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Dark Side Jedi and Light Side Sith represent!


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I really have a hard time with both of these... even though I play LS more often then not.


I just can't see the Jedi allowing a darksider to keep going without repercussions - They would know. They would sense it.


The same with the Sith, they aren't going to allow someone so soft to keep traveling in Sith circles, they would be ridiculed, exiled or worse so fast that they would never get anywhere.


I do like a LS agent, that's an entirely different ball game. Its like fighting against something forced upon them against their will, I'm okay with that.

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I really have a hard time with both of these... even though I play LS more often then not.


I just can't see the Jedi allowing a darksider to keep going without repercussions - They would know. They would sense it.


The same with the Sith, they aren't going to allow someone so soft to keep traveling in Sith circles, they would be ridiculed, exiled or worse so fast that they would never get anywhere.


I do like a LS agent, that's an entirely different ball game. Its like fighting against something forced upon them against their will, I'm okay with that.


Darth Sidieos was able to hide his affinity in the force as well as his dark sides intentions. It wouldn't be impossible to imagine a Jedi master stealing sith techniques to hide their intentions. Nomen Karr is a good example of how some Jedi were corrupted. While it isn't stated clearly whether his darkness had been there for long or the fight with the warrior brought that out, but it was there. Same the other way around. A good sith could easily hide their true side without much issue.

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Darth Sidieos was able to hide his affinity in the force as well as his dark sides intentions. It wouldn't be impossible to imagine a Jedi master stealing sith techniques to hide their intentions. Nomen Karr is a good example of how some Jedi were corrupted. While it isn't stated clearly whether his darkness had been there for long or the fight with the warrior brought that out, but it was there. Same the other way around. A good sith could easily hide their true side without much issue.


The thing is our chars start out as raw recruits, it might be possible for seasoned vets but our chars arent that until nearing the ends of their stories..


While maybe not impossible, I cant imagine it would be easy for a raw recruit to keep such things when surrounded by Darths / Jedi Masters.

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Light-leaning Sith here. :) Not entirely - my Sith is still more inclined to kill than forgive if someone's tried to hurt or kill her - pretty much she'll always kill them - but for most decisions she's pretty much hovering between Light I and Dark I or II.


I think in the rigid Jedi Temple there might not be much room to veer, but in the greater Star Wars universe there are plenty of examples of Dark or Gray Jedi and Light Sith, both in orders of their own and operating independently.


With the Sith, they seem to care mostly if a person is useful and/or serving the Empire. If they're able to do their job and justify what they've done, it's all good. In the Sith Warrior storyline she can make a bunch of 'lighter' decisions and since they end up benefiting the Empire, everyone's cool with it. In the Sith Code there's actually nothing that requires one to be a puppy-kicking sadist - it's about freedom and channeling one's emotions, and if someone's serving the Empire, they're pretty much given leave to operate however they want. Hence, how someone like Darth Vowarawn can be on the Dark Council side by side with some of the darker Sith, or how there are a number of viable paths the Sith Inquisitor can take and still succeed. Once the Rule of Two was in place it seems to have been a different story, but the Sith Empire is way before that.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Well, arguably Darth Marr is/was Light Side. He did things for the Empire, not necessarily his own ego.


Also, as a raw recruit, all Jedi/Sith characters are neutral. They are shaped by their actions and experiences. Now, for me, dark side Jedi is harder to do than Light Side Sith. My Jedi that try to lean dark are loyal to their friends, yet want vengeance on the Empire. And that means I end up saving them a bit too much to go truly dark. Still usually enough to get a tongue-lashing from Satele at the end of the Knight story (I think my Consular never managed to fully fall because of Nadia, actually).


Which actually brings me to the influence of some of the companions. While the Inquisitor can lean towards light in the beginning because of not liking that whole slavery thing (enslaving spirits seems wrong, etc), they have their own little issue with darkness... namely the urge to give everything a dose of shock therapy. On the other hand, the Warrior can be light side very easy. First, Vette can be an influence on you. Then there is... Tatooine. That can be a mind-changing experience, if you let it. And if these influences lead you to not turning Jaesa dark... well, you now have quite a few light influences on you. And a light Warrior would be protected by Baras until the Warrior was no longer useful. And well... we know when that was... (Come to think of it, Zash might also use a light Inquisitor in the same way, until she needed you for other things... and then Thanaton hates you either way, so it really doesn't matter.)


