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Slicing post-nerf, please look at the numbers BW


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I don't care about your spreadsheet and your numbers. You are complaining about a profession where you can pick up lockboxes for free credits.



The numbers and spreadsheets are given as tangible, constructive feedback; we are just providing some facts, not complaints.


As to those who keep bad-mouthing slicers or asking for slicing nerfs, you know everyone can pickup slicing right? It is not exclusive to anyone.

Edited by Meluna
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The numbers and spreadsheets are given as tangible, constructive feedback; we are just providing some facts, not complaints.


As to those who keep bad-mouthing slicers or asking for slicing nerfs, you know everyone can pickup slicing right? It is not exclusive to anyone.


yeah that comment seemed out of context...though I can understand why some people are frustrated with the issue dragging on like it has, whether you agree with it or not.


And, for the record...I am fine with the current state of Slicing, I know that everyone can pick it up (use it myself on a few toons), and I'm not affiliated with gold sellers (as someone was pondering a few posts up). I simply see the big picture of Slicing as compared to other farming based crew skills.


the people that keep arguing and griping about the slicing nerf keep coming back to the missions. And that is a very narrow view of the skill...it would be like saying that scavenging is losing money because you only get a few crystals when you send your companion out on a mission...but no one gripes about that side of scavenging because most people don't use missions on it...they FARM with it.


And as it has been stated numerous times previously (so much so i begin to wonder about the sensibility of those who are still arguing against the slicing nerfs), that if you farm with slicing (like you are SUPPOSED to do), you can make an amazing amount of cash. without having to go to the GM and sell things. It's a money maker that doesn't have to deal with the auction! I'm amazed that people don't get this...


...but then again, every person who is griping about the slicing issue is discussing the missions...which were free, no work involved cash supplies. that is why it was broke...that is why it was nerfed. Go ahead and do a mission on scavenging, or Archeology...your net return for you money is about the same as you would get from farming one or two nodes...sounds like slicingis still ahead at this point...even with the nerfs.


It's actually sort of funny...people who bring up this fact (farming boxes) tends to get ignored by the pro-slicer community, and they continue to rage on about the missions. guess it's easier to ignore the obvious answer and continue to push for their ez mode cash.


To me the big issue is...does slicing getting similar returns to the other farming skills. not mission skills such as UT or TH, which are DIFFERENT then slicing.

Edited by Meluna
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Slicing is still more profitable than any other gathering profession.


No, it's not.

The only fact is that the 'money' you gain from the 'materials' you gather with your missions is direct cash. It's not more profitable, just seems to be.

This has been explained several times and I would suggest you to review the threads.



The problem with Slicing is that crew skills can be used without actually playing the character, so it was abused.

And believe me, those who abused this did it from the very beginning, which makes me think they had it already planned since beta.

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No, it's not.

The only fact is that the 'money' you gain from the 'materials' you gather with your missions is direct cash. It's not more profitable, just seems to be.

This has been explained several times and I would suggest you to review the threads.



The problem with Slicing is that crew skills can be used without actually playing the character, so it was abused.

And believe me, those who abused this did it from the very beginning, which makes me think they had it already planned since beta.


I ran the numbers dude.


Vendoring materials that you get from any other gathering node doesn't really compare to what you get from slicing nodes.

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I ran the numbers dude.


Vendoring materials that you get from any other gathering node doesn't really compare to what you get from slicing nodes.


No, you don't.

Slicing Nodes got nerfed too. Now they are less than half the other gathering skills have.


They killed it. Completely.

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I ran the numbers dude.


Vendoring materials that you get from any other gathering node doesn't really compare to what you get from slicing nodes.


But running a mission, and then crafting them, and vendoring them, if you have the right recipes can. While giving you skillups.


If you pick the right mission combinations.


And if you run missions that give you an essential item, that you'd have to "buy" to craft, you net a return vastly beyond what Slicing offered. But - people cannot see beyond "OMG, Slicing makes credits" point.


But that's okay - yet again, you've displayed not only your ignorance but also your lack of "perception".

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I find UWT trading to be a huge money sink by itself.

You can't vendor any of the goods you get from it and expect a good return.

I think you are lying or leaving out information.


Since I already leveled the affection of my companions to decents amounts ( 8k, 5k...etc ) I started selling UWT stuff and I am making quite good profits.

I put like 20 lvl 2 companion gifts on the AH at 400-500 and they all sold almost in the next 3 hours.... ;)

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Since I already leveled the affection of my companions to decents amounts ( 8k, 5k...etc ) I started selling UWT stuff and I am making quite good profits.

