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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I'm TIRED of how Ranked works.


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What a load of bulls**t... Please **** !


I've talked to these high rated folk about what to do.. they said its simple: "que with friends". Easy right ? They gave me the solution.


Only idiots que and expect to be competitive with randoms. mathematically not possible.


Rating is just a number. Doesn't mean that your good or bad. It means you were just unlucky. If your initial matches were bad.. stop queing and reroll on another char and try again. It's easy.


Since you were asking how to get rating you probs just got trolled ;)

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However, the biggest misconception I see from people is they think because they did X amount of DPS / HPS they should of won and it's everyone else who is ruining their rating. From my observation, most players are average skill level, have an average solo ranked IQ, but they feel they're a top notch player. An average player, should not exceed the silver rating without a massive amount of luck, and most of the time they don't.




Given that I always got gold with my blood and sweat, here are 2 screenshots of what's been happening in the last weeks. Tell me again how they're not ruining my rating.




Please beware that these are just 2 of the most recent cases, but it has been going like this for the past two weeks (if screenshot feature didn't fail that much, I could've uploaded an album full of examples).


I understand about knowing when to queue, but unless you dedicate your life to this game you can only play when you have time, so you can't really plan things and queue dodge those people.


The sad thing is that this happens because EVERYONE can join a ranked, and they're encouraged to as the daily gives better rewards than the non-ranked one. I can deal with lack of skill, but I don't understand why BW encourages people to play in a competitive game mode when they're clearly not ready to do it.


Ranked PVP should not be a way to get gear, this is plain wrong.

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I didn't feel like reading every post.. so maybe this has already been said.. but we've been asking for a valor/gear requirement since Season 1. BW either doesn't care or is too stupid to understand the problem.


I mean.. it seems so simple, right? Full gear bonus + augs + like.. 60 valor so they've had a chance to L2P in actual warzones. /sigh

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Given that I always got gold with my blood and sweat, here are 2 screenshots of what's been happening in the last weeks. Tell me again how they're not ruining my rating.




Please beware that these are just 2 of the most recent cases, but it has been going like this for the past two weeks (if screenshot feature didn't fail that much, I could've uploaded an album full of examples).


I understand about knowing when to queue, but unless you dedicate your life to this game you can only play when you have time, so you can't really plan things and queue dodge those people.


The sad thing is that this happens because EVERYONE can join a ranked, and they're encouraged to as the daily gives better rewards than the non-ranked one. I can deal with lack of skill, but I don't understand why BW encourages people to play in a competitive game mode when they're clearly not ready to do it.


Ranked PVP should not be a way to get gear, this is plain wrong.


Well those screenshots clarify everything. You are playing pub side, the only reason why you're struggling.

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Well those screenshots clarify everything. You are playing pub side, the only reason why you're struggling.


Apart from more frequent and faster pops, imp side is not different at all... ;) It would continue to still ruin his rating.


He said it very well though. Some of us are busy having a job.. and cannot afford to que on certain times only.... or dedicate our lives to this game. We que when we have time.


That's why I win 20 matches on tuesday and lose 18 on wednesday. Wednesday was prolly bad time to que. but still played because I had time for it.

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It's only going to get worse with the announced changes to unassembled components



Luckily I managed to get 2 toons to gold and a few are at silver or bronze. But if you thought July and August were exceptionally bad, just wait till 5.4 and beyond with the changes to UCs. :(

Edited by Talon_strikes
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What a load of bulls**t... Please **** !


I've talked to these high rated folk about what to do.. they said its simple: "que with friends". Easy right ? They gave me the solution.


Only idiots que and expect to be competitive with randoms. mathematically not possible.


Rating is just a number. Doesn't mean that your good or bad. It means you were just unlucky. If your initial matches were bad.. stop queing and reroll on another char and try again. It's easy.

Since he posted in this thread, I shall use Nightrain as an example. He is good, very good. He is competing for a top 3 spot on his Juggernaut season after season. The lesson here is that if you are tremendously competent, you will win enough to beat theRNG teams.

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Well those screenshots clarify everything. You are playing pub side, the only reason why you're struggling.


