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You Went Too Far Bioware!


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I'm a Swiftie I find this insulting. Personally I don't care if NPCs get killed off but I'm tired of this killing off of companions. We haven't even gotten some back yet.


I'm insulting the typical behaviour of Taylor Swift that everyone including her fans know about. I don't see why you need to be insulted about something that isn't even aimed at you personally. That aside, companions dying is sad indeed and especially if they are LI. But if they add more companions over the years, there'll just be too many! Although sad, it isn't odd to think why they would have to reduce some.

Edited by Eshvara
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So pretty much all I'm hearing is complaining about Revan coming back, no mention of the introduciion of Lana and Theron or making the Revanites more of a threat then they were in the little short story on Dromund Kaas, and a lot of praise for stories that sucked cause all they did was drag on. Get over the Revan returning crap people it doesn't take away from the good story telling Shadow of Revan was where the expansion before it and these new ones lacked imagination whatsoever. The Rise of the Hutt Cartel was a one off expansion that really has no effect on the story other than a minor mention by Lana when she recaps the five years you spent in carbonate and has played no significant role in the later expansions. It was a moot and pointless story plot that drug on to no end.


Now granted I can give kudos for KOTFE and KOTET for picking up where SOR and the Zoist epilogue left off but they still lacked decent story telling.

I'm not complaining about Revan coming, I'm complaining about Revan coming back without anything new or interesting to say, no good conclusion to his whole arc dating back to KOTOR1 it was suppoused to be (and advertised as).


What good story telling in SOR? Of what? 8 class missions? Yes they were mostly good. But they're not the main story of the expansion. That one was about Revan returning and majority of it is spent on either a superweapon chase with Arkous and Darok or unrelated pirate games on Rishi. When the story actually moves onto its topic (Revan), which is rare for some unexplicable reason - it does nothing with it other than a fantasy stunt with split personality of stereotypically good and stereptypically evil Revan. It wasn't a bad idea at all, it actually played well on the meta fact that Revan could be roleplayed as both light and dark in KOTOR1. But the execution is thin and cartoony, nothing about Revan's character is explored, his final comeback is pointless and achives nothing. Nothing is explored about his relation to the Emperor, nothing is elaborated about his connection to Scourge etc.

Edited by Pietrastor
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I'm insulting the typical behaviour of Taylor Swift that everyone including her fans know about. I don't see why you need to be insulted about something that isn't even aimed at you personally. That aside, companions dying is sad indeed and especially if they are LI. But if they add more companions over the years, there'll just be too many! Although sad, it isn't odd to think why they would have to reduce some.


I'm talking about story companions. Bioware makes companions all the twine from droids to animals now, at some

point I won't be surprised if every creature and droid models in this game end up as a companion. But yet our story companions have yet to fully return.


18 companions are still missing and a good majority are love interest to either straight male or female characters:

(Knight) - Kira Carsen ♡

(Knight) - Doc ♡

(Knight) - Lord Scourge


(Consular) - Tharen Cedrax

(Consular) - Zenith

(Consular) - Iresso ♡

(Consular) - Nadia Grell ♡


(Smuggler) - Corso Riggs ♡

(Smuggler) - Risha ♡

(Smuggler) - Akaavi Spar ♡


(Warrior) - Jaesa Willsaam ♡


(Inquisitor) - Khem Val

(Inquisitor) - Andronikos Revel ♡

(Inquisitor) - Ashara Zavros ♡


(Agent) - Vector Hyllus ♡

(Agent) - Raina Temple ♡


(Hunter) - Mako ♡


Killed off/pushed to the back:






SCORPIO (completely written out whether you light or dark sided and is only mentioned on Iokath if you lightsided but has no role)

Aric Jorgan

Malavai Quinn (Haven't heard from him since his return)


Gault (his return was a brief one as he pretty much makes it clear he'll be back and forth.)

Elara Dorne (Haven't heard from her since her return)


Theron will probably be the next one to go as the ones mentioned above.

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I thought Revan deserved more of that to himself. Rishi was good and I would have liked to have seen more of that planet and its never ending problems (A full planet in itself). Revan was/is a Big Name for B.W. and this genre however most of that expansion only Skirted around that character and often seemed side tracked. At times S.o.R. did seem to drag on but I felt the balance of Rishi/Revan wasn't handled well. Overall I did enjoy it though if nothing else is was a big name. Maybe that was also a Budget issue.
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I'm not complaining about Revan coming, I'm complaining about Revan coming back without anything new or interesting to say, no good conclusion to his whole arc dating back to KOTOR1 it was suppoused to be (and advertised as).