I put like 20 lvl 2 companion gifts on the AH at 400-500 and they all sold almost in the next 3 hours.... ;)

You never mentioned the AH. That changes everything.

Edited by VioletZero
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You never mentioned the AH. That changes everything.


That's the problem of perception we have been talking for weeks.


People percive Slicing to be more profitable because it gives raw credits.

Selling the mats from other tradeskills is far more profitable, believe me.

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But running a mission, and then crafting them, and vendoring them, if you have the right recipes can. While giving you skillups.


If you pick the right mission combinations.


So a crafting skill, gathering skill, and maybe a mission skill are greater than a single gathering skill. Is there any particular reason you believe this should be otherwise?


Slicing is fine. It is a gathering skill. It makes you money. It takes very little effort to do so, doesn't require combining with anything else. As such, it is a great choice for those that don't want to be bothered or are just looking for an extra influx of cash so they can play with things like Treasure Hunting.


Which isn't to say slicing is perfect. The demand for augments is lower than it ought to be. But that isn't the fault of slicing, but rather of things outside of slicing. Too low of a chance of getting augmentable gear when making armor. Too much incentive to wear orange gear from 1 to 50. Orange gear that doesn't get augment slots, even if crafted, I believe. Now, if crafters could make orange gear with augment slots, then there'd be both a bigger demand for their stuff and for augments. Ideally, augment slots on gear should be level capped as well, to encourage people to upgrade said orange gear from time to time.

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That's the problem of perception we have been talking for weeks.


People percive Slicing to be more profitable because it gives raw credits.

Selling the mats from other tradeskills is far more profitable, believe me.


There are two crucial differences:


1. The AH is a chaotic beast. Something that is profitable today may not be tomorrow. And there's not much to do to control that.


2. The money comes from somewhere who earned it one way or another. It's not just willed into existence.

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Slicing is fine. It is a gathering skill. It makes you money.

So you think making 500 Credits / hour is 'making money'? Really?


It takes very little effort to do so,

The very same effort other gathering skills and far less income.


doesn't require combining with anything else.

It was intended to be standalone. As it is. Wonder why? ;)


As such, it is a great choice for those that don't want to be bothered or are just looking for an extra influx of cash so they can play with things like Treasure Hunting.

Then why do I get more profit from running TH missions that Slicing missions?


... The demand for augments is lower than it ought to be....

True. Zero is lower than.. well.. anything else.



I dare you. I double dare you. Tell me that Slicing is a good skill as it stands right now, with one of its 'rewards' useless (augments), with a lack on mats to be sold or invested in crafting, with less nodes than the rest of gathering skills and less profit over time than any other gathering skill.

*Loads shells on his shotgun*

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So a crafting skill, gathering skill, and maybe a mission skill are greater than a single gathering skill. Is there any particular reason you believe this should be otherwise?


Just Gathering Mission + Crafting - nets me pretty much ~100cpm, even including the costs of mission/time to craft.


This is assuming it gives me only normal results from missioning (not crits/fails).


It stops skilling you up after a while, but - there are a few recipes out there that will net you proceeds as *high* as slicing brings in now, just vendoring greens.


You've got to find them, but there's 2 in Scavenging/Cyber that I've found so far, 1 in Art/Arch, and I suspect 2 in Synth/Art (I'll check those out in more depth later).


Even so, if I'm looking just to profit, I can pretty much guarantee not losing money while skilling atm.


It's a more convoluted route, granted. It takes more thinking - also. But, in terms of what it can return, just as high as slicing is now (You have to be very picky about your missions). But - when I'm done doing the 1-400 grind, I'll always have that as a backup if I need it (although - I don't see why I'd need to earn 100cpm with a craft, when I can do PvP or grind missions/dailies etc, which net SERIOUS cash), or - I'll be able to profit making other gear (eventually - if I get decent recipes from raiding).


When I send third companion out - that's usually for either blue/purples or gifts - to try and improve my own gear (i.e. RE'ing to get Prototypes) or going for Companion Gifts/GTNables. (keeping one when I'm in combat - am Guardian so early third companion - but can't deploy all three at once yet with him).


This is with a lowbie that I've been playing around with when bored of grinding PvP missions and storyline. I pretty much keep him in fleet and either play with the GTN or do odd crafting missions to see what routes I can take.