Ok, following your post I moved to imp side, 1250 with the first 10 matches.


But why? I mean, I even performed worse than rep side as I miss the whole left part of gear, so why is my solo rating lower on the side which I performed the best?


That's one of the points of my thread: I want to be rewarded based on how I play, not based on how 3 random strangers do.

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Ok, following your post I moved to imp side, 1250 with the first 10 matches.


But why? I mean, I even performed worse than rep side as I miss the whole left part of gear, so why is my solo rating lower on the side which I performed the best?


That's one of the points of my thread: I want to be rewarded based on how I play, not based on how 3 random strangers do.


Like I said before in a previous post the explanation to this problem would be that you suck... This what you will hear from some PVP-ers. You are just bad/not good enough and cannot make a difference. If you look up, it was kinda suggested to me with Nightrain's example.


The fact that you got gold means that you don't suck at all and yet you still face the same problem. I got bronze on my sin.. but cannot even get close to bronze with my marauder. I lost all my initial 9/10 games before getting my first rating started 2 months ago late in the season and It's been a up and down fall ever since. :D I went to 1100 one day to collapse back to 950 three days later. :D


I totally agree with you. I want to be rewarded based on how I play and not on how 3 randoms do.

Edited by DavidAtkinson
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Battlefront2 this nov. I'll be playing that instead of this. at least most of my time.


I'll probably be doing the same... in the meantime I've got zero idea what to play instead of this... I'm currently getting my SW hit from the few SW games on my iPad.

Surprisingly they aren't EA SW games. I guess that means EA don't have the sole rights to develop SW games anymore. Maybe Disney has cottoned on to how badly they've handled swtor and don't want to put all their eggs in the EA basket. It may even make EA try harder with their other SW games like SW BF2 so they can get more opportunities in the future.

I have noticed that swtor isn't even listed anymore on the Australian Disney website under their SW games section.. Even on the SW website, swtor is getting less exposure and you have to look to find it. But all of the SW mobile Apps are front and centre with SW Battlefront 2

I think Disney is distancing itself from swtor on purpose.

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Wouldn't the good and the bad even out if you play enough matches? Say 1000 matches and sometimes you have the bad player (like me heh) and sometimes they have them. Sure a bad start can wreck your rating, but apart from that? And I still think a 1 vs. 1 queue would be neat. Just make people face mirror classes and it will be entirely up themselves if they like to try that as a healer or tank.


Off-topic: I will be trying Absolver that is scheduled to launch on the 29th of August, and certainly BF2 in November. But if past endeavors are any indication, I shall return eventually.

Edited by Lundorff
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I understand your frustration, trust me a lot of people feel your pain.


Just this sums it up.


Removing Expertise was a mistake, BioWare should have replaced it with a minimum gear rating for ranked.... similar to what they're introducing for the new MM flashpoint (so no excuses for not being able to implement it for Yolo or Group ranked).


Anyway, as Icy says, it's going to get a lot worse with the UC reward changes. Have fun with that frustration.

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For season 9 I will try a completely different approach. Im ending this season with a solo rating of 1100 something and that in over 250 played matches.


The problem was the hackers, wintraders and cxp/component farmers at the start. I will try to avoid that next season, considering the fact that ranked components have been boosted to insane amounts which will be used by casuals for quick component gain.

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I understand some of you are frustrated. I prefaced everything I said before with it's not perfect. I also work a full time job (with overtime). But this season was 9 months long. Based on my two characters I ran through the gauntlet, it took me about a 100 matches for each character to get over 1750. Say you're really struggling with RNG and it takes you 400 matches. That's 11~ matches a week. Seems pretty reasonable to me that anyone who is good enough to climb to the rating they realistically deserve, that's plenty of time. If you want to run in and queue 20 matches, and be gold tier...then your expectations are unrealistic.


Unfortunately, screen shots just don't show how effective you were at CCing, peeling, pulling friendlies behind LOS as a sage, interrupting, etc. I agree it looks like you had a short draw on the teammate stick, but if your queuing anywhere but the ebon hawk, pub side is at a distinct disadvantage unless your queuing on a dead pub side with 3 mates, which i think we all agree is pretty much douche baggery.


