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Cancelled Sub re: PVP issues


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How you can give one class shield, heal, dps and CC's is the biggest fail ever,...


You just described the shadow priest - and strangely noone complained about that - I *********** hated that overpowered piece of crap class and pretty much the entire game.

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what a little punk this OP is...I WANT MY PERFECT GAME, AND I WANT IT NOW MOFOS! as the dude above me just said, THE GAME JUST CAME OUT, why don't you go watch some anime and learn that games aren't CATERED to the minority of pvp players.


I'm not claiming to be on anyone's side but you sound like the punk to me - are you saying he HAS to sub to something that's, even acknowledged by you - isn't "perfect" or anywhere near it? Hell, even WoW isn't perfect but it's sure as hell better than this.

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I would say a good 99% of the complaints I see about this game are the same I saw in beta.


for those who don't know; people did beta test this game, and brought up most of your complaints way back then. BW chose not to address them then, highly doubt they will address anytime soon.


Guess its time to move on to the next mmo train.:cool:

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I'm pretty sure they had more important things to fix in beta like BUGS. They'll fix pvp later, stop whining. I'm big on pvp too, I know it's bad right now, but I'll be patient and wait for them to fix the bigger things first.


funny, the game is MORE buggy since launch than it was when i played it in beta

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Maybe you should play that class, cause its great having all those tools early, but once you get 40+ when all the others get their abilities, sages are on the bottom. This is partly cause of getting focused, but with our light armor we cant even get away from 2 people, even 1 for that matter.


I can't even kite with my slow. they run same pace as me....and thats considered our best counter to melee.


Even when someone's slowed they're running the same speed as you?


lol, I'm sorry but something you're saying/doing is not being truthful with us.

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i think that getting gear just by LUCK it just suck in champion bag.


Also premades are making me hate this game :/ , i dont wanna have to premade to play a good WZ because of that ****...and having a premade of 50 against some pugs with lvl 1x sucks without brackets.


Also Ilum its a complete joke.

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I hate to say it but this game was at least a year away from when it should have been released they tried to push it and this is what happens. They will lose at least 40% of there subs the 1st month at this rate unless they drop an amazing patch soon but lets get real, thats not going to happen. I Wish they would have just taken there time. The Hype was big enough for this game a push would not have killed it but this early release may have.
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So every games PVP boards are just filled with this. The question I have for all these peeps that threaten to quit (lol btw like anyone cares, PVE pays the bills) :


What MMO got it right exactly? Which PVP system works perfectly, has perfect balance between all classes at all levels and properly rewards/disciplines players in pvp? Is it really even possible? Cause all the ones Ive played are pretty much like this or like wow with healing gods and bots galore.

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I hate to say it but this game was at least a year away from when it should have been released they tried to push it and this is what happens. They will lose at least 40% of there subs the 1st month at this rate unless they drop an amazing patch soon but lets get real, thats not going to happen. I Wish they would have just taken there time. The Hype was big enough for this game a push would not have killed it but this early release may have.


And you got this 40% number where?


Making up numbers in an attempt to push your point is quite silly.

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Let's just be honest the Dev's are banging out PvE cause that's what everyone wants...


People can say "look at WoW's release" however WoW came out 7 years ago...


The Dev's could at least write a post saying they are looking into the pvp situation...


Awesome single players story... maybe I'll come back when they extend that, since there is nothing to do at 50

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I swear the people whining about pvp are the ones that are god awful at it, you're probably 1600 bracket heros in WoW on a 2k rated RBG with 600 games played.


Get over it, developers don't listen to you, they listen to people who are intelligent not just mind numbingly focused on their grind.


Multi Gladiator in WoW willing to give this game a chance to develop, only thing I have a problem with so far is the spell delay. Learn to play your class, or wait for resilience to fix it lul.


Or ****, maybe don't be a melee class that just runs into a group of players to be nuked to death because they don't like to be melee'd.

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Due to the overwhelming list of PVP issues with this game I have cancelled subscription. I encourage everyone else who cares about PVP to do the same.


Here are the major ones:


1. Unresponsive UI

2. Laggy WZs

3. WPVP has almost no purpose besides the daily/weekly

4. Camera always default to close zoom



Thanks for leaving...

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What can i say, I won't cancel because the pve content is great, but good lord did I call it that the stupid warzones were going to hose pvp? Seriously, there is no way you can have good pvp and have this type of crap. I'm really hoping the final planet that is PvP based is worth the aggravation but somehow I freaking doubt it will be. Yet again another MMO fails to realize, instanced pvp does not work, will never work, and hands down is the worst thing to happen to MMO's. PvP drives off more people even though the classes being complained about are balanced in all other aspects of the game. It drives the unnecessary nerfs and does more to piss people off than anything else. Trash the damn instanced pvp focus and work on that open world planet pvp you guys promised. I know it won't happen, but seriously, that's the only way I'm going to bother at all with pvp in this game. I refuse to do instance pvp when time and again it's proven to fail miserably.
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Your not the only one i've just cancelled mine going to get Level 50 and let my character rot it's sad to see a game that has its so called own team focused on PvP fail so hard at easy simple things.