Don't misunderstand me - I know it's a capped earnings, but then again, so it slicing. It does however, keep that toon ticking over, whenever I bother to play him. Some of the time, I don't even bother with the gathering mission, and/or just buy off the GNT, his Cybertech is ~200 odd now (depending on what I get as mission results it's between ~85 cpm and ~125cpm depending on the recipe - I think it averages out at around ~100cpm, which is higher than my slicer gets from missioning at 400), and his Scavenging barely 100, barely had to hit nodes, just enough to get level 1+2 missions, and it's fairly easy profit.


The GNT probably wouldn't be working as well as it does at the moment for doing this if the market (on this server) wasn't anywhere near as tanked as it is, other servers may be having a better time of things (and not able to reproduce my cash grinds - hell, even the Imps might be having it easier since there's a LOT more of them than on this server.


If I played him more, he'd have capped out level 2 Scavenging Missions, but he's not a toon I use a lot (he's levelling up with a friend of mine who's not around a lot). But as far as I've been able to see, haven't made losses at all on Cybertech except when trying to RE or to skill up further (about 25c a skillpoint cost I think). He can just tick over on the small recipes though (since he's only level 18 atm, haven't tried to push him higher).

Edited by Dorkfrey
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Dorkfrey, we were talking about Slicing.


We do know that gathering + crafting yield far more credits than Slicing.

We also do know that anything else yields far more credits than Slicing.



That's why we complain, Slicing is useless atm.


BW didn't fix the problem (crew skills being abused while not being logged on) but just do a nerf and killed the skill for those healthy non-abusers.

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So... over 1 week after the nerf of slicing and the depression just gets worse on the GTN.


All materials now sell for less than default. Vendoring on some actually gets you more than GTN.


No one buys green or blue equipment. The only one that people will buy are armor mods and some lightsaber crystals but only a few.


Everything else comes RIGHT BACK. In the week before slicing, my bank alt, who I mail equip to, made 150k on the GTN. That's just one week. He's made 10k this past week.


BW, are you out there? If this was supposed to be a way to kick start the market then be nerfed, it TANKED EVERYTHING.

dunno what server you are on but mat costs on my server is way up there. I was looking to buy mats so a guildy could craft me thoose purp rank 5 ship upgrades, i started checking prices ended at 200.000 credits per item. Checked the prices on the items themselves and they where around 30-60.000 so i bought thoose instead. And i buy plenty of green/blue items for my comps if they are upgrades or my alts to make leveling easier.
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Dorkfrey, we were talking about Slicing.


We do know that gathering + crafting yield far more credits than Slicing.

We also do know that anything else yields far more credits than Slicing.



That's why we complain, Slicing is useless atm.


BW didn't fix the problem (crew skills being abused while not being logged on) but just do a nerf and killed the skill for those healthy non-abusers.

Hmmm i dont make money from my crafting i loose money unless i sell a crafted item on the exchange. If im lucky i might get a purp from a class box but that has happened twice from lvl1-400. If i get a cash box, that box contains about 50-80% of the credits the mission cost. Got an alt that will get slicing and see if its so terrible as people paint it to be, or if people just got spoiled with a money maker at release.
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Hmmm i dont make money from my crafting i loose money unless i sell a crafted item on the exchange.

If you don't sell what you craft it's normal to feel like Slicing is more profitable LOL :p


Got an alt that will get slicing and see if its so terrible as people paint it to be, or if people just got spoiled with a money maker at release.

You will enjoy Slicing at 400 until you reach level 20 or so. Then you'll understand.

Also, note down every cost of running the missions and the returns. The perception of running crew skills while leveling is that you end up 'even'.

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Before the nerf I had one extra companion to send on missions and my skill was high 200s and I was in my 20s and the money from those missions was great.


Now I can send out three or four and my skill is 400 and I'm in my 40s and the money is just pocket change. If I weren't using the spreadsheets I'd be losing money.


It should be obvious that the first situation illustrates an overpowered skill and the second shows a broken skill. Bioware can be faulted for two things: making too drastic a change to a skill in one patch and so early in the game, and failing to adequately communicate with the player base about the official stance on Slicing and what it is for and how profitable (if at all) it should be.

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Here is my complaint. Since they nerfed the money gained by slicing missions why in the heck are the slicing nodes still on a 20 minute timer while the others are on a 5 minute timer? It is one thing to bring the missions more "in line" (personally think they went about 10-20% overboard) with the other professions but at least let us be able to farm like a normal profession.
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