What good story telling in SOR? Of what? 8 class missions? Yes they were mostly good. But they're not the main story of the expansion. That one was about Revan returning and majority of it is spent on either a superweapon chase with Arkous and Darok or unrelated pirate games on Rishi. When the story actually moves onto its topic (Revan), which is rare for some unexplicable reason - it does nothing with it other than a fantasy stunt with split personality of stereotypically good and stereptypically evil Revan. It wasn't a bad idea at all, it actually played well on the meta fact that Revan could be roleplayed as both light and dark in KOTOR1. But the execution is thin and cartoony, nothing about Revan's character is explored, his final comeback is pointless and achives nothing. Nothing is explored about his relation to the Emperor, nothing is elaborated about his connection to Scourge etc.


Yes there is: read the book Revan that pretty much gives you all the backstory between KOTOR 1 and 2 and SWTOR, just because you failed to read the novel which explains all that isn't my problem. I did and it's why I got into this game to finish Revan's story and have since SoR been disappointed with the direction the story has headed.

Edited by DarthEnrique
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I can already imagine all the edgelord's barely staying in their pants as they stare at the scene before them: Theron explains how he had to go undercover, but the edgelord's are having none of it, they hate him so he has to die no matter what! They have three options:


1. Thank Theron for all his done.

2. Kill Theron.

3. Tell Theron to f*ck off and never show his face again.


The edgelord's laugh maniacally as the mouse moves closer to the second option. Click...To their shock and dismay what happens is not Theron dying, but the game logging them out. The edgelord's are pissed, now is not the time for the game to be messing around! The edgelord's try to log back in, they will kill that traitor one way or another damnit! The game kicks them out again and a black screen with a message appears: Not today b*tches! btw your accounts are gonna get deleted in the next five minutes, tnx 4 playing the game BAIII!


I imagined it with more cinematics. Maybe a Blur trailer quality scene where when you click 2) Your saber ignites like you're going to stab him with it, but he's already moving to headbutt you in the face, knee you between the legs, knocks your saber away, and then clips you across the back of the head with his blaster sending you sprawling on your stomach. As you look up dazed in first person view from your character on the ground, Theron points the blaster in your face and frowns down at you with pity. "I'm the hero of this story, not you. I thought everyone knew that." He shrugs. The blaster goes off and your screen goes dark. GAME OVER.



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I'm talking about story companions. Bioware makes companions all the twine from droids to animals now, at some

point I won't be surprised if every creature and droid models in this game end up as a companion. But yet our story companions have yet to fully return.


18 companions are still missing and a good majority are love interest to either straight male or female characters:

(Knight) - Kira Carsen ♡

(Knight) - Doc ♡

(Knight) - Lord Scourge


(Consular) - Tharen Cedrax

(Consular) - Zenith

(Consular) - Iresso ♡

(Consular) - Nadia Grell ♡


(Smuggler) - Corso Riggs ♡

(Smuggler) - Risha ♡

(Smuggler) - Akaavi Spar ♡


(Warrior) - Jaesa Willsaam ♡


(Inquisitor) - Khem Val

(Inquisitor) - Andronikos Revel ♡

(Inquisitor) - Ashara Zavros ♡


(Agent) - Vector Hyllus ♡

(Agent) - Raina Temple ♡


(Hunter) - Mako ♡


Killed off/pushed to the back:






SCORPIO (completely written out whether you light or dark sided and is only mentioned on Iokath if you lightsided but has no role)

Aric Jorgan

Malavai Quinn (Haven't heard from him since his return)


Gault (his return was a brief one as he pretty much makes it clear he'll be back and forth.)

Elara Dorne (Haven't heard from her since her return)


Theron will probably be the next one to go as the ones mentioned above.


You realize with this list if Theron is also pushed to the back. female players have zero LI's who have any part in the story pretty much? Guys still have Lana at least but if Theron is pushed aside..


With Aric possibly dead for some, Torian possibly dead for some, Quinn possibly dead for some, Koth possibly dead or exiled or left or whatever for some... that would leave zero focus companions for straight females players as the rest have yet to even return. Its also rumored Vector is ONLY returning for Agents so that pretty much writes him out of the main story.

