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The SWTOR Balancing Act & Subscriptions


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Objectively speaking I cannot see how it takes the swtor team over a month (160 hours) to balance classes that obviously need a DCD nerf (merc/sniper, note this would not affect PvE). There has been ample opportunity given, (hundreds of hours!) but no show.


Their reluctance to address balance has led me to believe they simply prefer an endless cycle of class buffs and nerfs (1.0 - 5.0). Do their statistics show this is good for their revenue? That may explain it; regardless I have grown tired of this recursive loop and will not be resubscribing in the near future.


I applaud the recent and surprising step made by Keith & Musco to address the community and initiate a dialogue but remain firm in my belief there is something fundamentally wrong with their initiative and drive with regards to class balance.

Edited by RACATW
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I feel you man. I just re-subbed after about a 1.5 year layoff due to class balance at the time. (Got even worse? Lol) And for whatever god forsaken reason, I love pvp in this game. Just came back from WoW and even though me and my buddy could get que pops all day long, we just didn't enjoy it as much as SWTOR. Maybe because we're SW nerds? But seriously, this whole DCD thing is a nightmare on top of other class imbalances. It's like all they are worried about at this point is putting classes in front of dummies and getting their dps close to each other. That's not enough when it comes to pvp. The real problem is, it takes them months upon months to address any issues no matter how game breaking they are. I don't know how you people put up with this lol. I will not be re-subbing after my game time is up which is unfortunate, I really, really, really wanna play this game.
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Objectively speaking I cannot see how it takes the swtor team over a month (160 hours) to balance classes that obviously need a DCD nerf (merc/sniper, note this would not affect PvE). There has been ample opportunity given, (hundreds of hours!) but no show.


Their reluctance to address balance has led me to believe they simply prefer an endless cycle of class buffs and nerfs (1.0 - 5.0). Do their statistics show this is good for their revenue? That may explain it; regardless I have grown tired of this recursive loop and will not be resubscribing in the near future.


I applaud the recent and surprising step made by Keith & Musco to address the community and initiate a dialogue but remain firm in my belief there is something fundamentally wrong with their initiative and drive with regards to class balance.

Just because you say it needs to be addressed doesnt mean it needs to be.

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Balance is bad and DCD's are the primary issue.... First second a decent game comes out that I can get into I'm dropping SWToR like a bad habit. I love Star Wars and generally only play Star Wars games but this one has been handled soooo poorly even now that I want out.


I too enjoy the new level of communication but if there are no results....then it's kinda pointless.


Game is linear, shallow and honestly boring! leaving PvP as the only dynamic play style. Unfortunately PvP is severely neglected content wise and with balance being approached in a "long term vision" type scenario I see the population going into a further state of decline.

Edited by Soljin
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Objectively speaking I cannot see how it takes the swtor team over a month (160 hours) to balance classes that obviously need a DCD nerf (merc/sniper, note this would not affect PvE). There has been ample opportunity given, (hundreds of hours!) but no show.


Their reluctance to address balance has led me to believe they simply prefer an endless cycle of class buffs and nerfs (1.0 - 5.0). Do their statistics show this is good for their revenue? That may explain it; regardless I have grown tired of this recursive loop and will not be resubscribing in the near future.


I applaud the recent and surprising step made by Keith & Musco to address the community and initiate a dialogue but remain firm in my belief there is something fundamentally wrong with their initiative and drive with regards to class balance.


The video-game industry is extremely unforgiving. EA will put its resources in titles and activities that deliver the most profit while either shutting down unprofitable titles or use skeleton crews for everything else, and all in rapid fashion. There's little doubt that this game is no longer a priority for EA. It's clearly still profitable, or else it would have been shuttered, but what resources are put towards this game are aimed at the cartel market and new content, because that's what's delivering the money. Furthermore, MMOs in the West are on the decline. They will eventually reach a baseline where things ebb and flow, but the future isn't bright for titles that don't have a strong audience in Asia. As such, EA will not invest in this game again.

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And another long time pvper joins the exodus bus... when will they start to listen 😢


Well, if they are joining your exodus bus then we'll just see them again same time next week or maybe month cause you have been saying you are leaving for 2 years and guess what? you are still here. :rolleyes:

Edited by JargoFett
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2.10 (Season 3) Had the best class balance this game has ever seen. God bless may it RIP.


