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Why yall so obessed with romance-able characters?


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Relationships are the cornerstones of most good stories.


What I don't get is why some people watch football. That has got to be one of the most boring and pointless things to do, baring watching golf. Playing football I can understand, but watching it? Some people talk about it endlessly too. They obsessively follow players and memorize their stats. There are even leagues where they make up fantasy teams! They must have really sad lives if they find watching football on television to be fun :rolleyes:


I agree. It must be a lack of football in RL. Seems unhealthy to me - they should get therapy. :rolleyes:

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The more Companions they remove the farther from what made SWTOR different they move. The game has already reached a Point that it Cant go back to what drew most of the people here already but Lessening the trend is possible. This game launched as a Story based game and still is advertised as such. Iokath seemingly started the return to normalcy with the factions and return of 2 of the games/players original companions. The longer the game continues like this the more it seems the direction has changed from how it was (Pre Zakuul) to now the funneling everybody into a single story that is so generalized for all 8 classes that it really doesn't fit any one class very well. People came for one genre and now that is dwindling to nothing and becoming something else. Its not just Theron (that some will surely kill if possible and therefore he will nolonger serve as anybody of substance) Vette/Torian Marr/Acina and possibly our comps have/will disappear thus again bringing the game to something different then what made the members decide to pay for something they liked (No More Like = No More pay > Less revenue for BW/EA >Less of the game then even now). Myself and most others liked SWTOR when we found it but If it even will resume that, nobody knows. So we wait however killing companions, more single story is not a trend many like.
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Look at Game of Thrones.


Fantasy = check


Gore and violence = check


Sex = check, in fact it's a wonder anybody gets any violence done in that realm. Except when it's sexual.


One of the most popular shows out there.


It burns the whole Fantasy genre down for decades. EVERYONE who writes Fantasy will be checked against that series and dismissed if not using the same style or themes.


So, finally I was able to get myself up to find myself a publisher for my own Fantasy stories, and what happens ? Game Of Thrones burns everything and leaves nothing but ash behind for decades.




The other way to answer "why are you all so obsessed with romances" would be to ask "why are you all obsesed with conflict ?



Romances are to me like escapism : Something positive in a world filled with negativity, war, death, blood and heavy metal.

Romances are like the light in the darkness.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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With all this threads and forum post about it, it makes me wonder if yall ever get any :eek:? So my question is, why are romance-able characters such a big deal to you?


I'm a 41-year old woman, happily married for 15 years, with no kids, and I "get" as much as I want. ;)

I'm also a a roleplayer (table-top, not ingame) and a reader/writer.

I like to play my characters as different personalities. The possibility of romances for them affect their personalities, make them different from each other.


For example, my first main character is a Bounty Hunter. He wasn't a nice person at all until he met Mako. But he couldn't stay away from her, of course, and discovered he enjoyed making her happy more than he enjoyed being a butthole. Unfortunately, of course, she's disappeared, and my poor BH feels lost and depressed. He hangs out with Nico Okarr now, but they only sit in the cantina on Odessen drowning their sorrows until Lana gets off her butt and finds Mako.


My Jedi Knight married Doc - that was some sort of twisted hate/love relationship, based more on chemistry than any deeper feelings, at least from my JKs point of view. She was basically just too nice to say no to Doc. And then she met Theron, and everything changed. That is the Real Deal for her. ....and I won't play her again until the current storyline is resolved. ;)


So ok, I won't go through all my characters here, I'd probably bore you to death, but as a general answer to your question: The romances in this game give balance to most of my characters. They develop into sometimes surprising conclusions, become different than I had expected because of their love interests. The LIs make my characters think and see situations in a different light and make choices based on that.

It adds a new and different layer to the characters' personalities, and I find that very interesting and endearing. It gives them a reason to keep fighting for what they believe in, especially the LS characters, and often halts them from going too far, especially the DS ones.


Buuuut having said all that, I still want the OLD romances back before any new ones are added. I mean, my BH is going to destroy his liver and probably start doing heavy drugs soon if Mako doesn't come back soon. Nico isn't exactly the best company for him, and he doesn't even listen to Lana's, Theron's and Koth's whining about that annoying Valky-dude or his kids anymore. It's not like the galaxy is worth saving if he doesn't have his Mako.