How you can give one class shield, heal, dps and CC's is the biggest fail ever, also on another note melee classes pretty much running into their death because they lack the CC's or the moves to stop the casting, the UI is awful half of my moves don't come out as my characters arms move around like he is some kind of retard.


Dude like every mmo thats ever come out has had a class that can heal/dps. Disc priests for ****s sake

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You realize that the game came out 8 days ago right? There is nothing more to say, one week is not enough time to make game play changes to a game.




What a fanboi omg, this had to be working eons back in beta, now they launch the game with this piece of crap PVP and its not their fault?


omg really... by ppl like you we are paying gold price for subpar games like this one...

Edited by leinadon
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i think this kid is just mad that he sucks at pvp gets beat up by the high levels as a lowbie and cries that every1 else around him sucks. less trolling on the game bruh not even 2 weeks the games been out. glad you cancelled thats 1 less noob we have to worry about. go get derpd by your dad.
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So every games PVP boards are just filled with this. The question I have for all these peeps that threaten to quit (lol btw like anyone cares, PVE pays the bills) :


What MMO got it right exactly? Which PVP system works perfectly, has perfect balance between all classes at all levels and properly rewards/disciplines players in pvp? Is it really even possible? Cause all the ones Ive played are pretty much like this or like wow with healing gods and bots galore.


No MMO/game will ever get it exactly right, too many varying tastes. Many like meaningful PvP in the form of RvR. Others like arena/instance grinding for ranks and epeen. Still the 2 games I see touted the most as being the pinnacles of PvP are DAoC and Planetside (before they were ruined by expacs). Most hardcore PvPers seem to loathe WoW, and yet MMO after MMO continues to clone the 1v1 faction setup and PvP instance grind. Probably because it's easy to design 3 crappy instances and slap them on then to create a meaningful system with well designed zones (ie not WAR).


As a PvPer, I had fairly low expectations for this game. Instead I bought it as a time filler, and have mostly played it like a single player Bioware game. But I've still PvPed because it's there. The current PvP is terrible. They would have been better off to ship the game as a pure PvE game and maybe add PvP later so that no one would care or get their hopes up.


First off, the UI is an unresponsive abomination. You can get away with it in PvE for the most part as PvE is usually slower paced. It is near impossible to tell what is actually going on, targeting and tracking is FUBAR, and well good luck trying to get abilities to fire off correctly. And where the hell is my combat log, SCT sucks for anything other than seeing I just got whacked for a mess of points.


Lag/FPS/Warzones. I've had some fights out in the open, and they were a little fluid. Still suffered from the UI issues, but some of that could be overlooked. But in warzones the combat feels like fighting in a tar pit. If the near pinnacle of PvP in this game is 3 warzones, the least they could do is make them run more smoothly.


Balance? Starting to see the imbalances now that people are hitting 50. Also seeing Bioware made the same pitfall that all new games seem to make of loading up too much damage and survivability on certain classes. I guess the days of glass cannons where classes had real upsides and downsides are gone. But this is also the issue with primarily PvE games where high damage classes need survivability tools for when they pull aggro.


Yeah, it's a new game, it has bugs, it has design issues, it can be fixed via patches, so on and so forth. It's a broken record, I hear the same thing at the launch of every MMO. And every time people rise up to defend said game and claim it'll get better, we should **** (leave in an unkindly manner) and the game will be better off without us. How well did each of those MMOs do when players left en masse because of the issues and the perceived indifference of the devs to address those issues?

Edited by Cytox
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Due to the overwhelming list of PVP issues with this game I have cancelled subscription. I encourage everyone else who cares about PVP to do the same.


Here are the major ones:


1. Unresponsive UI

2. Laggy WZs

3. WPVP has almost no purpose besides the daily/weekly

4. Camera always default to close zoom



can i have your stuff?


funny that you thought swtor was a pvp based game though, makes me giggle immensely. this is clearly a pve focused game with a side of pvp as something else to do. much like space combat.

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Let's just be honest the Dev's are banging out PvE cause that's what everyone wants...


People can say "look at WoW's release" however WoW came out 7 years ago...


The Dev's could at least write a post saying they are looking into the pvp situation...


Awesome single players story... maybe I'll come back when they extend that, since there is nothing to do at 50


have you done the raids? normal hard and nightmare mode?

have you ran flashpoint heroics and are fully geared?

are you full epic 50 pvp geared?


i bet the answer is no to any of them.

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