Edited by Suzsi
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I imagined it with more cinematics. Maybe a Blur trailer quality scene where when you click 2) Your saber ignites like you're going to stab him with it, but he's already moving to headbutt you in the face, knee you between the legs, knocks your saber away, and then clips you across the back of the head with his blaster sending you sprawling on your stomach. As you look up dazed in first person view from your character on the ground, Theron points the blaster in your face and frowns down at you with pity. "I'm the hero of this story, not you. I thought everyone knew that." He shrugs. The blaster goes off and your screen goes dark. GAME OVER.




That sounds even better! :D

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I imagined it with more cinematics. Maybe a Blur trailer quality scene where when you click 2) Your saber ignites like you're going to stab him with it, but he's already moving to headbutt you in the face, knee you between the legs, knocks your saber away, and then clips you across the back of the head with his blaster sending you sprawling on your stomach. As you look up dazed in first person view from your character on the ground, Theron points the blaster in your face and frowns down at you with pity. "I'm the hero of this story, not you. I thought everyone knew that." He shrugs. The blaster goes off and your screen goes dark. GAME OVER.




lol Love it ;)

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You realize with this list if Theron is also pushed to the back. female players have zero LI's who have any part in the story pretty much? Guys still have Lana at least but if Theron is pushed aside..


With Aric possibly dead for some, Torian possibly dead for some, Quinn possibly dead for some, Koth possibly dead or exiled or left or whatever for some... that would leave zero focus companions for straight females players as the rest have yet to even return. Its also rumored Vector is ONLY returning for Agents so that pretty much writes him out of the main story.


That is very depressing being a female myself, i truly hope he isnt added to that list :(

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Of course you make a nonsensical statement like that. It's a completely different game than swtor so of course I would accept it for what it is. But SWTOR has had LI"s in it from the beginning. But all you do is always start arguments with people here just to argue. No idea why people continue to argue with you. I will not.


You clearly have never played FF14.


You threaten to leave this game over romance nonsense and go to a game that has next to no romance at all.

Continue making foolish statements and I'll continue to point out how foolish they are.

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I can already imagine all the edgelord's barely staying in their pants as they stare at the scene before them: Theron explains how he had to go undercover, but the edgelord's are having none of it, they hate him so he has to die no matter what! They have three options:


1. Thank Theron for all his done.

2. Kill Theron.

3. Tell Theron to f*ck off and never show his face again.


The edgelord's laugh maniacally as the mouse moves closer to the second option. Click...To their shock and dismay what happens is not Theron dying, but the game logging them out. The edgelord's are pissed, now is not the time for the game to be messing around! The edgelord's try to log back in, they will kill that traitor one way or another damnit! The game kicks them out again and a black screen with a message appears: Not today b*tches! btw your accounts are gonna get deleted in the next five minutes, tnx 4 playing the game BAIII!


Next the Theron lovers have their day, the edgelords are gone yay!

They then go to queue for some PVP, maybe some flashpoints or operations ... they wait ... they wait ... they wait ...


1000 years later explorers find a derelict house in the middle of a deserted wasteland. Within they discover a skeleton sitting at what they know to be something that was known as a "personal computer", next to this skeleton is a note seemingly written by the weakening hands of someone dying from starvation, it reads "we wrong, we needed them, I wish Theron had of died after all". :p

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You realize with this list if Theron is also pushed to the back. female players have zero LI's who have any part in the story pretty much? Guys still have Lana at least but if Theron is pushed aside..


With Aric possibly dead for some, Torian possibly dead for some, Quinn possibly dead for some, Koth possibly dead or exiled or left or whatever for some... that would leave zero focus companions for straight females players as the rest have yet to even return. Its also rumored Vector is ONLY returning for Agents so that pretty much writes him out of the main story.


That's just sad.

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I imagine a scene where the damaged character who is so weak willed that after Theron spending most their relationship ignoring them, attempting to kill them and then betraying them selects the option 'Its all my fault, I can change, I know you only did what you did because you love me, please come back to me'. There is a cinematic of them turning their back on Theron, him looking disgusted at how pathetic they are and shoots them in the back. As they lay dying begging him to forgive them and thanking him, they are logged out, account deleted and send an e-mail that BW does not support such abusive relationships and they really need to get help.


Seriously branding people as edgelords and thinking they should have they accounts deleted cause they don't have some sick attachment to a computer game character is not healthy.

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You clearly have never played FF14.


You threaten to leave this game over romance nonsense and go to a game that has next to no romance at all.

Continue making foolish statements and I'll continue to point out how foolish they are.


LOL your hilarious. It's always fun to watch you make stupid arguments and insult people on these forums. It's the only thing you ever do. Other than White knight the devs and writers like your life depended on it.


