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Revoke EA/BioFails Rights to Star Wars


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I do think they have done more harm than good for the Star Wars IP.


I also think it's recoverable even as bad as it's been but I don't think EA or bioware are willing to put in the money, time or talent to make it happen.

So in the end I'd be OK with that you asked above.

Edited by Quraswren
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Wow...you're really feeling the angst, aren't you...

Just frustration probably...he obviously likes the game but hates what Bioware has been doing to it lately...he's not alone and I think his frustration is very justifiable.

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Just frustration probably...he obviously likes the game but hates what Bioware has been doing to it lately...he's not alone and I think his frustration is very justifiable.


Good for you. :)


I think it's counterproductive as hell. The game needs work, I don't think anyone would argue that but wanting another house to take over? That IS a recipe for failure.

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Just frustration probably...he obviously likes the game but hates what Bioware has been doing to it lately...he's not alone and I think his frustration is very justifiable.


It's definitely a "what it is vs what it could be" situation.


Otherwise they wouldn't be here moaning.


As you may or may not have seen I have many complaints about this game but I stick around as I find enough worthwhile to do though that is steadily decreasing.


Knowing my luck it'd end up in Bethesda's care if EA lost it, and I truly despise them.

Edited by orangenee
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Wow...you're really feeling the angst, aren't you...


Nope, any it doesn't matter how I feel.


It is really a simple business decision, they are no longer adding valuable content to the story, in fact the story is really "off topic" and has polluted the original story in many ways. Plus, it is pretty clear they are milking franchise fans for cash.

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It's definitely a "what it is vs what it could be" situation.


Otherwise they wouldn't be here moaning.


As you may or may not have seen I have many complaints about this game but I stick around as I find enough worthwhile to do though that is steadily decreasing.


You guys are all more patient (or addicted, heh) than I am. I tend to vote with my wallet. If I feel myself reaching the point where I start regularly grousing about a game, I step away. If it's an MMO, I cancel my sub and move on.


Different strokes, I guess.

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You guys are all more patient (or addicted, heh) than I am. I tend to vote with my wallet. If I feel myself reaching the point where I start regularly grousing about a game, I step away. If it's an MMO, I cancel my sub and move on.


Different strokes, I guess.




If I wasn't having fun playing - I wouldn't be.

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Nope, any it doesn't matter how I feel.


It is really a simple business decision, they are no longer adding valuable content to the story, in fact the story is really "off topic" and has polluted the original story in many ways. Plus, it is pretty clear they are milking franchise fans for cash.


Handing over a project this size to another company would probably be a very negative thing. It's not easy to train up, catch up new devs on a project nevermind one this huge.


Nor do I consider this game a "fail". Sure there are things that I don't like, that frustrate me but it's nowhere near failing. I think this event that just ended showed BW that there is a path they can take that will really help rejuvenate the game. I hope they take that path.

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You guys are all more patient (or addicted, heh) than I am. I tend to vote with my wallet. If I feel myself reaching the point where I start regularly grousing about a game, I step away. If it's an MMO, I cancel my sub and move on.


Different strokes, I guess.

It's very easy to walk away without voicing your opinion and I'm glad you're able to do that, just like literally millions of other players have...I prefer it when people take the time to give their reasoning and feedback though. None of us is under the impression we can't vote with our wallets...that's a given.

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It's very easy to walk away without voicing your opinion and I'm glad you're able to do that, just like literally millions of other players have...I prefer it when people take the time to give their reasoning and feedback though. None of us is under the impression we can't vote with our wallets...that's a given.


Oh, I always give my opinion before taking a hike. :) Seems only fair that a dev house knows why they lost a customer, no?


We must also have varying definitions of "reasoning" and "feedback". ;)


This game needs work, no doubt. All these MMOs do. It's the nature of the beast and, actually, what I like about them. They are ever changing, evolving, sometime devolving but they usually aren't static which is, to me, a good thing.

