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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Class Changes: Fury Marauder / Concentration Sentinel


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Hey folks,


Here are the changes for Fury and Concentration coming in 5.4.


Note: All changes below are currently in development and are subject to change before being released.




  • Increased the damage done by Bloody Slashes by 35%



  • Increased the damage done by Burning Slices by 35%

DevNotes: The Fury / Concentration discipline only needed a small boost to bring it up to its target DPS, so increasing the damage dealt by Bloody Slashes / Burning Slices was all it took to do the trick.




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So an increase by 100 DPS putting the best parses at 9.8-9.9k DPS.


My main is concentration sent. I play it for most of the time, and i think it doesnt need any changes at all :/ if played correct it may do good dps, iam often r1-r3 dpser on warzones.


Anyway, all 3 sent specs doesnt need any buff or nerfs at all. They are in perfect condition.

Edited by omaan
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So an increase by 100 DPS putting the best parses at 9.8-9.9k DPS.


Yep, that's around what I found too. A bit weird considering they said Fury would be at 2.5% above target DPS, and with this there's still below most of the 'at target dps' group, not to mention below Virulence, which should according to Bioware be 2.5% below target dps, but seems to be at target dps. Seems to me like they're not really considering the 'quasi-burst' and 'quasi sustained' groups. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing imo

Edited by AdjeYo
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Hey folks,


Here are the changes for Fury and Concentration coming in 5.4.







Is this is for real or is it a joke? This is like 0.3-0.5% damage buff? You would consider this effort in balancing a discipline? You needed 9 month of evaluation to come-up with that :rak_02:

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Hey folks,


Here are the changes for Fury and Concentration coming in 5.4.







So........ Lemme get this straight, A slight dps increase was warranted and not a rework to make it viable any more. GG

I really sometimes wonder if devs play the specs they "Balance "

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shouldn't fury parses be at around 10.1k dps after the buffs? I mean...this is a 100-110 dps increase, so I highly doubt we'll see a good crit parse reach 10.1k dps. Why not buff Bloody Slashes by 100 percent?


I get a feeling the target dps isn't 9800, but closer to 9650-9700.

Edited by Hoppinswtor
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My question to people who feel let down by this.


Are you basing this off of the current parses?


Because with a lot of professions getting nerfed it may be that rather than Marauder getting buffed the other classes are coming back down to earth. The reality with that is that as long as we are all around the same DPS with perhaps Melee classes having a DPS advantage do to the need of not being as mobile in attacking a Target as ranged classes, then everything is all good so long as operations are balanced for this new reality.

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My question to people who feel let down by this.


Are you basing this off of the current parses?


Because with a lot of professions getting nerfed it may be that rather than Marauder getting buffed the other classes are coming back down to earth. The reality with that is that as long as we are all around the same DPS with perhaps Melee classes having a DPS advantage do to the need of not being as mobile in attacking a Target as ranged classes, then everything is all good so long as operations are balanced for this new reality.


As a burst dps this change does not put fury at the same level of carnage, deception and concealment. Granted that carnage and conc. will probably get nerfed, but that will leave these specs around 10% behind annihilation and lethality. In PvP TTK is currently way too high. We need more damage.


On another note, it has been 9 month since 5.0 release, so my exception of changes is pretty significant in terms of balance and QoL. This change looks like some intern spent 5 minutes, thought of something, then gave to Eric to post.

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I wonder when the devs will actually post the actual target DPS number.


I think this would actually help out a lot. Actually knowing the numbers that the Devs want the classes to be at and what kind of data they're looking at to make the changes. Having something to go off of would be great. Because as of right now, the class changes just don't make a whole lot of sense.


And as stated, some of the operations bosses need to be adjusted in addition to these class changes as well. HM Styrak and HM Calphayus are the most prominent in my mind in regards to this.

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Hopefully this means the devs have changed their minds about "quasi" specs. Otherwise this indicates that pretty much every spec other than Arsenal and Madness are over-performing. These changes seem to put Fury in the Engi/Viru/IO/Rage/AP dps range (albeit on the lower end). That or they're balancing around some unknown PvP metrics. Edited by Machricar
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shouldn't fury parses be at around 10.1k dps after the buffs? I mean...this is a 100-110 dps increase, so I highly doubt we'll see a good crit parse reach 10.1k dps. Why not buff Bloody Slashes by 100 percent?


I get a feeling the target dps isn't 9800, but closer to 9650-9700.


Target dps should be about 9,7-9,8K (0%) but on average crit which can be expected from a spec]]. That later point is very significant. That would make sense for the balance of current OPs, it would give specs a good base to pass most difficulty checks when played very well but not rely on rng/crit rate. If a spec is 9,8K on average crit rate it could theoretically do 9,9-10,1K on very good crit rate, but that would not happen on average. If the crit rate is bad you would do say 9,5K-9,6K while non stop attacking (in bis gear) which is really the lower limit of what is needed to pass some of the hardest dps checks.


Oh yeah and even under this model the burst ranges specs (-5%) get shafted still for some encounters. But I think thet would still be doable if the player times all their burst/upfront damage in the moments that really count/ maybe uses clickable relics instead of proc relics too.

Edited by ottffsse
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Is this honestly a joke? The spec is still going to be absolute trash in pve. Why? For one reason and one reason only. The rotation is STILL going to be broken. Until you fix ravage to give 6 fury EVERY SINGLE TIME you use it the spec will not play correctly and your ******** target dps meme you keep speaking of won't be possible because of rng deciding it's time for you to go get ****ed. Literally nothing you buffed in 5.3 was made viable. It looks like thats continuing into 5.4.
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Probably never, it would piss off way too many NiM raiders, because they seem to be way under what's currently needed. :/


They're doing it anyways with useless buffs and huge overnerfs. Why not just go all in in the pissing us off department?

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In PvP TTK is currently way too high. We need more damage.


I don't think more damage is the answer, and obviously they are not going that route with all the recent nerfs.


TTK is too high cause of DCDs, mainly this one class that has 3 good ones.

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I don't think more damage is the answer, and obviously they are not going that route with all the recent nerfs.


TTK is too high cause of DCDs, mainly this one class that has 3 good ones.


I agree that DCDs are the problem, but nerfing dps surely wont help. If fury is meant to be the average, that means carnage and conc (dec in the future) will probably get nerfed. This cannot be good.

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I agree that DCDs are the problem, but nerfing dps surely wont help. If fury is meant to be the average, that means carnage and conc (dec in the future) will probably get nerfed. This cannot be good.


Uhm dps adjustments don't matter in PvP unless we are talking +/-10+% as you are not attacking non stop a dummy or stationary and taunted PvE boss. Main advantages come from cc/interrupt immunity and mobility which fury has in spades. Oh yeah and a few overtuned defensive abilities on several other classes. Any Dcd which allows a player to mitigate/cancel+even heal through damage while still being able to attack the opposing side will make a class strong in PvP.

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