I have never played FF14? I have a lvl 60 Gladiator. I just play SWTOR a lot more. But please continue with nonsensical arguments its funny to read.


If you have any clue what you were talking about it. You would be able to comprehend that, romance options are part of the game since the beginning and is something that many of us enjoy as part of the game. Yeah FF14 never had romance options. But hey here is a thought. I KNOW that, so I obviously accept that cause it's always been that way from the beginning.I know that might be too difficult for you to comprehend though. How about Bioware remove everything you enjoy about the game? I mean that should be just fine, since the rest of should be completely fine about losing what we enjoy right?

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I imagine a scene where the damaged character who is so weak willed that after Theron spending most their relationship ignoring them, attempting to kill them and then betraying them selects the option 'Its all my fault, I can change, I know you only did what you did because you love me, please come back to me'. There is a cinematic of them turning their back on Theron, him looking disgusted at how pathetic they are and shoots them in the back. As they lay dying begging him to forgive them and thanking him, they are logged out, account deleted and send an e-mail that BW does not support such abusive relationships and they really need to get help.


Seriously branding people as edgelords and thinking they should have they accounts deleted cause they don't have some sick attachment to a computer game character is not healthy.


I was just joking geez.

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LOL your hilarious. It's always fun to watch you make stupid arguments and insult people on these forums. It's the only thing you ever do. Other than White knight the devs and writers like your life depended on it.


I have never played FF14? I have a lvl 60 Gladiator. I just play SWTOR a lot more. But please continue with nonsensical arguments its funny to read.


If you have any clue what you were talking about it. You would be able to comprehend that, romance options are part of the game since the beginning and is something that many of us enjoy as part of the game. Yeah FF14 never had romance options. But hey here is a thought. I KNOW that, so I obviously accept that cause it's always been that way from the beginning.I know that might be too difficult for you to comprehend though. How about Bioware remove everything you enjoy about the game? I mean that should be just fine, since the rest of should be completely fine about losing what we enjoy right?


That's all they know how to do is insult people and argue.


I'm not into MMOs and the experience I've had with SWTOR does not make me wish to try any other MMO.


And as far as I'm concerned Bioware seems to not want me to enjoy this game so they don't need my money so if they want to put Theron in the back shadows well bye than swtor. And many feel the same so they are going to lose more subs and it doesn't seem like they can lose much more as more people are leaving then returning.

Edited by DarthEnrique
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LOL your hilarious. It's always fun to watch you make stupid arguments and insult people on these forums. It's the only thing you ever do. Other than White knight the devs and writers like your life depended on it.


Whatever happened to ...


No idea why people continue to argue with you. I will not.


??? Talking about stupid statements, why not endeavor to stick to yours hmm? :)


I have never played FF14? I have a lvl 60 Gladiator. I just play SWTOR a lot more. But please continue with nonsensical arguments its funny to read.


Strange, I would have thought you would know more about the game then. Maybe play some more?


If you have any clue what you were talking about it. You would be able to comprehend that, romance options are part of the game since the beginning and is something that many of us enjoy as part of the game.


And they are still in the game, it could be argued Theron's betrayal is indeed part of the entire romance.

Strange thing with romances (be them in fictional literature or the real world ) is **** can and does go wrong. People break up, people cheat, people leave.

I get you want to live in a special snowflake world where nothing can ever go wrong but sorry but that world is boring and keeping to a world like that would be far more an example of "bad writing" than this betrayal ever would be.


Yeah FF14 never had romance options. But hey here is a thought. I KNOW that, so I obviously accept that cause it's always been that way from the beginning


So you want to leave over a romance not going your way to go to a game that has no romances at all? Throwing your toys out of the cot much?

Seems to me that you don't really enjoy a true romantic story at all, you just want to lovey dovey stuff and none of the extra baggage. I'm super glad they don't cater their writing to that style all the time because god damn that would be boring.



I know that might be too difficult for you to comprehend though. How about Bioware remove everything you enjoy about the game? I mean that should be just fine, since the rest of should be completely fine about losing what we enjoy right?


They haven't removed romances though? They just did something in the story that you personally don't like. Stop talking nonsense.

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You realize with this list if Theron is also pushed to the back. female players have zero LI's who have any part in the story pretty much? Guys still have Lana at least but if Theron is pushed aside..