Frankly, considering how powerful the PCs are, outside of certain individuals, few might be able to detect them... or want to mess with them.

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Light leaning sith! but, obviously not "every single light side choice in dialogue taken." that'd be silly. Solely "just more light choices then dark overall where it counts", and mostly logical, smart choices. Just enough darks and lies to keep the mask intact. Serving the Emprie and it's people, not themselves. and seeking a challenging fight, not murdering on a whim. Edited by Asmodesu
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Light leaning sith! but, obviously not "every single light side choice in dialogue taken." that'd be silly. Solely "just more light choices then dark overall where it counts", and mostly logical, smart choices. Just enough darks and lies to keep the mask intact. Serving the Emprie and it's people, not themselves. and seeking a challenging fight, not murdering on a whim.


My agent right now is the other way, LS taking DS where its against the empires best interests :D

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I'm a fan of both as it challenges the common moral duality in human culture and not be binded by ideological dogma. As both sides have great fallings and my character sees this, the Jedi Code essentially smothers human human nature to the point that theiy're are not 'human' and are stagnant. While the Sith Code is the opposite, where it's okay to achieve self betterment and bring progress yet the Sith go to fall and end up desiring power for the sake of more power. I highly recommend watching 'The Philosophy of Kreia: A Critical Examination of Star Wars' as it's really insightful and made the concept of breaking the code more appealing in my eyes. Anyways back to SWTOR line of thought, there is even an subplot 'which sadly does not go anywhere' where an LS Sith wants to bring change and progress to the Empire while the other Sith Lords as noted in Chapter 3 of IA are wasting manpower for power plays and infighting. Edited by Kahliir
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The problem is that the same action might be counted as LS or DS choice, depending on motives and presumed consequences.

The game cannot account to all these variants.

So we end up with LS points for Sith who just doesn't kill everyone on sight.

More reasonable, cunning, subtle Sith are often counted as LS.

You can easily justify some LS choices while playing Sith.

As to the Jedi, I played one Jedi Sage with the idea she is Imperial agent and she will do everything to harm the Jedi. She killed the masters instead of saving them, she was awful... and still got to be the hero of the Jedi Order. That was not a pleasant game and that character is just left in the dark corner of the closet now. It felt stupid, wrong, there's no way to properly justify how this was possible, how everyone was prising her after the things she did. The story does not make sense.

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Most of my ls or ds alignment and choices is based on just not playing a complete brute or nutcase. Though a few, like my main SW, I have a lot of headcanon depth for how she goes undetected, and to be honest - pretty sure she doesn't in the end, but powerful enough by then to not have a challenger over it. Marr in SoR mentions her "unique" viewpoint, Emperor calls her his "righteous wrath" and not a true lord of the sith base don one choice, but he's just spitting insults by that point :p


My agent right now is the other way, LS taking DS where its against the empires best interests :D


Yeah my agent is a big traitor. Surprised she hasn't been executed yet, she's really not hiding it. subservant only when she knows she's pushed mr sithy guys a touch too close to ending her life.

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If I ever manage to get patched up I am seriously considering re-running all my toons without checking to see if a choice is light or dark side. The more I think about the Sith Code, the less it seems to be necessarily about hate, anger and discontent. It seems instead to be about all emotions, to be come more than human by immersing yourself in what makes a person human.


"Peace is a lie. There is only Passion.

Through Passion I gain Strength.

Through Strength I gain Power.

Through Power I gain Victory.

Through Victory my chains are Broken.

The Force shall free me"


Nothing about fear, rage or dread. It is about indulging the raw emotions that prompt a person to act in a given manner in a given situation. A gut reaction so to speak.


If your current emotion is rage, then by all means slaughter the cause of your anger. If you feel love, act on it fully. Same with the various other feelings.


If passion is the source of strength, then ALL passion gives strength. Acting solely on rage and fear may be a quick path to power, but it is not a sustainable power. Just think of how exhausting it is to hold a grudge for a long time. You simply become apathetic after a while. Other emotions (sources of passion) are more enduring and longer lasting. Thus, it seems to me that all passions must be embraced. Then I can more fully enjoy the plot lines perhaps and get rid of my forced to fit toons (LS sith of various types just to see the story ending for example).

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Dark side V Jedi here...


