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Please make everything solo-playable


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It is not that i mind going on missions together with my fellow players. On the contrary it is quite fun every once in a while. But I am a RPG-player first an foremost so what I would like most of all is to be able to play all these fun Flashpoints and ops by myself and just enjoy the story without having to worry about a mega-powerfull boss that can kill 8 lvl 70 players without blinking.

On top of that there is also at least one flashpoint colicoid war games that can not be found in the group finder and can only be played on veteran mode so you have too sit on the fleet and ask people all over for help.


So Bioware please in the name of good story-experience let us players go throught the story on our own terms and just enjoy the game as just a good RPG like all the other good games that you have released.

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I say yes.


Now, see as a new player I haven't been around to see all the cutscenes for all the FPs. I can't do it in groups as I'm holding up the players who have seen them. Woe betide the lowly newbie who doth not hammer his spacebar.


Some but not all doesn't make sense.


Operations are operations, they should stay as group only. Otherwise we'll end up with a single player game that happens to have other players in it, very few players at that as a lot of people's fingers are constantly hovering over that sub cancel link already.

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There's no story in operations. Not sure why people think there are cinematics with options like in the old flashpoints.

They're more like uprisings: go from point a to b, kill tons of trash in the middle, then kill the boss. Repeat.

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There may be no "story" in operations BUT-

1. in order to complete the planet story line for Oricon you have to do Dread Fortress and Dread Palace

2. there is some lore that in order to "complete" Rishi you can't get unless you do the Ravengers and click on whatever the "Lore" is. (there are 4 or 5 entries I believe)

3. The manaan flashpoint you don't get the entries for one of the lore (Kolto) without doing the flashpoint in vet mode, which is probably over the difficulty level I at least would feel comfortable with.


As a "completionist" I'd like to be able to do these sort of things without worrying about someone saying "spacebar, NooBIE".....

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There's no story in operations. Not sure why people think there are cinematics with options like in the old flashpoints.

They're more like uprisings: go from point a to b, kill tons of trash in the middle, then kill the boss. Repeat.


There is story in ops.


More than half of the Dread Master storylines are inside ops.

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This is what i am saying why cant the ops at least be veteran flashpoints. The last Revan mission could be an op if my memory is not completely on the fritz. At least make the ops to veteran flashpoints . I have tried to do ops but since my group always gets killed on the first boss (since it has happened a number of times with a full group im going to be bold enough to assume it was not all my fault) so at the very least make it so that you can fight the dreadmaster or any other guys with the Empires champions or the Republics heroes.

Story-wise it does not make any sence either, you need 8 guys to take on one Dread masters when Jaric Kaedon took them all one with a small strike team, game mech be damned it just plain stupid.

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It is not that i mind going on missions together with my fellow players. On the contrary it is quite fun every once in a while. But I am a RPG-player first an foremost so what I would like most of all is to be able to play all these fun Flashpoints and ops by myself and just enjoy the story without having to worry about a mega-powerfull boss that can kill 8 lvl 70 players without blinking.

On top of that there is also at least one flashpoint colicoid war games that can not be found in the group finder and can only be played on veteran mode so you have too sit on the fleet and ask people all over for help.


So Bioware please in the name of good story-experience let us players go throught the story on our own terms and just enjoy the game as just a good RPG like all the other good games that you have released.


been my complaint for oh going on 6yrs now. It wont happen but still....

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There is story in ops.


More than half of the Dread Master storylines are inside ops.


Not inside. You go from Nefra to Brontes with no cinematic in between. Same for DP. The story happens after you finish DF and DP, but that's not inside the ops. You have to exit and go to Oricon. They could very easily change the mission quest and give you the option to watch how it ends if that's your choice.

Edited by Tadagyt
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The bottom line with the cinematics in Oricon is that regardless if they are in the middle of the Ops or at the end, you can't see them unless you do the Op. So as a solo player, you do all of these other quests on Oricon, see those cinematics, get the Imperial officers who tell you that they're ready to storm the Dread Fortress...and then the story ends for you. You never get to see what happens or finish the storyline.


If they wanted to change that so that you could opt in to seeing/experiencing the remainder of the cinematics on your character without the Ops, I'd be very happy.


For the rest, I'd personally appreciate more solo mode flashpoints.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Not inside. You go from Nefra to Brontes with no cinematic in between. Same for DP. The story happens after you finish DF and DP, but that's not inside the ops. You have to exit and go to Oricon. They could very easily change the mission quest and give you the option to watch how it ends if that's your choice.


There are cutscenes before Brontes and fighting the dread masters are part of the story.

Edited by Slowpokeking
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It is not that i mind going on missions together with my fellow players. On the contrary it is quite fun every once in a while. But I am a RPG-player first an foremost so what I would like most of all is to be able to play all these fun Flashpoints and ops by myself and just enjoy the story .

There is no story in ops. No dialogs, no decisions to be made.

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I'd also like to see more solo-playable flashpoints. Attempted VM CZ-198 by myself and ended up getting my butt kicked by the droid on the bottom floor of the complex (can't remember its name offhand). I was honestly surprised I made it that far on my own, probably because I figured out how to methodically pick apart the mobs.

OPS and World Bosses could stay the same but I would definitely like solo FPs.

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This issue boils down to a single error on the developers' part: Oricon and the fact that the story goes through two operations; a player MUST complete the two operations to complete the Dread Masters story...period. That is not up for debate; we all know it. However, DF and DP have no real story unto themselves; there is *A* cutscene in each at the final boss. There is no conversation, no choices to be made, just a " Hello pitiful mortals! We are the BBEG come and get us if you dare!"