It's a shame 4s is such a nightmare to get pops for. No RNG, you choose your setup and your teammates, and go on your merry way. But, unfortunately there's just minimal interest in it and is even harder to coordinate between two teams. I guess people don't like losing and not having a stranger to blame.

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Solo ranked is fun. I'm tired of how little the developers do for this game. Going on nearly 2years of the same person hacking solo ranked and nothing has been done to stop it lmao. I honestly wonder what the devs do when they go to work everyday. Must be thrilling to know your online single player game with online chat rooms (I mean mmo) is a complete wash and has been since 3.0


Population outside of Harbinger and TRE is woeful. Servers like Jung Ma, BC, Bastion and Pot5 are still open for (god help them) any NEW players. A new player picks the bastion and it's a complete ghost town. What a great first impression to an mmo. Is swtor even classified as an mmo anymore? seriously.


Server stability? lol.

Same bugs since 1.3? Leap works 40% if you're lucky. Then you still have the RNG of only making it half way to your target.

Roll bug for Operatives. God bless I forgot how many times we've been told this has been fixed.

The disgusting amount of desyncing in PvP. Are we playing an early access game or what?

Then theres the fact that Harbinger (I think in warzones only) freezes completely at certain times of the day. Everyone in the warzone can still talk and laugh at the turn based PvP while everyone is running in place for a good 5-15 seconds.


Launch Swtor was better than swtor 5 and a half years later. I didn't know games go backwards. It's like I paid for a full release game then as the years go by it slowly turns into a pre-alpha game. So sad this game had such great potential.

Edited by brishae
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Solo ranked is the only "enjoyable" PVP left in this game. Low -/mibies is dead and level 70 is a nothing but premades and more premades. I can not begin to describe how much I hate the tryhard 4 man healer / tank teams with BiS trying to 3 cap everything. If the plan is to make me unsubscribe, it sure as hell is working.


Man I am tired of this fiasco... :(

Edited by Lundorff
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I see several people now entering unranked and ranked pvp. Since republic rarely wins, its pretty much useless to even try. So tthey enter the arena, hide in a corner, and do something else (watch youtube whatever).

And its very understandable, I mean, the only way to get 248 gear is using ranked and unranked pvp. Now on occasion you might get lucky and get a free 248 with the crates, but you will never get a full set. So, the solution is to do pvp dayly. I would recommend everyone to do this. Of course, this would many unbalanced games, but who cares?

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I mean, the only way to get 248 gear is using ranked and unranked pvp.



Completed my 248 set without playing a single ranked match, what you're saying is wrong.



Of course, this would many unbalanced games, but who cares?


Who cares? The rest of your team does.

There are plenty of other ways to get your gear without ruining the games to other players, there's no need to be that selfish.

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  • 2 months later...
If they start rewarding based off performance, the team aspect will suffer because people will go for personal productivity at the expense of helping a teammate. If a teammate needs a heal, and i have the option of healing them or dpsing instead, according to a productivity system, im gonna dps and let my teammate die so they cant dps and do better than me. This may not be the intended result of your elo scoring, but people tend to adapt to the method that benefits them more. And you know that top performer is gonna come with the $hitt3r comments afterwards because that system encourages it even more than our current system.


On a side note regarding the "broken" elo system of pitting high elo ratings vs lower elo ratings - all the talk is very contradictory. On one hand people claim hgih rating players queue sync and hack, etc., but then claim its not fair they are going against better players because of their elo ratings. Very inconsistent argument.


I don't hink that making rewards based on individual performance would be any more foolish than keeping scores for a game mode that has teams made up of totally random people.


Also, there is zero team aspect in solo ranked unless people are coorditanted on voice comms.


I will never understand why people prefer solo ranked over TR and come whine about it in thie forums, myself included.


its very very hard to find a team and there are barely 2 or 3 teams in que.


Team ranked should be the only ranked game mode available because it's the only way of having a team and getting read of solo que bull*** randomness.


If there are 6 or 7 teams in que your team might be not the worst and you have a decent chance at getting some rating.

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