Remove dotspread

Remove retard defensive cds (Trauma Regulators, Super Kolto, retard mara pacify, sniper heal2full and probably reset ability, Operative reflect, ect)

Remove Phasewalk from Sorcs, give to back to sins

Either remove guard or gutter healers so bad everyone stops playing them so every game I queue into isn't 4 healers on each team with 1-2 tanks.

Only tank specs should have guard.

Remove all cc immunity from all classes that are not vigilance Guardians.

Fix all leap abilities so they work 100% of the time. How many times my PT Jet Charge goes on cd but I don't go anywhere like why the **** do I have this ability???

Fix retard lightning sorc chain lightning bug


Oh and please fix that stupid ability on Focus Sentinels where it pulls people back to them like what the actual ****??????


Remove Bolster

Bring back Warzone comms.

Bring back Expertise.

2 Vendors for PvP gear.

242 and 248. (Example Item lvls)

Recruit gear set from mission terminal at a 236 Item level, with set bonus and 2018 expertise. (Example item lvl)


Game Fixed god bless.

Edited by brishae
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I feel you man. I just re-subbed after about a 1.5 year layoff due to class balance at the time. (Got even worse? Lol) And for whatever god forsaken reason, I love pvp in this game. Just came back from WoW and even though me and my buddy could get que pops all day long, we just didn't enjoy it as much as SWTOR. Maybe because we're SW nerds? But seriously, this whole DCD thing is a nightmare on top of other class imbalances. It's like all they are worried about at this point is putting classes in front of dummies and getting their dps close to each other. That's not enough when it comes to pvp. The real problem is, it takes them months upon months to address any issues no matter how game breaking they are. I don't know how you people put up with this lol. I will not be re-subbing after my game time is up which is unfortunate, I really, really, really wanna play this game.


This guy ^

Exactly the same feeling and action. I also Re-subbed about 1.5 year out, and i will also just let my time run out again. I just cant accept anymore to wait for months and still get half-measures.

Edited by leonlotus
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So is your constant negative posts against what anyone says... if someone said black you would say white... it's borderline trolling

What constant negative posts? Do you have a problem with my realistic view of MMO's? Most, if not all of my posts, state that I enjoy the current state of SWTOR and feel there are very few issues with the game in comparison to other MMO's that I have experience with, so I'm not sure how you see those as negative posts. Looks like you're just trying to stir up trouble in my direction.

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What constant negative posts? Do you have a problem with my realistic view of MMO's? Most, if not all of my posts, state that I enjoy the current state of SWTOR and feel there are very few issues with the game in comparison to other MMO's that I have experience with, so I'm not sure how you see those as negative posts. Looks like you're just trying to stir up trouble in my direction.


I mean you seem to want to argue with everyone so what every they post you seem to got the opposite or negative to what they are say... it's easy to see if you go back and look at all your posts

Edited by Icykill_
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I mean you seem to want to argue with everyone so what every they post you seem to got the opposite or negative to what they are say...

In general, people use the forums to voice their concerns on threads that are related to their concerns. It does me no good to go to this thread and voice my support if I don't agree with it. I hardly think that posting in less than 1% of forum posts on this site is considered arguing with "everyone."


BTW, are you an admin? If not, I would be concerned that your interest in me were bordering on harassment, as this is multiple times now that you've tried to call me out for posting like any other account user on these forums.


I mean, I suppose you have nothing to lose, right? Because you already un-subbed anyways.

Edited by olagatonjedi
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In general, people use the forums to voice their concerns on threads that are related to their concerns. It does me no good to go to this thread and voice my support if I don't agree with it. I hardly think that posting in less than 1% of forum posts on this site is considered arguing with "everyone."


BTW, are you an admin? If not, I would be concerned that your interest in me were bordering on harassment, as this is multiple times now that you've tried to call me out for posting like any other account user on these forums.


I mean, I suppose you have nothing to lose, right? Because you already un-subbed anyways.


As apposed to you harassing me and others... ?


All I wanted to know is why do you keep attacking everyone. I'm sorry if you think I was harrasssing you, it was not my intent to make you feel that way. I will stop responding or posting anything to do with you from now on.

Edited by Icykill_
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As apposed to you harassing me and others... ?


All I wanted to know is why do you keep attacking everyone. I'm sorry if you think I was harrasssing you, it was not my intent to make you feel that way. I will stop responding or posting anything to do with you from now on.


Get a room you two! :p


Anyway, I really don't get what the Devs were thinking with those changes, but time will tell how much it matters. There are a few threads saying people are and have left cause of it so we will see how it goes.

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