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Please give us Mixed Faction PvP we have long pop times


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I am probably going to get blasted for this, but why not allow mixed faction for grouping for operations as well. I know I come from SWG and we had mixed grouping/guilds there. Though we didn't have mixed pvp but most of the pvp was done in restuss for the most part and the only instance that was specific was the Hoth one. This might seem stupid but it actually worked in SWG and it kept people together whether you were an imperial or rebel and you had less need for 2 guilds as you could have one guild for both sides, if you wanted.


There may be specific flashpoints that wouldn't work well with this but since most have characters on both sides why not do something to combine the grouping/guild aspect.

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I am probably going to get blasted for this, but why not allow mixed faction for grouping for operations as well.


Effin' /signed. Lot of my friends play impside, and I also wouldn't mind letting my pubside main join in my impside guild's op runs : )

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Forum as a whole. I saw more negative replies than positive:



Especially here - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=926070&highlight=Kotfe (even some devs think that kotet/kotfe are worse compared to previous swtor content)








Etc, etc. Although lately we can see many threads which are showing kotet/kotfe in a positive side, overall most of the players either dont like it or thinking that classic class stories are much better.


Doesn't really count.


I don't know if you know of the 10's of thousands to 500k people or more that sometimes just come across these sites; most people don't even know about this site as whole, but maybe other official sites. Anyways on all the Star Wars sites that there is on the whole wide world including this 1. Only a few of us players actually post. We cannot claim to represent customer base as a whole.


Now, maybe most people didn't get, or were dumbfounded like me at the last part of KOTET/Iokath. That really blew me for a loop personally, and just don't get it. I could be wrong but from not just this site but other SWTOR affiliated sites, i saw what seemed to me to be a trend, where most other people didn't get the Iokath situation. Maybe it's just some of us, i don't know. But fact is these threads we weave are mostly made and replied to by the same people over and over, like me. Sometimes as of late and from Beta times more people chimed in for their 2 cents of say though.



I love Cross-faction pvp, especially because of how i hate the old and now Dead Republic and Sith Empire. I've said it before a few times that Cross faction and having the Alliance 3rd Faction can help Pvp and PvE because we could be on the same side from what we did in KOTFE and KOTET.


Let it be Our Choice.

Edited by MandFlurry
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I dont like kotfee (like most of the players), i did it only on my main, all my other characters are still in classic story.


This was his statement in the paragraph he wrote. I think you and merevojic are reading too much into it. What's it matter to you that he thinks most players don't like kotfe?


We can argue about OPINION until we are blue in the face.

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I am probably going to get blasted for this, but why not allow mixed faction for grouping for operations as well. I know I come from SWG and we had mixed grouping/guilds there. Though we didn't have mixed pvp but most of the pvp was done in restuss for the most part and the only instance that was specific was the Hoth one. This might seem stupid but it actually worked in SWG and it kept people together whether you were an imperial or rebel and you had less need for 2 guilds as you could have one guild for both sides, if you wanted.


There may be specific flashpoints that wouldn't work well with this but since most have characters on both sides why not do something to combine the grouping/guild aspect.


This is something that should have happened already especially with the Iokath Op. Especially with the whole faction mechanic.

Edited by FerkWork
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I think they need to solve the fundamental population issues, which this is a symptom of.

I agree that that is the only way to properly solve the declining playerbase issue, but given what they did on Friday, they seem content to pretend to make improvements while doing nothing to actually make the game more enjoyable. The farce of the Unassembled Component change is laughable.

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Effin' /signed. Lot of my friends play impside, and I also wouldn't mind letting my pubside main join in my impside guild's op runs : )

This one I am all for, and I think it'd be pretty easy to manage. There's plenty of opportunity to justify it in-story for pretty much every Operation out there.

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You really need an Aussie server, Icy. most of your queue time complaints come down you playing at odd times for the server population.


We had Aussie servers till Bioware merged them with the west coast to save money. The sad thing is all of them had a higher population than what Harbinger currently does.

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