With Aric possibly dead for some, Torian possibly dead for some, Quinn possibly dead for some, Koth possibly dead or exiled or left or whatever for some... that would leave zero focus companions for straight females players as the rest have yet to even return. Its also rumored Vector is ONLY returning for Agents so that pretty much writes him out of the main story.


To be fair, straight males only got Lana throughout Kofe/kotet story where as straight females got to choose between Koth or Theron.

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To be fair, straight males only got Lana throughout Kofe/kotet story where as straight females got to choose between Koth or Theron.


True, but as of now Lana is still in the story. Koth isn't, since he was able to be killed and if they give the optiion to kill Theron as well no story for him which only leaves Lana.


When they give an option to kill a companion they are no longer a part of the story so if they do that only Lana is part of the story, no one else is and that is what some are upset about.

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Whatever happened to ...




??? Talking about stupid statements, why not endeavor to stick to yours hmm? :)




Strange, I would have thought you would know more about the game then. Maybe play some more?




And they are still in the game, it could be argued Theron's betrayal is indeed part of the entire romance.

Strange thing with romances (be them in fictional literature or the real world ) is **** can and does go wrong. People break up, people cheat, people leave.

I get you want to live in a special snowflake world where nothing can ever go wrong but sorry but that world is boring and keeping to a world like that would be far more an example of "bad writing" than this betrayal ever would be.




So you want to leave over a romance not going your way to go to a game that has no romances at all? Throwing your toys out of the cot much?

Seems to me that you don't really enjoy a true romantic story at all, you just want to lovey dovey stuff and none of the extra baggage. I'm super glad they don't cater their writing to that style all the time because gosh darn that would be boring.





They haven't removed romances though? They just did something in the story that you personally don't like. Stop talking nonsense.


LOL wow your reply was more entertaining than I thought it would be. I kinda knew you would take the time to quote every sentence and give a reply. Which I also knew they would be just argumentative and pointless. I already made you look stupid when you somehow tried to say I never played FF14 which you couldn't possibly know that. LOL

You spend 10 hrs a day on these forums quoting people with just argumentative and insulting reply's. Everyone else must enjoy laughing at you like I do. It's hilarious.

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Whatever happened to ...




??? Talking about stupid statements, why not endeavor to stick to yours hmm? :)




Strange, I would have thought you would know more about the game then. Maybe play some more?




And they are still in the game, it could be argued Theron's betrayal is indeed part of the entire romance.

Strange thing with romances (be them in fictional literature or the real world ) is **** can and does go wrong. People break up, people cheat, people leave.

I get you want to live in a special snowflake world where nothing can ever go wrong but sorry but that world is boring and keeping to a world like that would be far more an example of "bad writing" than this betrayal ever would be.




So you want to leave over a romance not going your way to go to a game that has no romances at all? Throwing your toys out of the cot much?

Seems to me that you don't really enjoy a true romantic story at all, you just want to lovey dovey stuff and none of the extra baggage. I'm super glad they don't cater their writing to that style all the time because gosh darn that would be boring.





They haven't removed romances though? They just did something in the story that you personally don't like. Stop talking nonsense.



Look at the romances in the story now. Koth was able to be romanced, then was able to be killed, no longer a part of the story, Kaiylo, Aric, Torian, Vette, Quinn. So if they allow Theron to be killed that only leaves Lana as a romance part of the story. It not so much they are allowing them to be killed, it is the point they are removing them from everyone's story whether or not that person killed them and that is what the problem is.

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Look at the romances in the story now. Koth was able to be romanced, then was able to be killed, no longer a part of the story, Kaiylo, Aric, Torian, Vette, Quinn. So if they allow Theron to be killed that only leaves Lana as a romance part of the story. It not so much they are allowing them to be killed, it is the point they are removing them from everyone's story whether or not that person killed them and that is what the problem is.


You are wasting your time. He is just going to reply to you with a nonsensical statement that just goes in circles. Which will have a condescending and insulting tone.

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I imagine a scene where the damaged character who is so weak willed that after Theron spending most their relationship ignoring them, attempting to kill them and then betraying them selects the option 'Its all my fault, I can change, I know you only did what you did because you love me, please come back to me'. There is a cinematic of them turning their back on Theron, him looking disgusted at how pathetic they are and shoots them in the back. As they lay dying begging him to forgive them and thanking him, they are logged out, account deleted and send an e-mail that BW does not support such abusive relationships and they really need to get help.


Seriously branding people as edgelords and thinking they should have they accounts deleted cause they don't have some sick attachment to a computer game character is not healthy.


Okay Darth Edgelord.

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