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Compensation List


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I'm just waiting for news on the compensation they will make, so i can decide if i'll renew my sub for next month, or i'll leave this game for good (just came back a week ago, only to find they spit in my face with redeemable 1 use codes, after hours and hours of down servers).


These are the absolutely essential compensations they should make to make me stay:


1- 500+ Cartel Coins.

2- Extension of the double exp event by 1 week.

3- Extension of the sub period by a couple days.


The following are just optional compensations that in NO WAY should replace the essential compensations above:


1-Any pet.

2-Any mount.

3-Any cosmetic item.


I'm not saying my sub is important for them, it probably isnt. But the game is struggling to stay alive already. Considering what i listed above, once i see what decision they make, i'll make mine too.


I left time ago because of the poor design choices, questionable decisions and overall nonexistant communication and the devs ignoring basically all the feedback. I decided to come back, after a 1 year break, only to find this.


And, i just gotta add, throwing redeemable codes at us paying customers as if throwing a piece of flesh to a pack of dogs is probably the most disgusting, pathetic stuff i have seen in the videogame industry in all my gaming years. They really will have to make it up somehow. I love this game, hence why i came back, but man, the people behind it...ffs.

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I think extending the cxp bonus week is reasonable request. That and a Free Superior CXP Boost


But just because there was maintenance problems doesn't mean we are entitled to cartel coins and extended subscription time.


I agree with this - fair and reasonable.


In fact for all the "Give me CC's for my troubles!" requests and greedy people looking for free stuff, well do that math and its 0.625 CC per hour down time. So at $4.99 for 450 CC as the metric against 720 hours over 30 days, being down for 12 hours would be about 8 CC rounding up.

Edited by Blakinik
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Extend the double CXP a week and 1 day free sub for only current subs. That is all.


Thus no one misses out on any double CXP they would have got and no one misses out on paid sub time.

You could argue extra daily "bug" time but well ... it's a bug so wishful thinking. :p


Anything else is just greed for the most part as I see it.

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i'm not thinking it at all, speak for yourself, not everyone.


What i *am* thinking about is how pathetically petty so much of this community is that whine and complain 24/7 about the game but then get mad when they can't play the game they whine and complain about 24/7.





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Well, seeing as there is a list of demands, I may as well add mine lol.



1-Albino Monkey Lizard

2- A black Sith limousine

3-beachfront property on Rakata Prime

4-10,000 CC

5-A helicopter and two Gamorrean guards to see me safely away...

6-Fully stocked 4 bedroom hideout...where Scourge is in one room, Theron in another and Quinn in the other and Vector in the last.

7-And last but not least a lucrative publishing deal for my fanfiction.


oh yeah and 8 - Bring Marr back from the dead.

Edited by Lunafox
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Well, seeing as there is a list of demands, I may as well add mine lol.


6-Fully stocked 4 bedroom hideout...where Scourge is in one room, Theron in another and Quinn in the other and Vector in the last.


oh yeah and 8 - Bring Marr back from the dead.


Theron is gone my dear, he ain't coming back. The rest though ... they'll see what they can do. ;)

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Minimum required, to replace what was lost, especially here in the EU where the entire day was a write off.


1 day added to to current subs time.

2 days added to the bonus XP event


Although not required adding something small to apologise for the inconvenience would be a nice gesture and go some way to restoring customer confidence.


If you choose to give nothing, well be warned, there are other games out there that would like our business instead.

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I stand corrected: it's the End User Licence agreement absolves publisher from any warranty on software operation or game play: force majeure (section 5.A).


Also 5.B (limited remedy for defects) stipulates that our sole remedy for defects in software is its replacement.


7. Limitation of liability: publisher not liable to user for any loss of profits or cost of substitute goods or services.


Pretty well covered. Legally, BW owes us nothing. No extended subscription, no cc or items. Morally, they perhaps owe us only the double ©XP we missed out on.


Bugs are normal for newly released games/expansions, so the only ones I hold morally responsible for this are the people who went berserk, lambasted and rushed BW into fixing the stronghold exploit. Because a stronghold matters more than the whole game. :rolleyes: BW is way too kind and responsive at times.

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I'm not thinking it at all, speak for yourself, not everyone.


What I *am* thinking about is how pathetically petty so much of this community is that whine and complain 24/7 about the game but then get mad when they can't play the game they whine and complain about 24/7.




Ditto ^^

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I'm not thinking it at all, speak for yourself, not everyone.


What I *am* thinking about is how pathetically petty so much of this community is that whine and complain 24/7 about the game but then get mad when they can't play the game they whine and complain about 24/7.




Feelings always have been quite complex.:rak_03:

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I personally do not feel like we really need any compensation. However, due to our friends in Europe really getting screwed by this and Bioware basically admitting that it was due to poor quality control on their end something is in order. Simply extending the CXP and XP event a week would be more than enough. If they do nothing though I personally will be fine, something though for the European players does need to be done they lost all of their primetime we were only inconvenienced for an afternoon.
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I would be happy if they reduced the re-spawn timers in the DK "Possessed Hunter" and the Coruscant "The Face Merchant" heroics.


Reducing the timer on Valen Korik and the first room of mobs in "Face Merchant" to maybe 50% shouldn't be too unreasonable in regards to in-game compensation.


Probably a lame suggestion, given what happened Thursday for everybody. Just trying come up with something that hasn't been mentioned a hundred times already.

Edited by Tahirri
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