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Was it worth it?


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I haven't been subbed nearly that long, but the time I have been subbed and the money I've spent on cartel coins is worth it to me because it's entertainment, and compared to most other forms of entertainment is relatively cheap. $15 a month for unlimited time playing a game you enjoy is worth it to me.
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If you had an active sub from start until now, you would have almost paid 1300 dollars for a single game. You can build a fairly nice gaming rig with that money, now I ask.. do you think it was worth it?


Break that down into dollars per hours played and we have one heck of a steal for entertainment so yes it was worth it and I still have two solid gaming PCs in addition to playing SWTOR.

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To answer the original question. yes. Cheap at the price. However since I do 6 month sub, It's actually only 1082.90 (with tax) -and I'm paid up until Jan.


In that same time I've spent far more on, cable TV, movies, eating out, vacations, cell phone service, electronics, wine and scotch. I've also bought/ built 3 gaming rigs.


Let me ask the op a question. What would you do with that new gaming rig if you didn't buy any games, or sub to any games?


You make a good point, but to make my own.. I've bought many games for 47 bucks with 20% off discount, brand new.., and I still play them till this day... and you know what.. I only ever spent 47 bucks on each game! they never costed me a dollar more.. you spent 1100 dollars on a SINGLE game.. lets get that straight.. for that same 1100 dollars you could have bought countless games or hardware (1080 ti) (7700k).. I'm not going to be a hypocrite though, I sub to swtor for years too.. I just stop to think if it was really worth that price for a single game with updates few and far between and half-assed expansion packs. After I've already completed all the content a long time ago... I'am maybe thinking the subscription model should be done away with when the game is this old..IDK.


To name a few games that only cost a one time purchase that I spent countless hours in till this day, PUBG, Dark Souls III, Rainbow Six Siege, Conan Exiles, ARK, ESO, Black Desert, Archeage, Secret World, Witcher III, Gears of War 4, Guild Wars 2.. to name a few.. just think if I had to sub to play all these games when I want to? The cost would be insane.. subscription fee is a way of the past to me.. it's not about cost it's about having to pay for something everytime I want to use it, even though ive already spent hundreds/thousands on it. They don't update the game enough or have large (real) expansions like other mmo's.. to warrant the price tag IMO.

Edited by SaerethDL
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You make a good point, but to make my own.. I've bought many games for 47 bucks with 20% off discount, brand new.., and I still play them till this day... and you know what.. I only ever spent 47 bucks on each game! they never costed me a dollar more.. you spent 1100 dollars on a SINGLE game.. lets get that straight.. for that same 1100 dollars you could have bought countless games or hardware (1080 ti) (7700k).. I'm not going to be a hypocrite though, I sub to swtor for years too.. I just stop to think if it was really worth that price for a single game with updates few and far between and half-assed expansion packs. After I've already completed all the content a long time ago... I'am maybe thinking the subscription model should be done away with when the game is this old..IDK.


These days in Australia it costs about $10 or $12 to go see a 2 hr movie for entertainment purposes. I pay $15 per mo to play as many hours as I want. Yep totally worth it. Zero regrets.

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Beyond any doubt it has been worth it. For me, it's still the best online game out there. All of the other MMOs feel like they are missing something to make them engaging for me. There are none that are as immersive (individualized cut-scenes and voice-overs really make the game).
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If you had an active sub from start until now, you would have almost paid 1300 dollars for a single game. You can build a fairly nice gaming rig with that money, now I ask.. do you think it was worth it?


What would I do with a nice gaming rig besides play mmos?


I haven't spent that much on SWTOR, but I've definitely spent way more than that on all my mmos combined over the past decade or so.


So that's my form of entertainment- maybe 20/month on mmos when you include boxes and other purchases. Let's compare to friends without who go to the movies each weekend, cable tv and hit the club twice a week. I've never looked at mmos as something that costs me, but as something that saves me- and I probably spend more in the 2-3 months I'm too bored of mmos to touch them each year on games than I do in the rest.


Let's face it, one day we're going to drop more on a single house repair or having to buy a new car due to something breaking down when we didn't want to than we did on a lifetime of mmo playing.

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If you had an active sub from start until now, you would have almost paid 1300 dollars for a single game. You can build a fairly nice gaming rig with that money, now I ask.. do you think it was worth it?