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The more Companions they remove the farther from what made SWTOR different they move. The game has already reached a Point that it Cant go back to what drew most of the people here already but Lessening the trend is possible. This game launched as a Story based game and still is advertised as such. Iokath seemingly started the return to normalcy with the factions and return of 2 of the games/players original companions. The longer the game continues like this the more it seems the direction has changed from how it was (Pre Zakuul) to now the funneling everybody into a single story that is so generalized for all 8 classes that it really doesn't fit any one class very well. People came for one genre and now that is dwindling to nothing and becoming something else. Its not just Theron (that some will surely kill if possible and therefore he will nolonger serve as anybody of substance) Vette/Torian Marr/Acina and possibly our comps have/will disappear thus again bringing the game to something different then what made the members decide to pay for something they liked (No More Like = No More pay > Less revenue for BW/EA >Less of the game then even now). Myself and most others liked SWTOR when we found it but If it even will resume that, nobody knows. So we wait however killing companions, more single story is not a trend many like.

Yeah, it's depressing :(

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I think this whole thing comes down to personal taste.


Some people like smocchy smooch. Others like myself like blowing peoples heads off with sniper rifles (one of my former careers) with hormonal imbalances being a distant second.


One thing you do in RL with few consequences (other than possible diseases and.......kids, ugh the horror) and the other you can't without considerable amounts of time in prison.


Point being my escapism comes from channelling my violent urges via a videogame or other outlets where it causes no harm.


If having an in game romance stops partners from having an affair. so be it. :cool:

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Mostly the escapism for me and makes the story more real. It's no different from a romantic film or book for me. Whilst the game is still going it's a lot of fun to be attached to your character's companions, however if the game ended tomorrow its not like it would affect me in real life. I play for the story and the romance aspect adds to the enjoyment of the story for me. Compared with real life romance however, game pixels are meaningless. This kind of game play appeals to me as a woman; if it was all slashing and shooting I would not be interested. Everyone likes the game for their own reasons; take the dozens of people who are always duelling outside the Sith academy on Korriban - why? I can never see the point, but I don't mock them for it - it's their way of adding to the enjoyment of the game.


Well, if the game ended tomorrow I'd be pretty bummed, lol. I play with friends who live several states away. so it's one of the few things we can enjoy together on a regular basis.


And yes, I'll be honest, losing the characters I created would bother me. I'm pretty attached to my little Chiss sniper and the life I've created for her, Vector included, lol. I'll be honest and real, I do have loss issues, with good reason. I think most people who've suffered the unexpected loss of a loved one have them. Losing the game wouldn't send me into an emotional spiral, I'd just be kinda bummed.

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Well, if the game ended tomorrow I'd be pretty bummed, lol. I play with friends who live several states away. so it's one of the few things we can enjoy together on a regular basis.


And yes, I'll be honest, losing the characters I created would bother me. I'm pretty attached to my little Chiss sniper and the life I've created for her, Vector included, lol. I'll be honest and real, I do have loss issues, with good reason. I think most people who've suffered the unexpected loss of a loved one have them. Losing the game wouldn't send me into an emotional spiral, I'd just be kinda bummed.


Yeah I'd feel pretty bummed as well! Though it probably wouldn't go further than that.:p

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I don't know why you have to ask why people like sex and romance. If you weren't an alien, you'd know :p Why AREN'T you obsessed with romance? I can't remember a time when I wasn't obsessed with the book and movie characters I liked and had loads of ridiculously graphic fantasies about them. I just thought that was what people do :p


And it has nothing to do with whether you're getting any or not irl. I've gone through droughts and times of plenty lol and it never changed the way I fantasize. I'm young, healthy, and happily married so I get plenty any time I want, but it doesn't stop me from thinking about Henry Cavill or Theron Shan or Jaime Lannister or that dude I saw in the grocery store yesterday. :o


Oh yeah and it makes your characters more well rounded or whatever. ahaha

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I don't know why you have to ask why people like sex and romance. If you weren't an alien, you'd know :p Why AREN'T you obsessed with romance? I can't remember a time when I wasn't obsessed with the book and movie characters I liked and had loads of ridiculously graphic fantasies about them. I just thought that was what people do :p


And it has nothing to do with whether you're getting any or not irl. I've gone through droughts and times of plenty lol and it never changed the way I fantasize. I'm young, healthy, and happily married so I get plenty any time I want, but it doesn't stop me from thinking about Henry Cavill or Theron Shan or Jaime Lannister or that dude I saw in the grocery store yesterday. :o


Oh yeah and it makes your characters more well rounded or whatever. ahaha


Well said. I agree, it's human nature for the most part to fantasize. As you say it's not about how much you're getting either, I get plenty even as an old married broad with the same dude for 30 years, but with the game, I get to indulge in all these lovely men and flirt and enjoy romance. Honestly, it's more about the romance than the sex.