It was fun thumbing my nose at the 'rules'. I just wish the dialogue choices didn't paint you to be a complete lunatic. :rolleyes:


Wasn't hard to go dark for my Jedi, most of my characters are darkside Sith. :p

Edited by Lunafox
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I love playing both LS warrior and Inquisitor. I love how characters are so shocked and skeptical of your LS actions and it's fun defying the stereotype/expectations. I can see a LS sith being fine if they're strong enough to stand up for themselves like our character is but I can't see a DS jedi not being expelled from the order. Most of my characters I play as mixed alignment though with head-cannon backstory and motivations. Like one of my JKs is a twi'lek with the Glasgow smile scars whose backstory is that of an imperial slave so he's merciful and compassionate to the innocent, strict and no-nonsense with gangsters and similar but will kill any sith or imperial soldier.
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I love playing both LS warrior and Inquisitor. I love how characters are so shocked and skeptical of your LS actions and it's fun defying the stereotype/expectations. I can see a LS sith being fine if they're strong enough to stand up for themselves like our character is but I can't see a DS jedi not being expelled from the order. Most of my characters I play as mixed alignment though with head-cannon backstory and motivations. Like one of my JKs is a twi'lek with the Glasgow smile scars whose backstory is that of an imperial slave so he's merciful and compassionate to the innocent, strict and no-nonsense with gangsters and similar but will kill any sith or imperial soldier.


It is interesting that the Order sweeps aside the character's darkness, so long as there are results. I still remember Satele on Yavin saying that they've sensed darkness in my actions, but that didn't stop them from making me their battlemaster. Plus, for myself, a lot of what I did, I figured my character would lie or manipulate the reasoning to appear more acceptable. And there are Jedi on the Council that don't strike me as particularly light either, like Jaric Kaedan.

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It is interesting that the Order sweeps aside the character's darkness, so long as there are results. I still remember Satele on Yavin saying that they've sensed darkness in my actions, but that didn't stop them from making me their battlemaster. Plus, for myself, a lot of what I did, I figured my character would lie or manipulate the reasoning to appear more acceptable. And there are Jedi on the Council that don't strike me as particularly light either, like Jaric Kaedan.


Yeah, a DS leaning jedi character during wartime, like a ruthless "ends justify the means" character makes sense, and it makes sense that the council would use that person in battle. Someone cold and calculated but not evil and not frolicking around killing innocents and torturing puppies. I'm more mind boggled by the purely DS, psycho, murderer, clearly a sith DS jedi. I played my first Consular purely DS because I thought the story (and especially the dialogue and voice acting) was boring and being a ridiculous psycho entertained me and made me laugh. It made no sense to me that the council kept sending me on missions to rescue these jedi masters when I just kept killing the ones I found and anyone else the game let me kill. Like, what's the logic in keeping that guy?

Edited by Nefla
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I play House Jedi when around Jedi but everywhere else......


Palpatine kept himself hidden for years in Jedi circles so it's not a stretch to think one would get by in the order.


Palp was a fully trained Sith, not a baby recruit though. It makes a huge diff

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I used to always play light side Sith, I found it more interesting as most on the empire, especially other Sith always have something to say about it.

Now I went complete dark side and will make more Dark side options in the future.:rak_03: I've been a Mary Sue long enough.

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I have one of each.


My LS Sith is a pureblood SW who wants to stop all the back-stabbing and in-fighting among the Sith in order to make it a stronger Empire. He recognizes that you can have passion AND honor, values making enemies into allies over killing them if unnecessary, and puts the general welfare of the Empire and its people over his own personal goals.


My DS Jedi was originally a street kid from Nar Shaddaa, so she was very jaded at a young age and didn't entirely buy into the Jedi's way of non-attachment and passionless serenity. She was very good at pretending though and did what she needed to in order to survive among them and pass her trials. Once sent out on her own, she gradually began spreading her wings to see just how much she could get away with, without raising too much suspicion. She was never cruel or evil in any way...she just did not feel the need to suppress her emotions.

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Darth Sidieos was able to hide his affinity in the force as well as his dark sides intentions. It wouldn't be impossible to imagine a Jedi master stealing sith techniques to hide their intentions. Nomen Karr is a good example of how some Jedi were corrupted. While it isn't stated clearly whether his darkness had been there for long or the fight with the warrior brought that out, but it was there. Same the other way around. A good sith could easily hide their true side without much issue.

Nomen karr and darth sidius are two different cases. Sidius was cruel and knew it. Nomen karr hid his corruption under his zealotry dedication. He never realized that he was the bad one even when he used more of his emotions during the fight with the wrath.

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