is one of my favourite romances. He is incredibly low-drama and so respectful of the consular. :)


I know Doc comes on strong but I'm not sure if he persists if the knight tells him to stop - mostly because I can't resist his horribly cheesy lines (they make me laugh every time) so I always flirt with him.

That's too funny! :D I rolled a new jedi knight just to romance Theron, 'cos I hate the thought of cheating on the class-story husbands, but it was sooooo hard rejecting Doc's flirts! I actually felt so bad that I haven't even progressed the character far enough to do the Theron romance for which she was created, haha.


Where did I ask for a toggle? Someone on Reddit wanted one, and me and Estelindis were talking about it.

Seconding this. It seemed like a problematic idea to me and I asked the guy to explain more where he was coming from, but he didn't answer.

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Whilst I agree that Corso doesn't aggressively pursue the smuggler, I don't think it's clear that the smuggler and Corso have known each other for a little while prior to the story starting, especially since at the beginning of the smuggler story, the smuggler can ask Corso what their name is. I just recently played the smuggler story through and I clearly remember Corso running up and my smuggler going, "You got a name?" and Corso replying, "Corso, Corso Riggs."


I've done a smuggler playthrough where I didn't romance Corso and he didn't make suggestive comments other than in reply to the one flirt I actually chose. But then I didn't have my smuggler flirt with anyone else either.


For the female consular, when Iresso joins the crew he makes a flirty comment and your character can say they're not comfortable with that and he's like ok no problem and it ends right there.


I know Doc comes on strong but I'm not sure if he persists if the knight tells him to stop - mostly because I can't resist his horribly cheesy lines (they make me laugh every time) so I always flirt with him.


I once played a JK to romance Theron so I didn't want to romance Doc, (it was hard, he's one of my favourites) but he gets snotty when you tell him to back off and I mean you are pretty hard on him to refuse. You say something like, focus your attention somewhere else and he's like fine, there has to be someone more worthy of my attention. It's hard and I felt like a real cow but that ends all flirts from that point forward.

Edited by serenitty
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Iresso is one of my favourite romances. He is incredibly low-drama and so respectful of the consular. :)



That's too funny! :D I rolled a new jedi knight just to romance Theron, 'cos I hate the thought of cheating on the class-story husbands, but it was sooooo hard rejecting Doc's flirts! I actually felt so bad that I haven't even progressed the character far enough to do the Theron romance for which she was created, haha.



The last JK I made was going to romance Theron. She's currently married to Doc and hasn't cheated so you can tell how well that went. I also don't like the thought of cheating on the class story husbands so it looks like none of my JKs will romance Theron. :p

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Iresso is one of my favourite romances. He is incredibly low-drama and so respectful of the consular. :)



That's too funny! :D I rolled a new jedi knight just to romance Theron, 'cos I hate the thought of cheating on the class-story husbands, but it was sooooo hard rejecting Doc's flirts! I actually felt so bad that I haven't even progressed the character far enough to do the Theron romance for which she was created, haha.



Seconding this. It seemed like a problematic idea to me and I asked the guy to explain more where he was coming from, but he didn't answer.


I did get through it with a JK but it was soop hard ! There's one point you can litterally hear and see poor Docs heart break when he realises its never going to happen. Very clear case of a character in love with another regaurdless if you romance them or not. I felt bad for his precious little heart. He comes across as a sleaze, really what he is, is a guy who has very low self esteme and talks himself up because no one else will or ever has. My poor Doc ! but that JK is veey happy with Theron, her player says never again tho lol

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