Like you say, people have their fantasies...I think about Jorah Mormont and Tom Hiddleston and Quinn and Theron. Nothing wrong with that at all. :)

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Well said. I agree, it's human nature for the most part to fantasize. As you say it's not about how much you're getting either, I get plenty even as an old married broad with the same dude for 30 years, but with the game, I get to indulge in all these lovely men and flirt and enjoy romance. Honestly, it's more about the romance than the sex.


Like you say, people have their fantasies...I think about Jorah Mormont and Tom Hiddleston and Quinn and Theron. Nothing wrong with that at all. :)


I always enjoy your posts, Luna! I completely agree with you and the person you were quoting. Admittedly, I don't get much these days, but I've chosen to focus on my writing career and I have zero regrets. The game offers me the little romance and escapism that time for in real life. Relationships are hard work and require effort that I put toward my books.. Additionally, with Vector I don't have to worry aout him feeling neglected or what he wants to do after a long day of work. He's just waiting for me in one of my strongholds, ready to take down some bad guys.

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I always enjoy your posts, Luna! I completely agree with you and the person you were quoting. Admittedly, I don't get much these days, but I've chosen to focus on my writing career and I have zero regrets. The game offers me the little romance and escapism that time for in real life. Relationships are hard work and require effort that I put toward my books.. Additionally, with Vector I don't have to worry aout him feeling neglected or what he wants to do after a long day of work. He's just waiting for me in one of my strongholds, ready to take down some bad guys.


Well thank you! I appreciate knowing that. And a fellow writer *high fives*. :D


You're right, relationships are hard work, that's so true. I appreciate the men of swtor because they don't expect me to do all these pesky things like cooking and laundry and bill paying, you know, the 'adulting' stuff :D They just wait for me, all handsome and attentive dressed to the nines and ready for adventure. And when I make them do stuff...I get, 'sounds like a plan' or 'awaiting your next order' :D

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Well said. I agree, it's human nature for the most part to fantasize. As you say it's not about how much you're getting either, I get plenty even as an old married broad with the same dude for 30 years, but with the game, I get to indulge in all these lovely men and flirt and enjoy romance. Honestly, it's more about the romance than the sex.


Like you say, people have their fantasies...I think about Jorah Mormont and Tom Hiddleston and Quinn and Theron. Nothing wrong with that at all. :)


You forgot Jensen Ackles! But Theron beats even him, hands down!


Actually, this whole question baffles me. I felt my first romantic feelings when I was 5 years old. Since then I've had them, in one way or other. From my point of view, there seems to be some people who don't have romantic feelings at all. For them relationship is about sex, and they project this to other people. In their minds there can't be any other reason to have a romantic relationship than banging. Sex is part of it, I'm not asexual but sex has never been something that has worked in my relationship if romance isn't there. Romance is much, much more than banging, and I don't mind if the graphical banging-part is left out in my fantasy romances. I like reading M/M-romance novels, but they have too much sex to my liking. It gets tiring. Sex can get pretty tiring with time too, but romance never get's old. Me liking my romances in games has nothing to do with sex, or me being in relationship. I'm a romantic person, and there is very little romance in real life available. I'm perfectly aware that fantasy romance is just fantasy, though guy can hope it will someday happen in real life too (if not to me, then to someone else and I can read about it:p)

Edited by tahol
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You forgot Jensen Ackles! But Theron beats even him, hands down!


Can't forget Jensen Ackles!


Romance is much, much more than banging, and I don't mind if the graphical banging-part is left out in my fantasy romances. I like reading M/M-romance novels, but they have too much sex to my liking. It gets tiring. Sex can get pretty tiring with time too, but romance never get's old. Me liking my romances in games has nothing to do with sex, or me being in relationship. I'm a romantic person, and there is very little romance in real life available. I'm perfectly aware that fantasy romance is just fantasy, though guy can hope it will someday happen in real life too (if not to me, then to someone else and I can read about it:p)


I totally agree with this (well, except I'm a M/F kinda gal, not M/M). I'm the same way with fanfics: I don't mind occasional sex in the story if it's part of the plot and well-written...but I tend to skip over anything that's just pure smut. I write my own the same way...I prefer to leave some things to the readers' imaginations, not lay everything out in graphic detail. I know some people like to read/write hard-core smut, I'm just usually not one of them.