The fact that the developers LEARNED from that mistake and in SOR and gave players the option of a solo mode path or a group mode path has raised the question: why not go back and add a solo mode path for Oricon?


I tell you why: resources! BW has limited staff and budget to develop anything in this game. So I pose an honest question. Try to answer it from the BUSINESS point of view of which is more likely to be more likely to generate positive revenue:


#1 reworking a story that 90% of the population (active and inactive) has completed so that 10% of the population can complete it


#2 developing new content whether it be story or small group or large group or PvP etc that 99% of the (active) population will do at least once and will probably draw in new and/or returning (inactive) players?


That said, if they did option #1 for Oricon chances are 99% of the requests for "100% solo mode option" would probably go away

Edited by psandak
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This issue boils down to a single error on the developers' part: Oricon and the fact that the story goes through two operations; a player MUST complete the two operations to complete the Dread Masters story...period. That is not up for debate; we all know it. However, DF and DP have no real story unto themselves; there is *A* cutscene in each at the final boss. There is no conversation, no choices to be made, just a " Hello pitiful mortals! We are the BBEG come and get us if you dare!"


The fact that the developers LEARNED from that mistake and in SOR and gave players the option of a solo mode path or a group mode path has raised the question: why not go back and add a solo mode path for Oricon?


I tell you why: resources! BW has limited staff and budget to develop anything in this game. So I pose an honest question. Try to answer it from the BUSINESS point of view of which is more likely to be more likely to generate positive revenue:


#1 reworking a story that 90% of the population (active and inactive) has completed so that 10% of the population can complete it


#2 developing new content whether it be story or small group or large group or PvP etc that 99% of the (active) population will do at least once and will probably draw in new and/or returning (inactive) players?


That said, if they did option #1 for Oricon chances are 99% of the requests for "100% solo mode option" would probably go away


Same thing with EC and TFB, both of these ops are part of the Dread Master arc.

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I don't suggest that they make it playable with just you plus 1 companion though.

What I DO suggest, and I think that it would make sense from the viewpoint of the business model of the producers (i.e. retain existing players and have content that requires a time investment (which brings in the $$) - have these "ops" have an option where it would be you plus your top 8 companions. (they would have to be tier 50 to be able to be utilized). Believe me, this would take a great deal of time (I've been playing since 2014 and still only have one tier 50 companion - on my BH). And, unlike in the Revan duo, you would determine the "spec" of your comps (i.e. tank or healer or DPS), although obviously you would pretty much keep to the optimum specs for a group - make (including yourself) 2 tanks, 2 healers and the rest DPS.

Also, by making it this model, you would make sure it would fit in with the "endgame" model - players would have to go thru KOTFE at least to HAVE 8 available companions - unless they used all 5 of their original companions plus Trek plus HK-51 plus the Ship droid.)

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No. I'm sorry, but no. I'm up for the idea to make an alternative like in SoR but to make ops soloable... no. It's hard enough to pug in this game already because people are terrified from the smallest bit of challange/each other. It's still an MMORPG, making everything soloable just makes people even more lazy and anti-social.



Btw here,

is the Republic side Oricon story, and
is the Empire side. These are include those very very important, 10 second long cutscenes from the ops too :rolleyes:


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Dont forget that this is an MMO, you cant have it all soloable, there should be content that can only be attempted by a group!


As long as it's not storyline stuff. I'm fine with there being group-only activities. It's only when there's part of the storyline that is gated behind group activity that it's an issue IMHO. I will skip them regardless, but I don't want to miss story. "MMO" does NOT mean "must group," it means there are a lot of players existing on the same plane.


That cut scene might only be a few minutes - but would you want to miss the last ten minutes of a movie, for instance? Would it make a difference? Of course it would.


As for the flashpoints, it would be nice to have more than can be soloed in story mode simply for the sake of having more to do.


It's not "anti-social" or lazy to avoid Ops. Some people just don't find grouping with strangers to be relaxing or fun, just as some of us don't like large groups in real life.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Most ops have a stigma attached to them due to not being newbie friendly, as most players don't want to teach or have a particular way of teaching that some find disagreeable. Somebody swanning in from say, the class stories will get a big wake up call.


I can't do ops as I'd be doing them at 15 fps at most. That's if nobody else is watching netflix/youtube etc at the time......which is rare.


Speaking of youtube, just watch the story there. It's not ideal but it'll be the best I get for now.

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I don't suggest that they make it playable with just you plus 1 companion though.

What I DO suggest, and I think that it would make sense from the viewpoint of the business model of the producers (i.e. retain existing players and have content that requires a time investment (which brings in the $$) - have these "ops" have an option where it would be you plus your top 8 companions. (they would have to be tier 50 to be able to be utilized). Believe me, this would take a great deal of time (I've been playing since 2014 and still only have one tier 50 companion - on my BH). And, unlike in the Revan duo, you would determine the "spec" of your comps (i.e. tank or healer or DPS), although obviously you would pretty much keep to the optimum specs for a group - make (including yourself) 2 tanks, 2 healers and the rest DPS.

Also, by making it this model, you would make sure it would fit in with the "endgame" model - players would have to go thru KOTFE at least to HAVE 8 available companions - unless they used all 5 of their original companions plus Trek plus HK-51 plus the Ship droid.)


The problem is that there are too many mechanics in ops where different players must do different things at different times. Unless you are going to play an RTS with eight companions (moving each one as required), there is no way for a single player to perform all the necessary tasks.


I want the Oricon operations to be solo-able. I don't care for the awards or anything, I just want the feeling of finishing the story. It's bothering my OCD!!


And DF and DP are especially mechanics intensive...these ops would have to be completely redone to allow for solo mode.

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