1300 over 6 years? Bargain. Whilst I do play other games, I enjoy this one a great deal and so the cost isn't an issue. I don't watch TV, nor do I tend to go out partying anymore so my disposable income pretty much is taken up with reading, gaming and knitting for charity.


Worth every cent.

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I'd say no, I quit fairly quick after swtor released, within half a year at least. I came with a WoW raiding mentality and swtor wasn't really there yet so yeah. I've always came and went, I'm not sure if I even have 12 months of sub total on my account yet, if I do, I'm quite surprised.:rak_03:


Now I enjoy the complete opposite!:D

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you would have almost paid 1300 dollars for a single game. You can build a fairly nice gaming rig with that money


No, I probably couldn't, that would get me at most my graphics card and monitors.


As to the game side of things, I don't have any regrets paying for this game monthly, it's been a fun and interesting experience and I've also met some great people on the way who have the same interests as me.

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No, I probably couldn't, that would get me at most my graphics card and monitors.


As to the game side of things, I don't have any regrets paying for this game monthly, it's been a fun and interesting experience and I've also met some great people on the way who have the same interests as me.


LOL i didnt say the best computer money can buy.. i said a decent system.. with a gtx 1060, ryzen 5-7 or i5, mobo, memory, you should already have monitor, keyboard, mouse and monitor, other stuff from your previous build. You can also buy laptops with 1060 and i7 for less than 1200 dollars. :rak_02::rak_02::rak_02:

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If I'm paying for something... I usually enjoy it. While I haven't been subbed the ENTIRE time because I came from WoW after Cataclysm with a raiding mentality. I do like swtor, and pay for it when I get the urge to play. I was a bioware fan alongside WoW, so I already had an idea of what to expect. If I'm not playing with my husband, then I'm soloing. And I'm perfectly happy with that. I was an altoholic in WoW, too.


I'm not particularly happy with the story right now, and I'm questioning Bioware's choices with stuff. But they haven't shoved me down a hole yet. So I'll trust them for now :p

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when it stopped being worth it, I unsubscribed. when it felt worth it again, I resubscribed. and when its no longer worth it, I'll drop subscription again. while I still think that this game has an utterly atrocious f2p model. $15 a month is honestly not that much for me in my current situation.
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If you had an active sub from start until now, you would have almost paid 1300 dollars for a single game. You can build a fairly nice gaming rig with that money, now I ask.. do you think it was worth it?



From start until now? For me personally, it wouldn't have been worth it.


All in all, I think I had about 6 months a sub. I think this was worth it.



I just play swtor for the storys and a bit pve.. but It's not my "main" mmorpg. I don't know I don't like the pve and pvp content in swtor, just the story and the sw feeling is awesome. For everything else, I have WoW.

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when it stopped being worth it, I unsubscribed. when it felt worth it again, I resubscribed. and when its no longer worth it, I'll drop subscription again. while I still think that this game has an utterly atrocious f2p model. $15 a month is honestly not that much for me in my current situation.


I'm the same.

Most of the time since Beta I have been subbed.

The best times in the game (for me!) was Vanilla and Makeb, because I played together with my husband, and our characters' stories got intertwined. From Rishi onward, that went the way of the dodo, and trying to start KotFE together only to find out we couldn't made my husband quit completely.


On Monday my sub runs out, and I won't re-sub for a while. How long I'll remain unsubbed depends on the next roadmap. It's not about the money - I don't regret a single Eurocent I've sank into this game, but on the other hand, I also won't pay for something when I'm not using it.

....and right now, what DO I pay for? Access to ingame money I hardly ever use? Grinding the same content over and over for CXP? Rested XP for lowbie alts I don't play since I'm grinding CXP on my 70s? ....uh, levelling up through the original storylines is still the best part of the game for me, so if that takes a little longer, I'm just happy. ;)


Still. Every Eurocent I have paid so far has been worth it, and I'm sure when (if?) I sub again, I will feel the same.

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I'd say it was worth it. If I didn't spend the sub fee's from launch until now, I'd not have wasted it on a new PC. Not to mentions this game has given me 1,000's of hours of entertainment (and frustration at times), so considering it was also a cheap form of entertainment as well.
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