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With all this threads and forum post about it, it makes me wonder if yall ever get any :eek:? So my question is, why are romance-able characters such a big deal to you?



They're not really. I find the the romance mildly amusing for like 2 minutes while the dialog is happening, then I forget all about it. I have never felt attached to any of the characters if I am brutally honest. There are some characters I like or enjoy but never enough for me to feel romantically attached too. One of the reasons I am perplexed by the Quinn love thread. Crazy people.


What however was a big deal, was the delight I felt when I finally got my revenge on Quinn for his betrayal when I drove my light saber through his torso. :csw_vader:

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Well thank you! I appreciate knowing that. And a fellow writer *high fives*. :D


You're right, relationships are hard work, that's so true. I appreciate the men of swtor because they don't expect me to do all these pesky things like cooking and laundry and bill paying, you know, the 'adulting' stuff :D They just wait for me, all handsome and attentive dressed to the nines and ready for adventure. And when I make them do stuff...I get, 'sounds like a plan' or 'awaiting your next order' :D


My favorite is when Vector says that he lives to serve. Yes, you do my sweet bugboy, yes you do, lol.

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You forgot Jensen Ackles! But Theron beats even him, hands down!


Actually, this whole question baffles me. I felt my first romantic feelings when I was 5 years old. Since then I've had them, in one way or other. From my point of view, there seems to be some people who don't have romantic feelings at all. For them relationship is about sex, and they project this to other people. In their minds there can't be any other reason to have a romantic relationship than banging. Sex is part of it, I'm not asexual but sex has never been something that has worked in my relationship if romance isn't there. Romance is much, much more than banging, and I don't mind if the graphical banging-part is left out in my fantasy romances. I like reading M/M-romance novels, but they have too much sex to my liking. It gets tiring. Sex can get pretty tiring with time too, but romance never get's old. Me liking my romances in games has nothing to do with sex, or me being in relationship. I'm a romantic person, and there is very little romance in real life available. I'm perfectly aware that fantasy romance is just fantasy, though guy can hope it will someday happen in real life too (if not to me, then to someone else and I can read about it:p)


hmm it's interesting to see how people see romance and sex differently. In my case, I don't see how you could have one without the other, so I don't know where one ends and the other begins for me. Even just casual stranger sex has plenty of romance and excitement for me. And a love story that doesn't have any sex is just a waste of my time haha.

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Can't forget Jensen Ackles!




I totally agree with this (well, except I'm a M/F kinda gal, not M/M). I'm the same way with fanfics: I don't mind occasional sex in the story if it's part of the plot and well-written...but I tend to skip over anything that's just pure smut. I write my own the same way...I prefer to leave some things to the readers' imaginations, not lay everything out in graphic detail. I know some people like to read/write hard-core smut, I'm just usually not one of them.


Agreed. This story does it right in that it lets the player imagine what happened, rather than shoving it in your face. I like the GMT novels, but holy crap. Tone it down a bit. I've got a character in my novel who is a player, but I don't have to put everything in gory detail. What I do put in is how he feels about it (which isn't much right now, tbt). It adds a different layer to a character, and adds to their complexity. And I didn't know there were so many writers playing this game....:D

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hmm it's interesting to see how people see romance and sex differently. In my case, I don't see how you could have one without the other, so I don't know where one ends and the other begins for me. Even just casual stranger sex has plenty of romance and excitement for me. And a love story that doesn't have any sex is just a waste of my time haha.


It is pretty interesting. There's an entire spectrum of asexuality, grays, and aromanticism and there are so many different factors that come into play with orientation and sexuality.


I see romance and sex as two different things, myself. I *cough* had a lot of fun in college, and it wasn't romantic at all, most of the time - a lot of it was figuring out what I liked to do, and a lot of it was just recreation. Certainly there had to be a level of trust, and some fondness, but I wasn't in love.


As for romance or love without sex - well, courtly love can be a thing. Someone on the ace spectrum could be asexual but romantic, for instance. In media, if it's written/staged/acted well, I think it can be powerful, but it is really hard to make it interesting. Dante apparently met Beatrice twice in his life, for like five minutes, and pulled a lifetime of literary works from that infatuation, including the Divine Inferno...

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