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You guys are all more patient (or addicted, heh) than I am. I tend to vote with my wallet. If I feel myself reaching the point where I start regularly grousing about a game, I step away. If it's an MMO, I cancel my sub and move on.


Different strokes, I guess.


There is a difference, most MMOs are not based on a franchise like Star Wars. This is a case where we all want them to succeed, in spite of themselves.

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You guys are all more patient (or addicted, heh) than I am. I tend to vote with my wallet. If I feel myself reaching the point where I start regularly grousing about a game, I step away. If it's an MMO, I cancel my sub and move on.


Different strokes, I guess.


If it was Bethesda I'd have no mercy at all. When they announced ESO I gently extended a middle finger towards the advert and walked away immediately.


Same with all their worthless output since Skyrim in fact. Aside from Dishonoured but Bethesda didn't make that.


If I had some sort of orbital battlestation with a giant "laser" on it, Bethesda head office would be ground zero for my first strike.


That and there's few games available to play with glow sticks in the modern era. Battlefront EA edition 2015 sucked balls and I imagine number two will as well.

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Handing over a project this size to another company would probably be a very negative thing. It's not easy to train up, catch up new devs on a project nevermind one this huge.


Nor do I consider this game a "fail". Sure there are things that I don't like, that frustrate me but it's nowhere near failing. I think this event that just ended showed BW that there is a path they can take that will really help rejuvenate the game. I hope they take that path.


The people who knew what they were doing with this code base left a long time ago.

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Handing over a project this size to another company would probably be a very negative thing. It's not easy to train up, catch up new devs on a project nevermind one this huge.


Nor do I consider this game a "fail". Sure there are things that I don't like, that frustrate me but it's nowhere near failing. I think this event that just ended showed BW that there is a path they can take that will really help rejuvenate the game. I hope they take that path.

There were 645 people who worked on this game originally...I'm certain some of them are still out there willing to pick up Bioware's mess. This game needs an investment of money and people by someone...

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There is a difference, most MMOs are not based on a franchise like Star Wars. This is a case where we all want them to succeed, in spite of themselves.


Oh, y'mean like LOTRO or ESO?


Of course those of us who are fans of a franchise want them to carry on brilliantly. Asking a new company to step in would create a real hurdle to leap and it would take a long time for the new team to get up to speed. I can just hear the caterwauling when no new content comes along in a timely manner or there was not sufficient remarking in the code and it's a case of hit or miss trying to sort something out.


Seriously, be careful what you wish for. It sounds like it would be a solution but it really would delay things and then there would be screaming about that.

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There were 645 people who worked on this game originally...I'm certain some of them are still out there willing to pick up Bioware's mess. This game needs an investment of money and people by someone...


Doesn't surprise me. The crew needed to develop and launch an MMO is usually huge. After launch, many are let go and it goes into a different mode of operation. That's a whole different thing than bringing in a new crew who will need to figure out a complex application. Maybe they should look to wooing back some of those who have left?

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The people who knew what they were doing with this code base left a long time ago.


I'm not totally buying that. Were that the case, the game wouldn't even function. I get that you're frustrated. Been there, done that, cancelled subs. LoTRO about broke my heart. I so wanted that to thrive. It's not. It's alive, it's muddling along with its core gamers which, after all these years, isn't a horrible thing.


Same here. We're wanting a lot of things from them and they aren't staffed to come through with all the things we want.

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If it was Bethesda I'd have no mercy at all. When they announced ESO I gently extended a middle finger towards the advert and walked away immediately.


Same with all their worthless output since Skyrim in fact. Aside from Dishonoured but Bethesda didn't make that.


If I had some sort of orbital battlestation with a giant "laser" on it, Bethesda head office would be ground zero for my first strike.


That and there's few games available to play with glow sticks in the modern era. Battlefront EA edition 2015 sucked balls and I imagine number two will as well.


Well, don't hold back there! Let us know how you really feel. :p


I wanted to like ESO a lot more than I ended up doing. Hell, I preferred Rift to it (and there's a game that is still chugging along that everyone swore up one side and down the other would be "dead in a year").

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